In a Heartbeat (Heartbeat #1) (3 page)

BOOK: In a Heartbeat (Heartbeat #1)
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She arrived in Genoa at 9.30 a.m. Just on time. Feeling refreshed from the strong double macchiato she had had in Milan, and the fact that she had arrived at her destination safely, Stella pulled her suitcase to the nearest exit. She jumped in a taxi, gave the driver the address and texted her mother. The reply came almost immediately and Stella was sure her mum hadn’t slept all night, clutching her phone and waiting for her daughter’s ‘arrived safely in Genoa’ text to come.

That was it. She was here. She could relax and enjoy herself.

About time.

Chapter Two

Lisa had left the key to their house with the neighbours, because both she and Niki would be at work when Stella arrived. She had been instructed to knock on
DeFiore’s door, introduce herself and get the key.

Buon giorno, Signora DeFiore
?” Stella began when the neighbours’ door opened and a pretty, middle-aged woman smiled warmly at her. She was just about to introduce herself and ask for the key when the
enveloped her in a hug, kissed both her cheeks, twice, and started a tirade of how glad she was to meet Lisa’s cousin, while ushering her inside and starting to set the table for lunch. Stella was taken by surprise, because the warm welcome of a complete stranger was not something her neighbours did. Or anyone in London did, for that matter.

An hour, a very delicious meal and two cups of coffee later, Stella emerged from the house, clutching the key in her hand. Under different circumstances she might have been annoyed at the woman’s familiarity, but she had been so sincere in her hospitality towards Stella that she felt anything but cross.

Opening the door to Lisa and Niki’s house, she stepped right into the living room. The house was newly built and quite modern – the living area was huge, decorated in light, pastel colours, with lots of light coming from the numerous windows. Stella pulled her suitcase inside and closed the door behind her. On the far wall to her left there was a huge, flat-screen TV mounted on the wall and in front of it there were several sofas, armchairs and beanbags in different shapes and sizes. It looked very comfortable and cosy.

On the right was the door that led to the kitchen – it was open and Stella could see the white cupboards and an enormous dining table. Right in front of her, however, was what she was most interested in – huge French windows leading into the garden. Stella stepped in that direction and, what do you know? – there was a swimming pool, lounge chairs and a built-in barbecue outside. Turning around, a white piece of paper on the coffee table got her attention and she went to pick it up. It was a note from Lisa.


Make yourself at home – your room is upstairs, the second door on the left. Unpack, relax, take a shower – whatever. I’ll be back around 4. Can’t wait to see you!!!

P.S. That sim card is for you. Put it in your phone and I’ll call you as soon as I can.

Love you!


Stella put the sim card in her phone and texted her mum her Italian number. Afterwards, she did as instructed – dragged her suitcase up the stairs and found her room. It was quite spacious, with a big bed in the middle. There also were a huge wardrobe, a desk and a couple of beanbags scattered around. And best of all – it had en suite. Stella grinned and threw herself on the bed.

An hour later she had unpacked, peeled off her jeans, taken a shower, dressed in a yellow dress and white flip-flops, and she still had three hours until Lisa got home. Looking in the mirror while trying to tame her long, dark-blonde hair into a ponytail, Stella felt she hadn’t looked better in a long time. She was glowing with happiness and there was peace in her grey eyes that hadn’t been there only a day ago.

The sun was shining outside and there wasn’t a single cloud in the sky. As a Londoner, it just felt wrong sitting inside when the weather was that good, so she grabbed her Genoa tourist guide and set off to explore the city on her own.

Corso Italia, a two-mile pedestrian promenade, was a ten-minute walk away from Lisa’s house. It weaved parallel to the beach for the whole two miles, and Stella could enjoy the seaside scenery on her left and the urban landscape on her right as she walked. Genoa was a truly beautiful city, although it could be a bit overwhelming at first. Most of the buildings were brightly coloured in orange, red, yellow, blue and green, and the explosion of colours could make your head spin. Stella tried not to stare as fit, tanned women wearing next to nothing jogged or walked their dogs, chatting excitedly among themselves. Or when hunky men in shorts and not much else rollerbladed past her. It was a hot day in many respects, and Stella stopped by a
stall and bought an ice cream to try and cool down.

