Ignite Me (A Burning Desire Novel) (10 page)

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They nodded their understanding and kissed me.

“Let’s prepare lunch.” I offered.

Jenna turned to the refrigerator, “What do you have in

I walked to stand next to her, “Let’s make a feast, it’s
our last night, and tomorrow we have the barbecue.”

“Hey Jude, why don’t you go dig into Alec’s cave for wine?”
he acknowledged with a smile and disappeared into the house.

“I’ll make us some drinks.” Jenna offered, taking out the
bottle of vodka and coffee liqueur.

“Hey girls, want some cocktails?” I peered from the
kitchen door to Brooke and Faith.

“Hell’s yes!” They chanted.

“Meatloaf, Thai Rice, and Caesar salad.” I suggested to

“You make the meatloaf, I’ll do the Thai.”


Jude came back with several bottles of wine, and some forty-year-old

“Hey boo, I forgot to tell you. I booked us the last two

Jude and I were flying to San Diego next weekend to help
my mother with the last details of her upcoming nuptials. The wedding was three
weeks away, and we’ve been helping her whenever we could. Jenna flew in with
Ryan last week, when I was busy with work, and Jude was flying to Europe.

“And if there’s a cancellation, one of my colleagues will
upgrade us.” He continued.

“Sounds great. Thank you baby boy.”

He offered me a warm grin, “You’re welcome sweetie.”

We heard voices coming from the boathouse, and I
recognized Landon’s.
A few seconds
later, Alec barged in, making us jump. He was bleeding and swearing.

“Son of a bitch punched me.” He exclaimed.

“What the fuck?” Jude moved hastily to the freezer and
took out some ice.

Jenna ran out of the kitchen, just as a fuming Landon
walked in, followed by a hysterical Ryan.

“Your face isn’t the only face that sells you know.” Alec
screeched, “You better hope this doesn’t leave a mark, or I’ll sue your ass for
every penny you own.”

I tried to reason with Ryan, he was doubled over on the
floor, and laughing aloud. Landon picked up the bottle of scotch, and poured
himself a glass.

“What happened?” I asked.

Landon levered his chin, “Don’t worry, I punch him twice a
month, he just never learns.”

“Fuck you.” Alec snapped, sounding more offended than

“Well, in all fairness, I think you deserved this one.”
Ryan finally snapped out of his psychotic laugh and poured himself a drink. He
stood next to Landon, clearly gloating.

Jenna walked inside with an emergency kit, followed by
Simon, Jenna, Mia, and some stranger.

“Who the ‘tall’ is this?” Ryan asked.

Evelyn glanced at the seven inch of manhood hovering
behind her, and then turned to gloat.

“Hey you guys, this is Teo, and he’s with me.” Mia

“Hi Teo.” I greeted the stranger and turned to Ryan.

“Are you going to tell me what happened out there?”

He shrugged, “Landon solved them all, you need to give him
his prize and don’t worry about Alec. He’s had it coming for a long time.”

Landon wrapped his fingers around my arm, and pulled me to
him, “Say it.” He ordered.

I looked down at my feet, intimidated by the people
surrounding us, which I hadn’t initially planned on.

“Say it, baby.” He urged on.

I leveled my gaze with his, “I love you.” I said.

“Prove it?” It sounded more of a question than a request,
and I was baffled by it.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Move in with me.” He offered.

I stared at him, completely surprised by his proposal. Move
in with him... I didn’t expect that.

A heavy silence weighed all over the space, making me both
uncomfortable and confused. I scanned the room around me; they were all waiting
for me to say something. I looked at Jude, expecting a reassuring look, or a
sign to help me answer Landon’s request. He seemed to be as astounded as I was,
but it didn’t feel like he was against it.

I turned to a smiling Ryan; he was encouraging me with a
light, discreet nod.

When I finally met Landon’s gaze, he was composed. My mind
drifted back to our earlier conversation, everything he told me he felt, what
our relationship meant to him. Redemption, he’d said.

He was my redemption too, he was my second chance at
happiness, and he was the one and only man that made me feel the way I did.

