If You Only Knew (Harper Falls Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: If You Only Knew (Harper Falls Book 3)
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“Smart girl.”

“Smart boy.”

Drew put Tyler down in front of the RV. There was a keypad
next to the door. He punched in the numbers before fitting a key into the lock.

“I could have walked.” And she could have said
something sooner.

“I could have let you. I think we both preferred my

“Now don’t start getting cocky, boyo. We’re in early
stages here. I’m still on board for some hot sex. And I agree that we should
talk. Getting smug is reserved for further down the road.”

“Give me a timeframe. A week, month? Next year?”

Tyler held back a smile. “Let’s just play it by

“No problem. After you.”

From the outside, the RV looked like a vehicle on its last
legs. Rust, dents, a crack in the back window that ran from side to side. The
interior looked like something out of
Recreational Vehicles Beautiful

“Drew, this is not what I expected.”

“The exterior is just for show. I’m not looking to
advertise my financial situation.”

“Outside, it’s
King of the Road
; inside you live
like a king. Impressive.”

“Roger Miller.”

“Very impressive.” Tyler gave him a slow smile.
“How did you know that?”

“You and your friends don’t hold the monopoly on song
and movie references.”

“True. It doesn’t hurt to have a smartphone at your

“How did you know?”

Tyler tipped her head towards the wall behind him.

“Never stand with your back to a mirror if you want to
hide what’s in your hand.”

Drew glanced back and groaned. “Busted.”

“Really impressive keyboard skills, though. Fast
blind. You always did have mad computer skills but with that typing
ability, you’ll make someone a terrific secretary.”

“Personal assistant. Get on the P.C. train,

“Sorry,” she laughed. “How about a

“There’s not a lot to see. Sitting area, kitchen.
Bathroom and bedroom in the back.”

Not big but luxurious. Even though Tyler wasn’t up on the
latest in RV chic, she imagined this was as good as it got. Granite
countertops, Sub-Zero fridge. The upholstery on the chairs wasn’t that wash and
wear stuff you found in most RVs; it was soft. She wanted to sink in and stay
for days.

“You said there’s a bedroom?”

Tyler turned toward him. She didn’t mean to lick her lip;
nerves — a reflex. Drew’s eyes widened slightly, his breathing deepened.
Honestly, she wasn’t trying to be deliberately provocative. But they were as
close to a bed as they’d ever been. As teenagers, they hadn’t needed one. They
jumped each other every chance they had, any place they could find. That had
never included a bed.

“I need a shower, a cold one. Make yourself at home.
Snoop through drawers. I won’t be long.”

“Men snoop too.”

“Did I say otherwise?”

Tyler trailed behind him, her eyes never leaving his butt —
until he pulled off his grimy t-shirt. Holy mother of God. Every part of that
man was perfection. His back rippled with muscles no desk jockey should
possess. Long and well-defined, she wanted to start from the top and lick every
inch. Including that lovely little dip just shadowed by the waistband of his

“I would
a shower.”

“I won’t be long.”

“Just think of the water we could save if you let me
wash your back.”

Drew stopped in the middle of unsnapping his jeans. Tyler’s
finger was running up and down her chest, drawing attention. The ends of her
sleeveless blouse were tied into a knot just below her breasts, leaving plenty
of smooth skin bare.

She had been a distraction all afternoon, now she was
driving him and his control crazy.

“Go green, Drew. Conserving water is a good

“Stop,” he shouted when she began to loosen the
knot. “If you get in that shower with me, I would clean you top to bottom
— twice. Before I was done, we’d run out of water. Nothing green about

“You don’t know what you’re missing,” Tyler called
the words to a closed door. He could move fast, especially when motivated.

Sitting on the edge of the surprisingly spacious double bed,
Tyler considered sliding out of her clothes and greeting him wearing nothing
but a smile. The idea had a lot of appeal but in the end, she decided to wait.
She really needed a shower. After which they could get all sweaty again —

She heard the bathroom door open.

