In Deep (21 page)

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Authors: Chloe Harris

BOOK: In Deep
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Connor settled into a rhythm of lazy strokes that created a delicious friction. Tiny explosions sizzled from the base of his spine down to his anus and up his cock. Trembling all over as her cunny constricted around him like a tight, wet fist and began to milk him without mercy, he groaned and started to shove into her harder.

Jaidyn scrambled up, her hands anchoring at the back of his neck. Connor lifted her legs and splayed them over his elbows, his hands finding her waist again to keep her in place. Her breasts swayed in the rhythm of his thrusts.

Pulling his upper body closer to her, she found his lips. Connor responded to her greedy kiss. Entwined like this, his hungry mouth locked on hers, his cock seated so deep in her, he felt the climb to the peak coming fast, much faster than he’d thought. Need threatened to steal his control, his sanity, his very essence. Connor was burning alive. He was going to perish in the fever that laved his skin and turned that growing pressure into roaring lust.

Their lips parted but they still were close, so close that they could drink each other’s pants and moans. Connor tried to push the sharp ache about to crest back for just a little longer. His every breath was filled with her scent, his every thrust was accentuated with her mewls and whimpers.

Jaidyn let go of his neck and braced herself for his hard and fast thrusts by gripping the edges of the table. When her moans turned guttural, he could almost taste her impending orgasm in the air.

“Come, Jaidyn,” he croaked, his command suffused with passion.

She froze. She shuddered. She let out a raw scream as her climax washed over her, broke like surf on the beach. Her cunny gripped him hard, but Connor drove into her, over and over, frantically, close to desperation. She was made for his cock. He wanted to stuff her and make her scream some more.

Her pleasure blasted through him, spiraled down his spine with head-spinning strength. It hurtled him toward the cliff that stood over an ocean of passion so intense he lost control of the orgasm he’d been trying to deny for just a thrust longer.

She wasn’t just the embodiment of temptation for him. He wanted more, so much more. He wanted the right to give her her heart’s desire and be everything she wanted–needed.

Dizziness crashed over him and Connor felt himself hit the surface, then drown in the sea of pure bliss. Pleasure ripped her name from his lips in a hoarse cry as he filled her with his semen.

When he was as deep inside her welcoming warmth as he was now, he knew. Simply knew the connection was there. It was magical. Awe-inspiring. She was in him, forever in his heart, and he wanted nothing more but for her to stay there forever. To keep her safe. To give her pleasure. To be rewarded with her happiness.

Boneless with the devastating ecstasy he’d just experienced, he sank down on top of her, struggling to get his erratic heartbeat under control.

“Thank you,” she slurred after a couple of deep breaths. He could hear the smile in her voice.

“It was my pleasure.” Light-headed, Connor broke into a low chuckle that ended in a groan as he felt himself slip out of her. Reaching down, he slid the plug out of her before he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her neck down to her shoulders and up again.

A weird and wonderful peacefulness spread in him. True, his body craved hers, but it was more than that. He reveled in the closeness afterward that he’d experienced only with her. And when he didn’t have her naked and panting and wet beneath him, he wanted to hold her, just hold her.

Fulfillment and craving, hope and desire constantly warred in his soul. But above all that, yearning to protect her and make her happy beat in his chest. Connor wanted to seize and devour her, cherish her, dominate and at the same time serve her.

He couldn’t let her go–ever. It would be like ripping a piece of his own heart out of his chest and bleeding to death slowly.

He couldn’t let her go. He simply couldn’t.

But he didn’t want her as his mistress any longer.

“Jaidyn, marry me.” For a moment he was shocked that he’d asked her, but relief and jubilation rushed over him the next. Yes, he wanted her to be his wife. She had turned out to be everything he’d dreamed of.

She’d completely stilled in his arms.

“Marry me,” he repeated and, swallowing the lump in his throat, added, “Please.”

Her whole body quavered. He lifted his head to look at her. Jaidyn turned her face away but not before he caught the moist sheen on her cheeks. She was shedding silent tears.

“What’s wrong?” Connor fought the confusion at her reaction. Were they tears of joy? Certainly not; elation looked entirely different. “Tell me.”

She let out a sob that slashed his gut to pieces. Connor gave her the room she needed and reaching down, he closed his breeches.

