Impossible Love: An Unforeseen Destiny Novel Book One (23 page)

BOOK: Impossible Love: An Unforeseen Destiny Novel Book One
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Kai drops his hand to the small of my back as he guides me out the exit. He hasn’t said where we’re going, and even though I’m upset over Bethany’s words, I still want to go back to his place. Is that wrong? It feels wrong. But Kamp made it clear that I’m not coming between Kai and Bethany. “Fuck buddies” is what he called them. Is that what I am? A fuck buddy? I hope not, because Kai means more to me than a simple screw.

Continuing straight to the door, I release a slow breath. Even though I hope our time together means
to him, it’s irrelevant. In six days I’ll be gone, which means five nights is all we have left. That’s not enough time to waste on being mad or upset.

I glance up at Kai when we exit the bar. His warm smile soothes my nerves. Tonight, I want to make the most of our time, but I’m hoping he’ll let me try something I’ve always wondered about. His hand slides over and grabs mine. I’m so inexperienced, how am I going to bring this up?





“See ya, Tabby.” I tip my chin to him, and he nods back, not saying a word. He saw the argument that pursued with Bethany, which I can only guess is the reason behind his silence.

Shit. How am I going to rectify this situation? I never thought Bethany would ever be a problem. But she pretty much confessed to developing feelings for me. How did I miss those signs?

Kayla glances up at me, and I smile warmly at her.

“Did you want to go back to your condo so we could hang with your mom?” I ask as we walk to my car.

She hesitates. “I got the impression she wanted to be alone with John.”

“Oh?” I quirk an eyebrow, opening her car door.

“Not to do that!”

I just stare at her as she settles in her seat.

“Ya think? Ew‌…‌that’s just

“Older people have needs too.” I laugh and walk around the car. “Just sayin’.”

A cross between a whine and groan comes out from her. “Well, I’m
not going back then.”

And now I’m sporting a semi, which is wrong considering we’re discussing John and Cara. But any mention or slight indication about sex around this girl, and I’m springing to action.

“So, back to my house?” I place the key in the ignition.

A lustful gleam fills her eyes. “Can I try something new?”

Okay, that got my attention along with buddy’s attention, too. He’s fully awake, rearing to go.
Calm down. She doesn’t know my mind has reverted to sex.
I clear my throat.

“Um, sure,” I answer carefully.

Her cheeks redden, and my curiosity spikes.

“I uh, would it be okay if I‌…‌if I tried giving you a blowjob?”

My mouth drops open. She’s looking at me with wide, curious eyes. “You’re asking permission to give me head?” God, I love this girl.

The red has now inched to the top of her ears.

“Yeah, I guess. But I may suck at it.”

“Babe, there’s no way you’d perform bad, but you don’t have to give me head. I’m not expecting that from you.”

Her gaze softens, and she takes on a serious expression.

“I know, but I want to. I want all my firsts to be with you. Well, except anal.” She scrunches her nose and shakes her head. “I don’t want to do that.”

I about choke. Holy shit, I never know what’s going to come out of this girl’s mouth.

“No anal, check.”

I start the car, and almost peel out of the parking lot. I can’t get home fast enough.





Stay strong, Kayla
. I repeat those three words to myself. For the most part, I am staying strong and maintaining a good front for Kai. But this is our last day together, and I’m finding it very difficult to function‌—‌especially after the amazing four days we’ve shared.

Walking through the pine trees to get to Ke’e Beach, we’re alone for the moment. Based on the number of cars jammed along the street and parking lot, I don’t think our solitude will last.

“I’m glad you were able to take off work early. How’d ya pull it off?” I ask.

“Roy owed me one. He didn’t have any problems switching our tours around. He’s traded tomorrow’s early run, too.” Kai halts in his tracks and looks back at me with a half-grin. “I’m all yours for the night.”

Warmth invades my lower region.
How’d I ever live without having sex with Kai?
No more than the thought crosses my mind, my stomach twists in knots.
How am I going to live without him?

“I like this Roy character.” Dismissing my concern, I move closer to Kai. “He’s giving me what I enjoy.”

