Illicit (12 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

BOOK: Illicit
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She didn’t say anything as she enjoyed the crispy crab cakes with the zesty sauce.

“Lindsay, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Erik watched her as he sipped his wine.

“No. I’m not.” She was lying, but what else could she do? She smiled. “Well,
never done this before and I assure you all, you’re very special.”

Connor laughed.

“So why did you decide to become a police officer?” she asked Erik.

“I guess I wanted to do something worthwhile.”

She smiled. “That’s a good reason. Your family must be very proud of you.

Connor choked on his crab cake and Erik sent him a sharp glance.

“No. My father was very different than me. His idea of a good living was making as much money as possible. He frowned on my decision to serve the public. He preferred to have people serve him.”

She frowned. “Are you saying your father disapproved of you becoming a police officer?”

Erik laughed without humor. “That’s an understatement.”

Erik clearly had issues with his family. Perhaps that was why he was so guarded. He was protective of his emotions, and very careful who he let in.

She couldn’t conceive of a father who wouldn’t be beaming-proud of a son who decided to become a police officer. Concerned, perhaps, about his safety. But not disapproving. She gazed at Erik’s strong face, noting the tight set of his square jaw. She hadn’t missed the wounded look in his deep blue eyes, either, when he’d talked about his father. Since Erik had inherited the penthouse and they’d only moved in a few weeks ago, she assumed his father had died recently. She wished she could get him to open up about it.

“Travis told me your father passed away. How long ago was it?” she asked solemnly.

“A few months ago,” Erik said.

“I’m so sorry, Erik.”

Erik simply nodded.

Silence hung over them for a long moment.

The raw pain in Erik’s eyes tore at her heart. He was clearly still trying to come to terms with his father’s death, both emotionally and how having his father’s legacy—his money—would affect his life.

“Well, this is a downer.” Connor took a swallow of his wine. “How about we talk about something fun?”

“Like what?” Travis asked.

“I was thinking”—he raised his eyebrows and grinned—“maybe we can talk about what we’ll do when we get home.”

Lindsay laughed. Connor could be outrageous at times. Of course, that was part of his charm.

She nibbled at her crab cake. “Why don’t we wait until we get home to figure that out? Spontaneity can be fun.”

“You like spontaneity?” Connor grinned and tugged the tablecloth up. “I’ll show you spontaneity.” He slid downward, disappearing under the table.


Lindsay glanced around quickly to see if anyone had noticed, but no one seemed to be looking their way. It helped that they were in a nice quiet corner.

Just as she felt him stroke his hand over her knee, the waiter arrived with the wine bottle. As Connor stroked up her thigh, the waiter topped up her glass, then the others.

“The main course is nearly ready.” The waiter took away her empty plate. “Should I wait until the other gentleman returns before I bring it?”

She had to fight the effect of the quivering sensations rippling through her as Connor pressed her knees apart and glided his hand farther up her leg, desperately trying to keep her expression flat. The waiter cleared the rest of the plates.

“I think he might be a few minutes yet.” Erik glanced at her, then grinned. “Maybe hold off for about ten minutes.”

She felt Connor’s fingertip stroke along the crotch of her panties and she almost jumped.

“Very good, sir.” The waiter walked away, carrying the dirty plates in one hand and the wine bottle in the other.

Connor’s finger slipped under her panties and he stroked her already slick flesh. She drew in a breath.

Travis leaned forward. “So, Lindsay, are you enjoying your appetizer?”

Connor’s finger slipped inside her and her breathing grew ragged.

“I believe she is.” Erik smiled, watching her face intently.

She felt Connor’s slightly raspy cheek brush her upper thigh, then he pulled aside the fabric and his mouth covered her. She couldn’t stop a sigh from escaping her lips.

“Oh, yeah. She’s enjoying it,” Travis agreed.

Connor’s tongue teased her clit, then he dipped another finger inside. A swirl of fog spun around her as he glided his fingers in and out, all the while licking her clit. She grasped Travis’ hand, which lay on the seat beside her and clung to it as Connor pulsed into her. Pleasure swamped her senses. Connor’s tongue flicked rapidly and his fingers moved faster.

