I'll Be Seeing You (6 page)

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Authors: A.P. Hallmark

BOOK: I'll Be Seeing You
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"All right," I reply in a whisper. Holding my hand out to him, he takes it and turns it over, placing a kiss in the center of my palm.

Matthew guides me to the living room and tells me to have a seat on the couch and a few moments later, he places a glass of wine in my hand.

"May I propose a toast?" he asks, sitting down close to me.

"You may," I say lightheartedly.

"Here's to our first date and to many more firsts." He touches his glass to mine and I smile, taking a sip.

"Mmm. Sauvignon Blanc," I say. "My favorite."

"Very good, Joy. I'm impressed," he says, sounding sincerely surprised. I smile at him, raising my glass to him before taking another sip.

"So, tell me something about yourself. Something that makes you happy." I feel him sitting back against the couch, and I turn my body toward him.

"Well, let's see," I contemplate while tugging on my bottom lip between my fingers. He takes my wrist, pulling my hand away, and then gently runs his thumb across my mouth.

"I had a fairly normal childhood. My parents were good people. They loved each other; that I remember. They were always touching each other. I miss them terribly. After the accident, I struggled for a few years. My grandmother helped me adjust. I learned a lot from her."

I stop to remember some of the things she would say to me when I got to feeling sorry for myself.

"She taught me self-acceptance and the ability to love myself and others, even when they were cruel with the situation I found myself in. She taught me to see with my heart, and that sometimes we tend to forget that people have goodness inside of them, and that most sighted people judge the outward appearances before getting to know the goodness inside."

"Very sound advice," Matthew says, running his finger up and down my arm.

"That's how I know you have goodness inside you, Matthew. You have a good soul."

"So do you," he replies softly.

"What about you? Tell me something about yourself other than what you do for a living," I ask and hear him take a deep breath.

"Well, let's see," he begins. "My parents have been married for thirty-five years and are still madly in love with each other. They enjoy each other's company and miss one another when they're apart. My childhood was wonderful and I was a member of everything, Boy Scouts, Drama Club, Glee Club, Chess Club, you name it – everything. I went to the same summer camp for ten years until I was just too old to go anymore. My decision to go to medical school was a no brainer with both my mother and father as doctors."

"What medical school did you attend?" I ask, taking a sip of my wine.

"Harvard. I graduated high school early and Harvard accepted me. I feel as if I've been in school all my life. If there’s a new medical advancement, I educate myself and research it. I’m always learning and advancing my craft.”

"Do you and Maddie get on as siblings? I always wished I had a brother or sister,” I ask, changing the subject.

"I adore her," he says through a smile. "Even though we are the same age, I have taken on the role of the older brother, which technically I am … by two whole minutes. She comes to me when she needs me. If you could see us, we are like night and day. I'm six foot one, and she’s five foot five. My hair is lighter brown than hers since I inherited my mother’s coloring and she’s inherited my father’s. We both have blue eyes, however." I know he’s smiling as he talks about her. I want to see that smile, so I get up the nerve to ask.

"Matthew, do you mind if I look at you?" I ask, shyly.

"No, not at all. I was hoping you would want to."

He scoots closer to me and takes my hands, placing them on his face. After he takes a deep breath, he releases it after a long while. I start with his forehead. It's strong and deep and I can see his worry lines and know that he concentrates often and deeply. I then run my fingers along his thin eyebrows, down to his eyes. They are big, with long eyelashes. I smile at that and envision his eyes lined with dark, thick lashes. His nose is straight and thin and his cheekbones are high. I catch myself licking and biting my lower lip when I run my fingertips along his very strong jaw and down to his square chin, which has a slight cleft right in the middle. Raising my fingers to his lips, I lick mine again in the process. After allowing me to touch them, he parts them and smiles at me. Dropping my hands to my lap, I digest everything I've just learned and smile.

"Lovely," I say in a bare whisper. He chuckles when he takes my hand and kisses the inside of my palm again.

"That was a very pleasant experience," he breathes in deeply.

"Maybe we should get going," I suggest, smiling at him.

"Good idea," he replies, getting up and taking my hand with him. "Let me put the wine in the refrigerator and clean up these glasses."

"That's all right, Matthew. Just put them in the sink, and I'll take care of them in the morning," I say, reaching my hand out to him, smiling when he takes it. "Let's go."

"Oh, let's not forget the pie,” I gasp. “And I made one for you to take home to snack on later."

"A girl after my own heart.”

