Illicit Canvas: political romance and stand alone romance (18 page)

BOOK: Illicit Canvas: political romance and stand alone romance
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The first orgasm was intense and for a moment I thought that my eyes were deceiving me. Ethan was here, in the room, watching as I was masturbating. I was so close and then I heard my name being said. I didn’t want to stop; my muscles were clenching around my fingers, my eyes were glued to his the whole time.

Now he is kissing me and this isn’t a hallucination or my imagination, but reality. We are both on the red chair and he is on top of me, his chest pressed close to my body. I smell my own arousal
in the air, my hands that just a moment ago were inside my folds are tracing the muscles on his back.

My breathing hitches at his warm touch.

“I don’t want to stop. Please tell me if this is too much,” he says.

“Oh, kiss me. I need to feel you inside me.”

Then there are no more words, no more warnings. He rips my blouse apart, some of the buttons scatter across the room, rolling over the floor, and his mouth is on my breasts. This is so much better than it was in my head. I moan when he starts pinching my hardening nipples. When I look at his amber eyes, there is just passion, pure and irresistible. His mouth is back on mine, teasing and sucking my lower lip. When his other hand dips down under the hem of my trousers I gasp, my head falling backwards.

When he touches my sensitive flesh I start seeing stars again, moaning loudly. Ethan’s touch feels like hot lava, increasing my hunger for more. Before I know it, he has pushed me down on the floor, still kissing me slowly.

The floor is hard, but I’m already shaking with anticipation, wanting him to devour me. He takes off his jacket and shirt. I glance at his erection, my mouth dry and needy. Then he stands in front of me bare chested, and I admire the shape of his muscles. He doesn’t give me much time because his lips start tracing the skin around my breasts again, his mouth sucking on my nipples greedily, driving me insane.

I cry out, asking for more. Then his mouth is on my stomach and I want to pull him back to my breasts, but he doesn’t let me. His hand grips my trousers and he pulls them away, leaving me exposed.

“Stunning ... you’re beautiful, Arwen,” I hear him say. He stands up and gets rid of his trousers. The energy crackles between us when he starts kissing the edge of my thighs, playfully at first until he starts blowing soft breaths between my legs. My head is filled with waves of bliss. I just came, but my clit is throbbing to be touched, weakening my legs.

Ethan licks me once, his tongue slipping inside, and I cry out. It won’t be long before I come again. The cold wooden flooring doesn’t matter, because I’m so turned on and ready for him. His eyes are looking up at me, admiring and praising. I feel like I’m in a trance, levitating.

“You taste sweeter than I thought. Come for me, Arwen. I want to hear you again.”

He keeps moving his tongue back and forth, penetrating me. Every inch of me is burning and I never want him to end this. I’m literally panting as his tongue flicks over my clitoris. My pulse speeds up and then an orgasm shatters through me, melting me. I cry out, shouting words that don’t make sense.

Before I can catch my breath, or understand what’s happened, Ethan lifts me up and starts kissing my neck, sucking it slowly. Everything is happening so fast and each part of me needs to feel his skin pressed against mine. My body hasn’t recovered yet from the intensity of emotions that are flowing through it.

“Arwen, you’re a dream, my dream,” he adds and then he is between my legs, without his boxers. He stills for a second and looks at me. “Are you on the pill?”

“Yes… oh yes. I have been for years.”

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes, Ethan, I do. Don’t make me wait any longer,” I whimper.

My legs are shaking and I grab his arms, feeling lightheaded and ready. He enters me and I take all of him. Ethan’s eyes are glued to mine as he starts moving slowly at first, moaning my name. I laugh, digging my fingers in his back, urging him to keep going.

His movements are driving me crazy and it doesn’t matter that I’m on the cold floor in the bare room. Each thrust fills me more, as he moves inside me hard and fast. Pleasure erupts through my entire body, and he keeps whispering in my ear, telling me that I’m the most beautiful creature on this planet. When I think that I’m going to come again, he lifts me up and I’m sitting on him. His eyes are burning through me and he grabs my buttocks with both hands and starts lifting me up and down, penetrating me deeper.

