Ignite Me (A Burning Desire Novel) (23 page)

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He was speaking on the phone, “Keep me updated, and don’t
you dare lose him again.”

He killed the call.

“Mr. Davis?”

Rounding back, he immediately rose to his feet.

His gaze remained on me, “Thank you Nina.”

She excused herself and slid the glass door close behind

“Hi.” I whispered as a way of interrupting the silence.

I was unable to hold his gaze, refraining from either
running to him or running outside the door.

“Thank you for meeting me.” He said pulling out the chair
for me to sit.

I nodded in silence, and sank on the chair. He surprised
me by leaning down and pressing a kiss to my cheek.

My stomach quivered, and I felt a bout of tears coming
back as his scent hit me. It was unbearable to be so close to him without being
able to touch him, kiss him, or just bury my head under his chin.

“How was the wedding?” He asked.

His voice was raspy and hot. It sent a jolt of electricity
through me, as if I just came alive again.

“It was great, thank you.”

“Good.” He said.

He offered a
small smile, “Eve and Simon were completely drunk when they came in yesterday.”

He was trying too hard.

I shrugged, “We all were. You should’ve seen Ryan and

“Did you get drunk?”

I smiled, “We were celebrating two weddings.”

He nodded, “Oh, yes. Evelyn is my sister in law. She wants
to change
Davis & Crawley
Davis & Davis.

I cherished his soft chuckled.

, he was breathtaking.
My fingers ached to skim over his cheek.

“I like Davis & Crawley.” I said.

Handing me the menu, he beamed, “Then it shall remain as

I took the menu and put it down next to the empty plates.

He frowned, “Aren’t you going to eat?”

I nodded, “I already know what I want.”

“So do I.” He stated decisively, and started reading the

He wasn’t talking about food… obviously.

“Are you sure you don’t want to try something new?” He
said, smirking.

I knew he wasn’t referring to food.

“Well, it depends.”

“On what?” He countered, losing his smug expression.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged, “Maybe they changed the
recipe, or added something I don’t like.” I hesitated, “Or maybe…”

“Maybe…” He rushed me on, his gaze inquisitive.

I curled my lips around my teeth, “Maybe what I want isn’t
on the menu anymore.”

, I miss your mouth.” He breathed out, and
returned to read the menu as if he didn’t just threw me out from the highest
skyscraper and left me to find my feet.

“Since this menu hasn’t changed in a decade, I think it’s
safe to say that whatever you want is yours.”

I stared at him, trying to figure out if he was still
insinuating, or referring to my truffles. Studying him, I noticed that
something was different about him. Not his eyes, those remained as breath
cutting as ever. He lost weight, not in muscles, but his jaw line was more
apparent, bulging and a new dimple appeared on his right cheek.

“Are you going to get that?” Landon asked, alerting me
that my phone was ringing.

I looked over my phone; it was Liam, “I’m sorry I have to
get this.” I said and clicked to answer.

Placing the phone to my ear, I chanted, “Hi Liam.” I
watched whether I was going to get a reaction from the man sitting in front of

His jaw tightened instantaneously, and since he really
lost a lot of weight, he was unable to hide it.

“Hello? Are you listening?” Liam screeched at the other

“Yes, what’s up buddy?”

He huffed, “I was asking you if you think it would be a
good idea if I surprised Brooke in Paris.”

I frowned, “What for? You’ll just ruin her holiday with
your barhopping around Paris.”

He fell silent, “I miss her, Clea.” His voice was
strangely honest and sad.

I excused myself and went for some privacy at the other
end of the terrace, “Miss her how?” I queried.

“What do you mean how?” He barked out.

“I mean are you ready to confront your feelings for her,
or are you just bored out of your mind and want to blow off some steam with
your best friend?”

I could hear him pulling a chair and falling slat on it.

“If it’s that obvious, why is she the only one who doesn’t
seem to pick on it?”

I laughed softly, “I think you’re pretty blind too,

He kept silent for a long minute, “You mean…?”

I smiled, “I don’t know.” I lied, “Are you willing to fly
for seven hours to find out?”

