If Only In His Dreams (8 page)

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Authors: Melanie Schertz

BOOK: If Only In His Dreams
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With love from your devoted son,



Lady Anne
was amazed at her son’s behavior.  Had he been in an accident and injured his head?  What could have caused him to behave so rashly?  Had this young lady used some sort of allurement to make him forget all else?


Before she stood up from the table,
Lady Anne
turned her attention to her daughter.  “Georgiana, we are to travel to Mr Bingley’s estate to join William in his holiday from Pemberley.  We will need to leave tomorrow morning.”


Georgiana was thrilled with the idea.  “Mamma, it will be so much fun to see the estate.  I will be a good girl, I promise.  I will practice all the lessons that Mrs Howard has been teaching me on proper behavior.”


Smiling at her daughter,
Lady Anne
nodded her head.  “I am certain that you will behave as a proper young lady, dear one.  Now, I will write William and tell him of our plans.”



Not only did
Lady Anne
write to her son, but she also sent a message to her brother, Lord Matlock, who was at his estate.  She did not tell him of her son’s desire for her and Georgiana to meet Miss Elizabeth Bennet, for she knew that her brother would not approve, as this young lady was obviously not from the top circle of society.


Lady Anne
rarely left her home due to being of a frail nature, and Lord Matlock was to visit Pemberley in a month’s time, she knew she must tell her brother that she was planning to travel to Hertfordshire.  Deciding to be vague for the time being, she only told her brother that she was traveling to meet with William, as he felt that the holiday there would be beneficial to her well-being.


The entire situation was confusing to
Lady Anne
, as she had never known her son to have any
preference to any lady, especially when she had seen his behavior at the functions in Derbyshire.  He rarely ever danced, and only then with family members; his normal behavior in large gatherings was to keep to the back of the room and his mask of indifference in place.


Concern for her son was the priority in her mind.  Concern that her son had been taken advantage of by some fortune hunter who would use him and then move on, leaving her son devastated.  Once she had arrived in Hertfordshire, she would have a private meeting with this Miss Bennet, before even speaking with her son.  With this in mind,
Lady Anne
decided that she would travel to Longbourn before making her way to Netherfield, so she could determine the sort of lady this Elizabeth Bennet truly was.


Could her son, so reserved and shy, have truly found the young lady he had dreamed of for the past few years?  Could such a person actually exist?  From the description that he had given to his mother, it was difficult to believe such a lady could actually encompass all the attributes.  She would soon find out, and if this young lady was indeed a fortune hunter using her William poorly,
Lady Anne
would use every possible means at her disposal to end this relationship.



All was packed and the ladies were on their way the following morning.  Georgiana was excited, as she seldom travelled anywhere.  Being only fifteen, the girl was not out in society, and therefore remained home.  And as
Lady Anne
did not travel often, it was natural that Georgiana remained home with her.  Along with the ladies were
Lady Anne
’s maid and Georgiana’s governess.  There were four men who rode outside the carriage for protection, as
Lady Anne
’s cousin had been traveling in her family’s carriage when highwaymen robbed the carriage at gun point. 
Lady Anne
refused to travel without guards to protect not only her, but her children as well.


The first night of their travel was spent at an inn that the family had used previously. 
It was not the comfortable environment that home was, but, for an inn, it was pleasant enough.  The dinner
was eaten in the sitting room, as
Lady Anne
preferred the seclusion rather than the dining room of the establishment.


The next morning, just after sunrise, the Darcy carriage was on the road again, continuing the journey to Hertfordshire.  After the second night in an inn, the ladies arrived at the estate which
Lady Anne
had requested, Longbourn.  It was near three in the afternoon, and she prayed that her son was not visiting the Bennets.


An elderly woman opened the door, showing
Lady Anne
Darcy and Georgiana inside the house before stepping to the drawing room door to announce the guests.


Miss Lizzy, Miss Jane,
Lady Anne
Darcy and her daughter have arrived and
Lady Anne
has requested a private talk with you, Miss Lizzy.”  Hill announced.  The look on her face told of her concern for the young lady who was like a daughter to her.


“Of course, Hill, show them in.” Jane stated as she glanced at her sister.  Seeing Elizabeth nervous, Jane requested re
freshments prepared for
their guests.


As Lady Anne
entered the room, she instinctively determined Elizabeth from her sister.  “Miss Elizabeth Bennet, if I am not mistaken.”


Elizabeth stepped for
ward after giving a quick curtsey.  “It is a pleasure to meet you,
Lady Anne
.  And this must be your daughter, Miss Darcy.”


“Indeed, my daughter, Georgiana Darcy.  And is this your sister as well?”


Elizabeth turned towards her sister.  “Yes, this is my sister, Miss Jane Bennet.” Hearing footsteps coming towards the room, Elizabeth guessed that Hill had made Alex aware of the guests who had arrived.  Alex walked into the room after a moment.  “
Lady Anne
, may I introduce you to my brother, Mr Alex Bennet.  He is the Master of Longbourn.  Alex, this is Mr Darcy’s mother and sister,
Anne Darcy and Miss Georgiana Darcy.”


greeted the ladies properly.  “Is Mr Darcy not with you?”