“Oh, God,” she whispered. She squeezed Travis’ hand in a vise grip. Despite the tight hold she kept on the rising pleasure, an orgasm blossomed through her. Quiet and sublime. She slumped back against the bench seat and sucked in air, trying to watch her surroundings through half-lidded eyes while riding the wave of exquisite sensations.

Finally, slowly, her sense of time and composure returned. Connor’s mouth lifted from her and he positioned the crotch of her panties back in place. Erik picked up a cloth napkin and discreetly slid his hand under the table. Connor slid back into his seat, wiping his mouth with the napkin, then set it down on his lap with a big grin on his face.

“Spontaneous enough for you?” he asked.

She nodded, uncertain she could speak without a quiver in her voice. She pushed herself upright and grabbed her water, then took a sip.

The waiter returned seconds later.

Oh, God, please don’t let him have noticed Connor gliding up from under the table.

But the waiter made no indication of noticing anything out of the ordinary.

“Are you ready for your entrée?” he asked.

“Yes, please. That last course stimulated my appetite.” Connor grinned.

“Of course, sir.”

The waiter left again and Lindsay slumped back against the seat. “Connor, you’re terrible.”

“Really? You can’t tell me you didn’t like that.”

“That’s true.” Erik sipped his wine and winked at her. “Both Travis and I saw clear evidence that you enjoyed it.”

“If you really didn’t enjoy it, then”—Connor lifted the tablecloth again—“I should give it another try.”

She giggled, still a little giddy from the orgasm. “You really are terrible. In an utterly delightful way.”

“I bet he’s
your appetite for more.” Travis winked at her.

Connor grinned. “Yes, definitely wet.” He leaned in close and nuzzled her neck.

She straightened up as she saw the waiter approach. He set a plate in front of her with a thick round steak, some small roast potatoes, and a bundle of asparagus wrapped in bacon. She gazed at the beautifully arranged food and waited in anticipation while the waiter placed plates in front of her companions.

The men were certainly treating her like someone special.

*   *   *

Erik stared at the orange and mauve sky as the sun sank below the horizon. He was still unsettled by the conversation about his father. He had always wished his father had loved him for who he was rather than trying to mold him into another version of himself.

A hand brushed his sleeve. He turned to see Lindsay gazing at him.

“Are you okay?”

He smiled. “Of course.”

Her lovely blue eyes, so full of kindness and concern, almost made him believe that she could be the one who would love him no matter what. Whether he had money or not. Despite having a quirky ability that sent most women running for the hills.

But he knew better. He just wasn’t meant to have a long-term relationship with a woman. Even when he was sure it would all work out, it didn’t. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy being with a woman from time to time. Especially a sexy, delightful woman like Lindsay.

He watched her take a bite of steak from her fork, her soft pink lips wrapping around the metal tines, then the fork slipping from her mouth. Her curved, feminine jawline moved as she chewed, making her lips seem to caress each other. He could imagine gliding his tongue between those lips and slipping into her silky warm mouth.

The memory of her in orgasm while Connor licked her sweet pussy, and the knowledge that she was still wet with arousal made it very difficult to concentrate on his steak. All he wanted to taste right now was her. He was sure Travis was in the same state—probably Connor, too, even though he’d tasted her only moments ago—because they both tucked into their steaks with a diligent concentration to finish quickly.

Erik took his last bite and placed his knife and fork on his plate. Lindsay continued eating, only half done. A moment later, she glanced around and noticed all the men were finished, while she still had half her dinner left. She finished her asparagus, then put down her fork with a smile.

“I think I’ll need a doggy bag.”

Travis glanced around and the waiter approached the table promptly.

“The check, please.”

“Of course, sir.”

By the time Erik had signed the credit card slip, his cock was aching at the thought of what was to come. He slid out of the booth, then offered his arm when she stood up. She rested her soft hand on his arm and accompanied him from the restaurant, on the heels of Travis and Connor.

