In Deep (17 page)

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Authors: Chloe Harris

BOOK: In Deep
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A slight commotion near the windows made her jump. Jaidyn squeaked, her hand to her throat. “Connor! I hadn’t expected you here.”

Half of him was cast in shadows, the other half of him caressed by the sun. When he turned to her, it was as if he was surrounded by an aura.

Squinting until her eyes adjusted, Jaidyn took a shaky breath. “I’ve just looked after May Hem. She’s getting fat, but nothing that a little exercise couldn’t remedy. What have you been up to–here? Alone?” Goodness, she was babbling like a wayward child caught red-handed.

“Charting.” He shrugged. “Thinking.”

His black hair was loosely tied at the back of his head with one stray strand of hair tickling his chin. The black shirt he wore gaped open until half of his perfectly defined chest was visible. Those black breeches that hid under those knee-high boots … He looked very much like the devil incarnate. Dark, forbidden, tempting her to hand over her soul. And Connor tempted her very much. In every possible way.

“Thinking about what?”

“You.” He was looking at her with that disconcertingly comforting smile that caused excited butterflies to reel in her stomach.

“Oh?” Jaidyn swallowed the sudden onslaught of lust.

Good Lord! It was time she started thinking with the brain God had given her, not with her lust-driven body or her utterly unreliable heart. No matter how much she wished it could go on, the end of their affair was tangible, looming right there on the horizon. She had to rely on her reason alone and not lose sight of her goal.

But she couldn’t deny she always felt a kind of dizzying freedom with him when he reached into her soul and plucked the deepest desires from her. As if he could read her thoughts.

Sudden greed overpowered her to experience that freedom now more than ever. She needed him to take her, to obliterate every thought plaguing her soul. She needed him to push her to the beyond, to where there was only pleasure, release, completion.

Where all that filled her was her love for him, and the rest of the world fell away.

Coyly fluttering her lashes, she stepped closer. “Perhaps I should tell you that I had impure thoughts again about Mr. Parrish.”

She let her gaze sweep over him, lingering on the bulge growing in his breeches. He was still leaning with one arm braced against the window. But Jaidyn could see his body give a subtle jolt of realization.

Goodness, he was making her quiver and itch on the inside, even more so when she thought about him ripping her clothes off, pushing her onto her back, and having his wicked way with her. But he was too much in control for that.

“Impure, you say?” He’d make her beg for fulfillment, Jaidyn could see it in his eyes. Release wasn’t going to find her any time soon–and she was going to enjoy every moment of it.

With an exaggerated sigh, she nodded gravely. “Yes, I’m afraid so.”

A smile flitted across Connor’s face just before he started to rub the corners of his mouth down to his chin. “Well,” he hummed, acting as if deep in thought. “In that case I should probably get you acquainted with my birch rod.”

“Uh …” Jaidyn was taken aback. “Is
what you call it?” She had heard that some men gave their members colorful names, but she’d never believed Connor to be one of them.

Snorting a laugh, Connor shook his head. He opened the chest next to him. Jaidyn knew it contained all sorts of pleasurable toys. Just seeing him reach for the lid had tingling anticipation reel in her belly.

Her eyes fell on the box that held the breast clamps. A shiver skittered down her spine and her nipples instantly hardened as she remembered the excruciating pain they caused. But she also recalled how they thrust her to the precipice where pain and pleasure were completely muddled. Her core clenched and Jaidyn tensed. She looked away, but it was too late. Connor had seen her stare at the case for a heartbeat too long.

“Impure thoughts, indeed.” Amusement frothed beneath the surface of his words. He reached for the case and put it next to the tray of glasses and beverages.

“This,” he explained as he produced a bundle of leafless twigs bound together, “is a birch rod.
birch rod.”

Her lips formed an “oh” she didn’t utter. Jaidyn couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like. Her body heated up so fast, she had to bite back a moan.

“So …” All expression dissolved from his face. Jaidyn felt stirred by his glance, by that air of intimidating authority that surrounded him all of a sudden. “You admit to having been naughty again?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You know what that means.”

She inclined her head, trying to not appear too eager. “Definitely, sir. But–”

“I don’t like that word at all. You know that.”

