Immortalis - Book 1 (The Keeper's Immortals) (27 page)

BOOK: Immortalis - Book 1 (The Keeper's Immortals)
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We didn’t say anything else to each other and minutes dragged by as I was confined within the small cell without knowing what had happened to the others. I didn’t look out the small opening until I finally heard someone else being dragged in, yelling at his captures to let him go. I turned around to see in horror that it was Adam. They placed him in the cell directly across from mine. I could hear myself yell for him, letting him know that he wasn’t alone even if he thought he was but I wasn’t sure if he could hear me. Wondering what had happened terrified me because I would die if something happened to anyone but the mortals were the ones I worried about more for the simple fact that they could die many way verse one. If something were to happen to Adam I didn’t know if I could live with myself.

“What’s this?” Lucas asked.

“We found him sneaking around outside, must be looking for the girl.’ I heard Conner say from the outside of my cell. ‘I remember his face to. He was with her and those pesky Hollings from when we took her.” He explained before leaving, heading back to Emmalee. Lucas waited for a few minutes then knelt down to the small opening in my door.

“Nora, I’ve got to check on something. I’m unlocking your door open and I’m unlocking his to. Make sure that he’s okay and I’ll be back in a bit.” Lucas told me before standing and walking out of the room leaving me with a free moment to talk to Adam so that I can find out what happened. I had been with Emmalee and hers for a couple of hours by this time so talking to Adam would hopefully give me some insight on what had happened after I was taken. Once the main door was close I gently tried the cell door, hoping that Lucas hadn’t lied. He had and when I felt it open with ease I rushed out and over to Adam’s cell, opening his door as well.

“Adam!” I said as I opened his door.

“Nora? Are you okay?” he asked with pure concern in his voice. He embraced me warmly.

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. What happened? Last I knew you all were trapped in Lucas’ stunner.” I stated as I pulled back so that I could look at him.

“We were. We were like that for a while to. Just long enough for us to lose track of where you had gone. Once we were free we all ran in the direction that we had seen them take you but also knew that just because they went that way doesn’t mean they didn’t do that to throw us off so we split up, each going in a different direction in the area where we saw them take you. I went with Ashwin and Blake and looked everywhere but we didn’t come up with anything, neither did the others but we kept going then suddenly Blake saw something. He fell to the ground like he was having a seizure.” Adam explained, still sounding scared from witnessing it.

“He had a vision.” I stated out loud. I knew what had happened. 

“Yeah, he saw you and said he thought he knew where you were so we looked for the place he saw and we found it but someone found me first. I don’t know who grabbed me but they were strong enough to hold me down while they clocked me in the jaw to shut me up.”

“Oh God, Adam are you okay?” I asked suddenly more worried about jaw than anything else at the moment. He told me that he was fine, his face hurt but nothing he couldn’t handle. I was overwhelmed with grief that because of me, my friends were in danger. Like me, they hadn’t asked to be a part of this but they were and now look where we were. I could feel the guilt overcome me, forcing itself through my body.              

Moments of silence between us was needed so I could force the tears to stop forming and he wouldn’t hear my voice cracking but when I heard the main door open I suddenly grew fearful of who or what was coming. I left Adam quickly, moving to the back of my cell. I didn’t know if it was Lucas or someone else coming but I didn’t want anyone to get in trouble for us talking. Hopefully they hadn’t heard us. “Where did you find him?” I heard someone ask just as they entered the room. It was Emmalee.

“He was skulking around the building.” I heard a strange voice that I didn’t recognize.

“Was anyone else with him?” she asked the one she was talking to about Adam.

“I didn’t see anyone.”

“Good, bring him. I’m in the mood for a bit of fun. The little bitch and her annoying habit of dodging my questions are stressing me out.” Her words made fear run up my spine. I didn’t know what she was fully capable of but I did know that she was off her rocker. I suddenly lunged towards the opening of the door and watched the door that was trapping Adam in his cell open. The one who had taken him from his room was an immortal I didn’t know. He was tall with an accent similar to Emmalee’s. I couldn’t see his face though, only his back. I heard the door open and close to where Adam was being held at.