Reaching the end of Corso Italia, Stella decided to make her way back, but this time she wanted to walk along the beach. It was becoming really hot and she desperately needed some fresh breeze and cool water to avoid getting a heat stroke. The sudden change of climate was already taking its toll on her body.

Stella took her flip-flops off and went down to the sea. As the first little wave washed up to her ankles she squealed in delight. Too bad she hadn’t put her bikini under the dress – right now she was tempted to go into the water, clothes and all. Instead, she started walking along the shore, enjoying the sun, the sand under her feet, the water and the refreshing breeze. There were so many people – gorgeous women in tiny bikinis; tanned men sporting six-packs and charming Italian smiles; children running around shouting; tourists under their umbrellas. She could spot a tourist from a mile – they were pale, hiding under the shade of their parasols or straw hats. Looking at her own pale skin she realised she was a tourist, too. Stella needed to do something about that tan, asap. It would be her mission to have a healthy, golden glow all over her skin in less than two weeks, so that she wouldn’t feel so out of place.

A horn sounded in the distance and as Stella turned towards the sea to look at the enormous ship that had produced the sound, her gaze was locked on a scene so beautiful that the picturesque beach paled in comparison. A lifeguard was emerging from the water, his orange trunks stuck to his legs and water dripping from all over him. He shook his head to get rid of some of the water in his hair and Stella felt as if everything started developing in slow motion – tiny drops of water slid from his neck down his broad chest and muscular arms, along a weaving tattoo design on his right shoulder, and continued downwards towards his chest and washboard stomach, finally getting lost in his trunks’ waist. A part of another tattoo was peeking over his trunks on his left hip, the other part hidden under them. His golden, tanned skin glistened in the sun and he moved with such grace that a panther would be deemed clumsy next to him.

Stella must have stopped in her tracks and stared open-mouthed when she caught the lifeguard’s attention. In typical Italian style, he grinned and winked at her before continuing up the beach and climbing to his station. Stella felt her pale skin flame and that was enough to shake her out of her trance. It was a total ‘Baywatch moment’ and she couldn’t resist the urge to look around for any cameras. She couldn’t believe that something like that could have just happened without anyone shooting it for a film, or at least a commercial.

Gathering as much dignity as she could muster in such circumstances, she continued her walk as if she hadn’t stared at someone for a solid five minutes. Passing right in front of his lifeguard station, she couldn’t help but stare at the god-like creature. He met her eyes with a devilish smile on his face. Instead of finding it arrogant, however, Stella thought it was as sexy as hell.

Her phone’s ring startled her and she jumped, her heart thudding in her chest. Getting it out of her dress’s pocket, she smiled before she slid her finger up to accept the call.

“Where are you? I just got home and you’re not here; I’ve looked everywhere! Are you OK?” Lisa’s panicked voice sounded on the other end.

“I’m fine, Lis. Couldn’t resist going out to do some exploring – the weather is so gorgeous!”

“Yeah, it would look like that to a Londoner, I suppose.” They both laughed. “Where are you?”

“At the beach. I was just about to come back.”

“OK, can you find your own way back or do you want me to come get you?”

“The beach is a ten-minute walk from your house; I think I can manage.”

“OK, hurry up. I can’t wait to see you!”

“Me too. See you in a few.”

Hanging up the phone Stella couldn’t resist turning to take one last look at the lifeguard. To her huge disappointment, he wasn’t there. Discreetly, she scanned the sea and the beach, but couldn’t see him. Oh well, maybe she had imagined the whole thing? She was well-known for day-dreaming. To make sure, she made a mental note to ask Lisa to come to the beach tomorrow.

