In a Dark Embrace (17 page)

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Authors: Simone Bern

BOOK: In a Dark Embrace
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“I’d like that.” He picked up a piece of toast she had just finished buttering.

She poured coffee into a travel mug and handed it to him. “Take all the toast. I’ll eat later.”

He nodded and grabbed the stack. “Thanks.” A quick kiss and he was out the door.

Lee poured herself a cup of coffee and leaned against the counter. She felt a strange mix of emotions. There was so much she hadn’t had time to process. Her ordeal of the other night, mixed with Jeremy’s fears for the missing girl, put a layer of darkness into her soul. But at the same time Jeremy had really been there for her last night, had seemed to understand perfectly what she needed from him. Maybe because he also saw and felt the dark side of human nature. No one else understood her like that. His simple kiss goodbye had released a newfound loneliness inside her.

She took her coffee into the bedroom and curled up on the messy bed, wishing Jeremy’s arms were there to hold her. At the same time she couldn’t suppress the resentment she felt because of the ache created by that unfulfilled wish.

* * * * *

Lee walked home from work feeling like a train wreck. She hadn’t been able to get back to sleep and working until seven challenged her sleep-deprived state. Her last two clients had also been very draining. One was a woman torn up over the recent death of her child and the other was a man who had reluctantly agreed to enter therapy for his anger issues. Grief and rage had raked claws through her already fragile emotional fabric.

She sank into the sofa and closed her eyes. A knock at the door woke her. Lee glanced at her watch. It was almost ten. She must have dozed off. She opened the door to see Alicia, a vision of perfection in an elegant pale blue suit.

Lee leaned against the doorframe. “Hi. Just get off work?”

“Yeah. I was wondering if you’d like to have a drink. But you can say no,” Alicia hurried on. “You look tired.”

“I was at the hospital last night. Another rape case. And today has been hell…well, except for Jeremy this morning.”

Alicia scanned her face. “Want to talk about it?”

Lee moved aside. “Come on in. I have a couple of beers in the fridge—that do? I really don’t feel like going out.”

“I’ll pop home and change. See you in a few.”

Alicia reappeared in jeans and a tank top. She was carrying a bottle of wine. Lee wordlessly brought out glasses. Alicia didn’t like beer.

Lee sank onto the sofa sipping the fruity pinot noir. “Thanks for the wine. It’s good.”

“Welcome. Small vineyard in California. We just started carrying it.” Alicia took a long appreciative swallow. “Mmmm…it is good. So talk to me. My life has been dull as dishwater. Tell me about yours.”

Even though she had taken up Alicia’s offer to listen Lee suddenly didn’t feel like going into the details of her previous night. “How’s Nick?”


“Really? Why? He was rich, good-looking, sophisticated. Seemed exactly what you’d ordered.”

“Yeah, but he was just getting over an ugly divorce and custody battle. I got tired of hearing about his ex.” Alicia groaned. “Why are all the available men so badly flawed? I mean, we’re not.”

“Hell no. We’re perfect,” Lee said sarcastically. “I’m a bitch in heat, running from hot to cold and you…you’re too good to be true. Must drive a man crazy trying to scratch that buff surface.”

Alicia blinked. “I really should demand you explain that statement. But I’ll let it go. Things aren’t all sunshine and roses with Jeremy then? He seems like a decent guy. If noisy.”

Lee’s lips twitched involuntarily. “There have been a few storms.”

“He’s got a temper?”

“And then some. But I provoke him.”

“You would.” Alicia took another sip. Her expression was serious as she looked up at Lee. “You know, I am aware of the fact that my drive for perfection keeps men at a distance. I want everything to be just so and that makes it hard for a guy to fit in. I’ve got to learn to shake up the order of my life. Maybe let a little chaos in. I think that’s why I like being with you. There’s something wild and untamed about you. Figure if I can handle this relationship, maybe a man won’t be so hard.”

Lee chuckled. There was definitely a bit of that “opposites attract” thing between her and Alicia. “Glad I can be of service.”

“Has it occurred to you that maybe it would also be good if some of my steadiness rubbed off on you?” Alicia asked carefully.

