Illicit (16 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

BOOK: Illicit
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Afterward, she lay in his arms, reveling in the hard plains of his body close to hers and his big arms holding her protectively. She felt complete and utter contentment.


She opened her eyes at Erik’s gentle urging.

“It’s getting late.”

A quick glance at the clock on the bedside table told her she’d dozed off. It was almost ten.

“Oh, right. I need to be getting home.” She had work in the morning.

He didn’t protest as she pushed the covers aside and stood up. Erik got dressed quickly while she gathered her clothes.

“I’ll leave you to finish packing.” Erik left the room, closing the door behind him.

After she took a quick shower in the en suite and dressed, she picked up her toiletries bag, then went to the guest room down the hall where her suitcase was. She packed up the few clothes she’d put in the dresser, then grabbed her purple purse and the overnight bag and carried them into the living room.

All three men were waiting for her and stood up. Travis took her bags from her hand and Connor gave her a big hug. Travis put down her bags and tugged her into his arms for a sound kiss. Although she loved being in their now-familiar arms, this felt too much like a good-bye, and surely after what they’d shared—and what she and Erik had shared—she would be seeing them again.

Travis released her and she turned to face Erik. He stepped forward and gave her a quick hug. When he released her, she gazed up at him with a smile.

“Lindsay, we’re really glad you decided to stay the weekend, especially after the misunderstanding about the invitation.”

“Me, too.” She smiled. “But how could I resist a date with a handsome police officer, then a chance to share some
good times
with his sexy friends.”

He stroked her cheek. “I’ll miss you.”

“Miss me?” Her stomach fluttered. “You mean … I won’t be seeing you again?”

Erik’s lips compressed. “I’m sorry, I thought you understood. The invitation was just for the weekend.”

Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. “But I didn’t accept the invitation to a fantasy sex weekend. I accepted an invitation for a date with you. I thought … I mean, we seemed to connect so well. I thought we would keep seeing each other.”

Erik shook his head. “I’m afraid not.”

Her stomach clenched. This couldn’t be happening. With all that had happened between them, with the way he’d looked at her, the way he’d touched her … she’d been sure he had felt something special between them, too.

She glanced at Connor, but he avoided her gaze. Travis stared at his feet, his head shaking.

“Come on. I’ll drive you home,” Erik said.

Connor picked up her overnight bag, and he and Travis followed them to the elevator. They rode in silence, and Connor and Travis gave her warm hugs before she climbed into the car.

Shock tingled through her as she directed Erik to her place, then he pulled up at the front entrance of her building.

She shook her head and gazed at his expressionless face.

“Just tell me why?” The words slipped from her lips before she could stop them.

He shrugged. “I’m already in a relationship.”

The blood in her veins turned to ice. “You are?” Had he been cheating on a girlfriend this weekend? Just like Glen had cheated on her?

“With Travis and Connor.”

“Oh, well, they seemed to enjoy having me.” Her cheeks flushed a little at the wording, but she forged on. “Couldn’t we continue the way we were this weekend, with all three of us?”

“So you’d be dating three guys at the same time?”

She smiled. “Sounds pretty good to me.”

He sighed, and the hope that had been building in her dissipated.

“Connor, Travis, and I have known each other for a long time. Although I’m fine having the odd woman join us for a short time, what we three men have together works. Adding a female element for a longer term changes the dynamic.” He gazed at her with unsettling intensity. “Lindsay, you’re a beautiful, vibrant, sexy woman. But my commitment is to Connor and Travis, and I don’t want to endanger that.”

She wanted to protest—to convince him it would work—but instead she pushed her shoulders back and reached for the door. “Okay.” She pushed it open and climbed out of the car.

Erik hopped out of the car and grabbed her overnight bag from the back. “I’ll carry this up for you.”

“That’s okay. I can manage.” She took it from his hand, careful not to touch him. She did not want to feel that electrical attraction. Then she turned and headed for the door.

*   *   *

Erik’s heart ached as he watched her walk away. The flicker of rejection in her eyes had nearly been his undoing, but he had made his choice long before she came along. He did not want a woman in his life. Sure, they’d experienced a strong connection, and he could understand why she might expect him to suggest they continue seeing each other, but specifically because of that connection, he couldn’t chance it. If he allowed it to build, then the pain of losing her would be even more devastating than it had been with Cyndi.