Jaidyn thought she could hear that low growl vibrating in his chest. Her mind melted like butter left in the sun, leaving her body a buzzing puddle of ache. “I do, but please let me request most humbly to not be tied down this time.”

“Unless my memory fails me, you’ve always liked being tied down. Last night when I woke you up, for example, you–”

Quivering inside, Jaidyn tried not to think of how completely helpless she’d been to his wicked seduction then. “I would have screamed, but–”

He smirked. “You had your mouth full.”

“True, but afterward–”

“Then you did scream. They must have heard you all the way back to Grenada.”

Jaidyn grimaced.

He narrowed his eyes, and his perusal felt as if he stared right into her spirit. “Very well. I’ll consider it.”

The air in her lungs left her in a rush. “Thank you, sir.”

“Now kindly get rid of your clothes and step up to the table.”

“Yes, sir.”

In three quick strides he was at the door and locked it. Then, Jaidyn assumed, he went back to get his birch rod. She didn’t know for sure because she was busy opening the laces of her dress.

The lid of his pleasure chest fell shut with a dull thump just as Jaidyn stepped out of her garments. Without looking over her shoulder at him or what he was doing, she left her clothes in a bundle on the floor and padded to the table, leaning over it.

Her blood was rushing through her veins so fast it resembled the sound of the disgruntled sea in her ears. She felt him at her back. Relentless arousal thrummed through her. Anticipation sent a fresh gush of moisture to her throbbing folds.

“Face me.” Connor’s husky voice was filled with the steely tone clad in silk and jewels that he used with her.

When she turned, their eyes met and she forgot to breathe. His mesmerizing gaze was absorbed, intent, his whole body exuding that sensuous and all-devouring hunger, entirely predatory, entirely sexual, as though he knew all the secrets of her desire. Jaidyn couldn’t move. She felt paralyzed by the raw need staring at her. That dark heat he seemed to radiate seeped into her and was like a spark to dry tinder. Longing flared in her body.

Connor lowered his head to nuzzle the underside of her jaw. Her heart quickened when his tongue traced a pattern on her skin right down to her breasts. Then his tongue flicked over one nipple and Jaidyn gasped, her lids suddenly too heavy to keep her eyes open.

His wet mouth claimed her breast, softly sucking it. His teeth played clever tricks on it. A gentle nip. A balmy lave of his tongue. The warmth of his breath cooling the wet trail. Then the cruel bite of the clamp.

Jaidyn groaned and tensed, biting her lower lip to fight the horrendous pain.

His lips brushed her other nipple. A kiss as light as a feather. A quick flick of his tongue. A gentle suck. His teeth nipping. One last lave.

Groaning louder this time as the clamp latched onto her, Jaidyn wheezed in a deep breath. “Please! I can’t take it.”

She heard Connor’s low, knowing chuckle. “Oh yes you can.”

“No …” Jaidyn’s wail ended in a long moan. Stifling pain gradually turned to searing pleasure. Sweat broke out along her spine as she fought the strange allure, those talons of unadulterated lust that slashed into her belly. More cream surged from her core and wet her already slick folds. Like last time, the lines between pain and pleasure blurred and sent her soaring. Her core clenched, tightened, and sobbed for him to fill her.

“That’s it. I knew you’d learn to appreciate the bite of the clamps. Turn around now.”

“Y-yes, sir,” Jaidyn stammered, blinking her eyes open. Her knees were too weak to support her any longer. As she quickly turned, her hands sought the edge of the table, clasping it to the right and left of her until her knuckles turned white.

Connor wrapped his fingers around the back of her neck and squeezed it hard as he pushed her down. “Lie down. I want your ass high up in the air.”

Her maltreated nipples brushed the surface of the table and a fresh bolt of pleasure-pain shot right to her core.

“Ohmygod,” Jaidyn panted. She was throbbing, she was aching, and she knew she was going to crest right now just because of the intensity of the sensation. Rolling her hips against the table as she instinctually sought the pressure she needed, she gasped, “I’m going to–”

“Hold. It. Back.”

She shuddered as she fought off the climax, whimpering with the lust threatening to drown her. “Yes, sir,” she hissed. “I’m sorry, sir.”

“You’re very talkative. And you’re wiggling your extremely tempting backside a little too much.” His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her buttocks shortly before she felt his right hand traveling down her cleft to bathe in the cream coating her folds there.

