Immortal Distraction (3 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Finn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Vampires

BOOK: Immortal Distraction
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“Then I misspoke. They have no interest in organized crime as a family. They are, however, very protective of their kind … their own that is. I’ll do what I can … but it comes with a price.”

She snorted. “The police don’t bargain for information.” That was a lie, and she damn well knew it.

“Well this price has far more to do with you than the police.” His tone had returned to seductive, and as it did the waves of warmth returned to her body, and her heartbeat sped. She watched him steadily, but she was panicking inside. He smirked. “Tell me, how long has it been since you’ve been fucked.” If she’d had food in her mouth, she’d have choked. If she’d been speaking, her tongue would have fallen onto the floor between them. She stared, openmouthed horror no doubt etched on her expression as the muscles within her groin contracted and quivered involuntarily at his words.

Two long and lonely years… “That’s absolutely none of your business and certainly doesn’t relate to this…” She was going for strength and composure before he cut her off.

“It’s my business if I make it my business. You want information; so do I. Answer the question and stop trying to handle me. You’re trying to work me over, and it won’t work. I assure you, you’re far better off giving in and letting me show you my appreciation.”

She had no idea what he could possibly mean, but the warmth was still radiating through her body, and she was still melting into the feeling of it. “Why do you want to know?” She wanted to smack herself for even entertaining the question. She should punch him, not humor him.

“You seem … deprived of something. Perhaps a good fuck, attention, who the hell knows … sleep? I want to know, and I don’t like not getting my way.”

“You can eat shit.” She glared at his cool eyes as her loins continued to quiver and quake.

“Well yes I could, but why on earth would I?” He was mocking her, and he was good at it. More than that, he seemed to enjoy her discomfort, her irritation. He was toying with her, and that was her job. “I’m only guessing of course, but I’d say, given your rather harsh attitude, it’s been entirely too long.” His seductive lips curled up. “Would you like to fuck me?” His tone was relaxed and controlled.

“No.” Yes. She’d been imagining it, quite frankly, since walking through his door. It’s why her body was warm and wet just at the sound of his voice. He was being inappropriate, and it was turning her on. Most people didn’t have the nerve to speak to her in such a way. Of course, it was only because they couldn’t see just how terrified and insecure she was on the inside.

His lips curled up farther, and her heart pounded harder. She didn’t have any idea why this man was toying with her, and more than that, she had no idea why it was so damn effective. The warmth turned to liquid fire coursing through her veins, and she fought to maintain her composure. Wetness flooded her core. The kind of wetness only brought about by her most secret, intimate thoughts that truly had nothing to do with the reality of her life.

As his jaw tensed and nostrils flared, his head tilted up slightly. “Well when you’re ready to get back on the horse.” Brilliantly executed smirk. “You make sure to let me know. I’ll make it worth your time.” His eyes smoldered in a cool blue haze as they held hers for a moment longer. Brit wasn’t breathing. She knew she should before her face turned blue, but she knew if she did, she wouldn’t be able to hide the impact his overt and completely inappropriate words had on her.

When he abruptly stood, he turned from her, sauntered to the door, and stood patiently waiting for her to get the hint. She did, fumbling to get her small digital recorder back in her pocket as her fingers turned to useless attachments. When she reached him, intent on ignoring him, he grabbed her elbow as she started to move past him. His mouth moved to her ear as she stared straight ahead. His nose touched her earlobe, sending another shudder of warmth and wetness shooting through her body. And after a quick inhale of breath and purring moan in her ear, he spoke. “Very nice. You’ll let me know when you’re ready for my help.”

Her imbalance, her absolute lack of control over the situation seemed to hit its limit, and turning toward him, she found her stride, her voice, her strength once more. And on a quiet, well-controlled voice, she spoke, seething at him. “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but you’ve wasted my time, and I have better things to do than spend them with bored over coddled society types intent on playing games. However long it’s been since I’ve gotten laid is none of your damn business, but I will tell you this. If you ever lay a hand on me again or interfere in my investigation, I’ll slap you with an obstruction charge.” And then smiling at him sweetly. “It’s been a lovely waste of my time meeting you, Mr. Scott. You make sure not to waste the taxpayers dollars again, won’t you?”