“Yeah?” Kai grabs my waist and pulls me against him.

“Yeah,” I say without hesitation and stare into those dark cocoa eyes. A slow grin crosses my face as his fingers tighten their hold, and a deep lustful haze fills his eyes.

“God, I can’t resist you.” Kai presses his lips against mine so swiftly that he knocks me off balance. This only results in him grabbing me tighter. I open my mouth to allow his greedy tongue full advantage. His hands skim along my sides, up toward my back as his tongue continues to work fervently with mine. It’s as if he can sense our lack of time together. But I don’t stop despite the clamor of people in the background. I want to squeeze every last moment we share and savor this time, knowing it’s the beginning of our last.

He breaks the kiss, panting as he looks intently at me. “What is it about you that makes me want more?”

It’s a rhetorical question. One I have no answer to, but whatever the source, it has the same effect on me. I cannot seem to get enough of Kai Hale.

“Come on.” Kai nods his head toward the trail and grabs hold of my hand. “At this rate, you’ll never see what I wanted to show you.”

We emerge from the short path and my breath catches. “Wow,” I whisper.

I can feel Kai’s stare as I take in the crystal blue water surrounded by reefs. It’s the same stare he has when I’m in awe with the never ending beauty this island offers. He steps behind and wraps his arms around me. My gaze moves westward to the beginning of the Na Pali Coast, and I sigh. I freaking love it here.

“I can watch you stare at the sea all day,” Kai murmurs into my ear.

I melt further against him and breathe in his musky scent. A pang of sorrow envelops my chest, squeezing my heart. God, I’m going to miss these sights, these smells, and especially him.

Kai grabs my hand, and we walk eastward along the shore until reaching a large boulder deemed worthy enough to sit. We remain quiet while watching the water crash into the cliff’s side completely encasing the coal black rocks along the beach edge. As scary as the breaks are, they pale in comparison to the impending question that looms between us.
Where do we go from here?
But I’m afraid I already know the answer‌—‌nowhere.





This picture right here‌—‌long dark hair waving in the breeze, the expression of wonderment etched on Kayla’s face‌—‌will be forever burned into memory. But as much as I enjoy Kayla watching the setting sun, all I can think about is getting her back in bed. I can’t help it. I’m a selfish man. I want her all to myself. Never before did I think my biggest competitor would be a sunset. I’d laugh if the situation weren’t so damn depressing.

The time I spent with Kayla, especially this past week, has been undeniably fun, but there are unspoken questions between us. Ones I don’t want to address. We both know our relationship can’t go anywhere, but I’m not sure when to talk about it. Do I mention it now or wait until later? Neither option seems desirable.

My arms wrap around her tighter at the thought of letting her go.
. I don’t want her to leave. Kayla leans back against me, and the soft moan that escapes her mouth as the sun dips into the ocean is my undoing. I want her so badly and don’t want to give her up.


The roar of a large wave crashing against the cliffside draws my attention. My gaze darts around the now empty beach, reiterating the fact that we should also leave. A gust of wind blows across the cove, causing Kayla to shiver beside me.

“Here, let’s get you warm.” I run my hands along her arms, attempting to heat her skin. I should have brought a hoodie. December nights can get rather chilly when darkness prevails.

“I don’t want to leave,” Kayla mutters.

My hands still. The sadness in her tone is suffocating. I swallow past the lump lodged in my throat. I’m not sure if she means this beach or leaving in general.

“It is a beautiful beach.”

“I agree.” Kayla turns and tilts her chin to look me in the eye. “I don’t want to leave this island. I don’t want to leave you.”

Okay, so we’re doing this now.

“Baby, I don’t want you to leave either.”

Her eyes glisten with unshed tears as she stares up at me.

“I’m not sure I would’ve made it through this vacation without you. You’ll never know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

The raw vulnerability in her words crumbles the remaining strength I have. I suck in a deep breath and place my hand on the side of her face. “I’m glad I could be here for you.”

“I hate having to end what we started before we got the chance to see where it would lead.”