And if he lost her, and Connor and Travis were even more attached to her than they had been to Becci, who had almost torn the three of them apart, then he was in real danger of losing the two of them, too. His relationship with Travis and Connor was everything to him. He wouldn’t risk that for a woman, no matter how strong the attraction.

Still, he drank in the sight of her until the glass doors closed behind her and she disappeared around a corner. Then he started the car and drove away.

*   *   *

Erik woke up with a huge hard-on. He’d been dreaming of Lindsay. Her lips around his cock. Coming in her mouth. Then her gliding into his arms and kissing him until uncontrollable passion flared and he made love to her until she wailed his name in ecstasy.

Fuck, he could deal with that, but it was the gnawing need to have her in his arms, to see her sweet face on his pillow and the glow in her eyes when she gazed at him that had his gut tied in knots.

He’d spent half the night tossing and turning, the image of Lindsay’s forlorn expression in the elevator haunting him.

Damn it, now he was lying here, hot and hungry for her, and getting more depressed by the minute. What a lousy way to start a week.

He wrapped his hand around his erection, deciding to take care of his physical need, then realized there was another option.


Naked, Erik pushed himself from the bed and wandered out the door and down the hall, then tapped on Travis’ door.

“Huh?” came the raspy reply from behind the door.

“Travis, it’s me. Erik.”

“Yeah, come in,” Travis said in a sleep-roughened voice.

Erik opened the door and stepped inside.

“What’s up?” Travis asked, then saw Erik’s stiff cock. “Ah, that’s what. Need a little help?”

“I was hoping.” Erik crossed the room and climbed into bed.

Travis pushed himself to his knees, then wrapped his hand around Erik’s cock. “Been dreaming about me?”

Erik chuckled. “You know it.” Then he sucked in a breath as Travis’ lips surrounded his shaft.

Travis tongued his cock-head, licking it all over, then under the ridge. He sucked a little, then glided deeper. It was so hot and tight in Travis’ mouth, and Erik was already so turned on by his dreams, he knew he wouldn’t last long.

“Fuck, man, that feels so good.” Erik tucked his hands behind his head as Travis worked on him.

Travis cupped his balls and sucked hard, then bobbed up and down. Damn, it felt so good being touched by Travis. Heat steamed through him from his dreams, then boiled to a rising frenzy. Erik stiffened as he felt his balls tighten. Travis moved faster and Erik suddenly shot straight down his throat. Travis sucked and swallowed several times as Erik rode his climax.

Finally, he lay sprawled on the bed as Travis sat up. He plumped the pillows and sat stretched out beside Erik.

Erik sighed deeply, enjoying the dissipating pleasure, then pushed himself to his knees and grabbed Travis’ cock, which had risen to full attention. It filled his hand with its girth. He stroked a couple of times, admiring the length of it. The way the veins pulsed along the shaft. Then he leaned forward and licked the tip, then swallowed the big cock-head. The hard, hot flesh in his mouth felt incredibly erotic. He squeezed it, pleased at Travis’ moan. He glided down, taking it as deep as he could, at the same time stroking his balls.

He bobbed up and down, glancing up occasionally to see the rapt look on his friend’s face. He glided off and sucked his balls, teasing them with his tongue, then he returned to sucking his cock.

Travis began to arch forward, filling Erik’s mouth with cock. He continued thrusting while Erik sucked, and stroked his balls in the palm of his hand.

“Oh, God damn.” Travis thrust again and hot liquid filled Erik’s mouth.

He swallowed and sucked until Travis stopped spurting and collapsed on the bed. Erik stretched out beside him. His eyes closed and he felt fully relaxed for the first time since he went to bed last night. Why hadn’t he thought of seeking out Travis or Connor earlier?

“Hey, Erik, you have to leave for work soon.”

Erik’s eyelids snapped open. A quick glance at the bedside clock and he realized he’d dozed off.

“Don’t worry about breakfast. Connor’s already up and making it.”

“Great. I’ll go grab a shower.” Erik pushed himself from the bed and headed toward his bedroom.

“How about I join you?” Travis followed him.

As Travis slipped into the large tiled shower with him, Erik wondered what was up. Travis didn’t usually do the shower-together thing.