Everything is so perfect, the connection, the pleasure of having him inside me. I’m listening to the beating of his heart, inhaling his scent. Then we both come hard, wrapped around each other, our moans echoing in the room loud and clear. The pleasure of the orgasm is more intense, consuming us both. Ethan’s body slows down, and then he kisses me, pressing his mouth into mine. When he’s done he doesn’t let go of me, but cradles me closer, breathing into my neck.

I can’t seem to catch my breath as our naked bodies rub against each other. Part of me just opened up, let another soul in, experienced something special.

“I’m not sorry, my elf princess, not sorry at all,” he says.

I lift myself up and lie on the floor, smiling at him. “Me either. I was so angry and upset when I saw you with that woman. All this time, I hoped that we weren’t lost yet, that there was still a chance.”

He inhales and lies next to me. Our bodies touch and the electricity runs through us both. “I’m sorry. I was confused and angry that I couldn’t have you. I set up the dating profile and one night when I got drunk … I messaged a woman thinking that she wouldn’t reply. You’re everything to me and I never wanted anyone else.”

“Ethan, I want us to be together for real. Colin doesn’t need to know. It’s all going to be all right. I can’t take being apart.”

He traces his finger over my cheek and brushes my sticky hair away from my face. The red chair—I can’t believe that I masturbated on it, thinking what he could do to me. This would have never happened between us if he hadn’t given me the keys.

Ethan’s eyes aren’t giving anything away. In one moment I can read him without much effort; the next, he shuts himself down, not letting anyone in.

“This is going to be complicated, but I’ll talk to Colin,” he says. “I’ll let him know that you’re helping me with this project. I don’t want to lie, but it's necessary that we both handle this discreetly.”

He is right. We can’t just tell Colin what happened between us. Everything has to be planned. The press will lynch him if they find out—a young naive artist and the powerful politician that seduced her. I can already see how people would judge him or me. I don’t want to move, even though the floor is uncomfortable. Soon it’s going to get dark and we both have to get back to reality.

My stomach makes a funny jolt and I wrap my arms around his body, not wanting to let go. We lie there for ages, time passing by, holding each other—and the world is a better place.


Fear settles inside me; thoughts and dreams are rushing over and over. I don’t want this to end but we can’t stay here. She may catch a cold and I don’t want her to be sick. I have lost control of my senses. Seeing her on that red chair, pleasuring herself, set me off. I didn’t know that it was possible to experience this kind of sex. Now I want her again, all over. I can’t let her leave.

Despite everything and everyone, she wants to be with me. Arwen desires me and my heart beats faster at the thought. I don’t know how much time passes by; an hour maybe, two hours. Eventually, we get dressed.
We lock up and leave the red chair behind, holding hands.

“I’m taking you to my apartment. You don’t have to go back yet and I want to cook something for you,” I tell her.

“You want to feed me?”

“Yes, you probably haven’t eaten anything since lunch and I want to make sure you don’t leave with an empty stomach.”

When we get in the car, I touch her to make sure I’m not dreaming, running my hand over her thighs.

“I don’t want to talk about what happened between us. Not today, please. Can we just be together this evening without thinking about the future?” she asks with her blue eyes wide.

When she looks at me like that, how can I say no? “You know me well, Arwen,” I say, smiling. “Fine, we won’t talk. We're just going to enjoy each other.”

Heavy and toxic thoughts are back. She keeps touching me until I can’t take it anymore and I kiss her when I stop at the traffic lights.

Later on when we settle in my apartment I ask her to sit in the kitchen. I like having a woman in there while I prepare my special dish. Spaghetti pomodoro—simple, but fulfilling. It’s a distraction and gives me time to reflect, to think about all the people that will be hurt if they find out about us. She doesn’t say anything, just watches me as I work.

This is our moment and I like the way we are with each other, without words. It’s so much easier having her so close.

