Immortal Destiny (The Immortal Prophecy Saga) (22 page)

BOOK: Immortal Destiny (The Immortal Prophecy Saga)
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“I won’t be long,” she said.

“Take all the time you want.” With that said, Vincent and Natalia went back into the mines.

Kat waited a minute then started running, following Tristan’s blood trail and calling out to him in her mind,
“Tristan! Ally needs help, she’s dying!”

“I’m here with James and Adele. Where is she?”

“About a mile from the mines in a clearing. I’m going back there now, I’ll meet you there.”

“We’re coming. How did you get away?”

“I had to make it look like I killed her and now he trusts me. Please tell James I’m so sorry. I had to do something or he would have killed her. It looks like I bit her, but I didn’t so don’t worry.”

“Ok, I’ll tell them.

Kat began to run at full speed back to where Ally lay dying…




I always knew the destiny that had been chosen for me would be a dangerous one but never once did I think it would end this way...

I had always thought Vincent would be the one to end my life.

Lying in the pure white snow, vibrant red drops of blood surrounding me, a crimson flower cradled in my hand, my final thoughts before I give in to the darkness surrounding me are of James.

My love, my life, my soulmate…





“She’s alive,” James cried in relief as they ran towards the place Kat had sent them. “I just heard her. The connection is faint, but she’s alive and that’s all that matters.”

Adele and Tristan were both ecstatic to hear the confirmation from James.

“How far off are we?” Adele asked Tristan.

“About a minute or so.”

Adele nodded and they all kept running until they burst through the trees into the clearing and saw Ally lying in the snow.

Chapter Thirty-six



James rushed to her side and leant down next to her. He scooped her up and cradled her in his arms. “Oh Ally,” he whispered.

Adele fell down to her knees next to him, the tears rushing from her eyes. “Ally, sweetheart!”

Tristan and Kat stood close by holding each other, their eyes wide with horror and guilt. “I’m sorry,” Kat said to James and Adele. “If I didn’t do something Vincent was going to kill her.”

Adele looked up and Kat flinched away from the pain they held. “We know Kat, you saved her.”

James nodded and then pinned Tristan with a hard glare. “You on the other hand…” he bellowed. “You’re the reason she is lying here dying!”

Tristan had no argument that didn’t sound weak. He hung his head and let the guilt eat away at him.

“James,” Adele scolded. “We can deal with this later. Right now Ally needs our help or she really will die!”

“She’s bleeding out too quickly! I need to cauterize the wound or she won’t even make it back to the manor!” He manifested a tiny white hot flame on the tip of his finger and touched it the twin punctures on her neck. She was too weak to even respond.

“That should give us enough time to get back to the manor.”

“Let’s go then!” Adele cried.

James stood up, and cradled Ally to his chest. Adele and James ran back towards the house with Tristan and Kat following closely behind.

They had been running at full speed for five minutes, when Adele called out, “Isabella and Caleb are coming.” A moment later they came into view and stopped in their tracks.

“What’s happened?” Isabella cried with horror and sadness.

“We’ll tell you back at the manor,” James said and took off running again.

Adele looked at them both. “Come on, we need to get back.”

They both nodded and all of them ran back.

James was the first to reach the manor. He ran through the house and straight up the stairs to their room. “Damian!” he screamed out.

Sophie heard the commotion and ran into the room. She gasped and fell back against the wall. “Is she…?”

“No,” James said. “But she’s only hanging on by a thread. I need Damian, now!”

“I’m here!” Damian said as he walked in the door. His step faltered as he saw Ally lying motionless on the bed and James hovering over her. Adele rushed in behind him.

“She needs to be changed now, James or we’ll lose her,” Damian said as he felt her pulse.

Adele looked at James with pleading eyes. “For god’s sake James, do it!”

“There has to be another way to change her!” His face twisted in horror. “I can’t possibly do it! I-I’m half…”

Adele waved her hand and cut him off. “Half vampire I know. It doesn’t matter right now. All that matters is her.”