*   *   *

“I’ll drive,” Connor offered, and Travis handed him the keys.

“I sit in the back with Lindsay.” Erik ignored Travis’ disappointed expression and opened the back passenger door for Lindsay, then got in the other side.

As soon as he sat beside her and closed the door, he glanced at her long, sexy legs so close to his and remembered Connor sliding under the table, and imagined what Connor had been doing to her. How he must have slid his hand up those silky thighs and spread them apart, then pressed his tongue to her slick flesh. Her sweet pussy was probably still wet.

He longed to glide his hand under her skirt to find out. But a bigger desire pushed through him. He slid his arm around her and drew her close. He needed to feel her lips on his. To feel her in his arms.

She gazed up at him and her silvery-blue eyes shone with a similar need. He drew her into his arms and her lips met his with enthusiasm. The heat of more than desire swept through him, knocking him off balance. He wanted her. But it was more than sex. More than mere lust.

her. In his bed. In his life.

The tip of her tongue teased his lips and he thrust his tongue into her mouth, needing to feel her around him.

These feelings were so intense … so potent.… He had never wanted a woman this badly before.

He knew he should pull away. Knew that this was dangerous to his happiness. But he didn’t want to. Not now. Tomorrow this would all end. She would leave and then it would just be him, Travis, and Connor again. Until the next time they decided to share a woman.

He drove his tongue deeper, his lips moving on hers with passion, while he enjoyed her murmurs of pleasure and the softness of her in his arms.

Why not enjoy it while she was here? He missed having a relationship with a woman. Having the same woman in his bed regularly. But he’d decided that kind of relationship wasn’t for him. Not in the long run. It led to pain and he didn’t need that.

His heart clenched at the memory of Cyndi striding to the door, dragging her wheeled suitcase behind her. Before she had closed the door, with tears running from her eyes, she’d turned and told him how sorry she was. But she’d still left. She was the first woman he’d really loved and she’d broken his heart.

Becci was the second, and her departure was even worse because she’d tried to take Travis and Connor with her. The intense need for Lindsay rushing through him right now was probably just a result of sensing her desires, making his feelings more intense than they actually were. After tomorrow, once Lindsay was gone, he’d be back to normal. But, damn it, he’d enjoy every last scrap of pleasure now, even the intensity of it—especially the intensity of it—augmented by her desires.

Why not enjoy all the benefits of his gift?

*   *   *

Lindsay melted into the phenomenal kiss. Erik’s hands moved over her back, glided along her arms, then slid to her back again were drew her tighter to his body. Her nipples ached as her breasts as he crushed against his rock-hard chest.

She’d thought he’d ravish her as soon as the car started moving, but she hadn’t expected this. She’d thought his hands would find her breasts and tease her to distraction, or slip under her skirt to explore the slickness left behind by the orgasm Connor had brought her to in the restaurant.

This passionate merging of mouths, his tongue possessing her with deep, masterful strokes, left her absolutely breathless.

The car stopped.

“Hey, you two. We’re here,” Connor announced.

She gazed at Erik. His midnight-blue eyes gleamed with desire.

He smiled. “Now I have to walk across the lobby with this.” He took her hand and set it on the hard bulge in his pants.

She giggled, still giddy from the tumultuous emotions swirling through her.

She’d never been kissed like that before. She couldn’t drag her gaze from his. It had to mean something. Was he falling for her? Was she falling for him?

Her heart swelled. Of course she was. She’d known it ever since she’d seen him in his police uniform. The attraction had been palpable. Even the first time she’d run into him in the elevator, she’d felt it. But even more than physical attraction, she was drawn to the man he was. His strong sense of duty. His sense of humor. And the way he made her feel.

He opened the car door and offered his hand to help her from the car. She stepped out and he kept her hand enveloped in his as they followed Connor and Travis across the parking garage to the elevator.

And it was amazing how he always seemed to know what she was thinking.

She glanced at his profile. Did the way he’d been behaving mean that maybe there was a possible future? Would he give them a chance to explore a relationship that lasted longer than this weekend?

The elevator doors opened and they stepped inside.

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