“When you say you won’t be long, you aren’t kid—”

“Something wrong?”

He had to know how good he looked. Long, muscled body, still
slightly damp. And the ridiculous excuse for a towel riding low on his hips. He
was enough to make women beg and gay men weep.

“Nope.” Tyler stood, popping the button on her
short shorts. Mr. Drew Harper wanted to parade around barely hiding his
privates? It was time for her to get in the game.

,” she pulled the knot on her
shirt loose, her eyes glued to his, “to get in the shower, that’s

The blouse hit the floor followed quickly by the shorts. She
stood in front of him in nothing but two scraps of crimson lace.

“Evil,” Drew whispered under his breath.

“Did you say something?”

He just shook his head, watching as she released her hair
from its high knot. She shook it loose, the long dark strands settling over her
shoulders, the ends swaying against the tops of her breasts.

“Like what you see?”

“You’ll do.”

“Now that’s an understatement if ever I heard

Her gaze drifted down the front of his towel. It was highly
satisfying to know she caused the tenting that was threatening to knock the
cloth from his hips.

“You used to like me naked. Since false modesty would
be silly at this point, I’ll point out that I look a damn sight better than I
did at sixteen.”

She advanced. Close, but not too close. This time the first
move had to be his.

“I can see the pulse in your throat. Your heart is
beating like a humming bird’s wings. Is that for me, Drew? The ragged little
breaths. That lovely erection. Why are you waiting?”



“Take your shower.”

“Unbelievable! You are just… Unbelievable!”

Tyler stomped past him, slamming the bathroom door. The
little gesture felt good — briefly. Turning the water on, she piled her hair
back up. Stepping under the cool, refreshing spray, she just stood there, her
brain zipping around.

Why? This was the third time she had offered herself to him.
He might be able to control his impulses; his body was another matter.

Well, she was through. If he wanted her, he would have to do
something about it. If he didn’t? He better take another shower and wank
himself off. She sure as hell didn’t want to look at a hard cock all evening
when she knew she wasn’t going to get to enjoy it.

The shower felt wonderful. Unfortunately, it didn’t do much
to cool her down. She dried off then remembered she’d left her bag in the
lounge area. It had her brush, lotion, and lip-gloss. Essentials, especially in
this dry heat.

Holding up a towel she found out it wasn’t long enough to
cover everything. Two would work, one for the top, one for the bottom. Perfect
solution. If she had two towels. Drew hadn’t been expecting company so it
wasn’t a surprise to find the bathroom lacking in extra linen. It presented an
interesting quandary. Call out and ask him to get her bag. Or parade half-naked
through the bedroom to get it herself.

She still hadn’t decided when Drew knocked on the door.

“I have your bag, Tyler.”

Without a word, she opened the door just enough to reach
through and pull the oversized purse inside. The only naked part of her he saw
was her arm.

She could have brooded. As good as it might have felt to
punish him by lingering over her post-shower activities, Tyler decided the only
one to suffer would be her.

The room was small and steamy. The ventilation did little to
clear the air and the effects of her cool shower would soon be obliterated if
she didn’t get out soon. Moving quickly, she slathered lotion on her body.
Brushing her teeth and hair completed the transformation. Wiping at the
fogged-over mirror, she peered at herself and decided she would do.

The loose summer dress she tucked in the bag was all she
needed in the way of clothing. When she threw it in earlier that morning, she
wasn’t thinking beyond having something along that traveled well. No fuss, no
muss. Worrying if Drew would find the pale yellow sheath seductive was the last
thing on her mind. After the last half hour, she couldn’t have cared less.

Prepared to ignore him and march into the other room, Tyler opened
the bathroom door and stepped into the wonderfully cool bedroom. Her plans to
glide past him, calm and collected, ended when she saw the prone form on the
bed. Drew was stretched out, the sheet around his waist — sound asleep.

Every drop of self-righteous indignation drained from her
body. It was hard to stay angry with an exhausted man who hadn’t really done
anything wrong.