As she stepped into the hallway, she instantly inhaled and exhaled a deep breath, hoping he’d not caught the pronounced rise and fall of her diaphragm from his place behind her. She focused on the
of her heels as she moved toward the elevators, and she fought to control her breathing. She’d not heard the door close and knew without looking he was still watching her. When she pressed the Call button for the elevator, she risked a look back up the hallway to his door. He stood with his arms folded across his chest, leaning casually against the door frame. He was smiling his damn unnerving seductive smile at her, and she turned back to stare at the elevator, determined to ignore him. But her body couldn’t ignore it. Her cheeks were burning, her heart was pounding, her hands were clammy and shaking, and she was desperate to flee.

She’d lost control of this one, but her instincts were nearly always on the money. This man knew something, but he was more intent on toying with her than anything else, and he’d quite effectively stolen her verge. But Brit had no intention of letting him keep the reins. She didn’t know how to back down from anything, including the good Angus Scott.

* * * *

He wasn’t lying when he’d told her he wasn’t expecting her to be so stunning. She was incredible. She kept her warm, auburn hair in a shoulder length bob. Her eyes were a light golden brown, and though she looked exhausted, they twinkled with life and strength. Her body looked fit and trim, and her slacks and sweater were professional but quite feminine in comparison to her bold attitude.

Angus was left wanting to help her, knowing he wouldn’t and frankly couldn’t. She was looking for someone he couldn’t allow her to find. Driscoll was a pathetic excuse for a vampire, and it was his sloppiness alone that had attracted her attention, but he had no choice except to protect the man. He would kill Driscoll, and her for that matter, before he allowed their kind to be discovered. Driscoll had jeopardized their anonymity, and it was Angus’ responsibility to see that their race was protected.

“Why so serious, boss? What’s with the police officer?” It was Clint, his assistant. It was Clint’s job to do as Angus told him … and to question incessantly on occasion too. He was the eldest of the vampires Angus had sired long ago before it was outlawed, and it made him Angus’ right-hand man.


“Regardless, she’s a little too cute to be a cop, isn’t she?” He was smirking, and Angus’ chest tightened at Clint’s obvious interest in her.

“She’s not as sweet as she looks.” He was staring at the door as he lounged on the couch. Hadn’t been able to look away from it since she’d left. He’d pushed her buttons but just barely. She was definitely going to be a threat to them. She didn’t know how to take no for an answer, and he was guessing it wouldn’t be the last he’d see of her. He was also quite certain he didn’t want it to be the last he saw of her. “Clint, I want you to find out everything you can about her. I want to know where she lives, where she comes from, what her hobbies are. If she has something going on, I want to know about it before it happens. Got it?”

“Yeah, boss. Is this about Driscoll?” Angus nodded but said nothing. “So, why didn’t you wipe her mind?” He was referring, of course, to a vampire’s ability to hide memories of themselves inside a person’s mind to protect their privacy and anonymity. It didn’t apply here.

“There would be no point. I gave her no information, and you know I can only wipe myself from her mind. As much as I’d love to wipe Driscoll from her mind or the face of the planet for that matter,” he muttered in anger, “it’s not within my power.” Frankly, he had no interest in wiping himself from her mind.

With Clint finally gone, he returned to staring at the door. She’d gotten to him. He thought he could handle one obnoxious female cop. He never imagined it would turn into such a struggle to stay on top. Every time she lashed out to show her backbone, he was left wanting to throw her on the floor and fuck her brains out. He also wasn’t lying when he’d said she looked like she needed it. She most definitely needed him. The scent of her arousal said it clear enough, but arousal or not, she wouldn’t fall to his advances so easily as most would. And he might just want her a little more for it.

But it changed nothing. He had to distract her. He had to ensure she didn’t get close to the truth, and so long as he had to interfere with her, he intended to enjoy it.