“I can’t!”

Uttering soothing noises, he leaned over her again. Connor petted her, trying to comfort her as she broke down completely. “Shh, Jaidyn. It’s all right. Of course you can tell me. You can tell me everything.”

“No,” she wailed, shaking her head quickly a few times. “I can’t
marry you

Straightening as if she’d burnt him, Connor tottered back a few steps. “What?” Sudden rage stirred in his gut. “Why not?”

Sitting on the edge of the table, Jaidyn hid her face in her hands, weeping harder and louder. “Because … because I am already married.”

“You’re …” Dark violence churned in his belly, like the lava of a volcano ready to erupt at any moment.

“To whom?” He had to grit his teeth to keep the snarl out of his voice.

“What does it matter–”

“To. Whom.” He wanted to put a fist through the wall; he wanted to curl up and nurture those lacerations her words had delivered to his heart. But above all he wanted to hurt her as much as she’d just hurt him. “I want to know whose wife I’ve fucked these past weeks.”



hat served to let Jaidyn find solace in her own anger. She stood, letting him see the bright fire of her temper burning in her eyes that matched the fury in his voice. With her chin thrust up, she walked toward where she’d left her garments and managed to don them hastily, yet with as much dignity as she could muster.

“I don’t know him,” she finally replied, avoiding his glare.

In two quick strides he was at her side. His hand gripped her elbow tightly and he shoved her around to face him.

“What do you mean you don’t know him?” Connor looked like he was hanging on to his control by a thread. “How can you be married–” He left the question unfinished as sudden realization lit his eyes.

“We were married by proxy,” Jaidyn confirmed, fighting not to squirm under his hard stare.

His hand fell away and he took a step back. Jaidyn could see his eyes dull as if this was more than he could bear. One hand flew protectively over her heart, the other covered her mouth to hold in the sob she felt. A fresh well of tears flooded her eyes.

Connor, strong, powerful Connor was defeated. By her hand.

Frowning, he turned his back on her and paced to the other side of the cabin. His hands dove into his hair, fingers curling. The braid came undone.

“Jesus,” he gasped. His shoulders slumped. “
is in Georgetown,” Connor stated over his shoulder.

She couldn’t believe it had come to this. He detested her. She loved him and hated herself and the husband she never met.

There was nothing more that could be said.

Jaidyn stormed out.

The knock on the door was a little hesitant. Connor knew only one of his crew would dare to bother him. He let the lid of the chest holding his weapons drop and squared his shoulders, facing the door.

“Come,” he barked, wondering what business it was now. They’d anchored in Georgetown and he’d given the men leave. Only none of them had gone.

“Captain … sir?” Maxfield seemed to search the room and when he found Connor, something flickered in his eyes. Caution or worry.

Whatever it was, it was something Connor didn’t want to deal with at the moment. “Mr. Parrish?”

“I thought … maybe … I might have a word with you.”

If he kept on stammering like that, Connor’s patience would snap. “About what?”

Maxfield shut the door behind him. His gaze roamed the cabin, restless, on edge. “I–”

The next instant Maxfield jumped into action and came close, so close. Too close. “I see how you suffer,” he whispered. “You shouldn’t suffer like that.”

“Is that all?” Connor didn’t want to talk about it. Especially not with Maxfield. “Very well, you may leave now,” he sneered, turning his back.

Maxfield’s hand wrapped around the other man’s elbow, tugging. Connor whirled around, gripped Maxfield’s neck and shoved him into the wall behind him, gritting his teeth. “Insolent, are we?”

He didn’t fight back, just stood on tiptoes. As Connor’s choking grip increased, Maxfield’s eyes dilated. “She’s not worth it,” Maxfield pressed out. “She’s not worth any of this.”

Connor felt him growing hard against his thigh. He released him as if the touch burnt him. Taking a step back, Connor tried to calm himself.

This wasn’t a good idea. Not in the mood he was in.

Maxfield stepped up to Connor. “I knew it would come to this, but I’ve waited. I’ve tried to be patient.” He cupped his captain’s face in his hands. “Let me make it better. Just like old times.”

Tilting his head, Maxfield brought his lips close to Connor’s. His hands wandered down to Connor’s shoulders and farther down, caressing Connor’s chest like only a man would, with none of the hesitancy a woman had. When Maxfield’s hands reached his belt, Connor stopped their advance, shaking his head.