“You think I don’t know that? That’s why I’m hesitating here. What if I make her into a vampire instead of an immortal, for god’s sake!”

“That’s the risk that we take!” Adele shrieked. “She needs your strength, James. Only your DNA can give her that.”

James looked down at his dying soulmate, trying to make the decision that could ultimately end in tragedy.

“She’s dying, James!” Adele yelled. “DO IT NOW!”

James sighed and looked at Damian in defeat. “I’ve got blood in storage that I need you to get and the IV drip to administer it.”

Damian ran out of the room. A minute later, he was back and administering the blood into her veins. James watched on helplessly. He had done all he could do and now it was up to her.

He sat down on the bed and brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. The tears began to form in his eyes and his heart beat erratically in his chest. “Live, little one,” he whispered into her ear.

Damian sat on the other side of Ally and picked up her wrist to feel her heartbeat again. “It’s strong, James. We aren’t out of the woods yet, but she’s a fighter. Remember that.”

James nodded. “How long before the transformation begins?”

Damian looked at the first packet of blood that was half empty. “Once that has emptied, I believe she will have enough of your DNA in her system to begin.”

Horror flashed in his eyes and his body broke out in a cold sweat. “Damian,” he began. “I’m worried that she might become something other than an immortal… I found out who my father was.”

Damian stopped him and put a hand on his shoulder. “I know little brother, I know.”

James waited for the man he loved as a brother to recoil from him in shame, but all he saw was love and acceptance. “How do you know?”

“Ally let it slip when she was talking to Adele after you ran off. She was really worried about you.”

“I know,” James said full of guilt. “I was awful to her. I just shut her out and went into survival mode. She didn’t deserve that.”

“No, she didn’t,” Damian agreed. “But she understands.”

James gave a humourless little laugh. “Sometimes I think I don’t deserve her.”

“Someone obviously thought you did, or you wouldn’t be soulmates.”

He shrugged. “I’ve been questioning everything since I found out. I’m literally not what I thought I was. I mean, how can I be half vampire? Wouldn’t I have done something vampire-like by now?”

“Not necessarily. The immortal part of you is obviously very strong James. It would have to be to counteract the vampire, but from what Adele is telling me, maybe all vampires aren’t bad.”

James scoffed. “If you mean Tristan, I’m inclined to disagree with you. He’s the reason we are all in this mess!”

“He was trying to save his soulmate. He never intended for Ally to be left there.”

“It wasn’t worth risking her life!” James bellowed.

“Not to you maybe, but I’d be willing to bet you’d risk Kat’s to save Ally’s.”

James stopped short in what he was about to say and sighed. “Yes, I would.”

“So the two of you aren’t so different after all.”

James shook his head violently. “You know what Tristan has done, and yet you defend him?”

“I’m not defending him, James. Merely pointing out the facts.” Damian looked up to the IV drip that was now empty. He grabbed another bag and hooked it up. “She’s changing.”

James looked down at Ally and saw the tiny little details that had already began to alter and let out a pent up breath. “That’s it, Ally. Fight!”

Damian patted him on the shoulder and looked down lovingly at his granddaughter. “She will, James. She will.”

He walked out of the room and went to check on Chase then head downstairs to find out what the hell had happened that night.

Chapter Thirty-seven



“What do you mean you lost her?” Vincent roared at the two vampires he had sent to trail Kat.

The one speaking cowered down low. “She was there, and then she was gone. We’ve spent all night looking for her, but she’s nowhere to be found.”

Vincent glowered and heard Natalia snicker in the background. “Told you she was trouble,” she called out.

“Shut up, Natalia!” Vincent hissed, his eyes glowing red. “Go back out there and find her! I don’t want to see you until you have that traitorous creature in your grip.”

“What if we can’t?” the other vampire asked.

“You don’t want to know the answer to that question!” he bellowed.

The two vampires ran out of the room so fast, they almost knocked each other over.

“You know they won’t find her,” Natalia predicted. “She’ll be with Tristan, and we know he can hide when he wants to.”

He hissed again and sat on his throne.

