Immortal Destiny (The Immortal Prophecy Saga) (9 page)

BOOK: Immortal Destiny (The Immortal Prophecy Saga)
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“He’s here,” Chase said and pointed into the fog.

Ally squinted and could just make out a dark shape moving at an incredible speed. “I see him…kind of.”

They all watched him moving towards one of the abandoned buildings near them with stealth and calculation. He opened the rusty door and slipped inside.

“How are we supposed to see anything from here?” Ally cried. “We have to get in there.”

“No!” Chase and James cried in unison.

“I don’t mean let’s go join the fight, but we need to see him fight.” She looked around at the building Caleb had entered and saw a row of windows on the first floor. “Look over there,” she said. “Windows! We can watch through the window.”

“Alright,” James said. “Let’s go. Not a sound though, Ally.”

She nodded in agreement and she climbed onto his back again. They scrambled onto the roof of a building next door and sat on the edge peering into the windows.

The windows were grimy from age and neglect, but they still had a clear enough view.

Ally watched the intimidating immortal with shaggy brown hair pull a long sword out of from his side. He held it firmly in front of him ready to attack. Caleb looked this way and that, trying to locate his would be victims until finally he spotted one.

“Get ready,” Chase whispered in her ear. “You’re about to be blown away.”

Ally looked back into the warehouse. There were two vampires approaching Caleb from the front and one was creeping up from the back. Her stomach clenched in fear as she watched the evil creatures calculating their moves, and anticipating their next meal. Caleb seemed oblivious to the vampire behind him, and Ally wanted to call out and warn him, but she knew better than that.

The two in front looked to each other then ran so fast at Caleb her eyes could barely keep up.

She hadn’t even blinked before two heads rolled across the floor, and she watched on in fascinated horror as the two vampires desperately began to pull their bodies across the dusty floor looking for them.

Ally shuddered. “I thought they died if you did that?”

“No, not straight away,” James replied. “But in about five minutes they’ll have bled out and it will all be over.”

Her eyebrows shot up and her face twisted in horror. “Ew.”

The vampire that was behind Caleb finally made his move. He shrieked and ran at the immortal, but Caleb threw his sword behind him at the last moment and struck the vampire straight through the heart. He ripped the sword out of his chest and kicked the staggering corpse to one side.

She heard him call out to the other vampires that remained concealed somewhere in the darkness. “Come out, creatures. It’s time to die for real.”

She could hear a low hissing sound all around them.

“Ah, James…”

“Yeah,” he replied, sounding distracted. She could see Caleb and the fight had his full attention.

“Why do I hear hissing all around us? Shouldn’t the hissing be inside?”

James looked at her then and furrowed his brows together. “What hissing?”

“That hissing!” Ally screamed and pointed to the vampire that was coming at them from the ground.

“Bloody hell!” Chase cried out and pushed Ally back into James’ arms. He summoned a fireball in his hand effortlessly and threw it at the creature before jumping down onto the ground and aiming three more at his heart. Chase scored a direct hit and the creature screamed in rage.

Ally grabbed onto James for dear life and watched intently as Chase fought the vampire. The hairs on the back of her neck stood even straighter and the sick feeling in her stomach began to radiate throughout her whole body. A scratching and hissing sound came from behind them and James was the first to see what was coming for them….

Two vampires stood before them, grinning wickedly.

“James…” Ally pleaded softly. The terror running through her rendering her almost immobile.

“Ally,” James commanded. “Stay calm and do exactly what I say, and we should live through this.”

“Ok,” she whimpered.

James pushed Ally behind him and summoned a fireball in his hand and aimed at the vampires. They ducked and rolled closer to them.

“Is that the best you’ve got,” the female hissed.

“Chase,” James called out and summoned two more fireballs. “Could use a hand here!”

“Got a few problems of my own,” Chase called back.


The large, flat concrete roof became the size a floor rug in Ally’s mind. The vampires were too close. Her limbs grew heavy and the fear held her rooted to the spot.

