Ignite Me (A Burning Desire Novel) (9 page)

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Those words marked the start of an inspiring and beautiful
relationship. With time, Jude got acquainted with the craziest sides of his
partner, from his undiagnosed OCD, to his judgmental ways, but it never stopped
him from loving him.

“Do you see me communicate rationally with him?”

Jude had said to me, once.

“No boo, I understand him, I anticipate his moods and
needy phases, and I give into his crazy requests. There’s no love without
compromise. I do whatever he asks, because; first, he is insane and I can never
win an argument with him, but also because he does the same for me”

I stopped next to a scarlet oak tree to catch my breath.

“I am out of Landon’s league.” I mumbled to myself. “Of
course I am.”

No matter how Landon made me feel, he will always be out
of my league. He is Landon Freakin’ Davis, top ranked lawyer, and mogul, and I
could never get used to it. Also, I’ve seen his exes.

Come to think of it, it might have contributed to fuel my
resistance to admit my feelings. When I’d first met him, I scoured the
internet, and saw all the women he dated before, and Audrey. She was a stunning
woman, a bit crazy, but beautiful.

“Well, it’s too late to think about it.” I scowled.

He has been patient, loving, and attentive. I had to do
it, and hoped he’d say the words back. Because, truth was, I’ve never asked for
them, not explicitly. I just wished he’d pronounce them and give me the courage
to say them.

I glanced around me, searching for the flowerbed and the
fountain. I hoped he would appreciate the gesture, and anticipated his reaction
with a grin.




“Pancakes are ready.” Jenna squeaked from behind the

Alec had a fully equipped, top of the line kitchen. Jenna
and I fell in love with it. We were preparing breakfast, and I was finishing up
the last of the waffles for Landon, Jude, and Brooke. The others wanted
pancakes and French toasts.

Thank god, I’m starving.” Simon grabbed the full plates
and settled around the table with the girls, Jude, and Ryan. Alec, Evelyn, and
Landon had disappeared in the library room, again.

“I’m dying to know what’s happening.” Jenna pouted.

“What’s happening?” I asked curiously.

“Upstairs.” She signaled with the spatula. ”Landon is on
edge, Eve is being Eve, and Alec is putting up a face.”

It was all news to me; I hadn’t seen him since I got back
from my run. I took a shower and joined Jenna in the kitchen.

“Hey Simon, do you know what’s going on?” Jenna pried,

Simon shrugged and dug into his plate.

“They’re not upstairs, Zee drove them to town.” Brooke

What was so
urgent that it couldn’t wait till Monday?

I chose not to pry and joined the others. I couldn’t eat,
feeling somewhat anxious, and unsettled.

I turned my attention to Mia, Faith, and Brooke, “So did
you have fun yesterday?”

“Err! These two are seriously disturbed.”

Brooke’s comment made me laugh; I knew all about how crazy
Mia and Faith could get, especially when they are horny.

“They dragged me around the town. We settled at a nice
bar, and they turned it into a stripper contest.”

Simon choked on his bite of pancake and laughed.

“Don’t be a prude! You had your tongue in the bartender’s
mouth the whole night.” Mia snapped, making Brooke gasp.

“We’re not judging, honey. So don’t. We just love being
the center of attention, and before we got into that dump, it was seriously
dull and boring.”

Faith got all Boston accent on her.

“What did you two do?” I admonished.

Mia shrugged, “Nothing. We just had some Jell-O shots and
participated in a dance contest.”

“Stripper-contest.” Brooke corrected sardonically. “They
ended up in their underwear.”

I doubled over in laughter, watching Mia and Faith
throwing daggers at an amused Brooke.

“You girls should party with Liam.” She suggested.

“Oh! I’d go stripper on that anytime, anywhere!”

Simon pushed to his feet after Faith’s comment and excused

“Don’t be embarrassed, they always act like this.” Jude
reassured an uncomfortable Simon.

