If Only In His Dreams (18 page)

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Authors: Melanie Schertz

BOOK: If Only In His Dreams
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“Richard married Anne, of course.  And I married Elizabeth Bennet.  The double wedding was held at my wife’s home estate.”  Darcy watched his uncle closely.  If it had been possible, smoke would have flowed from Lord Matlock’s ears.


“This is not to be borne.  I will have these marriages annulled.  I demand that you marry Anne as soon as possible.”


“I will not allow my marriage to be annulled.  As a precaution, I have already spoken with my solicitor on the fact.  There is nothing that you can do to
dissolve either of the marriages, nor
can you force me to ever marry.  Elizabeth is my wife, which will never change.”


“Your father and Sir Lewis made an agreement.  You have gone against the wishes of your family in your behavior.”


Darcy smiled as he pulled a sheath of papers from his desk drawer.  “As to your claims that my father and Sir Lewis made an arrangement, I have documentation that disagrees with you.  My father and Sir Lewis despised each other.  In fact, Sir Lewis insisted that Anne never marry me.”


“I do not know what you are speaking of.  I was witness to their agreement.”


“You were witness to Sir Lewis making his will.  Aunt Catherine was never allowed to see the will, as Sir Lewis had no respec
t for my father.  In fact, Sir Lewis hated my father for winning my mother’s hand.  Sir Lewis wished to marry my mother.  The only reason you had to refuse him his choice was your father signed the marriage contract for my father to marry my mother.  So Sir Lewis settled for Aunt Catherine.  You forced your own sister to marry the man who was cruel and abusive to her.”


“She was becoming an old maid, and I did right by my sister.  She was well off in her marriage, as her husband was wealthy.
  And her husband was respectable.


“Finances are not nearly as important as being treated fairly.  What good is being wealthy when you are beaten and abused?  Do you think that being wealthy repaired Aunt Catherine’s broken bones?” Darcy was furious.  He knew that this was his chance to speak his mind to the man who had caused so much pain.  “
d Sir Lewis was not respectable,
just look at how he died.  The man was murdered in a brothel.  How respectable can that be?
As for Sir Lewis’s will,
I had my solicitor investigate to learn what was in it.  I know why you insisted on my marrying Anne.  Sir Lewis had overheard Aunt Catherine speaking to a friend of hers in regards to how nice it would be to see her daughter married to me.  Sir Lewis would never stand still for his daughter married to the son of Gerald Darcy, so in his will he left the inheritance for Anne’s husband, unless she married me.  If she made the decision to marry me, Anne would be disowned.  The inheritance would then go to you.  Knowing this, you insisted that Anne and I wed.”


“I am the Earl of Matlock, what do I need with Sir Lewis’s estate?”


“You are in financial difficulty, Lord Matlock.  How you have been able to keep this a secret from your family, I will never know.  It is the reason you insisted Aunt Catherine to marry Sir Lewis, you sold your sister to that man. 
Your decisions are based on the lack of funds you have.”


“Your information is ridiculous, as I am not lacking in funds.” Lord Matlock continued to deny the truth.


“Lord Matlock, you have a gambling problem.  You have debts
that are far more than you can ever hope to cover, unless you inherited Rosings and the de Bourgh business holdings.  But you will never inherit from Sir Lewis, as the inheritance now belongs to Richard and Anne.  And I
know for a fact that Richard has
no desire to come to your aid in paying off your debts.”


“You are an u
ngrateful whelp.” Lord Matlock declared.  “It is his duty to care for his family.  He cannot refuse to assist me to pay off my debts.  I am his
he owes his very life to me.”


“Other than
honoring you for creating him, Richard has made his way throughout his life.  You did not assist him in his career in the regulars.  You did nothing when he was fighting for his life after being wounded on the battlefield.
  How can you sit there and belittle Richard for not assisting you in paying off your debts?  Those are debts from your own making; your own foolishness caused them.  It is not as if you experienced bad crops or failure in a business venture.  You purposely gambled and lost.  Even the money that you received from Sir Lewis when you sold Aunt Catherine has been frittered away.”


“You know nothing of my finances.  You have no right to dictate my behavior.”  Lord Matlock knew that his nephew had all the documentation proving his debts, but he could not bring himself to admit his failures.


“I have a copy of your accounts from your solicitors.  It documents all of your debts and when Sir Lewis assisted you with funds.  I will not allow you to ruin my cousins.  A copy of all of this was sent to
Matthew and Richard.  They should know what you have done over the years that you have had the title and the estate.”


Lord Matlock was dangerously red with anger.  “How dare you?  You had no right to meddle in my family business.  I will not tolerate this any further.”


“You will tolerate my setting my foot down, as I will do everything in my power to see that my cousins do not suffer from your foolishness.  I have also sent word to Matthew that he will need to take care of his sisters’ dowries so you do not mishandle the funds.  It is time you step down from your position as Earl of Matlock.  Tell others that due to your health, you have decided to turn the estate business over to Matthew. 
If you do not comply with my request, I will make public all of your foolishness.  You know me well, Lord Matlock; you know that I do not make idle threats.”


“You have done all of this to
harm me
so you could marry some country nobody?  The chit is nothing.  That you would choose her over your family shows that she is a fortune hunter, forcing you to turn your back on us and attempt to harm us.”