Matthew takes my hand and wraps it through his arm and guides me to his car. We each have a pie and we laugh, hoping neither one of us trips and drops them. Placing the desserts in the back seat, he helps me inside, even buckling me in.  Once he shuts my door, I inhale the new leather smell.

"Smells great, doesn't it?" he asks when I take another deep breath. "New leather smells the best."

"Is this a new car? What kind is it?" I ask, running my hands over the surfaces I can reach.

"It's a Jaguar ... and is gun-metal grey," he explains. "Joy, do you still know your colors? You know, from when you could see as a kid?"

"Yes. I remember the basics … black and white, yellow and green … red," I reply, smiling at him. "I have to work hard to recall a lot of things so that they don't get lost in my memory. I remember the tree-lined street I used to live on before my parents died. I can still see my old room and the kitchen where my mom used to make after-school snacks for me. So, when you talk to me about everyday things or items, I can visualize them. I’m more fortunate than some that are blind because there are those that have never had the opportunity to see a color. I think the fact that I read a lot helps. It keeps my memories alive."

After a while, we travel in silence, and I’m enjoying the feel of the smooth ride, when suddenly music fills the air. I lay my head back and just listen.

"Who is this?" I ask, closing my eyes and absorbing the easy piano coming over the radio.

"Oh, just something I wrote," he answers. “Come on, we’re here.”

The car comes to a smooth stop and before I can say anything, he reaches over and undoes my seatbelt. "Thank you," I say, feeling his face close to mine, smelling his scent as it invades my senses.

"You are most welcome, Joy," he says in a low whisper next to my ear.

"Joy!" Maddie shouts as Matthew helps me from the car. I hear her run toward me, and brace myself for impact.

"Easy, Maddie," Matthew advises and she slows her steps to a brisk walk.

"I'm so glad you came," she squeals, grasping my shoulders. "Brian’s here already," she whispers in my ear.

"Oh, good. I haven't seen him since he started his new job. Please, will you take me to him?" I ask, a smile beaming on my face at the thought of seeing him again.

Since Brian took a position at the University of Washington as head of the literature department, he has been too busy to visit.

"Brian," Maddie shouts. "Look who's here!"

"Oh, my god. Joy?" he yells from across the room. "You look as beautiful as ever."

"I've missed you so much. Didn't Maddie tell you I was coming?" I ask as I wrap him in a hug. It feels good to see him again, to touch him.

"No, the little imp," he replies, hugging me back.

Holding on to him tightly, I realize how much I really did miss him. The late night discussions we used to have about everything and anything, including nearly every book we've ever read. When he bends down to kiss me, I hear a low growl behind me.

"Brian, I'd like to introduce you to Matthew Davis. Um… Dr. Matthew Davis, Maddie's twin brother." I drop my arms from him and reach for Matthew.

"Nice to meet you, Matthew. Your sister has told me a lot about you. I think she mentioned something about you walking on water and all that." We all laugh at that. Matthew places a protective arm around my waist and guides me toward the house.

"Nice to meet you, too," he returns before leading me into the room.

"Matthew, is something wrong?" I ask.

"No, I just want these lips to belong to me and only me,” he says against my lips. “He doesn’t get to taste them.”

"Who, Brian?" I ask, feeling somewhat surprised.

"Yes, Brian," Matthew clarifies, pinching my nose. “He took too many liberties.”

"What do you mean? What did he do?" I ask quickly.

"Well, his hands were all over you, and then he kissed you. A little too long, I might add," he whispers in my ear all the while keeping a firm grip on my side.

"Oh." I say, realizing what he is saying. "We’re good friends, Matthew. He's more like a brother to me. He sort of acted as my protector when we all lived together. He and Laura are the only family I have, really."

Feeling that I need to nearly run to keep up with him, I stop walking so he will quit dragging me. "Matthew, please, you’re walking too fast for me. I'm not that sure-footed in this unfamiliar environment."

"Shit. I'm sorry," he apologizes, slowing his gait. "That was rude of me, especially when I promised to take care of you." He takes my hand and places it through his arm.

"Let's go out back with the others, shall we?" I nod and follow his lead.

"There’s a small step down, right here, and we are in the backyard. Maddie has it setup with the barbecue off to the right. It's hot, so be careful. She has the patio lined with chairs. It doesn't look like Jessie and Laura are here yet. The patio is covered with a lattice terrace, so you are not in the direct sun, all right?"

"Thank you, Matthew," I say as I sit in the seat he guides me to.

