Impossible Love: An Unforeseen Destiny Novel Book One (26 page)

BOOK: Impossible Love: An Unforeseen Destiny Novel Book One
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“Yep. She won’t be here until tomorrow.”

Kai’s gaze becomes heated. “You alone?”

“Completely.” I let out a shaky breath. Kai’s deep rich voice sends pleasurable waves along my skin. My heart begins to race at the mere thought of touching myself in front of him.

“Hmm, nice. I see you’re wearing my favorite shirt.”

I look down despite the fact I already know what I’m wearing.

“I thought you’d appreciate that,” I say and glance up at him. “I did, after all, lose my virginity the last time you saw me wearing it.”

A low guttural growl emits from my speakers.

“I wish I could come through that screen right now. I’d…” He closes his eyes momentarily and shudders. “Fuck. I need to see you naked.”

Yep. Definitely not subtle.

“You do, huh?” I’m trying to sound funny, but my voice comes out throaty and raspy.

“I know that Skype sex was my idea, but if you’re too uncomfortable, we don’t have to go through with this.”

“I’m not going to lie; it’s a little embarrassing. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to, though.”

Even through the monitor, I can see his eyes darken, and the fact he’s turned on by the idea turns me on even more.

I brazenly place a hand on my thigh and rub in a slow, circular pattern. The light touch warms my lower half, spreading tingles to my core. Kai’s gaze drops and his lips part.

“Yeah,” he drawls out. “Keep doing that. It’s incredibly hot.”

Unsure what to do next, I glide my hands to my hips and grab the lower hem of my T-shirt. With a deep breath, I close my eyes and lift the shirt over my head as he coaxes me. I’m not wearing a bra‌—‌one less thing to contend with‌—‌so the moan that emits from his mouth fuels me on.

I move my hands to cup my breast, which elicits another pleasurable sound from him. Curious, I glance at the screen and Kai’s shirtless, firm chest causes me to whimper. If only I could run my hands along his ridges.

Pretending it’s Kai’s touch caressing my skin, I work my fingers toward the top of my shorts, and pause at the waistband. My heart races. I’m really going to be naked in front of a screen. But surprisingly, a hint of excitement swirls through my veins as well.

“Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?” Kai asks, his voice throaty.

“Yeah.” My breathing quickens, but the awkwardness refuses to leave, and I’m still unsure of my next move. “I may need direction.”

“Okay,” Kai chuckles, but a hint of concern masks his expression. “Remember, it’s my first time, too. I’ll try and talk you through it.”

I nod.

“Why don’t we take our shorts off together. That may help.”

Kai reaches for his zipper, and I concentrate on the metallic sound wafting through my speakers.

I slowly lower my yoga shorts until I’m bare naked in front of my monitor. Kai’s shorts slip down, and his cock springs forward, hard and teasing. Unwittingly, I lick my lips.

“Wanting my dick in your mouth?” Kai asks while stroking his generous shaft.

Heat floods my face, but I answer honestly. “You have no idea.”

“I would love your warm lips on my dick, but right now, I need you to lean back and spread your legs so I can see that beautiful pussy.”

My heartbeat continues its fast pace as I lean against the pillows and slowly spread my thighs apart. Kai sucks in a breath.

“Your pussy’s glistening with your tasty juices. If I were there, I’d run my tongue along your slit, licking my way to your clit. Mmm, I can practically taste you.”

Oh my God, his dirty talk is totally working. I’m so hot for him right now; my nipples tighten in response, begging to be touched. I run my palm up my midsection landing on the underside of my breast while his fingers continually stroke his long, thick shaft.

“Squeeze your nipple for me.”

I comply, and as soon as my fingers press the hardened bud, a jolting sensation fires across my nerves and a moan escapes my mouth. “I want you inside me so bad.”

“Mmm, I want nothing more than to be in between your legs.”

He starts stroking faster, and I can’t wait any longer. With my free hand, I press a finger into my channel and then move to my clit, rubbing in circles.

“God, you look so fucking sexy,” Kai says. “I’m so hard for you.”

Hunger builds below, but I need more. My hand abandons my breast and slides between my thighs. Overcome with sheer desire, I plunge two fingers inside while my other hand continues fervently working my clit. I’m so frickin’ close.

“Man, you’re so sexy. Jesus, I’m com—”

Click. Whoosh.