James continued shooting fireballs while the vampires dodged laughing. “I can’t beat them like this,” he hissed. “But I can’t physically fight them!”

“Why not?” Ally asked in a high pitched voice.

“Because that puts you in danger. As soon as I move away from you, one of them will attack.”

“And if you don’t James, then we’ll both die!” She cried. “So do it!”

He turned his head for one second. It was the fatal mistake the evil creatures were waiting for.

The vampires lunged at James, knocking him off balance. Then they each grabbed an arm and dragged him away. He kicked and shouted and fought like hell to get away from them, but their hold was a like an unbreakable vice.

“James!” Ally screamed. She no longer feared for her own life, but that of her mate. Something clicked inside her that moment. Her eyes changed from that of fear to rage. Her body coiled ready to spring in attack and her mind sharply focussed on one goal. Gone was Ally, and in her place was The Prophecy Girl.

The right motivation was all she had needed to shake off the fear. Her mind connected with the vampires. The sick twisted hate in their minds made her want to shy away but her determination carried her through. She could see what they planned to do with James…and then to her.

“Go to hell!” she screamed at them and summoned two fireballs of her own behind her back, waiting for the exact right moment to use them.

They let out a shrill laugh at her anger. One of them let go of James and began stalking towards her with deadly intent.

“Run, Ally!” James screamed desperately.

She ignored him. She would not be running tonight, or ever again.

“Come and get me,” she taunted to the female vampire advancing on her.

“It’s hardly worth the effort, but you smell tasty enough,” it said with a wicked grin.

“I dunno about that,” Ally said. “You get the opportunity to kill someone that even Vincent hasn’t been able to yet.”

“You?” the vampire scoffed. “Vincent could kill you before you even blinked.”

“Nope. He’s already tried and failed,” Ally boasted.

The creature’s eyes narrowed. “Who are you?”

Ally smiled innocently. “The Prophecy Girl.”

The vampire’s mouth fell open, and its eyes widened. Ally used the split second to her advantage and threw the two fireballs straight at her heart. They hit her before she could move.

The screaming vampire went up in flames and Ally ran towards her and kicked the burning corpse off the roof then turned around to the vampire that still had James in its clutches. “Do you wanna try me too, or do you want to run away while you still can?”

Ally still linked to its mind, listened to the creature weighing up its options. Stupidly, it decided to finish her. James was listening in, too, and growled, “Don’t you touch her!”

The creature still had a firm hold on him. “Or what?”

“I’ll hunt you down like the rabid dog you are.”

The creature laughed. “Tough words for an immortal that is, shall we say,

James had done the worst thing an immortal could do—he’d been caught. It was the one thing an immortal had to be on guard for at all times. They could never let the vile creatures get too close for fear of this exact scenario. Their hold was an unbreakable vice, even to an immortal. James struggled trying to get free but to no avail. Ally watched and tried to decide how she could best take it out, when out of nowhere, it changed its mind and decided on another course.

“I’m not going to fight you. But I am going to kill your mate,” the vampire sneered, its voice dripping with evil delight.

Fangs exploded in its mouth and the deadly venom ran down the incisors, reminding her of a snake. James looked at her with absolute horror. They both knew what this would mean…

Ally ran at the creature in a blind rage. It swung at her as she got close but she ducked and pushed it over the edge of the roof with a force she didn’t know she possessed, at the same sending a ball of fire that missed it by inches.

The vampire scurried off into the night, and she fell to her knees beside James. She threw her arms around him and kissed him.

He kissed her back and held her so tightly she could barely breathe, but she didn’t care.

“I thought I was going to lose you,” she cried, the tears running down her face.

“I thought the same thing,” he said. “Do you see how easily they can get the upper hand?”

She nodded, trying not to sob into his shoulder. She’d held all her emotions in check while she was fighting and now they came bursting out like a dam that had broken.

“I’m so proud of you, little one! You saved me…” He was so confounded that she had saved him that he was almost rendered speechless. “But I let you down.”