The shred of hope laced in her stare sucks the last bit of air from me. But I have to be the bad guy and extinguish it. Long distance relationships don’t work‌—‌especially with no plans for either of us moving.

“Me, too,” I manage to croak out. “Because I think we have something good here, and I hate it ending. But we have to end it.”

That ray of hope burns out from the finality of my statement. And the hurt that quickly replaces it breaks my fucking heart. But I have to be strong. I have no other choice.

“I’m so sorry, Kayla. If circumstances were different…” She leans into the palm of my hand and closes her eyes as she nods.

“I know. Believe me. I know.”

Her eyelids flutter open, and I’m lost in the depths of midnight blue. A pang of uneasiness works its way through my insides as I want nothing more than to tell this girl that everything will be okay. But everything won’t be okay. Not by a long shot. Unable to hold back, I lean forward and take possession of her mouth. Her warm lips, her succulent tongue. My cock hardens and strains against my shorts. I want to taste her one more time before she leaves. But I’m not sure if that’s what she wants or if it’s even appropriate. We did pretty much just break up.

I end the kiss and back away, my body protesting each move. With her face flushed and her breaths short and quick, Kayla looks deep into my eyes.

“Take me to bed, Kai.”





The next sixty minutes pass in a blur. Kayla and I are back at my house in record time. As I exit the car, my heart beats wildly against my chest in anticipation. I’m more than ready for sex, evident from the semi I’ve sported since catching sight of Kayla’s lustful gleam. So the sudden hesitation I feel as Kayla steps from the car is unexpected.

I clear my throat. “I was going to wait before giving you this, but I think now is appropriate.”

“Give me what?” Kayla’s eyebrows squish together as her gaze drops to my groin.

“Not this.” I cover my cock momentarily and laugh. Shaking my head, I break to the back seat and open the door. I pull out a slender box and take a deep breath. I hope she likes it.

Kayla’s gaze softens as I hand her the gift. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

“It’s not much, but I wanted you to have a reminder.” I shrug.

She removes the lid and tears fill her eyes. She lifts the silver chain and studies the double hearts entwined together. A shell charm dangles from the middle of one of the hearts.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispers, eyeing the shell and rolling it gently between her fingers.

“It’s hard to see the coloring from the streetlight, but the light beige shell is from the island. When you wear this, you’ll always have a piece of the island with you. And part of my heart.”

She smiles at my corny line, but quickly wraps the chain around her neck. The hearts fall perfectly against her breastbone.

“Can you fasten it for me?” she asks, turning her back to me.

I sweep her hair across her shoulder. The musky-lavender scent sets my senses on full alert, and I swear I feel the softness of her skin clear to my toes. I quickly close the clasp and step away before I take her right here against the car.

“How’s it look?” she asks.

Her questioning gaze rises to meet mine. A beat of silence passes as we’re both caught in each other’s stare.

“Beautiful,” I finally croak out.

The corners of her lips lift as she murmurs, “Thanks.”

“You know.” I slide my hands in my pocket and brush up beside her. “We don’t have to have sex. We could just spend the remaining hours snuggled together on the couch or something.”

We step onto the sidewalk and press forward to the house. Kayla tilts her head toward me. She purses her lips and studies me for a moment.

“As honorable as that sounds…” she says as we approach the front door. Turning to face me, she rubs her hand against my cock. With a sly smile, she continues, “I much rather return home with the memory of this inside me.”


As soon as I swing the door open, animalistic instincts overwhelm me. I practically growl, pulling Kayla into my arms and backing her against the wall. Her eyes widen momentarily before darkening to a stormy blue. In a fluid movement, my fingers weave into her hair as my lips zero-in on her neck, nipping and sucking a path from her shoulder to my favorite spot behind her ear. Her body melts into mine, completely surrendering to me. Kayla fists my shirt, pulling it out of my shorts. She yanks at it as if she wants to rip it off, but I’m pressed against her too tightly. She lets out a frustrated groan and releases her hands, settling them upon my ass instead. My hand follows her curves and snakes around to cup her left breast.

BOOK: Impossible Love: An Unforeseen Destiny Novel Book One
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