The air in the chamber began to vibrate with anger and he screamed so loud the mines shook. “I’ll find you, Kathryn!”

Chapter Thirty-eight



Damian walked into the lounge room and saw something he had never expected to see in this house—two vampires standing in front of the fireplace.

He noticed the segregation in the room and almost chuckled to himself despite the situation.

The humans and the immortals eyed the two vampires warily, and the hostility coming off Mackenzie surprised him the most.

“Well,” he said addressing the group as a whole. “It looks like Ally and Chase are both going to pull through, but Ally had to change in order to survive. The process of becoming an immortal is not an easy one, but our girl is a fighter.”

Sophie and Mackenzie hugged each other at the news and Henry wiped a stray tear from his eye. “That is good news, Damian. We were all very worried.”

Damian smiled. “I’m sure that she will be happy to hear that when she wakes up.”

He saw Tristan and Kat’s expressions ease a little, but they both still looked pained.

Adele, who had been standing in the middle of the hostile territories, walked over and stood next to Damian.

“Now, I think you two have a bit of explaining to do,” Damian said.

Tristan gave a curt nod and began to relay the story of what had happened.

The humans gasped in horror at parts, but tried to hold back full judgement until the tale had been told.

“So you see,” Tristan said in closing. “I never meant for Ally to be hurt and I was
an ally to Vincent. My purpose was to get Kat away from him.”

“I know I’m the reason that Ally is lying up there in that bed,” Kat said and began to weep. “But I knew that he would kill her.”

She turned to Adele and caught her eye. “I hope you can forgive me, Adele. I know that we are supposed to be enemies now that I’m a vampire, but I’ve always loved you as much as my own family and that hasn’t changed. The same goes for Ally. She’s like a sister to me. I need some time to get myself under control so that I can be around… humans. But I don’t want to be a monster, and I think that Tristan can help me with that.”

Adele listened intently and she felt the tears roll down her cheeks. “Kat, my dear girl. I can see that you are sincere, and I’ve always loved you like another granddaughter. I know you were trying to save her, and truthfully you did. But like you said, you need time to get control of yourself.”

Kat nodded.

“You may be a vampire now, but you will always be part of our family,” she said with a smile. “And I am certain that Ally would feel the same. She never gave up on you, you know.”

Kat smiled gratefully. “Really?”

“You know Ally. So for that I owe you an apology. I gave up and consigned you to the vampires. I didn’t know it was possible for them to be anything other than evil, so I’m sorry. But I promise that I’ll never give up on you again.”

Adele walked over to the red haired vampire and gave her a hug. “I’ve missed your smiling face,” she whispered.

Kat felt her heart expanding with real happiness. “I’ve missed yours, too.”

They broke apart and everyone was touched in the room by their heartfelt reunion. Even Mackenzie had softened towards her. Kat had spoken from her heart and a blind man could have seen that.

“There’s someone else I need to speak to,” she said. “Is Chase allowed a visitor?”

Tristan growled and Mackenzie looked startled.

Kat laid a hand on Tristan’s chest to calm him. “I need to do this, Tristan. Things ended before they even started and I feel like I need to put this ghost to rest.”

“Come with me,” Damian said, and showed her to the room Chase was staying. He knocked on the door and opened it.

Chase lay there groggily staring at the ceiling. “Is Ally alright?”

“She’s going to be fine,” Damian replied. “There’s someone here to see you.”

“If it’s James, tell him to yell at me later. I already feel terrible for what happened.”

Kat stepped into the room. “It’s me, Chase.”

He tried to sit up and stared in disbelief. “Kat?”

“Can I talk to you?”

He nodded, too surprised to speak.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Damian said and walked out of the room.

“Well, this is awkward,” Kat said with a small laugh.

“I don’t understand. What are you doing here?”

“It’s kind of a long story, but a lot happened after you were injured. I won’t go into the details, because I’m sure someone else will. But I’m here to tell you I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry?” he scoffed. “You don’t have anything to be sorry about. I’m the one who got you into this mess and now you’re a vampire and I’ve ruined your life. So I’m sorry.”

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