Chapter 4

“It’s good to see you again, Brit. You look lovely.” She looked more than lovely. She was stunning. Her satin gown was a deep, shimmering mocha brown, and her short hair showed the contour of her graceful neck beautifully. His groin was tight just eyeing her from across the room. On their first meeting, she’d worn gray-tweed slacks, a black, snug cowl-neck sweater, and pointy-toe black heels. He’d wanted her then, but now… The event was black tie, and he’d been looking forward to seeing her in evening attire; what he’d not expected was for her to look so damn incredible.

The dress fit perfectly and hugged her lithe and slim curves like a glove. Her short hair looked exactly as it had a week and a half prior at their first meeting, but her makeup was done in warm evening tones, and her jewelry was understated but elegant. Her body was tight, and she looked fit but so very feminine.

Getting an invitation to the fundraiser that was cohosted by the city and Harvard University was no problem. Angus was the head of the vampire council for the eastern region of the United States, and his fellow councilman, Truman, was on the adjunct faculty at Harvard. He and his wife, Ember, moved around the dance floor together, and Angus watched as the man smiled warmly at her. Truman was an unusual creature, even by vampire standards. Refusing his familial obligation to the council, he’d only submitted when his wife’s life hung in the balance. He was obsessed with his wife. Actually, that was an understatement, but it was easy to see why. She was captivating, and the newest vampire in existence in over one hundred years. He’d fallen in love with her as a human, and it was only after she’d been nearly killed by another vampire intent on destroying Truman that he’d been given the chance of eternity with her. Odd behavior indeed for a vampire, but Angus respected the man more than any other, and they were as close to friends as any person in his life had been. Angus was nothing at all like the man, but he appreciated him nonetheless.

Brit was gaping at him as he greeted her; no doubt she was shocked to see him there, though it was certainly no coincidence.

“I said it’s good to see you again, and you were just getting ready to try your hand at being polite.” He smirked. She was certainly not going to be polite. He knew it without any question; it simply wasn’t her thing.

“You as well.” She barely managed to get the words out, and her jaw was tight as she spoke. He could see clearly she was trying for control just as she had in his residence, but she was failing. Her voice was just a bit too quiet, her tone marginally too raspy and weak, and the incredible, subtle scent her body emitted at nothing more than the sound of his voice left his teeth aching in his jaw to protract and bite her. “I’m sorry, what are you doing here?” She was suspicious.

“Supporting urban development of course. Isn’t that why you’re here?” She blushed furiously, but he refused to look away from her. He didn’t give a shit about urban development.

“If you’ll excuse me.” She seemed intent on ignoring him, but Angus had no intention of allowing that to happen. When he caught her arm as she tried to turn from him, she turned slowly back, taking a steadying breath as she moved. “I really do have to…” But as she looked up to his eyes, her voice lurched again.

“Dance with me.” Her chest was heaving at his words, and though she hid well, her quick heart rate said she was nervous. He tightened his hand on her elbow, savoring the way her body responded. The scent of her arousal hit his senses, and he wanted to take her right there on the floor of the museum.

Her dress showed him what her business-professional clothes on their first meeting didn’t. The cut was low and gave him the most incredible view of her cleavage. Her breasts were proportioned to her graceful lines if not slightly full for her small frame. The roundness of them had his cock straining against his pants. He made no move to look away from her tits, and he listened to her heart pound in response to his invasive stare.

When he finally managed to meet her eyes again, her lips were slightly parted, her brow was wrinkled in what looked like confusion, and she was panting. But it took her only a moment to regain her composure. Jerking her elbow from his grasp, she glared.

“So I guess that means no dance?” He chuckled as he said the words, and she pushed past him. But he didn’t lose sight of her.


She wandered, she hid, she tried to stay away from him. What the hell was he doing here? She sure as hell didn’t want to be there. She couldn’t seem to keep her bearings when he was around. She wanted to sink into his body when he touched her. His hand was cool and strong against her skin, and she felt anything but strong with him. Brit couldn’t stand to be out of control, and yet his touch made her want to give into
control. It made no sense, but her body wanted, craved to submit to his will.

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