I'm Yours (13 page)

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Authors: Erin Randall

Tags: #romance, #romance erotic, #romance adult contemporary drama erotic, #romance action adventure love, #romance adult erotic, #romance and celtic, #romance action romance book series, #romance action and adventure

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“Straddle me grá,” Ian whispered and halted
her thoughts.

“Ian,” she admonished.

“Shh, I need you grá. I need to be inside of

“What if they come back?”

“Much as I’d like it to be slow, we need to
hurry. Kara, take off your panties.”

She felt wetness pool in her panties as she
reached for them. She knew. She knew they could die and she did
want Ian at least one last time, just in case. So she didn’t
hesitate. She stripped out of her panties and put them on the
futon. Then she knelt before Ian and undid his jeans. She would
pretend this was a game, some crazy sex game where she tied him up
just for pleasure.

Reaching into Ian’s pants, she freed his hard
cock from the confines of his jeans. KAra leaned forward and
pressed a kiss to the head and gently licked the pre-cum from the
tip. Then she took him into her mouth and slid her lips down over
him. Moving her tongue along the underside of his shaft. As she
pulled back so she only had the head of his penis in her mouth, she
licked along the ridge just under the head and Ian groaned but
pulled her away from his erection.

“Up here Kara. I need to be inside your pussy
grá, not your mouth.”

His words had her internal muscles clenching
in need. Ian had a dirty mouth. She’d hated that when he was with
other women, but she did love it when he was saying those dirty
things to her. She straddled his legs and began to lower herself
onto him. He used one hand to guide the head of his penis to her
opening, then grasped her hip with his other hand and pulled her
down onto him. The pleasure was so sharp she had to bite his
shoulder to keep from screaming.

Ian took the hand that he’d used to guide
himself into Kara and grabbed the seat of his chair. She moved her
mouth to his and began tasting his lips before she pressed her
tongue against his. She was gripping his cock so tight he knew he’d
be able to get off within minutes, but she needed to come too. This
might help dissipate her panic. He held the seat of the chair down
as he pushed up into Kara. He used long deep strokes to push her
closer to the edge. He helped to lift her until only the head of
his cock remained inside her, then he pulled her back down onto

He could feel her thighs quivering and he
wanted to pull down her dress so he could watch her tits bounce
with each of his thrusts. She kept kissing him harder and he knew
she was trying not to moan. When he pushed up into her, she ground
herself against him in a small circle and he could feel her clit
rub against him. He wanted her to take her pleasure. He needed her
to come because he was so close and he didn’t want to hold back.
Ian moved his hand from her hip to her ass for better traction as
he plunged more forcefully into her. He planted his feet on the
ground and pushed against the edge of his chair as he rose up into
her again and again and again. He changed from long slow strokes to
short stabbing thrusts as he pulled her up and down, up and down on
his erection.

He was moving in and out of her so fast, the
head of his penis was pulsing, demanding release. Kara started
bucking against him. She was meeting his every thrust as he drove
in and out. He could feel her orgasm start as her body shook and
began milking his cock. That was all it took, the flex of that ring
of muscle deep inside her, and Ian felt the semen surge from his
balls and explode out of him.

“Is breá liom tú,” he groaned quietly as he
came inside of her.

Before he could ask Kara if he’d told her he
loved her in English, they heard footsteps approaching. Kara
scrambled off his lap, grabbed the rope that had bound his wrists
and threw it onto the futon. She quickly sat on her panties, the
rope, and the closed knife as she put her arms around the futon
frame and wrapped the rope around her wrists. She pressed herself
down on the rope so she appeared bound. Ian dropped his head back
on his chest as he heard the snick of the lock opening.

Kara’s heart was still racing from her orgasm
when she’d heard someone approaching the door. She couldn’t believe
she had let go of her fear enough even enjoy having Ian inside of
her let alone having an orgasm. She lay on her bound wrists to
cover her hasty job of wrapping the rope around them. She knew she
would appear tired because she was and unless they freed her arms,
they would expect to see her trying to sleep like this.