I loved him deeply, I loved him wildly, and I didn’t see
why I would turn down an opportunity to be with him. We spent most of our time
together anyway; I had a closet full of designer clothing, I had a toothbrush,
and I had him.

“Okay.” I mumbled.

His eyes grew wide, as if surprised that I agreed so
easily, “Okay?”

I nodded again, “I’ll move in with you.”

He pulled me to him, and possessed me with his tender, yet
demanding lushes, deepening our kiss, groaning into my mouth. I grabbed his
strands and pushed him further into my mouth, and wrapped my legs around him. I
moaned, in his mouth, pushing back the tears.

“Um, you guys, we’re still here.” Mia cut in on our moment
and the awkward silence surrounding us.

Landon put me down, and the room broke into a streak of
congratulations and celebrations around Jenna’s cocktails, beer, and strong
scotch while we finished preparing lunch.





“I’ll see you tomorrow sweetie, thank you for inviting

Brooke gave me a swift hug and climbed back with Zee and
the girls.

“You’re welcome. See you tomorrow.”

I waved at the disappearing car, and followed Jenna, Jude,
and Ryan inside my apartment building. We drove back in the limousine because
Evelyn needed Landon and Alec’s help with something, and they had to leave the
house early.

I stepped inside and checked my mailbox, while Ryan went
to give Maria some souvenirs he brought for her from Lake George.

“Oh my god.” I panicked, reading a note from my Nana.

“What? What happened?” Jenna urged.

“Nana is here, she’s been here since yesterday.” I
announced to them.

“Why didn’t she call you?” Jude asked.

“She says she called mom and she told her that I was out
of town with Landon. She says she didn’t want to disturb us.”

Jude took the note from my hand and read it.

Jenna peeked at the letterhead, “Well? Where is she?”

“She’s at the Plaza hotel, we should go.” Jude handed the
note back to Jenna and walked to Ryan.

I knew Nana was supposed to spend the week with me before
heading to San Diego, but she was two days early, and I was freaking out that
she had to spend the night alone in the city.

Jude and Ryan, strode back to where I stood with Jenna,
and took my suitcase.

“Let’s get our luggage in the apartment and head there.”
Jude suggested.

“I can’t go with you; I have a conference call scheduled
in thirty minutes with my boss in Paris.”

I nodded my understanding to Jenna.

“I can’t go either; I’m waiting for two of to my models.”
Ryan apologized, “But you two go, we’ll take the suitcases up, and see you

I handed him the rest of my stuff and pressed Jude to
follow me.

I hailed a cab, and jumped inside.

“Plaza Hotel, please.”

Jude climbed in behind me.

“Don’t freak out, she’s in the Plaza, not in the Bronx.”

“I know, but she was supposed to get a welcoming committee,
and not take a cab from the hotel, carrying her luggage.”

Jude snorted at me, “You think that woman took a cab?”

I relaxed, “You’re right, she probably has a Rolls Royce
driving her around.”

“Probably.” Jude mirrored, resting his head on my shoulder.

Nana, being my mother’s mother, and forger, was an even higher bourgeoise than
my mom.
She had her own thoughts about public transportation, fast food
consumers, smokers, and burkas.

“I wanted to talk to you about something.” Jude grabbed my
hand and wriggled around.

“What’s that?” I asked, giving him my full attention.

“So Ryan has been pissed about the Audrey debacle, and
he’s been thinking that it might not have been a coincidence that she landed in
his show, and frankly, I think he’s right.” He confessed.

I suppressed the twinge of jealousy that crept over me,
“What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s simple. Ryan had made Landon the main
attraction of the show for weeks, tweeting about it, talking about it around
the media, and social networks. I find it hard to believe, that first, his main
model, that was dying to be featured as a bride would turn down the offer, and
then send him someone else instead. It’s a cruel world, and in reality, most
models would rather die, than willingly give up their spot.”

He explained.

“So how do you think she did it?” I asked again.

He shrugged, “We don’t know yet, but he called two of the
models who seemed pretty close with Audrey at the party, and he’s going to ask
Celeste didn’t answer any of
his calls, until he sent her a message threatening to ruin her at every agency,
so she’s coming too.”

I laughed at Ryan’s tenacity about the whole situation,”
He’s going all Jack Bauer on them.”

