Read Impulses Online

Authors: V.L. Brock

Tags: #Romance, #erotic, #suspense

Impulses (41 page)

BOOK: Impulses
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My recollection is halted at once as Hayden grabs my shoulders, and I stagger back against one of the artic white walls of the foyer and he restrains me with his hips. He stares down at me with a predatory semblance as his hands grip with vigor at my upper arms. His domineering stance and scrutiny offers an insight to his unrelenting desires. His expression and proximity stirs my senses and my need for him, more so, than expected.

My breathing increases and my mouth is suddenly dry. Unhooking my purse off my shoulder, I drop it to the floor with definiteness and resolve. As the heavy sound of my holdall purse connects with the pristine tiling, Hayden instantly seals his mouth over mine.

His hands clutch with bruising force at my upper arms leaving painful, yet decadent tingles under his fingertips. As his grip on my flesh loosens, he begins trailing them down the length of my arms before reaching my hips. Our mouths move inexorably against one another while Hayden’s roaming hands extend down the length of my body and hikes my skirt up,  bunching it around my hips. I feel the urgency of his desire as he presses his fingers into the flesh at the back of my thighs and lifts me, pinning me against the wall.

With my legs wrapped tightly around his body, my arms around his neck and my back positioned against the coolness of the foyer wall, our tongue caress and tangle with impetuous flair and guttural moans echo around the empty foyer, spurring our want and need.

He pulls me away from the wall. Blundering deeper into the entranceway, he kicks open one of the surrounding doors. “I need you,” he breaths against my lips.

Seeing his desperation and hearing him as he stipulates his desire for me sets my libido ablaze. My core temperature and perspiration matches that of the heat and dampness between my legs.

“Take me…claim me,” I reply breathlessly in response against his lips. He emits a low virile growl in his throat, a growl that vibrates and travels through my nerve endings, and between my legs, igniting my body along with my senses.

We stumble through the next room, and with exacting force, he shunts us up against another wall. I hum at the collision as my back slams against the barrier. I’ve been oblivious to this heated animal that Hayden restrains within himself. Regardless of the intense, impulsive sex we have had previously, he has always maintained a level of tenderness. What he is doing to my body, the power and authority behind his actions is unsuspecting, but my God it’s exhilarating.

I pull my mouth from his. My lips sensitive and swollen, the sensation of his stubble abrading my skin is still present, even though he is not. “Hold on tight, baby.” He lets his hands drop from my thighs, before unfastening his belt buckle and pants with deft hands.

I clench my thighs tighter around him so not to fall. Releasing my left arm from his neck, I draw my panties to the side and give him unobstructed access to my opening. He answers my insistence by angling the tip of his rigid cock at my entrance, then begins a torturous, exciting assault as he presses it against my opening at first, and then moves up the length of my slit, brushing his swollen glands against my engorged clit. I gaze at him, lustful and wanton, squirming and moaning as he teases the southern part of my body.

I close my eyes and tip my head back in sexual frustration.

And in one swift move, Hayden impales me, feeling him stretching me and filling me…claiming me, just like I had voiced.

“Oh, god…” he husks as he pulls his hips in and reaches the highest point inside of me. “You’re so fucking wet.” He sounds mildly surprised by the result he has on my body, but the evidence is there for him to see…to feel…

“Only for you… it’s all for you,” I sigh as his cadence increases.

My back thumps hard and rhythmically against the wall as he assaults me with impious prowess. My cries of pleasure are muffled by that of strenuous breaths, as our panting and thumping reverberates around the room.

“Oh, God…Yes, Hayden, right there,” I call as he adjusts his angle and pounds against the end of me continuing with his ferocious onslaught, and skimming against the swelling spot against the front wall that elicits an intense defeat against my nerve endings.

“That’s it, beautiful…” with intense vigor, his hips collide against my own, my lower back drumming against the solid barrier behind me, matching the degree that we glory in whilst my body tightens around him, taking me higher as my muscles spasm lusciously around my sweat covered body.

My mouth seals around his once more as he works against me with his highly erotic, stimulating method. I embrace him closely feeling his potencies working, flexing and straining in his back. I feel his defined, abdomen muscles clench with every implementing thrust. He withdraws his mouth from mine and air catches between his teeth as he gasps.