One of the hulks poked his head in the door
to check on them. Kara saw him looking at her bare legs and he gave
her a lecherous little smile. She could feel bile rising in her
throat as she saw interest in the creep’s eyes. She turned away
from him a little and closed her eyes. She was weak with relief
when she heard the door close. She looked up just as the lock
clicked back into place. She watched Ian open his eyes without
moving his head for a moment.

“He’s gone,” she confirmed in a whisper.

“Can you sleep?”

“Only if I get so tired I pass out.”

Ian nodded. He knew he wouldn’t be able to
sleep, but Kara looked worn out. He had tried to wear her out. His
blood was still singing from that orgasm. He could have done
without the adrenaline rush after, but at least they were both
sated and a little more relaxed. After probably an hour, Ian could
see Kara begin to fall asleep. He wanted to tell her to go ahead,
but that would just wake her again.

He heard a noise at the corner of the room
and looked up to his right. He could see Connor’s face in the
window and he gave Ian a wink. Ian brought his hands quietly from
behind his back and put his finger over his lips telling Connor to
be quiet. Connor nodded and looked please that Ian’s hands were
unbound. If the window was more than about 6 inches wide, he would
have tried to slide Kara through the window to safety, but he knew
neither of them would fit.

Ian watched as Connor cut a small rectangular
hole in the class. After a minute the butt of a Glock came through
the hole and lowered slowly to the ground with a string tied to the
trigger guard. Ian heard it clang softly against the cement and
knew from the angle it was hidden from view by the futon.

“A bheith réidh nuair a thiocfaidh an a
chailín ar ais,” Connor whispered.

When the woman came back? Did they know when
she was coming back?


“Amháin uair an chloig, b'fhéidir níos

Ian nodded and Connor was gone. In maybe an
hour all hell would break loose and Kara would be right in the
middle of it. Ian could see the edge of the knife handle peeking
out from under Kara’s hip. He reached and slipped it out from under
her. She moaned but didn’t wake fully. Her arms would be sore and
numb from sleeping like that, but he didn’t want to wake her. He
quickly cut his legs free and stretched them out. He massaged the
blood back into his them before tiptoeing over and picking up the

He picked up the rope that had been around
his ankles and tucked it behind the futon. Now that he had a gun,
he didn’t need to pretend to be bound. He laid the knife beside
Kara’s hip where he’d found it. Ian tucked the gun in the back of
the waistband of his jeans and moved the metal chair directly in
front of Kara. Then he sat down in the chair and protected her like
a watchdog. He had to keep his mind sharp and his eyes open. Ian
thought about all that had happened in the past two days.

If they got out of this unharmed, he and Kara
had some serious talking to do. Maybe Quinn’s way wasn’t so bad
after all. He’d tell Kara she was his and that would be that. He
just wouldn’t give her room to argue. He’d seen how she looked at
him when they had sex. If she didn’t love him yet, she would soon
enough. They would work together and play together. He couldn’t
think of a better arrangement.

Since he’d settled that in his mind, Ian
started thinking of new campaign ideas for the Langford account
they hoped to land. Coming up with new ideas for marketing would
keep his mind awake and alert. He found himself wishing he had
paper to write down some of his thoughts. Kara was much better at
memorizing things, she practically had a photographic memory. She
had always used his ideas as a springboard. She had a great mind
and they worked together beautifully. If she’d been awake he would
have given her a few ideas to mull over, but he let her sleep.

Before long Ian heard footsteps in the
hallway. Pulling the gun from behind him he made sure it was ready
to fire. He knew the exact moment Kara woke up. She straightened
behind him as he heard running outside the building, but he tried
to stay calm and take steady breaths. Ian heard shouting and he
recognized Quinn’s voice. They were here, Kara would be all right.
His family would secure the building and she’d be safe.

“Ian,” she whispered.

“Shh, stay behind me.”

He didn’t look at her, he couldn’t. He’d
heard the terror in her voice and if he looked back at her he’d
want to comfort her, but now he needed to protect her. He waited
what seemed like forever. Then he heard shots ring out. There was
more running. He heard the woman shout.

“Get the brother out here, we’ll use him to
stop this mess and bring Ronan into the open.”