“Stop being so chatty.” He snapped, “I need to go book a
ticket, wish me luck. Merry Christmas sweetheart.”

Liam didn’t give me a chance to respond. I smiled at the
screen… Finally… I composed a quick message with Jenna’s address and wished him
a happy Christmas.

Rounding back, I found Landon standing in front of me. I
looked down to my feet, unable to keep up with his gaze. He looked smoking hot
in a black silk cashmere sweat, with a refined Jacquard effect over a white
shirt and black tie. The ribbings at the cuffs and beltline showcased his
starkly muscled shoulders and chest.

“Is everything okay?” I let myself drip in the rasp of his
voice for a long minute.

I managed a low, “Ahuh.”

Moving passed him to the table; I inhaled his scent and
shut my eyes close. My mind had registered every moment we had together when he
wore that particular fragrance. I remembered the night we celebrated Simon’s
birthday at his club in Chicago and the amazing night we had in his office,
trying to erase the memory of the first time we were in there.

The picnic he surprised me with at Bryant Park to announce
he was moving to New York.

Letting my fingers skin over my empty wrist, I remembered
the bracelet he got me for my birthday, he gave it to me the next day, and he
wore the same hypnotizing scent when I buried my nose in the crook of his neck.

“So, where were we?” He finally spoke.

Landon was studying me, with an intense look that made my
heart melt.

“Truffles and wine.” I said, straightening my back against
the chair.

His expression turned grave, “That’s what you’re having?”

I nodded, “Yes. That’s what I want.”

He shook his head, “No, that’s dessert. You need some
proteins, pick something else.” He demanded.

I wasn’t going to let him intimidate me with his
commandeering tone, “You said I could have whatever I want. I want truffles and
wine.” I quipped.

Glaring at me, he let out a groan and returned his
attention to his menu.

When the server came to take our order, he made sure to
pick out my chocolate and wine, and continued with a Duo Beef for himself and
the fresh Cod for me. I shook my head and answered a message from Jude checking
up on me and announcing they just passed airport security, and heading to their

A familiar music air faded in to make my body respond in
the most disruptive way. I hated when music did that to me, especially when I
was in such a confused state of mind. Landon wasn’t saying anything, only

Maybe it was just me… Maybe it was my wishful thinking… Oh
my god… What if…

I became agitated and suddenly frightened by what he might

“Why am I here Landon?” I blurted out.

His smile broadened, as if amused by my state, “Why do you
think you’re here baby?”

I shoved to my feet, “Don’t call me that.” I bit out, it
was more than I could handle, “And don’t play games with me Mr. Davis, you
won’t charm your way out of this.”

His smug smile didn’t disappear, it even seemed to get
broader, my heart tightened at the sight of him, I missed his smile.

“You still think I’m charming.” He said motioning for me
to sit back.

I didn’t move an inch, glowering.

“Sit Clea.” He snapped, “You’re drawing unnecessary

I crossed my arms, firmly stating that I couldn’t care
less about drawing attention, “Did you bring me here to tell me that you’re
getting back with her?”

I had to ask.

Seeing his smile fading, I felt my tension coming down.

“Do you think I’m that sadistic?” He exclaimed dryly.

“Why am I here then?”

The waitress came back with our food, followed by the

“Landon Robert Davis.” He said, taking him in a hug.

I didn’t know he had his father’s name as middle name.

“Christian, how are you?”

“Things are churning. As long as I’m in that kitchen, I’m
always good.” He turned to me and took my hand to his mouth.

“Mademoiselle.” He smiled then fixed me, “Your face is
very familiar, have we met?”

“This is Clea Dane; her mother is married to Chef Seiter.”
Landon announced.

“Of course, you’re Helen’s daughter.” He bowed at me,
“Only more beautiful.”

“Thank you.” I said pulling my hand back.

He looked back at Landon, “I hope you’re enjoying your
privacy, lunch is on the house.”

“Thank you Christian.” Landon shook his hand, and
Christian walked back inside.

