Ignite Me (A Burning Desire Novel) (6 page)

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I straightened myself on the bed.

He nodded slowly.

“But you won’t leave me, no matter what I say?”

I shook my head yes,

“I won’t, I promise.”

He nodded once again. He looked as if he was in agony, and
it’d made me fear what he was going to say.

Landon settled his back against the plush headboard, and
drew a sharp breath.

“I first came across her when I was in college, in London.
She was modeling, and I was attending a show with Alec and Evelyn. During the
cocktail party, she’d sent one of her friends to invite us to some after party
in a house. At first, I didn’t even want to attend the fashion show. However,
Evelyn was nagging about wanting to see the designer’s new collection, she was
visiting me on her spring break, and Alec wanted to meet the models. So I went

Landon caved under the pressure and went with Alec to the
after-party. From that night on, they were inseparable. Audrey was actually a
medical student, and she paid her tuition with modeling gigs and a scholarship.
A year into the relationship, Landon discovered that she was abusing drugs; he
tried to help her, got her into a rehabilitation center, and supported her,
both mentally and financially.

However, when she returned, she was different. She kept
getting herself into trouble and requiring him to bail her out, until one
night, she tried committing suicide. To Landon’ surprise, when she awoke, she’d
blamed it on him.

Evelyn heard about the whole suicide attempt, and fled to
London. It was his last year, and he had to pass the bar exam, but Audrey kept
dragging him further, and he started using with her. When he talked about his
experience, he sounded broke down; his voice was full of sorrow.

Evelyn bribed Audrey with a big amount of money, and she
took it.

“I woke up the next morning, and found myself in a
rehabilitation center. Evelyn told me what she’d done, and it wore me out. It
was about the money.”

He swallowed thickly.

“I passed the bar exam, and began working at Adrian &
associates. I got my life together again, started dating other girls, and
worked on my first hotel with Alec.”

Landon continued telling me about how his businesses
evolved and started giving him some exposure. The year he first launched Davis
and Crawley, he started imposing his due-date clause in his relationships;
saying that he was unable to fall in love, and resolved to fill the emptiness
with some girls who agreed to his kind of relations. One night, while he was
working at the hotel, he got a call announcing that Audrey had come to see him.

“I was baffled to see her walking in the apartment, but,
there she was, apologizing in tears and offering to pay Evelyn back. I believed
she was sincere, she’d seemed broken and truthful. It took me a long time to
forgive her, but I did. Six months later, she was gone. Ten months after that,
she pulled the same stunt and appeared inside my office, she made an
appointment, under an alias. She had to wait a whole month to get an
appointment with me.”

Audrey, once again, swore to Landon that she had changed,
and that she was scared of her feelings. Then, she threatened to kill herself
if he didn’t take her back. Her first attempt, back in London had scarred him,
so he convinced himself, to try again. However, three months later, she
vanished into thin air with his money, to reappear eight months later, on
Ryan’s podium.

Landon had sworn to close that door definitely, no matter
what she’d say or do.

“She could strangle herself in the middle of my living
room, I don’t fucking care.”

His voice was tight and hard.

I was utterly baffled. I couldn’t understand how anyone, could
manipulate someone as powerful, and controlling as Landon. Because, what Audrey
did was downright manipulation.

What I also couldn’t discern, was why he’d think I’d leave
him if he told me about his relationship with her.

“Is there anything else I need to know Landon?”

I’d finally asked.

He shook his head no, studying me intently.

He was yearning and focused on studying my reactions.

I took him by surprise, and straddled him abruptly. I knew
what he needed. He needed me, he needed my warmth, and to be buried inside me.

I wanted it too.


“Don’t sleep baby, we’re almost there.”

Landon’s voice got me out of my trance. We didn’t get much
sleep. The moment I’d emerged in deep sleep, Jenna started calling both of us,
urging us to wake up and get ready. We had to have breakfast in the car, picked
up Ryan and Jude, and headed to the lake house.

Landon grasped my hand, and used it to change gear.

I beamed at him. I was happy and more than ready to tell
him what he so desperately wanted to hear. In some disturbing way, what he told
me about him and Audrey had somehow made me fall in love with him even more. I
couldn’t understand it, nor did I want to.

I was ready, and I had a plan.

We pulled in front of the most breathtaking view, and the
strangest looking house I’d ever seen. It resembled the house of the dwarfs in
Snow White, just bigger. The artistry was outstanding, and the view inspired
serenity. I couldn’t wait for the weekend to begin.

We got outside the car. Ryan was agape, taking in the
sight of the green-coppered roof, countless windows, and the view of the lake.

“What the hell took you so long?”

Alec came out of the house, grinning and holding some mouthwatering

“Unlike you, I care about the safety of the people I’m
driving, and I had to stop and buy some more groceries.”

Landon handed Jude and Ryan’s heavy bags to Alec, and made
him flinch with the weight. He turned with a smirk, and carried our luggage
inside the house.

“Are you ready, boo?”

Jude wrapped his arm around me.

“We shall see.”

I shrugged, and we followed the others inside, sipping our



“I can’t believe you dragged me into this!”

Eve whined for the seventh time, since we sneaked outside
the house.

“Shut up and walk.”

Alec grew frustrated, making me laugh.

“Hey buttercup, this is a good one, and I think I’d be
able to find it again.”

Ryan suggested and I agreed with his choice.

“Finally, thank god, you owe me a new pair of boots.”

Evelyn snarled again.

“Okay, deal. Just please, if he chooses you, play along.”

I pleaded.

“Alright, I’ll play.”

She chanted back.

“Let’s head back before he sends the cavalry.”

Alec urged, pointing the torch to make our way back from
the woods.


We gathered
in the front room. I’d never witnessed such an astounding artisanship, because,
according to Alec, all the accommodations were hand crafted. There was an
abundance of creativity in every object, both inside and outside the house.