“Jeremy doesn’t go for polished.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Alicia sounded exasperated. “Most people don’t like balancing on a teeter-totter all the time. You said it yourself, you run hot and cold, you provoke him. Leveling out a little wouldn’t be a bad thing. I’m sure Jeremy would want—”

“He wants too fucking much,” Lee snapped. “I mean, my god, we only just met.”

“And you’ve both fallen hard. But he’s willing to admit it and you aren’t.”

Lee glared at her friend. “It’s way too early to start talking about love.”

“Is it? He’s obviously crazy about you. Wants to be the best thing that ever happened to you—his words. And he looks like the kind of guy who knows what he wants and goes after it.”

“Infatuation.” Lee waved her free hand in a dismissive gesture. “It’ll die down quick enough when he gets to know the real me.” Although she said the words firmly Lee couldn’t quite believe them. Last night he had seen her tear-streaked, raging and needy. Maybe labeling Jeremy’s feelings as infatuation wasn’t fair.

Alicia plowed on. “You let Ryan in and he hurt you by turning to someone else. Now you think Jeremy will do the same. Find you somehow…lacking, once he gets to know you.”

Lee jerked in surprise. Jeremy wasn’t going to dump her. It was far more likely she would dump him. Oh hell, was she planning a preemptive strike? “Shit, who’s the counselor in this room?”

Alicia smiled wanly. “I took a psych class or two with my business degree. And I read a lot of women’s magazines.”

Lee slumped back against the cushioned seat. “Okay. Fine. You’re right. I’m terrified to let Jeremy get too close. Both because of my past and his. You have no idea how many women he’s been with.”

“He’s absolutely gorgeous. Of course he’s been with tons of women. But is he treating you like a fling?”

“No.” Lee hesitated then admitted, “I think he’s dreaming about wedding vows and kids. Has me totally freaked.”

“So he’s serious. And you can’t stop yourself from testing him. Throwing out barriers, poking a stick into sensitive spots…”

Alicia had it bang on. Flirting with Eric had been the equivalent of stabbing Jeremy’s sensitive spot with a two-by-four. And the way she kept insisting that he would turn to other women, bringing up his previous relationships…those were barriers that she was creating. Lee put down the wine and scrubbed her face with both hands.

“I’m too tired to think about this today. But I will. I promise.”

“I didn’t mean to force you into self-therapy. Let’s drop the subject. Do you want to whine about work now? Or would you rather fill me in on your sex life? My ears tell me that part of the relationship is going splendidly.”

Lee grinned. “He’s terrific in bed—or anywhere else for that matter. We’re going to work our way through the Kama Sutra.”

“Sounds yummy. Don’t suppose he has a brother?”

“No, but he has a really gorgeous friend.” Lee described Eric and saw the interest grow in Alicia’s eyes. They would look great together, both tall, blond and beautiful.

“And he doesn’t have a girlfriend?”

“Nothing steady as far as I can tell.”

“Well, if there’s ever an opportunity…” Alicia’s voice trailed off wistfully.

“I’ll see if I can introduce you,” Lee offered and felt only a small pang at letting go of her back-pocket guy.



Jeremy buzzed just as she was draining the pasta. She’d made a chicken curry sauce to serve over the linguini. It was a quick, simple meal.

He sniffed as soon as she opened the door. “Smells great.”

“Still in uniform? How sexy.” Lee smiled and ran her hands over his chest before heading back into the kitchen. She wasn’t wearing anything special tonight—just a pair of shorts and a tank top. She wanted him to eat while the food was hot.

Jeremy dove into the meal like a starving man. He polished off one large serving and went back for a second. Reading the question in her eyes, he said, “I didn’t have time to grab anything after work. Came straight here. Hope you don’t mind…”

He sounded a bit sheepish about how much he was eating. His appetite was probably another aspect that he had to hide from others.

“I made lots. Finish it off if you want.” She grinned at him. “You’ll need the energy for later.”

“I love…the way I don’t have to pretend with you.”

She eyed him warily, wondering if that was what he had intended to say. She shrugged. At least he liked her cooking.

After dinner they sat out on her patio, enjoying the evening sunshine. He held her hand and played with her fingers.

“Remember…you offered,” he said hesitantly. She started to smirk at his words but then he added, “I brought you something from the girl.”

The mention of the missing girl pushed all her more pleasant thoughts aside and brought Lee to her feet. “Let’s go then.”


“For a walk. I have to touch the earth.”