“Yeah, wait till they start talking about the details of
their orgasms.” Ryan added.

Simon smiled and shook his head.

“Hey, who is up for a swim?” He finally suggested.

“Naked?” Faith prompted.

“Oh yeah, let’s all go nude on each other.” Jenna feigned

“It is a free country.” Simon acknowledged and walked out
of the kitchen, “I’ll be in the swimming pool.”

I ran upstairs to help Jenna choose the right swimsuit.

“I don’t know. It’s just weird.” I confessed, once we were

“Maybe it’s the Buenos Aires business.” Jenna suggested,

“No? I don’t think so. That’s a done deal, and the
construction is going well.”

“Well.” She sat next to me, “Whatever it is; you can ask
him when he’s back. For now, let’s enjoy ourselves, and get wasted.”

“It’s ten in the morning.” I prompted.

“And your point is?”

I shrugged and grinned broadly.

“I’ll go put my swimsuit on.”

Jenna clapped her hands, “That’s my girl.”


I studied my reflection carefully. I was wearing one of
the bikinis I got during my summer shopping spree. It wrapped my breasts
perfectly in a bright, yellow fabric. I pushed my curls up and puffed at their
dismissiveness. I turned and glanced out the floor to ceilings windows, to find
Landon’s dark and lustrous gaze fixated on me from behind the glass.

The sunlight showcased his stark features. He was truly
beautiful, in the manliest way. His stubble was apparent, and I could tell that
he had little sleep.

He strode to me and came to an abrupt halt, inches from my
face. I felt the warmth emanating from him, and couldn’t refrain from wrapping
my arms around him.

“You can be so very cruel, Miss Dane.” He said, softly.

“How so?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” He answered wryly, brushing my back,
between the straps of my bikini top, to the hem of my bottom.

“You, walking around in this inch of fabric.”

His tone made me hug myself. I loved how desired he made
me feel, and knowing that I could affect him.

“Would you rather I walk around naked?” I teased, secretly

“Not when we’re in the presence of other men.”

I goggled him.

“How about women?”

“You’re in an arguing mood this morning, Miss Dane.”

I shook my head leisurely,

“I was merely asserting your comment, you said ‘men’.”

He pulled me to him, and took a long breath.

“Cotton-Candy.” He murmured, then spoke acerbically, “Men,
women, animals, it’s all the same to me. My eyes only, baby.”

Without responding, I brought my mouth to his. Landon
claimed me, as soon as our lips brushed, pushing with his tongue, sucking mine,
getting me hot and bothered. He bit my lip, gently pulling the life out of me.

I met him with the same desire and eagerness.

He broke off the kiss, lifting me in his embrace, making
my feet leave the ground.

Even though I was enthralled by the moment, I was unable
to shake the feeling that something was disturbing him. He buried his nose in
my hair, but his breathing was somehow different.

“I love the way you smell.” His voice was a bare whisper.

“What’s wrong?” I finally asked.

He drew circles on my back, and smacked a kiss to my nose
as he put me down again.

“Nothing. Let’s go swim.”

I pulled him back, “Mr. Davis, are you, by any chance,
lying to me?”

He smirked.

“And what if I did? You’re already depriving me. It can’t
get worse than that.”

I stared at him in total confusion. He was mad at me?

“Fine. Don’t tell me.”

I brushed past him and walked outside the pool house.

In the past few weeks, I learned how to calm his anger
with my touch. However, I was determined to find new ways to communicate.
Therefore, touching him, in the middle of a bedroom, alone, wasn’t a good idea.

I found Mia, Faith, Brooke, and Jenna in the middle of the
hot tub, and Alec lounged on the edge.

“Clea, you look edible sweetheart.”

He was sprawled with a gloat, aimed behind me. I turned
around; Landon was standing a few inches back, and glaring at his partner.

I thought it funny that whenever Alec paid me a crude
compliment, he did it, while addressing Landon.

“Al-Ec.” He warned.