"What would you like to drink? A wine cooler?" he suggests.

"How about a soda? Any kind will be fine. Thank you."

The moment Matthew walks away, Brian comes bounding over and takes the seat next to me.

"Joy, how the hell are you? How is it you are mixed with this motley crew?" he asks, laughing and taking my hand.

"Well, funny that you ask," I giggle, explaining how Matthew and I met, then about Laura and Jessie, and now, him and Maddie, “We are all somehow intermingled with each other.” We are both laughing as footsteps approach.

"Brian, are you going to sit there, or do I need to go get myself another chair?" Matthew asks.

"Um, no, sorry. I just wanted to play catch-up with our girl here," Brian says. "Joy, I'll talk to you later, all right?"

"Okay, it was good to see you, Brian." I wave at him when I hear him get up from his seat.

"Here’s a Pepsi for you. I put it over ice, and there's a straw there as well," he explains.

"Matthew, are you upset again?” I don't know what’s made him so offended, but I don't like it. “Do I need to ask for a ride home?"

"No, I'm sorry," he says apologetically. "I just…"

"He's jealous, Joy," Maddie whisks by, stopping long enough to admonish Matthew's behavior.

"What the hell is up with you, Matthew? Why are you being so rude to Brian?"

"Maddie, just drop it," her brother says, sounding annoyed.

"What did he do to you for you to talk to him that way?" Maddie presses for an answer.

"Joy, will you excuse us for a moment? I'll be about eight steps behind you. I won't be far," he says, bending down so that I can hear him.

I hear them arguing with Maddie behind me and don’t like that Brian is staying away from me. Matthew has been extremely rude to him.

"He keeps putting his hands on her, Maddie."

"They are old and dear friends, Matthew,” Maddie explains. “Oh, my God! You ‘re falling for her!"

"She's mine, Maddie, and I don't want your boyfriend kissing her or putting his hands on her."

"They have been friends forever! Who are you to keep them apart? If there was something between them, it would have happened long before now. Joy isn't Emma, Matthew."



Even the sound of her name sends cold chills down my spine.

"I know she's not Emma. She’s nothing like her," I acknowledge, looking back at Joy. She looks so abandoned sitting there by herself. Brian is giving me a heated glare when notice him looking from me then to Joy. He begins to stomp over to me, clearly pissed.

"Davis," he growls, lowering his head in an attempt to keep his own voice down. "I don’t give a shit who you are, so out of respect for Maddie, I won't kick your ass for leaving that girl over there, sitting alone in a place she is unfamiliar with. If you do it again though, I won't hesitate. Now get your stupid ass over there, before I take her home," Brian hisses at me before storming off.

He's right. I am an ass for leaving her sitting there alone and keeping her from her friends. This is a party, for crying out loud. Looking at Maddie, I can see that she’s upset with me as well.

"Who do I think I am, Maddie, bringing this beautiful woman here and then behaving this way?" I run my hands through my already unruly hair and walk back to Joy.

"Hey, beautiful," I say, scooting my chair closer to her. "I'm sorry for leaving you here all alone, and what's more, I'm sorry about Brian. I have no excuse for being rude to him," I say quietly, taking her hands in mine.

“Matthew…” she begins.

"I really am sorry." Still close to her, I inhale her sweet perfume.

Taking my hand into hers, she gently traces each one of my fingers. When she turns my hand over and does the same thing to my palm, I bring her hand to my lips and kiss her fingertips.

"When he kissed you, I reacted. My behavior was appalling and I will apologize to Brian as well." Bringing her hands to my mouth again, I kiss the middle of her palm, gently touching my tongue to the center. When she takes a deep breath, I look up at her and see that she’s smiling. I’m forgiven.

"Okay, Matthew," she says quietly. "But just know that Brian and I are friends and always will be. He and Laura have been in my life since I was twelve, and I won't give them up. Besides, I think he likes your sister." She gives a little giggle, nudging my knee with hers.

Finally, Jessie makes his appearance known. He has his arm draped over Laura's shoulder, and she’s looking up at him as if he hung the moon out just for her. He's already had her. She has that look in her eyes, just like all the others.

"Laura and Jessie just got here," I say to Joy, patting her hand before standing. "I'll call them over to introduce you to him."

"Jessie," I shout to get his attention. He looks my way, and then whispers something in Laura's ear. Once they reach us, Jessie holds his hand out to me, and I take his palm into mine.