“Surpri‌—‌ Oh my God! Sorry, I’m‌…‌I’m gone.”


The moment Staci’s voice rings out, I spring from the pillows and grab the blanket to cover myself. Wrong thing to do. The computer crashes to the floor, and lands bottom-side up. I scramble to pick up my baby, and then immediately open the lid. The non-cracked screen draws a thankful breath, but I still need to check if it powers up.
let my computer be all right. The disconnected Skype call and surprised interruption are the least of my worries at the moment. The phone rings as soon as I hit the computer’s power button.

“I’m mortified,” I say to Kai.

He’s laughing. The asshole is actually laughing.

“It’s not funny.” The Dell emblem appears, and I sag back onto the bed relieved. I glance at the door and wince at the small puddle of water left from Staci’s shoes. Ambivalent laughter bubbles from my chest, joining Kai’s. That’s all it takes for me to see the humor. “Okay, it’s a little funny. I’m still embarrassed, though.”

“Oh, sweetheart, that was fun. You always manage to show me a good time.”

“I wonder what Staci’s thinking? I can’t believe she came back early. She never does that.”

“Don’t be embarrassed. People in long distance relationships have cybersex all the time. It’s nothing to be ashamed about.”

“I’m not ashamed.” As the words left my mouth, the truth of my statement hits me like the second shot of tequila‌—‌a little dizzying. I’m surprised by how much I actually enjoyed it. Well, up until we got interrupted. I’m nothing but a raging ball of hormones these days.

“Good, but I am sorry we got interrupted,” Kai says. “I would’ve enjoyed seeing you come apart.”

“It’s not your fault. Next time, I’ll make sure she’ll be gone.”

“Next time?”

My cheeks flame again. I swear his smirk rings loudly through his tone. “Yeah, we’re definitely doing that again.”

“I love you, Kayla.”

The conviction in his voice warms my heart. “I love you, too. Ugh, as much as I hate to, I better call Staci and tell her it’s safe to come back inside.”

After saying our goodbyes, I finish getting dressed and dial Staci’s number.

“I am so, so sorry,” Staci says in lieu of a hello.

“I’m extremely embarrassed, but it’s safe to come back.”

“I’m the one who’s embarrassed. Jeez. I should’ve warned you that I was coming back early. I wanted to surprise you, though.”

“You surprised me all right.” I laugh.

“Seriously, though, it’s not like you haven’t caught The Beave and me.”

I wince because I have walked in on her and her pink silicone friend. She named it The Beaver Buster and called him The Beave for short.

“What are you doing back? You never come back early,” I ask, switching topics.

Staci lives ten miles away. It’s nothing for her to arrive hours before class, but she specifically said she’d be back Sunday.

“I wanted to be here for you. You know, talk for real.”

The door swings open, and I smile at my friend, ending the call.

“Look at you. You’ve changed,” Staci says, slamming the door behind her.

“Stop, or I’ll have to smack you.”

“Stand up. I want to see my friend who’s lost that innocent look.”

I start to stand and then sit back down at her ridiculous request. “I don’t look different.”

“I’m not so sure,” she sing-songs. “There’s definitely an after-sex-glow about ya.”

“Shut-up. I was interrupted. Remember?”

“Yeah. Believe me, I won’t be forgetting that for a while.” She laughs and plops on her bed. “Which reminds me. I’m pissed at you.”

“Why?” I play along. The mischievous gleam in her eyes tells me she’s enjoying this way too much.

“You’ve been holding out on me. Santa did bring you a nice thick dick. The package just arrived late.”

Heat flares on my face. “You saw Kai?”

“Ha! You’re not denying it. And girl, he is fine. The image of his spewing come from that monstrosity of a penis is filed away.” She double taps her finger to her left temporal and winks.

“If you picture my boyfriend while you get it on with The Beave, I’ll…” I can’t even finish the sentence; I’m too astounded.

“I’m teasing. About the filing away parts not the other, because he is fine.”

“I know.” I burst out in giggles.

“So how are you guys working it out?”

“We’re considering ourselves dating. Boyfriend/girlfriend, I guess.”

“Did you guys agree to be exclusive?” Genuine concern crosses her face, and I know she’s only looking out for my welfare.

“Yes,” I answer confidently.

“Did he bring it up or you?”