He feigned irritation.

Jenna walked out of the tub in her tribal printed Gottex

“Billionaires, my ass. You two haven’t made it through

She wrapped her wet arms around me and, in a blink of an
eye; she threw us in the pool.

I freaked out, jiggling endlessly under her hold, the
bubbles spreading around me from her laughter. I welcomed the warmth, and started
laughing hysterically under the water, making my way back up.

A familiar hand pulled me out to the surface, and into his
embrace. I wrapped my legs around him, and felt the instant shift in his
length. I was trying to catch my breath, between the surprise dive, the inexplicable,
endless giggle, and the feel of my momentarily forbidden fruit.

“Are you alright, baby?” Landon, brushed his fingers
delicately all over my face, and wiped the water from my eyes.

“I’m good baby.”
I squeezed him gently.

He stiffened.

“I’m hot, and trying to appraise my density, and yours.”

He smiled tenderly,

“Oh, baby. If this is a test, then it’s the only one I’m
willing to fail.” He breathed out.

I whimpered; my desire for him was killing me. He was
breathtakingly handsome. His thick and wet eyelashes made his gaze dangerously
dark. Wet strands fell around his face; I pushed my aching fingers between them
and pulled him for a damp kiss.

He took my breath away.

“I don’t want you to fail.” I admitted to him.

He nuzzled against my neck, “Explain to me Clea, why are
you doing this?

I shrugged helplessly, and entwined our gazes,

“I feel like this insatiable desire we have for each
other, is the only connection we have.” I whispered, avoiding Jenna’s radar.

“It’s not.” He stated firmly.

I shrugged again, “I mean, I feel like a nympho, when two
months ago, I was an inexperienced virgin. Whenever we’re together, and no
matter how we are feeling, happy, angry, or otherwise, we’re always having

Landon wrapped his long fingers around my wrist and kissed
every knuckle.

“I understand, baby. And I’m willing to do it, for you.”

He turned me abruptly, and pressed his chest to my back. I
was in pain, aching for him.

“However, I strongly object.”

“Is that so Mr. Hot shot lawyer?”

He chuckled against my neck, and nodded.

“Making love to you is the completion of all those
feelings.” Landon pressed me further to him, as if there was space between us,
and he couldn’t bare it.

“A priori, baby.” He said.


“It’s a legal term.
It means; an argument derived from a previous event.” He explained, “And
in this case, I argue that making love to you is derived from a previous state
of mind.”

He reached to my navel, and drew circles around it.

“When I’m happy, you complete my happiness with your
smile, your touch, and the warmth of your tightness.”

The rasp and sincerity in his voice made my heart leap
into my mouth.

“When I’m angry, or annoyed, the slightest touch of your
hand, the expression of genuine concern, and a kiss from your soft lips, is the
only comfort I need.”

I swallowed, hard. I lost all ability to speak.

He continued, brushing the back of his hand along my arms,
“It’s all related baby, it’s not the sex, it’s you.”

I turned to face him. I was mesmerized by the honesty that
transpired through his eyes. I couldn’t fight the urge anymore.

“The sex? It’s just ‘Animus possidendi’ Clea.” He pressed
a kiss to my slightly, open, and completely astonished lips.

“It reflects intention of possession. You are mine, Clea.
No one will ever make you feel the way I do, ever. I’ll always make sure of

Landon moved his lips to my earlobe, and spoke in a raspy,
hot, and low voice, “Your body is my wonderland, and every time I’m inside you,
I feel redemption.”

He slowly nipped down along my neck. I moaned.

“Your heart is mine. Even though you’re not ready to admit
it, I still see it in your eyes. Whenever I’m near you, whenever I’m in you; I
would give anything to perceive myself through your beautiful eyes.”

I felt the urge to kiss him and ‘animus possidendi’ him.

“I love you.”

I didn’t process the words; they just came out of my
mouth, as if I was unable to hold them inside.