"Matthew, I'd like to formally introduce you to this lovely lady. Even though we’ve already bumped into each other, Laura, this is Dr. Matthew Davis," he says, removing his arm from around her shoulder. She holds her hand out to me.

"Nice to meet you, Matthew. I've heard a lot about you." She smiles and walks to stand behind Joy.

"Nice to meet you too, Laura." I turn to Joy, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Joy, this is Dr. Jessie Montgomery, my best friend and colleague."

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well, Joy."

Jessie turns to me, "You’re right, she really is beautiful."

"Of course she is and you look as lovely as ever. Who did your hair?" Laura giggles, bending down to kiss her cheek.

"Hey, Laura. You're late. How come?" she asks, smiling up at her friend.

"Now that's the operative word," Jessie says boastfully.

I look at him and can tell he's in rare form. So much for hoping Laura would have a positive effect on him, his rude behavior shows he doesn’t intend on changing even for her.

"Laura, I was going to get Joy and me something to drink. Would you sit with her until I get back?" I ask her.

"Absolutely. Would you get me a beer while you’re at it, Modelo if they have it?" she asks, taking my seat next to Joy.

"I'll only be a minute," I say quietly in Joy's ear, kissing her cheek before taking Jessie's arm, persuading him to go with me.

"Ouch, Matthew. What the fuck, dude?" he nearly squeals like a girl at my overzealous grip on his arm.

"You are a piece of shit, Jess," I say to him. "You walk in here with this beautiful woman, and you treat her with total disrespect. I know you fucked her already, but do you need to let everyone know?"

"What? What did I say, man? She’s hot, isn't she?" he boasts, looking back at Laura.

"She's beautiful, and she's a good girl. I asked you to break the date if you were going to do this. You disgust me," I admonish him, walking away to go back to Joy, leaving him standing alone.

"Hey … hey, Matthew," Jessie says, reaching out to catch my arm before I get to the girls. "What the hell, man? Why are you so emotionally involved in who I fuck? You've never interfered before, and, quite frankly, I don't like it that you are doing it now."

"I told you the other day. Laura is Joy's friend. She has been hurt before, the very same way you obviously intend on hurting her.”

"She's sweet and I really like her, all right?" he says sincerely.

Maybe I'm just getting too involved where I shouldn't. I've never cared who he dated or who he bedded. I just don't want him hurting Joy, which he will indirectly, if he hurts Laura. I head back to Joy, grabbing our drinks as I go.

Maddie calls Brian over to man the grill, and when he gets up to go to her, I look at him, giving him an apologetic smile, and he nods at me in return. I observe as he interacts with my sister, and after he's done flipping hamburgers and turning chicken, he calls everyone to grab their plates for dinner. I head over to get Joy and I burgers.

"So, Matthew." I’m startled as Laura comes up behind me.

"So, Laura," I mock.

"About Joy."

"What about her?" I challenge, not really interested in discussing my relationship with her.

"What are your intentions?" she asks, and I jerk my head toward her.

"Right now my intentions are to get her a hamburger,” I say, with a smirk.

"I love her, Matthew. Brian and I have always looked out for her, and I don't want her heart broken. She’s never been in love before, and if you make her fall for you and break her heart, I will get you when and where you least expect it," she whispers her threat.

"Understood, Laura," I say, turning to finish Joy's plate. When I look up, she’s walking back to her seat.

"Here you go, Joy. One cheeseburger cut in half. Ten and two," I say, explaining where the two halves of her burger are on her plate. "Chips are in the middle." Taking my seat next to her, she smiles a thank you.

The conversation is flowing and I’m especially enjoying hearing Joy laugh. She has an intelligent wit that I find attractive and an incredible sex appeal about her that I didn't know existed. Throughout the evening, she sought out my hand every now and again for comfort. Every time she did this, I would bring her hand to my lips for a light, acknowledging kiss.

The party dies down and on the drive home, we’re both silent. Reaching over to take her hand into mine, I hear her breathe a deep sigh. When I look over at her, her head is lying against the headrest, her eyes are closed and there’s a contented smile on her face. Walking arm-in-arm to her door, she turns to face me, raising her hands to my cheeks. She slides her thumbs over my lips and gently pulls me down to her.

"Thank you, Matthew," she says when her lips touch mine. That’s the second kiss she’s given me today.

"You're welcome, Joy," I return. I wait until she enters her apartment, shutting the door behind her.

My body craves her.


The following morning, I look at the clock and it reads nine thirteen. Rolling over onto my back, I think about yesterday’s events and the first day I saw her across the café.