Tyler stayed still, not wanting to disturb him. More than
anything, she wanted to join him, crawl in bed, and wrap herself around his
body. The idea of just sleeping with Drew, waking with him close. Something
couples did every day and took for granted.

The ache she felt deep inside had nothing to do with sex.
She wanted something even more basic. A connection. A closeness. The thing that
would give her the right to join him without an invitation. The feeling that
she belonged in his arms and he belonged in hers.

He needed his sleep. Ready to spend the night alone, Tyler
turned only to be stopped by a hand on hers. Drew’s fingers locked with hers as
though willing that connection she was just thinking about.

“I didn’t want to wake you.”

“I only nodded off for a second. We got an early start
and I didn’t realize how much that sun had drained me.”

“I’ll let you get some rest. Trapper told me your race
starts at eight.”

“Mmm.” Drew ran his thumb along hers, amazed that
such strong hands could be so soft.

“You need to let go.”

“That’s always been my problem, Ty. I can’t let you

“You did once. Quite easily and without a backward glance.”

Drew swallowed hard past the lump in his throat.

“Let me hold you?”

Tyler hesitated. It was what she had longed for just moments
before. Now she found it hard to take the two steps that would put her in his

“Please.” Drew moved to the other side of the bed,
tugging her hand.

Nodding, she slid in beside him. She didn’t remove her dress
or get under the sheet. She laid her head next to his, their faces a mere
whisper’s breath apart. Drew took her hand, resting it on his hip while he
trailed his hand up her arm until he cupped her neck. He didn’t pull her any
closer. His touch was gentle, a soft, easy caress. Unconsciously, she started
making the same movement. Her hand lightly massaging. The thin sheet was the
only thing separating her hand from his skin.

“We’ve never shared a bed.”

“Funny, a little earlier I was thinking the same

Time ticked away unnoticed. They were contented just to be,
their eyes half closed yet intent on the other.

“I keep thinking about us. How it was.”

“You too?” she asked. Her hand tightened,
squeezing his hip, then relaxing again.

“For the first time in a long time. I used to try not
to remember. Then for a while, my memories became all muddled. I could see you
clearly; it was everything else that became distorted.”

“Like a photograph that over time had become faded and
a bit blurry? I know what you mean.”

Drew sighed, relieved that she understood, that it was the
same for her.

“I was scared, Ty. I didn’t want it all to slip away.
Lately, though, I’ve seen it all so clearly. The first time we met. Every trip
down to the cove.”

“Our first kiss.” Tyler shifted closer. She
started to feel that elusive connection again.

“Especially our first kiss. You tasted like green

She smiled. “My favorite Jolly Rancher flavor.”

He knew that. There was a package in the drawer of his desk.
He was never without them. For ten years, they were his touchstone to Tyler.
That little bit of information he kept to himself for now. Someday. Maybe.

“Our first time.” Tyler looked down, feeling
strangely shy.

“God, I was scared.”

“It didn’t show.”

“I knew you were nervous.” He smoothed back her
hair, curling the end around his finger. “I wanted to be your rock, calm
your fears.”

“Fears? I don’t remember having any. I knew what I
wanted. I knew I wanted it with you. I was a little nervous, though.”

“It was all I could do to keep from shaking. What if I
messed up and you ended up hating sex for life? I chanted in my head,
sure she has an
orgasm, make sure she has an orgasm

“I didn’t have an orgasm.” She reminded him.

“No, you did not.”

Tyler brought his hand to her lips, her kiss warm and sweet.

“It was lovely, Drew.”

“Is that what they call damning with faint

“No.” This time instead of kissing his hand, she
punched him on the arm — hard.


“I can’t believe you didn’t know.”

“Know what?”

“Lovely was perfect. What I dreamed of.”



Looking into his eyes, Tyler willed him back. Asked him to
go with her to that day. She asked him to see it, not as an eighteen-year-old
with orgasms on the brain. She wanted him to see, to feel, what it was like for
a sixteen-year-old virgin who thought she knew what to expect and ended up
getting so much more.

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