His face lit up, like a Christmas tree, or one of those
prestigious chandeliers in a palace. He opened his mouth to say something, but
I stopped it by sealing my lips with his.

I pushed back the tears. I grabbed him forcefully from the
back of his neck, and pressed my front to his, wrapping my legs around his
waist. I couldn’t be close enough.

“Take me inside.” I demanded, breaking off the kiss.

Landon shook his head, panting. A look of utter
bewilderment decked out on his face.

“No, baby. We need to do this.”

I eyeballed him, not understanding the sudden shift in the

Landon pushed a misbehaving curl and smiled tenderly.

“I am the happiest man alive, Clea.” He paused, squeezing
me in his arms, “and it’s because of you. I’m aware of the bond that we have. I
know what I want. However, you don’t seem to be sure about what we really have,
and I need you to be.”

I opened my mouth to object, and point out that I just
said that I loved him, but he silenced me.

“Just say it again.”

I smiled to him.

“Say what again?” I feigned ignorance.


He warned, pressing me to him.


He smirked, giving me the ‘are-you-sure-you-want-to-defy-me’

“I love you, Mr. Davis.”

“I know you do, Miss Dane.”


Drying my hair in front of the closet mirror, I couldn’t
stop smiling. Landon didn’t give me the answer that I’d expected, but I still
felt lighter, and somehow, happier. Landon Davis wasn’t a man I could push into
saying the words, or even being angry at for not saying them. The moment I had
with him in the pool was enough for me to know that I didn’t regret admitting
my feelings for him.

I silenced the hair dryer watching Brooke wiggling from
behind the windows and knocking. I waved at her to come inside and applied some
lip balm.

“Hey, what’s taking you so long? Jenna and Jude are trying
to talk Landon into the treasure hunt.”

I gasped at her announcement.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

Brooke’s mouth twisted into a grimace, “What’s wrong?”

I shrugged,

“I already told him.”

“You did?” She squeaked and fell silent for a long moment
before she urged me again, “Well…?”

I frowned at her, feigning ignorance.

“Don’t leave me hanging Clea.”

I shook my head no, signaling that Landon didn’t say the
words back.

“But it is okay, I’m happy.”

She took me in a hug, “I’m happy for you, too. Come on, we
need to go, Eve is going to be pissed.”

We strode outside of the pool house and into the kitchen. Evelyn
and Ryan were hunting reviews of his show, while Jenna and Jude were sitting by
the counter talking Landon into my plan.

He looked amused by the conversation he was having.

“So are you in or out?” Jude took a sharp tone, making it
hard for me not to laugh.

Landon shrugged and shook his head, “No offense guys, but I’m
here to spend time with my girlfriend, not go on a scavenger hunt with you.”

“I’m so, deeply, offended.” Jenna snarled.

“Hey guys.” I cut in on the conversation, “There’s no need
for it.”

Jude frowned, “Why the hell not?”

“She told him.” Brooke interjected, earning herself a

I could hear the light gasps echoing around me.

“You still owe me a pair of Jimmy Choo.” Evelyn stated
nonchalantly, but clearly affected by the whole thing.

Landon was watching us with pure confusion all over his
features, not to mention the inquisitive glances between Jude, Ryan, and Jenna.

I gave them a reassuring look and turned to explain to
Landon how I had the idea of organizing a hunt for him, which would have ended
up with me, telling him that I loved him. It came to me after a girl’s night
out with Evelyn and Jenna. Eve had told me that one of Landon’s best memories
were Sunday’s treasure hunts in his family lake house, with his mother.

The truth is; Landon was still scarred by the loss of his
mother. Simon had confessed that his brother used to be more playful and easy
going before the tragedy of her passing had sprung on his family.

I wanted to keep his memories intact, and try to make new
ones with him.

“You planned a treasure hunt for me?” He sounded
surprisingly pleased, when two minutes ago he was simply irritated.

I nodded, feeling childish, and a little self-conscious.