Ally shook her head violently in protest. “No, you didn’t. You got caught because you were trying to protect me. We always knew there was a chance this could happen. Which is all the more reason for me to learn the skills to fight them.”

“Well, you did an amazing job tonight, my darling, without that many skills.”

“Thank you.”

“We better check that Chase is alright.”

“Yeah,” she agreed.

“Chase?” James called out as they stood up and walked towards the edge of the roof.

“Go it under control, I think,” he called back, his voice strained from concentrating on the fight. “Caleb’s here.”

They looked down and saw the corpses of twenty vampires lying around and Caleb slicing and dicing another ten. Chase dealt the final blow to the vampire he was fighting then looked up at them. “Told you he was good!”

James and Ally just looked at each other and rolled their eyes. “Ally was almost killed tonight, Chase.”

His face paled. “What the hell happened?”

“The vampires managed to catch me unawares…”


“Yes. So from now on, I’m not taking her anywhere near a vampires nest. I don’t care how good someone is.”

Chase nodded begrudgingly.

“I’m taking Ally back to the hotel room,” he told Chase. “Bring Caleb back there when you’re finished with this.”

“Righto,” Chase called out.

“Let’s get out of here,” Ally said.

“Climb up,” he instructed, and took off into the night.


“Well, well,” their enemy muttered to himself. “Takes out vampires and saves the hero…”

He began to follow them back to the hotel, plotting his next move on how to get Ally away from them. “Another flower is in order, I think…”

Chapter Twelve



James and Ally arrived back at their hotel room and collapsed onto the sofa.

“Are you alright, my love?” James asked, absently playing with her hair.

Her face paled and her body began to tremble. “I think it’s all starting to hit me a bit, to be honest,” she confessed.

“I’m so sorry, Ally.” He pulled into his arms in an attempt to slow the trembling. “My role is to protect you and I failed miserably.”

Hearing him apologise again, Ally sat up, took his face in her hands and forced him to look at her. “No, you didn’t! You got captured trying to protect me, James.”

“It doesn’t matter how or why. What matters is I did!”

Ally shook her head, the colour returning to her face and the trembling began to subside. “No, it doesn’t!”

James stood up and began to pace the room, running his hands through his hair. “Don’t you understand how this makes me feel? I don’t know if I’m even capable of being your protector now! My love for you made me hesitate. I can’t let that happen again. But how can I love you and not make you my first thought…I don’t have that killer instinct anymore.”

“James,” she said, trying to remain calm amongst the growing emotions filling the room. “You are more than capable of being my protector! And of course you hesitated because you didn’t want me to get hurt, but mistakes will happen. We know this, James. It doesn’t make you any less of a protector, for god’s sake.”

“I think I’ve gotten too soft.”

“James, never in my wildest dreams would I ever think you as a marshmallow type of guy. You’re dominating, headstrong and pig headed at times, but never soft.”


“You’re not going to believe a word I say right now, are you?”

“Probably not,” he admitted.

Ally looked at him, the frustration and anger flashing in her eyes. “Well, I’m not going to argue you with anymore.” She stood up and walked towards the bathroom with a quick backwards glance. “I’m going to take a shower. Do you want to join me?”

He looked torn. She knew that he wanted to, but she wasn’t sure if he would allow himself the pleasure after what he considered to be an epic failure on his behalf.

Within a minute of her leaving, he followed her into the bathroom.

She turned both shower heads on to the hottest temperature she could stand, and began to remove her clothes as the mist started to fill the bathroom.

James stood watching, obviously enjoying what he saw if his trousers were anything to go by. She smiled inwardly, revelling in the power she wielded over her powerful immortal mate.

She took off her lingerie and jumped in. James was in there with her before the water had even touched her skin. His naked chest brushed up against her back and she shivered.

Strong arms wrapped themselves around her, and pulled her into him. She leaned her head back against his shoulder and enjoyed the feeling of being held so firmly. “I needed this after being in their minds.”

“You connected with them?” he asked, sounding astonished.

“Well, I had to try and work out what they were planning to do.”

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