She sat alone, sipping her coffee, while reading her book. Her fingers scanned over the pages, and when a giggle erupted from her, I couldn’t help but chuckle right along with her. I was mesmerized by the way she would absentmindedly push her hair behind her ears, and then play with her bottom lip, deep in concentration. I often wondered what would cause her to abruptly stop reading and sit up straight, inhaling the air around her. Sometimes her face would turn in my direction and I would catch myself looking away from her. Considering she can’t see at all, I had a feeling she would just know I was watching her.

Realizing the time, I stop dreaming and jump out of bed. Not bothering with a shirt, I step into my board shorts and head downstairs to my gym to work out some of these frustrations. After running eight miles and working in my scheduled reps on the weights, I finish, shower and settle in for a cup of coffee and the Sunday paper. Taking a seat at the breakfast bar, I begin the arduous task of sorting out the annoying advertisement sections, which is enough to wallpaper an entire room. Unexpectedly, my phone pings with an incoming message.

I wanted say good morning and tell you I had a wonderful time yesterday. See you tomorrow? ~ Joy

Good morning, beautiful. I also had a good time. I’ll meet you at the same place, same time. Looking forward to seeing you. ~ Matthew

Me too. See you then. ~Joy


"See, I told you he would be happy to see you tomorrow. You just need to flirt a little bit," Laura says, nudging my shoulder.

"I have no idea what I'm doing, Laura," I say in response, feeling totally incompetent.

"You've got that man so flustered, Joy. He wants you so badly, and that’s why I’m here today. You need educated."

"What do you mean, 'educated?" I ask warily. Laura does things to the extreme, and I get concerned sometimes.

"S.E.X. baby."

"Would you put that in Braille, please?  Apparently I need it spelled out."

"Very funny," Laura giggles while rummaging through her bag. I can hear her digging to the bottom as we speak.

"Here, hold this," she says, placing something in my hand.

"What is it?" I ask while examining it.

It feels soft, yet firm. I can just barely wrap my hand around it, and it has long squiggly lines going up the side. The very top is kind of pointed in a round kind of way.

"That, my dear child, is what they call a dildo," Laura explains, as it falls to the ground.

"What the hell, Laura?" I yell at her. Conrad comes to my side and puts his head in my hand. "It's okay, boy. Auntie Laura is just trying to teach me her slutty ways. It's all right; I won't let her rub off on me," I say, petting his head.

"Ha ha. Very funny," Laura retorts. "I just thought you would want to know what it feels like, since you've never seen or felt one before. If you and Matthew decide to get intimate, wouldn't you want to know what it is before you touch it and shriek 'Oh, My God, Matthew, you have an appendage between your legs, have you seen a doctor for that?'"

"Yeah, ha ha, very funny," I say, mocking her, dropping down hard onto the couch.

"Well, don't you want to know what you’re getting yourself into? I mean, clearly, you two have some serious sexual chemistry. You feel it, don't you?"

"Yes. I feel it. When I kiss him, my whole body does something. It feels … alive. It feels like I can't get close enough to him. Like I want more of him, but I don't know what that more is, you know?” I ask, really needing to understand these feelings.

"You want him, Joy. He turns you on. Do you feel anything down … there?

"Where?" I tease, making her spell it out for me.

"You know … there."

"Where?" I ask, barely able to keep from bursting out laughing.

"Christ, Joy, between your legs!" she yells, and I finally laugh at her discomfort at trying to say the word. It's sweet to see her so hard and bad-ass around other people, but so protective of me and my virgin ears. I love that about her.

"Oh, you mean in my vagina?" I say, laughing.

"Yes, Joy. In your pussy, all right?" she nearly shouts, laughing along with me.

We both fall into a fit of giggles and laugh even harder when I scream because she throws that dildo onto my lap again. My hands and arm thrash around to remove it like it’s a live snake.

"Stop it, you're going to make me pee my pants," Laura cries, barely able to speak with laughing so hard.

"Is this what Matthew feels like?" I ask curiously, as I feel the sides and the shape of the tip.

"That, what you’re doing with your hand, stroking up and down will really turn him on. Men seem to really like it when you do that," she explains.

"But what about him … you know … with me?" I ask, wondering how it is when a man touches a woman.

"You must've touched yourself, right? You know your V-A-G-I-N-A." she spells, giggling again.

"Yes. But only out of curiosity," I reply, laughing at her.

"That's what masturbation is all about at first. Curiosity of one's own body, and the awesome feelings you can make your body feel doing it."

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