“Adam!” I yelled as I watched him being dragged from his holding room. I saw Emmalee stop and turn on her heel, looking back at me. She strutted over to my door and squatted down, licking her licks as she starred at me. Her eyes seemed to pierce my soul.

“What are you yellin’ about?”

“Don’t hurt him, please don’t.” I begged of her. Emmalee took the keys from Lucas and opened my cell door.

“Are you friends with the lad?’ she asked me. I slowly nodded as I felt a tear fall. ‘Good, bring her as well.” She demanded. Suddenly I was pulled to my feet by Conner and practically dragged down the long, dimly lit hallway and back to the room where I was first at while being bored to Emmalee’s life tale. I stood next to Adam, both of us being held by the stunner thanks to Lucas. He couldn’t use his words but his eyes told me that he was sorry what he was being forced to do.

“So you’re friends with little Miss Chosen One eh?” Emmalee asked Adam who looked over at me.

“I am.” He stated firmly, bravely standing up to immortals.

“Right now isn’t such a grand time to be her friend or my enemy.” Without warning or thought she plunged her hand deep into this chest. Blood flowed from his now open chest cavity. I knew that I was screaming but I couldn’t hear myself. I was still trapped in the stunner and couldn’t move, killing me that I couldn’t save him or try to comfort him. His eyes turned to me and, as odd as it may sound, he smiled. My heart was racing, my breath was short and my mind was blank to what was happening. Everything was is slow motion, as if I was in an unbelievable part in a movie. My eyes glazed over as tears forms, I could feel them. I struggled for a moment to breath, talk – to do anything.

“Oh God, Emmalee what have you done?” I heard myself say. I didn’t know I was yelling anything. Adam was struggling to talk but before he could slip away to the other world he disappeared. I was shocked that he was gone before my very eyes so the only thing I could do was shift my eyes towards her and face Emmalee who looked to be just as shocked as I was. Her hand that once held Adam’s heart was now empty. “Where is he?” I barked.

“I…I don’t know. I didn’t do that.” She mumbled looking almost as spooked as I did. Whether I hated her or not, I believed her but that still didn’t tell me what had happened to Adam.

“Oh Emmalee, you silly and shallow little girl.” We all heard someone say from behind us. I turned to see Jaryn who had appeared out of nowhere, his speed made him damn nearly invisible to the naked eye.

“Jaryn!” I said with a sigh of relief although Adam was still lingering in my head. Jaryn moved between Emmalee and myself where he stood his ground firmly, with confidence. Seeing Emmalee’s lips begin to move he quickly held up his hand, ordering her to stop.

“Please don’t ask me how I did it Emmalee. I know you’re not that stupid. Now if you don’t mind I’ll be takin’ Nora with me, where she belongs.’ He turned to me with a smile. ‘With her family.” In a blink of an eye he had knocked Lucas off of his feet, releasing his hold that he had me in. With the stunner removed he grabbed me up and without time to process what was happening he told me to hold on and then we were gone, out of the building and then to the opening of The Keeper’s chambers. We stood there in the mouth of the cave knowing that we needed to go in but he knew that I didn’t want to. Everything was going to change, everything already had though. From the moment I was born things were different for everyone, we just didn’t know it yet. Without warning I felt my legs give out from underneath me and fell to the ground, my back hitting the side of the cave. Jaryn quickly ran to me, making sure that I was okay. Although I said that I was fine he knew better. Jaryn was the brother that I had always wanted; he and I had an unspoken connection with each other. We knew what the other was thinking without talking - we comforted each other when we needed it the most then made each other laugh to forget. This time it I couldn’t laugh, I could only cry and he knew it so rather than talking or asking me a question he just held me. I cried all that I could on his shoulder and when he thought I was done he pulled me up, looked into my eyes and told me that everything was going to be fine even though he wasn’t positive himself. He didn’t have to tell me with words that he was scared of the outcome because he didn’t know what the outcome was going to be and neither did I even though I was supposed to.

