If Only In His Dreams (20 page)

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Authors: Melanie Schertz

BOOK: If Only In His Dreams
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“You were given four thousand pounds after Gerald died.  It is not my son’s fault if you frittered it away rather than invest it wisely.”


“Four thousand is nothing in comparisons to what your treasured son has. He could afford to give me more; allow me to have live more comfortably.”


Lady Catherine knew that Wickham’s rage was growing and he would most likely strike at her sister or her new niece.  “Mr Wickham, you must know that if you harm any of us, Fitzwilliam will not pay you a shilling.  Knowing my nephew, he would hunt you down and see that you pay for any harm you were to do.”


A wicked laugh came from Wickham.  “I will not worry about Darcy’s rage, as I wish for him to be furious.  I have been paid well to destroy his happiness.  And I am pleased to be of service in that manner.” 


This was a bit of information that frightened the ladies.  The fact that someone wished to cause Darcy pain was difficult enough, but to learn that someone had paid for Wickham to cause the pain was frightening.  Lady Catherine was the first to deduce who was behind this attack.  “My brother may have given you funds to begin this escapade, but I know for a fact that
he has no further funds, as he did not succeed in inheriting my daughter’s estate.  That is the reason he wishes to cause harm to
Darcy.  My daughter married for
love to my nephew, Richard.
This destroyed Lord Matlock from
inheriting as he would have if Darcy had married my daughter.”


“My sister is telling you the truth.  We have recently learned that our brother is financially destroyed.  His eldest son has taken over the estate, keeping the family from losing Matlock property.  Lord Matlock has no funds to pay you any further.”  Lady Anne added.


“He promised me ten thousand pounds; I know that he will pay the balance that he owes me.” Wickham stated as he eyed the ladies carefully.  “If he truly has no further funds, then perhaps I should make a change of plans.  Darcy will pay dearly to have his wife returned to him.”


Lady Anne gasped and looked at her sister.  Neither of the sisters would allow Wickham to take Elizabeth.  Lady Anne looked at her new daughter and then turned defiantly towards Wickham.  “You will not take Elizabeth without a fight.  I will not allow you to harm her in any way.”


“Nor will I.” Lady Catherine stated, standing close to her sister.


Wickham moved his horse forward, preparing to force the ladies to move out of his way before snatching Elizabeth and pulling her onto his horse. 
Lady Anne and Lady Catherine refused to move from their protective stance in front of Elizabeth.  “Move out of my way or you will pay for your interference.” He called out.


Lady Catherine took hold of the reins, calling out to her sister and niece.  “Run; into the trees.  He will not be able to follow you as it is too overgrown in there.”


“Catie, no.  We will not leave without you.” Lady Anne stated.  “Lizzy, run.  Do as Catie said and run to the trees.”


Wickham jumped down from his mount and tried desperately to
pull the reins from the two older
ladies.  “Let go now or I will not be responsible for what happens.” He bellowed.  Finally, he gave up hope of pulling the reins free without harming the ladies.  He backhanded Lady Catherine, though she had wrapped her hand with the reins and would not let go.


Lady Anne went to defend her sister.  “Lizzy, run for help; please, Lizzy, go.”


Wickham grabbed a fist full of Lady Anne’s hair and yanked hard, pulling her towards his chest.  “If you run, I will kill them both.” He shouted at Elizabeth. 


Just then, Lady Catherine kicked Wickham in his manhood.  He cried out in pain, grabbing hold of his sensitive spot while he could do nothing more than fall to his knees.  While he was incapacitated, Lady Anne pushed Elizabeth towards the horse.  “Go, Lizzy.  It is you he wants; you have to go for help.  I will tend to my sister, just go now.”


Fear was taking hold of Elizabeth.  Not only was she terrified for her new mother and aunt, she was panic stricken at the thought of being on a horse.  “I cannot ride; please do not ask me to.”


“Lizzy, you must make haste. I do not know how long we can keep him from you.  And I am sure that he could outrun all of us.  Your best escape is on horseback.  Please, go now.”


Finally, Lady Anne was able to force Elizabeth onto the horse before she smacked the horse’s rear.  The horse took off quickly, and Elizabeth closed her eyes while she held on for dear life. 
It seemed as if forever past before she was coming to a slower pace and she heard someone shouting out to her.  She could not respond beyond a few simple words.  “He has them…tried to abduct…”  And then she knew nothing but blackness.



Darcy and Bingley had decided to finish their work quickly and join the ladies at Longbourn.  They rode over on horseback and were just about to dismount when they saw a horse travelling quickly towards them with a woman hunched over the horse’s neck.  Darcy quickly recognized his wife, and he knew that something dreadful had happened for Elizabeth to be on a horse. 


Moving quickly to the side of the horse, Darcy grabbed hold of the reins and slowed the horse alongside his own.  As he slowed them to a stop, Darcy attempted to learn what had happened by asking his wife questions. 
Once the horses were brought to a halt, Darcy pulled his wife into his arms.  The only response he was able to gather from his wife was that some harm had come to his family; and his mother and aunt were missing.  Then Elizabeth was limp in his arms and he rushed her inside Longbourn’s main house.  Jane came running, with Mrs Hill on her heels.  The shouts made Alex aware that there was a problem and he came quickly from his study.


Elizabeth was placed on the sofa in the front drawing room, and though torn
in his desire to remain with her, he knew that he must go to find his mother and Lady Catherine.  “Jane, please remain with Lizzy.” He called out as he made his way to the door.  Bingley and Alex were close behind Darcy as he mounted his horse.  Alex took Wickham’s horse.  Darcy looked at his brother and asked which direction the ladies had gone to visit the tenants.  Needing no prompting, Alex led the way towards the Smith cottage.