Jenna fell in love with the kitchen, and set about fixing
dinner as soon as we’d arrived. Jude and I helped her for a while, but when she
began bossing him around; he gave up and walked outside. Then, Landon came in,
and requested some ‘me’ time. Alec had offered us his pool-house. It was
sumptuous, and relaxing. There was a jutted-tub in the middle of the pool
house, next to a king size, handcrafted, four-poster bed. It had two,
breath-stealing views; we had the heated pool and the mountains on one side,
and a refreshing view on the lake and the woods across it, on the other. I
wished there was a full moon, but it was just as stunning.

We were having dinner around the fireplace. It was cold
outside, but the heat of the fire helped to alleviate it. Jenna and I were
having a long, private moment, resulting, in a scowling Landon. She was
glancing at Alec, asking me whether she should go ahead and sleep with him. She
wanted to make sure it wouldn’t bother me, because, she was sure that she‘d
just spend the weekend with him, and then avoid him for the rest my
relationship with Landon.

“Alright people, we’re all set up.”

Barging inside the room, Ryan and Simon announced that
they finished installing the sound system in the living room downstairs.

We all voted for karaoke, except Landon and Evelyn. They

For Landon, it was mostly because I was still held by

It was amusing, as possessive as he could be; when it came
to my friends, he would always cave, not willingly, or easily, but he would
eventually let them win.

“As long as you sleep in my arms, I don't mind.”

Those were always his exact words, whenever my friends
needed my help, or a Landon-free night.

Evelyn, on the other hand, silently scolded my two
friends, who were about to make their statement to an uneasy Simon. I didn’t
know what happened between the two of them. They remained the same. She was
always bitching around, and he was there to calm her.

“Are you finished?”

Ryan motioned to my empty plate, and I handed it to him.

“I need some ‘alone’ time.”

Landon spoke from the doorway, facing me, and let out a
low grunt.


I frowned at
Jenna’s insinuation, and unwelcome interjection.

“Are you descended from a family of rabbits?”

I couldn’t hide my horror.

“Shut up Jenna.”

She shrugged indifferently, and walked outside the room,
unable to conceal her satisfied grin.

Jenna loved to destabilize him, and she enjoyed it as much
as she could.

He usually ignores her, and then makes her regret it
whenever she needed a scoop, or some information.

“I thought we were going to spend the whole weekend in our

His voice was miserable, and constricted.

“I know baby, but this is a friend getaway, we have to
stay with them.”

“I don’t have to do anything, I want you in our room, and
I want you in it right now!”

darted the distance separating us in a blink of an eye, grabbed my waist, and
lifted me on his shoulders.


I squeaked in surprise.

“Let me down.”

I cried out, unable to hold in my fake protest.

When we passed through the kitchen, we found Simon, Jude,
and Brooke, helping Ryan with dessert. They eyeballed us, and then laughed.
Landon didn’t give them any attention, walking precipitously towards the pool

He pushed us through the sliding door, and hurled me onto
the bed. He was passionate and pleading, somber and demanding. I let out my
tongue to wet my dry lips. My heart jumped into my mouth, my breathing a little
ragged from all the juggling on his shoulders.

He got me aroused, and hot, all the time. I watched him intently;
he unbuttoned his knitted cardigan, and slowly, oh-so-slowly, walked to place
it on the ottoman, on the other side of the room. My core tightened with each
slight movement of his long fingers picking up the hem of his sweater.

He knew he had me exactly where he wanted.

I could barely contain my muscles, my body stirring with

He shambled out of his jeans, his eyes fixated on every
inch of me. My hands fisted in the pillows. I was a trembling mess.

Landon kneeled on the bed, his slow movements made my body
alert to the tiniest bit of air and humming with anticipation. Without cutting
our gaze correlation, he fisted his fingers around the elastic waistband of my
leather leggings, and pulled them down. He moved up, and slid his fingers
between my folds to the slick wetness of my arousal. As soon as I started
rocking my hips to the movement of his dexterous fingers, he pulled out. I shut
my eyes close; he was sucking his fingers and I couldn’t look at him.

Landon did it a lot in the past few weeks. In fact, he
never missed on any occasion to tease me, or test my solidity. He loved to torment
me, and see how far he could go, before I explode. It was oppressing, I was
never too far from the verge.

I felt his finger brush my lips, and instinctively caught
it between my teeth. I bit gently, then a little harder.

I opened my eyes, and blinked at the intrusion of the dim

“I love how much you want me.”

I said, purposely using the ‘L’ word.

“But I hate how self-controlled you can be.”

I never failed to see the covetousness in his eyes, not
once, did Landon make me feel undesirable or embarrassed. His lips twitched
slightly, to the right.

He moved to my panties, and slid them; lazily nipping his
path between my thighs, down to every toe. He came back up, and slid his hand
under the hem of my sweater. His palm was warm, and electrifying. I let out a
low moan. He pulled it over my head, and took my bra with it, exposing my fully
erect nipples.

Landon’s tongue swirled over my breasts, nibbling his way
from one hard nipple to the other. He started gently, twirling leisurely, and
then he bit them, hard.

I cried out.

“Please Landon; I’m not dense enough to play, please.”

Usually, I managed for a little longer, just a little. But
I was in a completely different state of mind. I loved him more than I could
put into words; I could admit it without any ounce of fear, or hesitation. I
was wild, hot, and excited. There was no way I was going to hold longer,
without ruining my master plan. Moreover, I needed him inside me, quickly.

Landon whispered to my ear.

“I want you to come for me Clea.”

I nodded actively,

“So what the hell are you waiting for?”

His chuckle pissed me off. I really detested how
will-powered he could be.

“I want you, to make yourself come for me.”

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