“He did. He told me he loves me and doesn’t want to be with anyone else. He claims the thought of another man touching me would drive him crazy. So, we agreed to be exclusive. I can’t wait to physically see him, though.”

“That’s so sweet and exciting,” Staci squeals. “When will that be?”

“I’m not sure.” My mood turns somber. “It depends on Mom, but summer at the earliest.”

I shut my eyes. Honestly, I don’t think Mom will last until summer. I’m not sure she’ll last until graduation. She took a turn for the worse after we returned.

“That sucks.”

“Yeah, it does.” We go into a lengthy discussion about Mom and talk nonstop for a couple of hours. Before going to bed, Staci gives me a hard stare.

“We’re going out next Saturday night.”

I open my mouth to protest, but she cuts me off.

“No, we’re going. You deserve some fun after everything you’ve been through.”

I contemplate her point. She’s right. I’m overdue for fun.

“Okay,” I finally answer. “It may be a tequila shot kind of night.”

“Ooh, now we’re talking.”

I shake my head and hope I didn’t just sink myself. There’s no harm in allowing some fun with all this heaviness surrounding me. Right?


Four weeks apart




Highlights from the week are Kai’s texts. Simple one-liners like, “I’m thinking about you,” make my day. Then he sends the “what are you wearing” ones that lead to interesting conversations. But my favorite? Yeah, it’s the plain ole, “I love you,” that’s always waiting for me for when I wake up. All of these don’t compare to hearing his actual voice when he calls before I go to bed. Of course, those are only on the days he gets through with work early.

This seven-hour time difference is torturous.

I look forward to his text, though, and receiving them throughout the week makes the separation bearable. Being apart still sucks, but I’m adjusting.

It’s nine o’clock on Saturday, one week since my embarrassing debut into cybersex. And as promised, there’s a shot of tequila sitting in front of me along with salt, lime, and a fruity concoction. My problem, I’m already feeling the effects from the first shot, and it’s still early.

“Okay”‌—‌Staci picks up the shot glass‌—‌“here’s to big dicks and men who know how to use them.”

I laugh as I lift my tequila. We lick the salt, toss back the shot, and then chase it with the lime.

“Awe. Isn’t this better than sitting in the dorm?” Staci asks.

“Yeah, but I’m going to miss my call from Kai.” I pout and pull my phone out to read his last text. The “have fun tonight but be careful” message makes me feel warm inside. Or maybe it’s from the alcohol.

“Okay, hand it over.” Staci holds out her palm.


“The phone. Hand it over.” Her impatient tone raises a decibel.

“I don’t think so.”

“Come on. You’re not going to be pining over Kai tonight. We’re supposed to have fun.”

I gnaw on my lip as I contemplate what to do. “Okay, but you have to keep checking to see if Mom calls.”

Staci’s smirk softens. “I promise, I will.”

When I checked on Mom earlier, she assured me she was having a good night. She encouraged me to have fun even. I’m not sure if getting drunk is what she had in mind, but I’m definitely on my way.

“Hey, stranger,” Brian says as he occupies the empty stool beside me.

Staci’s body stiffens, and the scowl crossing her face doesn’t go undetected, but I ignore her sudden annoyance. Guilt plagues my conscience, taking precedence. This past week, I haven’t made time to be with Brian, and I’m just about to hear it.

“I haven’t seen you all week.”

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“She doesn’t have much time,” Staci says. “Her boyfriend’s keeping her occupied.”

I internally cringe and shoot Staci a glare as she picks up her drink. I haven’t mentioned anything about Kai to Brian. Not because I don’t want to, but if Brian’s harboring feelings for me like Staci thinks, then I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

“‘Boyfriend?’ What do you mean ‘boyfriend’?” he asks, practically growling.

Staci about chokes on her fruity drink, and I turn to face Brian. The mixture of hurt and surprise in his tone conflicts me. I don’t know whether to feel sorry for him or be pissed that he’s so surprised. I’m quite capable of having a boyfriend.

“I met somebody,” I say.

“She got it on with a hot Hawaiian guy,” Staci blurts out, fanning herself.

“Okay, I think you’ve had enough to drink, Staci.”

The pained expression on Brian’s face twists my gut as guilt nudges out the anger.

“I meant to tell you about Kai, but we haven’t talked.”

“He lives in Hawaii?”

“Yeah, it’s a little complicated.”

“How does that even work?”

“We’re making it,” I say, not liking his tone.

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