“Okay, I’ll do it.” He announced.

“You will?” Ryan mirrored.

“You will?” I asked in confusion.

“What’s the first clue?”

I loved seeing him like that; he was cheerful and young.

“She already told you she loved you, Landy. I don’t see
why you want to do it.” Evelyn interrupted coldly.

“There is no first clue.” I said, ignoring her, “you just
have to choose three people, each one of them has two clues. Brooke, Faith, and
Mia aren’t included, you have to pick from the rest.”

“So to sum it up, only three out of six have clues?”
Landon inquired; he was excited about the whole idea, and I hugged myself for

“Yes, and once you have solved the riddles; you can come
back for the last one, which will be with me.”

Landon grabbed me forcefully, pressing me to his chest, “Clues,
or no clues, nothing will keep me from getting back.”

Jenna snorted in an unladylike fashion, “Oh Landon, you
say the sweetest things, in the most uncommonly sexist ways.”

He ignored her snarky comment and clapped his hands
together, as if ready to consume a feast.

“Choose three out of six huh?”

His eyes gleamed as he carefully studied the room and
walked into the other. I followed him to the living room, when Alec walked in
from the pool; Jenna threw him a sinful wink.

“I won’t go with the obvious choices. That much is clear.”
Landon declared firmly.

Faith wriggled around on the sofa to witness the events.

“Great, leave it to Clea to play these games with a lawyer
and a micro expression specialist on top of that.”

Jenna threw herself on the couch next to Faith, obviously
annoyed that she represented a clear choice.

“I think you should be flattered.” Landon commented in a
low voice.

As childish as it was, he seemed devoted to his task, and
it made me love him more.

“She’s right you know? It’s not fair.”

He turned suddenly and kissed the tip of my nose, making
me wrinkle.

“I’ll take Alec, Evelyn, and Ryan.”

I gasped in astonishment, when in reality it shouldn’t
have surprised me.

“Bravo Dr. Lightman.” Jude clapped his hands together and

“What’s next?” Landon rushed on; his voice was dripping
with excitement and expectation, as if he hasn’t already won the prize.

“Find out who has the first clue, and you can start from
there.” I said to him.

Initially, I was going to tell him who had the first clue,
but it was already too easy for him, so I let him struggle.

“Eve, hit me.”

He was clearly struggling.

He picked up a chocolate dipped strawberry from the table
next to me, making a point of displaying his proud and victorious beam, and
buried his perfect teeth into the mouthwatering fruit.

I shook my head in disbelief and walked into the kitchen,
only half-faking my annoyance.

He followed me, and stopped next to Eve, “I still don’t
see the point of it, but well done partner.”

Landon murmured something in her ear, that first made her
smile, then, made her seem flabbergasted.

“It’s a riddle.” She said, “If you pull a bunch from this
bed, they’ll flourish, and bloom, and…”

“Too easy, Flower bed.” He turned to me and winked

Ryan jumped from his stool and signaled for Landon to lead
the way, followed by a half-naked Alec, “To the flower bed we go.”


Once they disappeared, Eve grabbed Simon, leaving me a
prey to Jude and Jenna.

“I think it’s cute, childish, but cute.” Jenna commented
with a shrug.

Jude rolled his eyes at her, “You’re just pissed because
you don’t get to screw with him.”

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my temple, “Spill
the beans, boo.”

“It was natural, not calculated at all.” I started
explaining, “I mean, he was saying all those things to me, about the way I make
him feel, about the bond he forged with me, and what it means to him. Oh my
god, you guys.” I paused, replaying the moment in the back of my head.

“He was so honest, so open, and completely vulnerable. It
made it as if the words were just too overwhelming for my soul and they just
had to be said.”

Jude squeezed me in a bone-melting hug, followed by Jenna.

“We’re happy for you Cléclé.”

I could see the next question heading my way, “He didn’t
say it back, but trust me guys, he didn’t need to.”

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