They did not travel far when they found a scene out of a horror story.  On the path was Lady Anne, blood on her cheek as she sat on the dirt, cradling her sister’s head in her lap.  Blood was trickling down Lady Catherine’
s forehead
as well as an obvious wound was found with blood flowing on the grand lady’s left shoulder.  Lady Anne was crying, attempting to smooth her sister’s hair away from
her wound.
Hearing the sound of hooves coming towards her, Lady Anne cried out to her son. 


“Mother!” he shouted as he leaped from his horse.  He ran to her side, his eyes searching her for any other injuries.  Then he turned his attention to his aunt.  “Aunt Catherine, is she…?”


“She is alive, though we need to move her to safety and send for a physician immediately.” Lady Anne informed her son.  “Lizzy, did she make it to you safely?”


“She was frightened by the ride.  I did not detect any injuries to her.  She is resting at the main house with Jane.”  Darcy lifted his eyes to meet his mother’s.  “Who did this?”


Lady Anne turned her head to the east of their location.  “He is down there,” Was all she could say before turning her gaze back to her sister.


Alex was the first to move in the direction Lady Anne had indicated.  Finding a man on the ground, laying on his side with his back towards the group, Alex moved closer.  The man did not move, and finally, Alex was close enough to roll the man to his back.  Wickham lay there on the ground, growing cold as the stones nearby.  A rather large knife
was sticking out of his chest.  Turning back towards Darcy, the two men locked their eyes at each other.  Shaking his head, Alex confirmed what Darcy suspected.  George Wickham was dead.


“Mother, let us take you and Aunt Catherine back to Longbourn.  I am certain that Jane has sent for help.”


“William, I am afraid I cannot stand.  I believe I may have broken my leg in the struggle.”


Darcy needed no further prompting.  He gathered his mother and lifted her easily into his arms.  Alex did the same for Lady Catherine, while Bingley held the horses for the men to mount.  Once everyone was settled into their saddles, the trio of horses made their way back to Longbourn.  They would send someone from the stables to fetch Wickham’s remains.


The tears that had threatened to flow from Darcy’s eyes now had free reign and they streamed down his cheeks and onto his mother’s hair.  Knowing her son so well, Lady Anne reached up a hand and gently touched his cheek.  He turned his gaze from the path ahead to his mother’s worried expression.  “We are alive and will all be well.  Have no fear, William.  We were able to stop him from harming Lizzy.”


Nodding his head, Darcy could not bring himself to speak as yet.  Sensing her son’s emotions, Lady Anne nodded.  “We will discuss it all once we are at the house and know that all is well.  The magistrate will need to be summoned, as well as the physician.”


“I will send someone immediately if Jane has not already.” Darcy said.  “Rest, Mother.  We will be able to speak later.  You must be quite fatigued.”


“Amazingly, I do not believe that I have ever felt more alive in my entire life than I do at this moment.”  Lady Anne smiled at her son.





Chapter 21

Elizabeth woke to the sound of movement all around her.  She opened her eyes and realized she was in the drawing room of Longbourn.  Why was she there?  What happened? So many questions ran through her head.


Suddenly she remembered what had happened.  Sitting up suddenly, she gave her sister a start.  “Lizzy, are you well?” Jane asked.


“Where are Lady Anne and Lady Catherine?  Were they found?  What has happened with Mr Wickham?”  Elizabeth spoke rapidly and fear was apparent in her eyes.


“The ladies are safe, they are here.  William has sent to Town for a surgeon to
tend to his aunt.  Lady Anne has broken her leg, but she will mend well.”


“Lady Catherine, was she injured?” Elizabeth was near frantic, believing that her sister was hiding something from her.


“She was stabbed in the shoulder by a very large knife, according to our brother.  The main concern is that she might take a fever.”


Elizabeth searched her sister’s eyes for the truth.  She knew that no matter what, Jane was never able to lie to her.  “Jane, what are you not telling me?”


Jane looked down at her hands which were folded in her lap.  “Mr Wickham is dead, Lizzy.  Lady Catherine and Lady Anne were able to force the knife from hi
s hands and during the struggle;
the knife was plunged into his chest.  It is so difficult to understand.  Mr Wickham seemed to be a nice person.”


“Jane, you have always wished to believe the best of everyone.  Mr Wickham was an evil man, bent on c
ausing harm to the Darcy family,
especially to my husband.
  Where are Lady Anne and Lady Catherine?”


“We moved them to the guest rooms upstairs.  Would you like to go upstairs? I will aid you, as I am not certain that you should attempt the stairs on your own.  You appear to still be a little shaky.” Jane kept a close watch over her sister.


The sisters arrived outside the first room, where Lady Anne was placed.  She had been given some laudanum for her pain and was sleeping.  Darcy was sitting beside her bed, his head resting in the palm of his hands. 


“William, is your mother well?” Elizabeth asked her husband.  Hearing her voice, he quickly stood and made his way across the room. 


Gathering his wife in his arms, Darcy gave a sigh of relief at knowing Elizabeth was recovering from the ordeal.  He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.  “Are you well, my love? Forgive me for not being a
t your side when you woke.  Mr Jones was here and we finally persuaded her to take something for her pain.  She has been concerned for Aunt Catherine and for you as well.  She just barely fell asleep a few moments ago.”


“Why would your mother be concerned for me?  I was not harmed, they were the ones who were injured by Mr Wickham.”

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