“I can give you what you need,” Maxfield whispered into his ear, his lips brushing Connor’s earlobe.

A pale shiver of arousal tickled down Connor’s spine. “And that would be?”

Maxfield’s eyes sparkled as he heard Connor’s croak. He lowered himself to his knees in front of Connor, his hands opening his shirt. He pulled it over his head slowly, then shook it off, looking up at Connor with eyes that were dark and sweet and full of hope.

Maxfield caressed himself. Connor couldn’t look away. His eyes followed as Maxfield’s fingers dug into the blond hair that dusted his pectorals, down to where the patch narrowed to a fine line as it reached the rim of his breeches.

For a heartbeat, Connor couldn’t move. Even if he could, he didn’t know where he wanted to go. Did he want to take a step forward and encourage Maxfield? Or did he want to take a step back? Or did he want to go to his treasure chest and get the riding crop?

This was not a good idea–not in the mood he was in, Connor repeated in his mind.

But, oh, it was tempting.

Maxfield rubbed the bulge in his own breeches, tilting his head, his eyes never leaving Connor. His gaze was alluring. It felt like a good tug on his balls. Maxfield liked to do that when he sucked Connor off.

Suddenly breathless, Connor shook his head again. “No.”

“Let it out on me. You know I can take it. I know you want to. As much as I want you to.” Maxfield’s incessant whispers increased the pounding in his cock. The younger man’s gaze zeroed in on Connor’s growing rod and he licked his lips suggestively.

Jaidyn was ready to run, ready to get as far away from Connor as fast as she could. Yet somehow she found herself dragging her feet to disembark.

The only place to go was to her father. Now that the time had come, she didn’t know if she could do it. Not when things with Connor were like this.

What if things with her father turned out to be just as bad? What if after all this he didn’t want her, either?

She couldn’t stand the thought of facing him then having no one. She did have someone, though. She had May Hem. At least May Hem would be with her.

In the hold Jaidyn began preparing the horse to leave. She got the bridle and bit down off its hook, then threw the blanket over the mare’s back.

Her heavy sigh turned to a sob. Instead of reaching for the saddle, Jaidyn leaned her cheek against May Hem’s warm hide.

“What am I doing, girl? I’ve never been one to run from a problem. But I’m not running. I came here to see my father, and that’s exactly what I’m doing. It’s time to finally have this done with, just like Connor is done with me.” Jaidyn patted the horse’s smooth flank as she whinnied in sympathy.

“I’ve hurt him so badly, May Hem. If you could have seen the look on his face. It was horrible. I had no idea he would be hurt like that. I never thought–I never hoped that he could feel so deeply for me. I thought it was all just a game to him.”

The idea came so unexpectedly, Jaidyn jolted. She stood back up, wiping her eyes and nose with the edge of her sleeve. Could it be?

What if he really …?

She wanted to believe it so badly. Her heart wanted to grab at that thread of possibility and hold on for dear life.

Well, if he did feel so much for her, then maybe instead of going to a husband she’d never met and who never wanted much contact, much less expect her to fulfill her wifely duties, she could stay with Connor. Maybe they could find a way to be together. There was still a chance she could love him and be with him.

May Hem stomped her hooves impatiently. Jaidyn gave her a sad smile. “Oh, my sweet girl, I know you’re ready to get off this ship, but I can’t go just yet. I’ve got to go back and make him talk to me. I’ve got to know. I couldn’t live with myself if I left without ever knowing if he feels for me like I do for him. Surely you understand that.”

The mare raised, then lowered her head before shaking it from side to side, neighing. Jaidyn wrapped her arms around the horse’s neck, kissing her cheek. “Hold on, girl, for just a little bit longer.”

Love made her fly up the stairs. Jaidyn was hoping against hope it was true.

For Connor, Maxfield’s offer was … unsettling. Seductive, true, but that he didn’t react with his usual enthusiasm was unnerving.

But why should he hold back? There was nothing–nobody that kept him from doing what he wanted. Maybe a good hard ride was just what he needed to find his usual detachment again. And Maxfield liked it rough, especially after a long and thorough treatment with the riding crop.

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