As Stella walked through the door, Lisa slammed into her in a bear hug.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” she said, her voice muffled against Stella’s shoulder.

“Me too.”

Ten minutes later, they each sat on a beanbag with ice-cold lemonade in hand. Lisa talked about the university and her summer jobs with great enthusiasm. She also told Stella that she couldn’t wait for her to meet her friends – she was sure they’d love her.

“Let me warn you about Max, though.” Lisa had mentioned her friend Max a few times before and Stella had wondered if there was anything more than friendship between them, because Lisa always talked with such affection about him. Stella raised an eyebrow inquiringly, expecting the we-used-to-be-friends-but-we’re-now-lovers speech.

“No, no, it’s not like that. We’re friends.”

Stella snorted in a ‘Yeah, right’ sort of way as Lisa grew serious. “It’s not like that. When I arrived here five years ago, I had just lost everything I knew – my dad, the house I grew up in, my best friend ... My mum felt I needed to talk to someone and sent me to this support group. That’s where I met Max. His father had died two years before and he was finally trying to deal with it.

“We found support in each other. There’s never been any physical attraction between us and never will be. But I can honestly say, besides you, he’s my closest friend.”

Stella nodded, trying not to go back to that time five years ago.

“But, as much as I love him, he’s a terrible flirt. So be warned – he’ll try to charm you at first, but once you’re past that you’ll see he’s a great guy.”

Stella smiled, unsure what to say.

“Also, there’s his sister Gia, who’s an incredible chef and works in this really posh restaurant. She’s promised to cook for us when she has a night off. Oh, and Beppe – he’s been Max’s friend since school. He can be a bit intimidating to people who don’t know him well, but I’m sure you’ll hit it off.”

“Sounds like a good crowd,” said Stella, already impatient to meet them all.

They talked for hours about anything and everything, but it seemed as if only minutes had passed when Niki walked through the door. On seeing Stella, a huge smile appeared on her face and she spread her arms. Stella hugged her aunt and melted in her embrace, letting go of any doubts about her coming here. It was definitely the right thing to have done.

“This is incredible, Aunt Niki. You made it yourself?” Stella asked as she tasted the best tiramisu in the world.

“Yep, last night.” Her aunt positively glowed with satisfaction as both girls finished their dessert in record time.

Lisa had always looked like her mother, but now, five years after Stella had last seen them together, they were like twins. Italian climate obviously had a great effect on her aunt, because she had never looked better – her skin was lightly tanned and glowed with health, her green eyes had the mischievous sparkle Stella remembered from her childhood, and her figure was lean and toned. The only difference between mother and daughter was that Lisa’s blonde hair was long and wavy, while Niki kept hers in a stylish bob just below her ears.

They had been so busy eating the delicious meal Niki had prepared, that Stella had forgotten to tell them about ‘her’ lifeguard.

“I went to the beach today and Lisa, we have to go back tomorrow! There was this incredible lifeguard – he was out-of-this-world hot! I couldn’t believe my eyes ...” Both Niki and Lisa burst into laughter and Stella looked at them quizzically. “What?”

“Oh, honey, besides the scenery, food and weather, the other thing that you’ll find ‘out of this world here’” – Niki made air quotes with her fingers – “is the men. They’re very charismatic. And handsome. But beware, they’re very charming until they get what they want from you, but don’t expect a follow-up.”

Stella had forgotten how easy-going her aunt was – she could talk to her about anything without feeling awkward.

“Don’t worry, Aunt Niki – I’m also just looking for fun!” She winked at her and all three of them giggled.

After dinner, Lisa excused herself because she had to finish a painting for her class the next day, and Stella stayed in the kitchen to help her aunt with the dishes.

“I’m so glad you finally decided to visit, honey,” she said warmly – but there was sadness in her eyes.

“Me too. It’s wonderful here.”

They fell silent for a long time before Niki spoke again.

“I wanted to call her, you know ...” she began, but her voice shook and she didn’t finish her sentence.

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