Finally getting back to our feet we started walking farther into the cave until we saw was someone walking in the shadows of the cave, walking towards us was Blake. He didn’t say anything. He just opened his arms to me where I fell, crying still. I seemed to have an endless supply of tears but being in his arms seemed to calm me down enough to where I could function so that I could do what I had to do so that Adam’s death wouldn’t be in vein. Once inside the, now facing the door I stopped and took a deep breath. I didn’t have a clue to what or who would be on the other side of the doors. With Blake and Jaryn flanking me on either side I walked into the chamber after they had opened the door for me and I was shock to find a mass of people; all races, cultures and that spanned over many centuries.

“Ozlem, my brother…she is here.” Cade said with an odd smile forming in his slender, pale face. Ozlem and Lieka turned to face the opened doors to their chamber that were closing behind the Chosen One. Even Lieka smiled at the sight of me walking in. Without warning I fell to the ground again, hitting my head this time. I could hear everyone around me yelling, people saying my name but I couldn’t respond. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. It was like I was in a coma because I didn’t want to go on. I didn’t know if I could.




Twenty One


I woke up in a bedroom but it wasn’t mine, which was unfortunate, nor was it the bedroom at the Hollings. I did wake up to the voices of the Hollings, The Keepers and the gentle touch of my best friend. I looked up to a much relieved looking Trish. “Oh thank God you’re okay! What happened?” she asked as she gave me a squeeze once I was sitting up.

“I don’t know, I guess I was just overwhelmed with…Trish something bad has happened to…”

“To Adam, I know. We all know. Cade saw it.” She explained to me.              

“How?” I wondered, suddenly wondering how they knew where to find me as well if they were searching for me. Cade suddenly appeared at my side, his black eyes twinkling as his pale lips formed a smile. Although awkward, he looked kind. Ozlem and Lieka did as well but Cade always had looked that way to me, probably because he was the youngest out of the three thus more childlike.

“After you were taken by Emmalee some searched for you but others came to me. Thank Sebastian and Trish for your rescue for they were the one who came to us. It was hard but I was finally able to get a sense of where you were thanks to Trish. She had given me some of her memories of you, allowing me to tap into your essence. It took me some time but I was finally able to locate you so we sent Jaryn to get you.”

“Since I was able to surprise Lucas I could knock him on his arse before he was able to place me in the stunner. Once he was down and out I knew I could grab you.” Jaryn explained.

“But what about Adam? Emmalee…she killed him and then his body disappeared!” I yelled, trying to get up from where I was. Ozlem walked to me and gently placed his hand on my shoulder in attempts to keep me calm. From behind him walked Lieka, a creature that never seemed to be fond of me from the moment I stepped foot into their lives.

“We have him, we have his body. I’m sorry Nora. You must believe me when I tell you that we tried everything that could to save him but he was too far gone, his heart was out of his body for too long. There isn’t anything within the paranormal world that will allow anyone to bring someone back from the dead or the deed would have been done.” Lieka explained. I did understand but it was hard for me to care about anything other than about Adam, my friend whom I had lost in such a brutal manor because he was helping me. I took another deep breath and after removing everyone’s hands from me I stood up and faced The Keepers, the Hollings and my friends.

“So what’s our next move because Adam isn’t dying in vain - I will do what I have to do to make sure of that” I said boldly. I was advised that the chambers were full of immortals from all over the world, from all times in history who were here to help in the battle of their lives because if they lost - if I lost or choose against them, they wouldn’t have a life left. I mustered up all the courage I had left in my body for the moment and walked behind The Keepers who led me into the chamber, a great hall full of immortals. I was trying not to faint again, having Trish’s hand wrapped around mine helped and if it didn’t then Blake was right on the other side also holding me hand in hopes of keeping me steady. Just before I was announced I released both hands and walked a head of the others that were with me. I could hear the mindless chit chat from the one below. We stood on a large cliff that looked over to the chamber below.

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