He heard heavy footfalls down the hall and
knew she’d sent a couple bulky Romanians to bring him out, but he
was ready. He trained the gun on the door. He had to use his
bullets sparingly. He didn’t want to kill them if he didn’t have
to. He’d aim for their knees, if they couldn’t walk they wouldn’t
be much of a threat and if they had weapons that just meant he’d
have more bullets once he took them away.

Kara felt a scream rising in her throat. They
were coming for Ian. They were going to take him out as bait to
lure in Ronan and she couldn’t let that happen. There was not a
doubt in her mind how much he meant to her. She wanted to throw
herself in front of him. She moved to try to help him, but he shook
his head.

“Don’t move! I mean it Kara. You stay behind
me or so help me I’ll take you over my knee.”

Kara fell back on the futon. Ian had never
talked to her like that. He seemed angry…with her. What had she
done? The footsteps were coming closer. She didn’t even care if he
was angry with her; she didn’t want him to let them take him. She
found the knife on the futon and opened it. When they came close
enough, she’d lung out. She still wasn’t sure she could stab
someone, but she’d sure as hell try in order to protect Ian. She
prepared herself by putting her feet on the floor and scooting to
the side of Ian. But he moved his chair directly in front of her

“Don’t. Even. Think. About. It.” he said as
she heard the lock click open.

Before she could stand, Ian did. When had he
cut himself free? She saw him lift a gun and shoot even before the
door opened. Someone grunted outside. When the door opened, two
hulks came in and one had blood dripping from his hand. Kara stood
and Ian reached back and pushed her down onto the futon. There was
another shot and then another as she heard bodies fall to the
ground. Ian walked forward and Kara could see both of the hulks on
the ground writhing in pain. Ian picked up a gun that had skittered
to the ground and put it down the back of his jeans. Kara could
hear more men coming and she gripped her knife. Ian stood by the
open door and flattened himself to the wall.

“Get behind the futon,” he commanded.

She’d never seen Ian like this. If they
weren’t in danger, she might have been turned on. Gone was the
cocky, teasing Ian. This was the self-assured, confident, take no
prisoners Ian. He narrowed his eyes at her and hers widened in
response. He was pissed…at her.

“Damn it Kara! I said behind the futon.

She scrambled up off her butt and scurried
around to the back of the futon. The men at his feet were alive but
in a lot of pain. Ian didn’t even look at them. She peeked up over
the back of the futon, but Ian wasn’t looking at her anymore. She
knew he expected her to stay put and do as she was told, but more
people were coming. She watched as Ian slid behind the door. She
heard another two hulks coming and speaking Romanian. She suspected
they were yelling for their buddies to hurry up.

Kara peeked up over the futon just in time to
see the two hulks enter the room and take in their surroundings.
They spotted her and headed in her direction. Just as she was about
to scream, Ian leaned out from behind the door and shot the hulk
closest to him in the leg and the guy collapsed to the ground like
the other two had. The last hulk standing started to turn toward

Kara could see him raising his gun as if it
were in slow motion. She didn’t think, she just reacted, and she
threw the knife as hard as she could. She didn’t know how to throw
a knife. She had no idea you should throw it by the blade and not
the hilt. Just as the gun was up and aimed at Ian, the hilt of the
knife hit the hulk on the back of the head. The hulks free hand
shot to the back of his head and he turned toward Kara.

“Kara, get down!” Ian yelled.

She saw the hulk get jolted forward by the
bullet Ian shot into the shoulder of his shooting arm. Kara felt a
pain in her arm as something pushed her back. She heard a lot of
shouting and running. She heard someone call Ian’s name as her back
slid down the wall until she was sitting on the floor. When she
looked up, Ian was there, grabbing the futon and practically
throwing it away from her. He was kneeling in front of her as she
saw Liam and another man behind him. She knew immediately it was
Quinn. He was even bigger than Ian and looked even more like a

Kara tried to lift her arms to grab Ian’s
face. She wanted to check him all over to make sure he hadn’t been
shot, but her left arm felt like it was made of lead. She cupped
his face with her right hand and gently touched her fingertips to
the fading bruise around his eye. Kara wanted to ask if he was OK,
but Ian looked so angry. There was disgust in his eyes as he looked
at her. Ian was saying something but she couldn’t quite make it
out. She opened her mouth to reply, but suddenly everything seemed
so far away and then there was nothing.

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