Jaidyn cried out. The last thing she needed as she hovered on the brink of a gigantic orgasm was for him to touch her. Wound so tightly, she clenched her passage, moaning even louder as she felt one finger thrust into her. A cascade of desire washed over her, causing her body to quiver with the fresh assault to her already sensitized core.

“Let’s see how you like this.” She heard Connor press the words out, and suddenly his finger left her sheath and entered her farther back. Jaidyn moaned helplessly as he wiggled the digit a little just before he thrust deeper. Sucking in a deep breath, Jaidyn gasped as he retreated just to enter her once more, a little deeper this time.

Gooseflesh broke out all over her like the ripples of water. Even her scalp tickled with the force of this new pleasure that quickly turned into an earthquake, his finger being the epicenter.

“Oh God, Connor,” she moaned as she felt him enter her with a second finger, spreading and filling her to the brim. She felt herself open to this prickling tingle. Her juices overflowed, dripping down the inside of her thighs.

When he began to slowly pump in and out of her, Jaidyn couldn’t help but thrust back, craving the white-hot, blistering intensity his stimulation brought. She was vaguely aware of him pushing something else into her weeping sheath, something inanimate, but smooth and warm nevertheless.

Jaidyn whimpered pitifully as his fingers left her, but that other thing soon replaced them. It was a little bigger than his fingers had been.

Throwing her head back, Jaidyn gave another loud moan as whatever it was, was pushed deeper into her. She felt herself widen to accommodate it, marveling at it fitting so snugly into her tight passage. She hadn’t thought she could take it, but it was seated in her now, and with every roll of her hips, she felt its sweet prickle. It moved with her while part of it was still outside, spreading her cheeks.

The ecstasy was back, this time even more forceful than ever. It roiled in her body and tore from her throat in a scream. “This … this is … too much!”

“You know what to say if you feel you can’t take it.”

, yes, Jaidyn knew
was the only word that would stop him, but she wouldn’t say it. Couldn’t say it.

“Nonono-oh,” she wailed, shaking her head. It wasn’t beyond her bearing. She loved this abandon too much, craved all the sensations crashing in on her from all sides.

Connor chuckled low, the sound wickedly seductive. “Still refusing to keep silent? Maybe I should gag you, then.”

Jaidyn heard his footsteps as he was walking around the table until he stood in front of her. Staring down at her, his face closed and blank, he opened his breeches slowly.

Licking her lips in anticipation, she felt another fierce gush of cream surging from her passage. He held his member tightly in his fist, pumping it slowly, and Jaidyn scrambled up on her elbows, opening her mouth. She was eager to taste him on her tongue, to feel him in her mouth.

When he was close enough, her greedy mouth engulfed him and immediately sucked him deep into her throat. Jaidyn gave a relieved moan she felt vibrating in his member.

“There now. That’s much better,” he croaked, his hands fisting in her hair to hold it up. She didn’t mind the little pinpricks on her scalp as he held her head tightly to keep her still. Connor moved into her mouth and she opened even wider, letting him take charge of the rhythm–of her.

Desire flooded her as he pumped in and out of her while the tickle of the plug still seated deep in her rear turned into a steady itching hum. Over and over, he thrust his member into her mouth, sometimes so far back she almost gagged.

Sweat beaded on his forehead and she tasted a spurt of that salty aphrodisiac at the back of her throat. Keenly she swallowed it, yearning for more.

A sudden shiver raked his body.

What had that been? Jaidyn’s own desire was completely forgotten for the moment. He’d always been very enthusiastic about her sucking him, but that reaction was entirely new.

Next time he was deep in, she swallowed again. Connor moaned, his eyes going half-mast. His hips responded with another frantic thrust.

So this was his Achilles’ heel, Jaidyn thought, concentrating on taking him deep and working him like that every time he was in her throat.

Suddenly he pulled out of her, groaning low.

With a whimper, Jaidyn sounded her protest, stretching in a vain attempt to get close to him again. But Connor only rolled his hips even farther back and out of her reach. With a frustrated moan, she gave up struggling.

Lifting her chin, she saw he’d bent his head, shaking it. He was gulping in air. Once he had his breathing under control again, he slowly raised his head and met her gaze. The same hunger she felt churning in her darkened his eyes to a midnight blue.

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