Jude laughed, “Try a cross over between Joan Rivers and
Jack Bauer, there will be blood.”

We exploded into fits of laughter.

The cab pulled out in front of the Plaza, and a concierge
ran to us and opened the door. I hopped out, leaving Jude to pay the cab, and
raced inside to the reception desk.

“Hi, Elisa De Capri, please.”

The receptionist greeted me with a smile, and turned to
his screen, “And you are?”

“I’m her granddaughter.”

He nodded and picked up the phone, “We’ll notify Mrs. De

After a short conversation, he called one of the bell boys
and asked him to take us to Nana’ suite.

“She never goes halfway, does she?”

I shook my head no and smiled.

Elisa De Capri was a woman of great means. My grandfather
had left her a fortune that would’ve made the Queen of Palm Beach blush. She
used it to spoil her family, and help those in need, while preserving the
landmark of her ancestors in the south of France.

Therefore, when it came to luxury, she wouldn’t go for
less than the Royal Terrace, and only because the Royal Plaza was unavailable.

Jude and I walked inside the elevator in an awkward
silence, exchanging glances and eager to see Nana.

As soon as we got outside, we found her waiting at the
entrance. She was wearing a French Tailleur, pinstriped and looking as her
elegant self.

“Bonsoir mon bébé.” She greeted me with a warm hug, and in
her half-Italian side, three kisses fashion.

“Hi Nana. You really should have called me.” I said,
returning her embrace.

“Nonsense, I wasn’t going to ruin your weekend, because I
decided to come early.”

“Hi Nana.” Jude greeted her.

“Hi Poussin.” She took him in a hug, reminding him of the
unpleasant, yet cute endearment she had for him.

He rolled his eyes and smiled.

“Let’s get inside.” She ordered.


We were sitting on the terrace, sipping a bottle of
Bordeaux she brought along with her. We talked about her flight, her annoyance
regarding some New Yorkers, and the charming driver she got from the hotel.

She had made a reservation for all of us to dine at one of
the two restaurants she enjoyed in the city, and since she had already made a
reservation, she’d invited him to join her.

“He was nothing short of courteous, although he seemed
uncomfortable when one of the restaurant guests pointed out to his trophy wife
that he was the best driver in town, stressing out that he was just a driver.”

She tut her disgust, “The man may have money, but he
must’ve left his manners next to the trash.”

“So, tell me about Robert Davis’ son, Landon?” She asked,
“When do I get to meet him? I’ll make reservations at Daniel for Tuesday. Ryan
and Jenna will join us, too.”

“Slow down Nana.” I said to her.

“Alright, I have one question, does he make you happy?”
She asked with quiet honesty.

I nodded with a wide beam.

“That’s all I need to know. Dinner, Tuesday, it’s
settled.” She declared firmly.

Jude chuckled, suppressing his smile, “What’s so funny,
petit poussin?”

He shook his head, “C’est rien. I just can’t wait for you
to meet him.”

Nana glanced between us; I understood why Jude made that
comment. Nana and Landon had many similarities, and it was going to be an
interesting dinner.

“So I you won’t be leaving the comfort of the Plaza for my
cozy apartment?” I extended my hand for Nana and she took it.

“That apartment is a lot of things, old, filthy, American,
but cozy?” She shook her head lightly, “Why don’t you stay with me and enjoy
some luxury instead?” She offered.

“Oh, she’s got luxury covered.” Jude interjected, “She’s
moving into a seventy million dollar penthouse by the end of the week.”

“She is?” Nana turned to me with inquisitive eyes.

I shook my head yes, “Landon asked me to move in with him

“He should make an honest woman out of you first.” She
said, making me choke on my wine.


“What?” She shrugged, “Aren’t you two in love, and moving
in together, why not marriage.”

“First, because it’s way too early.” I started, “Second,
I’m not ready for marriage and the responsibility that comes with it.”

“What are you, a Middle Eastern housewife with low
income?” She prompted sarcastically.

“No, Nana, it’s not about that, you know I enjoy playing
house as much as the next girl, and honestly, with Landon, there wouldn’t be
much of that anyway. But I’m talking about the commitment.”

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