Sitting back, I took my glass of wine and sipped. It was
sweet and delicious. My stomach welcomed it, but it was strongly protesting the

“For god sake Clea, eat something first.” He admonished,
“Here have some soup, please.”

I could hear the plea, and I decided it wasn’t such a bad
idea. Chilled avocado soup sounded agreeable.

Landon took a loud, harsh breath, and swallowed his sip of

“Remember the Scanlon scandal two years ago?” He asked.
His eyes were serious and dark.

I shook my head no.

He chuckled lightly, “Scanlon was a candidate for the
state of Illinois governorship. He was the youngest, single, and pretty
successful.” He started, “I mean for someone who had to live with his family
name. His father was prosecuted for voluntary homicide; he killed their maid
when she accused him of rape.”

He paused, “Anyway. Scanlon was a very successful
prosecutor, and after four years at the DA, he was elected as governor.”

He took a bite of his salad, “During the elections, there
was a rumor about him hiring a dominatrix every other weekend, and the woman,
who’d been known to be hired by famous CEOs and some powerful men, claimed to
the press that she had proof.”

I knew where the conversation was going, and I instantly
felt sick, unable to eat or drink.

Landon continued, “Her claims weren’t false, except for
the fact that she didn’t have that proof she was talking about.”

He stopped eating, his fingers skimmed over his glass, “The
press didn’t care about the proof, and needless to say, they had a feast with
the scandal.”

He fell silent for a moment. I chose not to interrupt him.

“That was the first case I worked on as an established
fixer, Scanlon was a respected prosecutor, I liked facing him in court, because
he was a strong believer in rehabilitation, and he never missed on any occasion
to offer a fair settlement, even when he was clearly losing.”

“When he came to me looking for help, I couldn’t turn him

He studied me, our gazes entwined together in silence.

Clearing his throat, he spoke again in a raw voice, “It
didn’t take me long to figure out what was really happening,” His thumb brushed
over his lips, “The woman was in love with him; and so was he.”

He twisted his mouth ruefully, “However, dating a
professional dominatrix didn’t sit well with his line of work, and when he had
to choose, he looked at all the possibilities, at his family, and broke things
off with her.”

He cocked his head, “She acted out of scornfulness. She
was bitter and angry, and didn’t care about ruining his career if it meant

I felt tired and overwhelmed, “She blackmailed you?” I let
out in a whisper.

He nodded silently and fixed me before moving down on his
knees in front of me, “I had to do it Clea.” He sounded apologetic and angry, with
himself. “When Calvin called me that day announcing that you were coming, Eve
had the idea.”

“Idea?” I interjected.

“Yes. She was there you know?” Landon noted, “Eve, I
mean.” He clarified again, “She was in the restroom.”

“You mean when I came with Jude?” I asked again and he

“I don’t understand Landon, this is confusing.”

Pulling a chair, he sat in front, bracketing me, “After I
left you in your office on Thursday, I went back to my office. I found Audrey
waiting for me.” He admitted, making my whole body go rigid with jealousy.

“She had a package for me too. I didn’t know about those
footages, I’m not a creep Clea.” He was still hurt, I could tell.

He worked on his breath and swallowed, “She said that if I
didn’t break up with you, she would put them on the internet, and ruin me.”

He pressed his back to the chair, “Frankly, I didn’t care,
and I still don’t, she could put them on a billboard in Times Square for all I
care.” He roared, “But I have people that depend on me Clea.” He stated, “I
couldn’t let something like that ruin Alec and Evelyn’s reputation.”

When he leaned forward again, I felt the desperate need to
touch him, but I had to stop myself, “I called Evelyn and Alec to tell them.
Alec didn’t care, and said that I shouldn’t let her control me, but Evelyn had
a plan.”

He reached for his glass and swallowed in one sip, “She
thought that if we gave her what she wanted, we could play her and get her to
give the compacts.”

“You mean break up with me?”

He shook his head, “Not exactly, no.”

“What then?” I pressed on.

“When you came to the office, the second I saw your face
on the security screen.” He swallowed again, his chest expanded on a deep,
regretful breath, “I knew what had happened. I knew she sent you one of those

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