“Enough.” Darcy spoke harshly.  “I will not tolerate any further slandering of my wife’s good name and reputation
.  If you continue or I learn that you have spoken ill of her in public, I will make certain that you regret it.”


Lord Matlock stood and stomped to the door of the study.  As he opened the door and stepped out, he nearly ran into Elizabeth who had been coming to locate her husband.  He took hold of her arm and raised his hand to smack her.  “It is all because of you that everything has fallen apart.  You have ruined my family.”  As he brought his hand down, he felt his own arm being grasped and he was flung around to face his nephew.


When later asked what had caused his
bruising on his face, Lord Matlock stated that he tripped over a broom that one of his staff left carelessly on the floor.  He did not ever wish for the truth to be known.  After his altercation with his nephew, Lord Matlock’s fury at Darcy’s bride grew.  A week after he learned of the deception by his family, Lord Matlock was pleased to find the response from the inquiries that he had sent out.


Opening the letter which had arrived during his breakfast, Lord Matlock’s smile grew into an evil smirk.  “Ah, Wickham.  Now I will be able to extract my revenge.”




Chapter 19

The day after Lord Matlock invaded the tranquility of Darcy House, the newlyweds made their first appearance in public.  Darcy took his wife to the modiste that his mother had recommended.  All eyes were watching as the couple entered the shop. They were escorted to a private room for Elizabeth to be measured, then samples of fabric and designs were brought out for the new Mrs Darcy to choose from.  She told her husband over and over that she did not require any more clothing, but he insisted on her having at least ten new gowns made, as well as undergarments and night shifts with matching dressing gowns.
Once finished at the modiste, the couple made their way to the cobbler, then the milliner.  Then they shopped for gifts for their family for the holidays. 


Darcy and Elizabeth decided to stop at a tea shop to enjoy some refreshments.  Once seated at a table near the window, the two lovers fell into easy conversation.  They discussed the traditions each had observed in celebrating Christmas, as well as the New Year.  For the Bennet family, it had been a somber and peaceful time, as their mother had died two days before Christmas. 
Darcy’s family had become more reserved after his father’s death, though they still had a kissing bough, a yule log, holly and ivy draped around the house, as well as baskets prepared for the servants and tenants.  This year, Lady Anne would leave the task of delivering the baskets
their beloved housekeeper at Pemberley, Mrs Reynolds, and at Darcy House, Mrs Farnsworth would see to the servants.  Darcy and Elizabeth decided to ask that something extra be added to the baskets in honor of their recent marriage.


As Elizabeth sipped her tea, she looked up to see her husband with an expression of pure hate on his face.  Turning, she followed his gaze to see that her husband was glaring at none other than George Wickham.  “Mr and Mrs Darcy; I cannot tell you what a pleasant surprise it is to find you here.”


“What are you doing here, Wickham?  You are supposed to be in the militia stationed near Meryton.”  Darcy nearly hissed his words.


“I am here on orders from my commanding officer, Colonel Forster.  I was sent to deliver a letter to the general.”
  Wickham smiled at Elizabeth.  “A pleas
ure to see you again, Mrs Darcy,
and may I wish you joy.”


Elizabeth was hesitant in speaking with this man.  After looking
at her husband, and seeing the expression in his eyes, she decided to speak as briefly as possible.  “I thank y
ou, Mr Wickham.”


“I will be traveling back to Meryton today; I would be willing to deliver any messages to your family, if you like.”


“There is no need.” Darcy stated rather heatedly.


Wickham knew he was succeeding in provoking Darcy’s anger, and he enjoyed seeing the man in his fury.  “Well, then, I will be
on my way.  Again, I wish you joy in your marriage.”


Once Wickham had left,
Elizabeth took a deep breath.  “William, are you well?” She asked as she tried to lighten the mood as her husband had taken
to looking at his tea cup.  “Were
there any other gifts we need to purchase?  Perhaps we could stop at the confectionary shop and purchase some sweets for everyone to enjoy.”


“I believe it would be best if we were to go home, for my disposition has darkened tremendously.”  Darcy lifted his eyes to look at his wife.  “Forgive me, Lizzy, the joy I had been experiencing evaporated when that man made his appearance.”


“Do not fret, William. I am not offended.  Let us make our way home and allow me to ease your worries.” Elizabeth said with a seductive gleam in her eyes.


A laugh escaped Darcy as he watched his wife.  “
you has to be the wisest decision that I have ever made.
”  He stood and held out his hand, assisting his wife to her feet before they made their way to their carriage. 


Hidden in the shadows, Wickham watched carefully as the newlyweds left the shop.  After several moments, he made his way to Grosvnor Street and knocked on the door of a grand house.  The butler showed Wickham into the study where the Master of the house was sequestered.


“Have you seen them today?” Lord Matlock asked.


“They have been shopping all day.  The lady
has him behaving as a love struck pup.”


“Have you learned when they plan to return to that horrible county?”


“The maid that I seduced told me that the Master and Mistress will be leaving
Monday next to travel to Netherfield Park.  They will remain there until after the New Year.”


A wicked smile grew across Lord Matlock’s face.  “And have you developed a plan?”


“I am working on one.  I will have more information once they are settled at Netherfield.  I will be returning to the militia to keep up appearances.”


Lord Matlock pulled out a pouch and tossed it to Wickham.  The jingle of the coins inside
pouch made Wickham smile. 
“My thanks, Lord Matlock; I will send you updates as to my plans.”

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