He nodded his understanding and went to fetch his sports bag. “Here, her brush.”

She examined the brush and pulled off a few strands of long blonde hair. “You’re sure these are hers?”

“Her mother has short blonde hair. No sisters. Those should be hers.”

Lee grabbed a light jacket and slipped on some sandals. There was a small park close by that would do for this task. She clutched the coiled strands in one hand and held on to Jeremy with the other. In the park Lee kicked off her sandals. She took a deep breath and sank her consciousness into the ground. Then she held out the hair and murmured, “You connect like to like. Lead me through earth to your match.”

She closed her eyes and opened her senses. Her spell flailed about like the loose end of a rope in a heavy wind.

“Nothing,” she told Jeremy. There was no answering point to anchor it.

“That’s good news then.”

“Could be, if she’s locked up inside somewhere. Of course if she’s in a dumpster, or is in a plastic bag…”

“I see.” His face was grim. “Thanks for trying.”

Lee scratched a hole in the dirt beside a sad clump of pansies and pressed the bunched-up strands into it as if she were planting a seed. “I’ll check every day. If she touches the earth somewhere I’ll know it. My spell will keep seeking.”

“So even if she goes out at night…you’ll know.”

“When I come here and check, yes.”

He sighed. “That’s a better lead than what I’ve got so far. It’s like she just vanished.”

Lee took his hand and they walked back to her apartment. She could tell that this case was wearing on Jeremy. She gave his fingers a squeeze. He looked down at her with a small smile.

“Sorry. I should leave work at the office.”

“Not when it’s something like this. You wouldn’t be human if this case didn’t haunt you.”

“But I’m not human.”

She shot him a sideways glance. “Sure you are. As human as me. We’re not a different species.”

“I guess humans and werewolves do interbreed.” He paused. “You ever hear of a witch and a werewolf…”

“No. But I haven’t asked. You?”

He shook his head. “I haven’t asked either. Told my dad about you but he wasn’t exactly in a helpful mood.”

Lee didn’t say anything. Her mom had called a few days ago and they’d talked for a good long while. She hadn’t mentioned Jeremy. Lee told herself that it was because she didn’t want her mother to get all excited so early in a new relationship.

“I think my dad will leave us alone, even though he wasn’t pleased about you knowing. Still, if you do happen to sense another werewolf…be careful.”

Her back stiffened. “Be careful? He could kill me. That was stupid, Jeremy.” She was suddenly furious with him. “Why the hell did you have to go and tell your father?”

“Because I wanted him to know about you, all right?” he snapped back at her. “I had this insane hope that the two of you might want to meet.”

“So we could sit around the family dinner table like Mr. and Mrs. Normal and talk about the weather? Geez, Jeremy, get real. I don’t appreciate having you sic your father on me.”

Jeremy lengthened his stride and stalked off in front of her. She let him go. Inside him there was a knot of pain and anger that she had no motivation to tackle. They got to her building and she unlocked the main door. He stepped through after her then turned toward the right.

“I’m taking the stairs,” he said.

She punched the button for the elevator in silence.

He was waiting in front of her door, panting slightly. Bloody idiot must have run up all fifteen flights of stairs. However he did seem calmer. She opened the door and dropped her keys on the side table.

“So are we going to finish the argument now?” she demanded as she threw herself onto the sofa.

Jeremy walked into her line of sight and stared down at her. “Look, I’m sorry my father is such an uptight asshole. He’s got his reasons but…well, I thought he would understand about you being like us.”

She glared up at him. “But he didn’t. He threatened to kill me. Right?”

“Yes.” Jeremy managed to look both miserable and angry at the same time. “I told him you could defend yourself. And I told him they’d have to go through me first. That put him off. I don’t—”

“So the wolf pack isn’t willing to fight you to get at me? Gee, how nice.”

“Oh, they’d beat me bloody quick enough,” Jeremy said grimly. “But Dad knows it could go farther than that and he doesn’t want to see me get killed. He figures I’ll step aside when things between us…”

Lee sucked in a breath and jumped off the sofa. “Are you saying that, if we break up I can expect a pack of werewolves to hunt me down? You shit. You big, dumb shit. How dare you threat—”

“Calm down, Lee. No matter what happens between us I won’t stand aside and let them at you. Never, Lee. Understand?”

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