When I place two plates on the table and the white bowl with my special dish, I feel invigorated
with new energy. Right now everything is colourful. Arwen with her black shiny hair and her perfect smile.

“Eat, elf princess. I don’t do this very often, only for someone very special to me,” I tell her.

I cooked this for my ex-wife after a few weeks of dating. There had been other women after her, not many, but I never cooked this dish for them. It’s like a celebration, a ritual to seal our feelings together. It doesn’t matter what’s going to happen between us. It’s the moment that counts.

“This is good—delicious, and I think I would like more,” she says, licking red sauce from her lips. It’s all over her mouth.

“Don’t worry, there’s plenty.”

“This food turns me on, Ethan. I want to fuck again.”

I chew my food, breathing through my nose. This is not working the way I planned. Arwen’s blue eyes are pushing me to do things to her that I never thought I could.

Her eyes are burning with need and want. I’m feeling sweaty and hard again. I take a short intake of breath, tensing my shoulders. She sucks in a long strand of spaghetti and then her hand is on my thigh. I put the fork away. She is terrible for making me want her like this; fulfilled, but still needy.

“Arwen, you have no idea what you’re doing to me,” I say, my voice husky. She takes another bite of pasta and pushes her plate away.

“What? I’m not doing anything,” she adds and unbuttons her white shirt, the one that I gave to her only an hour ago, since I ruined hers when I tore it off her. My mouth goes dry and my breath slows down as I stare at her perfect round breasts. Her hand moves down, caressing herself.

I get up abruptly and take her into my arms.

“This is going to end badly for both of us,” I state and then just kiss her, because I’m too turned on to stop. I feel like I have lost years being around her, like I’m twenty years old again. Her tongue swirls inside my mouth and when her hand caresses my crotch, touching my erection, waves of heat pulse, vibrating through me.

Her hands move under my pants and I inhale deeply, whispering how good it feels. She is taking my shirt off and then she pulls my trousers down. We are both hot and sticky. Her scent is everywhere, making me want to do things to her that should be forbidden.

She kisses me, taking my hand down below to that sweet spot that I dreamed of for weeks.

“I want to have you inside me again.”

I smile to myself and then grab her waist and lift her up on the table. Cutlery, side plates and condiments get swept aside and fall off, crashing to the floor. I don’t care; right now it’s just us and only us.

“Turn around,” I order her, losing the smile. The need and anticipation tear away my gentleness; around her I’m someone else. Arwen does what I tell her, going on all fours on my dining table. I put our dishes on the floor and get rid of my pants quickly. My dick keeps pulsing and all I can think about is her tight wetness. She lets go of a small gasp when I pull her trousers and knickers down.

My God, that arse—it’s round, perfect and firm. I run my hand down it, feeling the soft skin.

“Ethan, don’t make me wait too long,” she says, biting her lip. Right now, I’m so glad that I bought this solid wood table.

She moans when I slide myself inside her. My breath hisses and my pulse speeds up. She arches her hips forward, probably trying to kill me. I start moving, slowly at first, but I’m so close to coming it’s unbelievable.

“Arwen, what are you doing to me? I’m ready to explode,” I rasp, breathing like I’m just about to have a heart attack. I keep taking her from behind faster and deeper. She is so tight and perfect.

Before I can take control of my body, I’m coming in sharp bursts, panting. For a brief moment I just breathe and breathe. My heart is racing away as I hold her close. Then I hear a giggle.

“That was amazing, Ethan.”

I get off the table, struggling. She sits on the edge, watching me with a wide smile on her face.

“Tease, that’s what you are and if you don’t stop, I’m going to die.”

“Shut up. Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You’re mega-fit.”

I lean over wanting to kiss her, but I hear my phone. It’s just before seven and it’s a ringtone that I recognise. I wipe the sweat off my head and find the phone in my pants pocket. It’s one of the PR people. It looks like the fun is over, because I have to take this.

BOOK: Illicit Canvas: political romance and stand alone romance
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