*   *   *

Travis followed Erik into the shower, steeling himself for the conversation to come, but knowing he had to broach the topic.

“So, I wanted to talk to you about Lindsay.”

“What about her?” Erik turned the water on.

“Well, it’s clear you two had a thing going on between you.” Travis had actually been encouraged by the fact. He really believed Lindsay could be the one to help Erik get past his issues with women.

“We all had a thing going on with her.” Erik stepped under the steaming water.

Travis picked up the soap and started scrubbing Erik’s back.

“Sure, but there was a real chemistry between the two of you. It was clear you were fighting it, but it was there.”

Erik shrugged. “Chemistry is overrated.”

“Erik, I know you’re gun-shy where women are concerned, and that you don’t want another incident like with Becci, but I really think Lindsay is different. I think you should give her another chance and—”

Erik spun around and lightly shoved Travis against the tiled wall, then covered his mouth with his, driving his tongue deep inside. The powerful thrusts of Erik’s tongue as he held him tight against the wall made Travis melt. He wanted to push back—to straighten things out about Lindsay—but, damn, he could never resist Erik as an authoritative cop.

Erik leaned against him, their wet, hard chests pressed tight against each other. Erik swirled his tongue in Travis’ mouth until Travis’ breathing turned deep and erratic, his groin tightening with need. Erik’s hand glided down Travis’ hip and between their bodies until he found Travis’ rising cock and grasped it, his big fingers firm around him.

He pumped as he drew his face away. “I don’t need a woman to keep me happy.”

Travis stared at Erik’s intense blue eyes, his own eyelids at half-mast. Erik chuckled. They both knew if Erik wanted to shut Travis up, all he had to do was step into the dominant role. Erik grabbed his shoulders and spun him around, then surged forward, pinning him to the wet, tiled wall. He grabbed the bottle of lube he kept on the inset shelf and smeared it on, then Travis felt the head of Erik’s hard cock press against his ass. Erik slowly pressed forward, and Travis groaned as the broad head pushed into him. Erik eased inside until his shaft filled him.

“You like my big cock in your ass, Travis?” Erik coiled his fingers in Travis’ long hair and tugged back, turning his face until they were eye to eye.

The intense hunger in Erik’s eyes drove Travis’ desire into high gear.

“Fuck, yeah,” Travis groaned.

“Good. I do, too. Now shut up while I fuck you.”

Erik released his hair and Travis leaned his face against the smooth wall as Erik drew back, then thrust deep into his tight ass. Travis moaned as Erik thrust again and again. Erik’s groans of pleasure spiraled through Travis, driving his own pleasure higher. Suddenly, Erik’s cock exploded inside Travis. That triggered Travis’ own eruption. Erik jerked into him until his cock was totally spent, then he collapsed against him.

As Erik leaned back, his cock slipped free.

“Well, that was fun.” Travis turned around and stepped under the water. As always, he’d enjoyed the sex with Erik, especially the part where he became the big, bossy cop, but disappointment surged through him that Erik had decided to avoid the Lindsay conversation.

He grabbed the shampoo and squeezed out a little, then began lathering up. “So I’m getting the message that you won’t reconsider the situation with Lindsay.”

Erik nodded approvingly. “Good.”

*   *   *

Travis sipped his coffee. Breakfast between the three of them had been quieter than usual.

Erik stood up and placed his dishes by the sink. “I’ve got to get going.”

Travis watched Erik, so sexy in his full uniform, walk through the kitchen doorway. Not only did Travis enjoy the physical relationship with Erik, he also admired him deeply. How many people would continue working, especially in such a dangerous career, once they inherited as much money as Erik had from his dad? Erik could easily retire, but he felt he was doing something important with his life and didn’t want to give that up.

“So what the hell is going on between you two?”

Travis glanced at Connor, sitting across the table from him.

“I broached the subject of Lindsay with him this morning.”

“I take it you didn’t get very far with that.”

Travis shook his head.

Since Erik had been so adamant about it, Travis didn’t feel he had a choice but to drop it. He wanted to see Lindsay, but this was Erik’s place and even though Erik had insisted that it was their home, too, Travis couldn’t bring Lindsay here if Erik didn’t agree to it. And he didn’t.

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