Lady Anne
shook her head.  “We came here first, as I wished to speak with Miss Elizabeth before we settle in at Netherfield.”


“Very good, would you prefer to speak with my sister in my study or in the rear sitting room?”


“I believe the use of your study would be appropriate enough.  Miss Elizabeth, would you lead the way there?”


Once the study door was closed by Elizabeth, she turned to see
Lady Anne
had seated herself behind Alex’s desk, poised as if she were the queen of England. 


“Miss Elizabeth, you can be in no doubt as to why I am here.”
Lady Anne


“I assume that you are here at your son’s request so that we could spend time to become acquainted with each other.” Elizabeth stated clearly.


“Please, Miss Elizabeth, we are both ladies.  We know the reason a young man of my son’s status in life would consent to marry someone so far lower and having no connections, and that reason is you have used your arts and allurements to confuse him.  You have made him forget what he owes to his family and to future generations.  You are a country nobody, what do you have to offer my son other than your comely figure and pretty charms?”


Lady Anne
, if you continue to insult me in this manner, I will ask you to leave.  I was not pleased when my brother made the agreement with your son for me to marry Mr Darcy, and I have only gone along with the agreement after speaking with your son at great length to know him better.  But I have insisted that we have a long engagement, so that I may know him better.  If you will always look down your nose at me and think so ill of me, I believe it is better that you inform your son of our agreement being dissolved and take him home to your estate so the likes of me do not poison his mind any further.  I will not be treated so disrespectfully, and in my own family’s home, by someone I only met a few moments ago.”  Elizabeth began to return to the door to open it for
Lady Anne
when she heard clapping coming from behind her.


“What is the meaning of this?  Have you an addle mind which causes you to be cruel to others and you take delight in it?”


Lady Anne
smiled.  “My dear girl, I was checking to see the sort of mettle
from which
you are made.  My son was correct, you are unlike any other woman I have ever met or seen my son with.  I am a very protective mother, Miss Elizabeth.  Many young ladies would give anything to be in your position, though you
would give up my son for a perceived insult to you.  Other ladies would have endured my behavior and groveled at my feet to continue a relationship with William.”


“As I said, I was furious at first when I learned of my brother and Mr Darcy making the agreement, for they did not consult me at all.  Only after Mr Darcy and I spoke at great length did
reluctantly agree to it.  I had chosen to marry for only the deepest love
, so this agreement goes against my wishes.  But I will abide my brother’s wishes, and I will attempt to be the best wife to your son.”


“And once married to my son, I am sure you will wish to spend a Season or more in Town, enjoying the delights that society has to offer.”


Elizabeth laughed.  “I have visited my uncle and his family in London, and other than the cultural exhibits at museums and performances at the theater and opera, I found no delights in the city life.
  I am fond of long walks in nature, so you can understand why Town has no draw for me.”


Lady Anne
was beginning to warm to this young lady.  Perhaps William had chosen with his heart and mind rather than his desires.  “And wealth? Do you foresee yourself shopping on a constant basis?”


Lady Anne
, I do not wish to sound impertinent, but I must tell you the truth.  I care not for your family’s money and connections. 
I am content here at Longbourn in spending my time making clothes for our tenants’ children and taking food to those who are ill or disabled.  You are more than welcome to investigate the truth of my words with anyone, our tenants or my family.  My brother has given me a generous allowance, which
most of it
sits upstairs in my drawers.  If need arises that someone takes ill, I have taken it upon myself to ensure that they have proper care from the local apothecary and food to aid them on their recovery.  And that is done from my allowance, for I have no real need of it.  My sister and I have new gowns made twice a year to replace ones which are worn or in too bad condition to be used, though some of the material has been used to make doll clothes and such for the children.”


“This is a practice I have done at Pemberley since my marriage, though it is becoming more and more difficult for me due to my health.” Anne Darcy stated.
  “Since you have stated I may do so, I will speak with others to find out the truth of your words.  Now, as you are to be my future daughter, I wish to know you better.”


Shocked, Elizabeth finally sat down in a chair across from
Lady Anne
.  For the next hour, the two ladies spoke openly on many subjects, and only stopped when Alex knocked on the door to announce that refreshments were available in the drawing room if the ladies would care to join them. 


“Some refreshments would be delightful at the moment.”
Lady Anne
stated with a smile.  “Your sister and I have discussed so many issues that I am quite parched.”






Chapter 8

Darcy and Bingley made their usual visit to Longbourn only to find one of Darcy’s carriages in front of the main house.  Upon being shown inside the house and into the drawing room, Darcy was both pleased and surprised to find his mother and sister there. 

“Mother, I had not realized that you would be coming directly here rather than Netherfield
.  A
you have arrived
much earlier than expected, for I estimated your arrival to be later this evening.”  Darcy stated as he kissed his mother’s cheek.  “And Georgie, my how you have grown in such a short time; I believe you have grown at least a foot in these few weeks.”

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