Sinking his fingers into the flesh of my ass, I watch the pleasure and passion in his smouldering eyes, his jaw clenched and working rapidly under his skin. He looks feral, like a mad man ensnaring his partner in an act so intense, it makes the word ‘carnal’ sound prissy.

I lean in and glide my tongue along the coarseness of his stubble that coats his jawline, up to his ear. Swirling my tongue around the outer curve, I tease him in a way that I would if I was on my knees in front of him now, worshipping his cock. I take hold of his lobe, and provokingly begin to nibble.

My action is promptly ended. I gasp startled, at the unexpected motion of Hayden’s right hand leaving my thigh and cinching it around my throat, holding my head flush against the wall behind me. My eyes wide and grave, as the realization of what he is doing to me, how he is holding me begins to sink in.

Regarding my expression, Hayden removes his hand and for an unfathomable reason, my throat feels bare without it there. For what reason did I feel any form of trepidation towards it? I know he wouldn’t hurt me, we are pushing our boundaries, that is what we are doing…just pushing our boundaries.

I shake my head. “Again,” I urge him, but he doesn’t return to his former position.

“No.” He shakes his head as he continues to press and grind against my body, his eyes blazing. I seize his right hand and place it around my throat. Gaging his expression, I incite him to hold me tighter, to restrain me with the equivalent force and power that he is stimulating the rest of my body with.

His grip soon tightens. I’m unable to lower my head to look down; my only focus point is his gorgeous, sexy, yet uncompromising face. I watch his teeth sink into his lower lip and it’s beyond erotic.

As our rhythm escalates, the sensations within us intensify. I pull him closer with my straining thighs, pleading him not to stop as his merciless beat batters my front and the back of my body.

“Give into it, Samantha,” he growls at me, his eyes so dark and dangerous they look almost black. He squares off his jaw and grits his teeth. His appearance, added with his command sends me up and over. I call his name as my body quivers uncontrollably around him embracing my release, and I come over and over. The overall power of my muscles constricting in my abdomen is almost as intense as my orgasm itself.

My undoing is his also. Hayden releases his grip on my throat, and cradles the side of my face––his thumb at the seam of my lower lip, his fingertips at the sensitive part behind my ear. He lunges into me one last time before stilling. His body issues small, electric shock-type tremors against my continual trembling body as he whispers my name with profuse love and devotion. And it is the first, of many times, that he utters it that night.

An annoying, tickling sensation around the front of my hairline acts like an anchor, and pulls me away from the meadow full of wild flowers that I was running in, playfully escaping Hayden’s grasp. I feel it again, and with all my might, I raise my hand and brush it away, moaning in disapproval, while turning my head away from the source of the annoyance that disturbs me.

A rough snigger, followed by a snort sounds from beside me, and then the vexing stroke is upon me again.

“No!” I growl and smack Hayden’s hand away from my face. Flipping myself over onto my stomach, I bury my face into the safety of the duck feathered pillow.

“Wake up, sleeping beauty.” The warmth and silky strokes of his fingertips float up and down my back in sweeping motions, which integrate into circular waves and then, a large figure eight is invisibly drawn against my naked back. I offer an appreciative, contented sigh as I turn my head out of the plush, linen material of the pillow.

The sigh develops into a pleasurable groan as he taps the tips of his fingers with precise, gratifying pressure over the area of my back, down to my bare behind. Like a five-legged insect, scuttling heavily up my surface, massaging deeply into the tissue. The lightness of his tips connecting with my skin, followed by the pressure as he sinks in, is exquisite.

“You like that, beautiful?” he whispers.


“I take that as a yes?”

“Hmm…” I am so relaxed. I can’t find the energy to open my mouth to answer verbally. Last night’s excursions have left my body aching, and very much sated.

After our invigorating and exacting session, Hayden expressed guilt and concern about his forceful bearings, and we spent part the night talking––reassuring mostly. I sensed his discomfort when I told him that it’s exhilarating to have occasions of intemperance in the bedroom; variety is what keeps a relationship alive. Then, he made love to me over and over, worshipping me in ways I wanted to worship him, but he renounced my pleas and had me stifle my temptations, as he surrendered to his own.

I am left bereft when the kneading of his hands on my flesh ceases.

“Come on, up you get.” He playfully smacks my ass cheek twice.

“Hmm, I could get used to that,” I giggle, turning onto my side and face him. “What time i…” I trail off as I yield my early morning yawn and stretch-out my limbs. I crinkle my brow and pout petulantly as Hayden sniggers. “Don’t laugh at me, Mr. Wentworth. Well, at least not first thing in the morning.”

“You are just, too cute, Miss Kennedy,” he smiles down on me. I notice the white, fluffy robe wrapped around his frame, and his hair slicked back from his morning shower. He is, too damn hot. What did I ever do to deserve such a man? “It’s nearly 10:30 a.m. and breakfast will be here soon.”

I smile back at him and sink my teeth into my lip to halt my giggle of adoration. I love him so much, that at times it’s so overwhelming, I just want to cry. I never believed such a combination of feelings was possible. It seems like a complete contradiction.

“So, what is the plan for today?” I push myself up to a seated position and fist my hands through my hair.

He sinks his palm into the mattress and leans his weight into his left arm, effortlessly cocking his head. “Well, I thought we could have breakfast and then go shopping.”

“Hmm…I have a better idea.” I push the comforter off my body and lunge forward. Fisting the lapels of his complimentary robe, I pull him down to me as I rock back into the queen-size mattress, and it’s his turn to release an animated giggle. There is no better sound than hearing him laugh.

With his body shielding mine, I gaze up at him with innocent, decisive eyes. I lift my head fractionally away from the pillow and find his mouth with my own and kiss him deeply, and leisurely, not even caring that I haven’t yet brushed my teeth. He tastes fresh, minty and inviting. I inhale his intoxicating scent; faint citrus infused with Hayden and Dior, a scent that annihilates any rational thought, and allows my hormones to run riot, influencing me to become a slave to my own sinful desires.

Using my feet, I push my pelvis up to his, coercing him with an understanding of my intentions of my more…adventurous plan. He thrusts his pelvis into me, and I feel him grow and thicken beneath the fleecy material. Our tongues twirl and curl as they caress at one another. He brushes the muscle over the roof of my mouth, and I groan into his. It is the most erotic, suggestive motion I have witnessed without involving sex.

The deepness and pressure of our kiss becomes lighter and tender. He lingers for a few seconds before pulling away. With his forearms positioned on either side of my head, he gazes down on me. His damp hair is already parting as it falls naturally. My favorite lock drops and hangs over his brow as he hovers over me.

“Even though that is a very tempting offer, Miss Kennedy, may I remind you that…” he pushes my hair back, stroking my scalp with warmth and affection as he continues. “We are in New York? There are things we will want to see, and you, my beautiful, decided to dress in a miniskirt…and it is freezing outside.” He offers a wry smile while his eyes glint with amused vibrancy.

“Valid point well made, Mr. Wentworth. Although…” I raise my hand and push back his droopy lock and take the time to graze over the masculine coarseness of his stubble. “I didn’t hear you complaining on the flight about my attire.”

“Oh no, Miss Kennedy,” the wrinkles of his forehead enhance as he frowns. “It definitely has its benefits.” With his eyes narrow and his tongue brushing over his lip, he sinks down into my body, and kisses me anew. When he pulls away, that damn sexy floppy lock that I had pushed back only a second ago has resumed its previous setting.

Hayden pushes himself off me, freeing my body of his weight. He strides with easy grace to the bedroom door. Grasping the knob, he turns to face me.

“Come on, beautiful. Shit, shower and shave.”

It is like I have been slapped around the face with a wet fish. My mouth falls open my eyes wide with embarrassment. Offended and mortified by his choice of departing words, I shriek, “Hayden,” and hurl the pillow at him. He smiles keenly as I blush profusely.

He shakes his head. “You are so, damn cute. I love you, Samantha.” He twists the gold orb and pulls the door away from the frame a fraction. “Now hurry up, we have stuff to do.” He leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

I flail my head while my features give way to a ridiculous smile.

I fucking love that man.

I can appreciate the suite and the view that it offers of the city clearly, when darkness and passion is not obstructing my perception.

BOOK: Impulses
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