In Flight (4 page)

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Authors: Rachael Orman

BOOK: In Flight
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“Yeah,” I whispered. I was exhausted and hoped they weren’t going to rush me out the door as I didn’t think I could stand even if I wanted to. My eyelids drifted closed while I caught my breath as did the men on either side of me.

I don’t know how long we laid there. It could’ve been two minutes, it could’ve been two hours. Either way, when I opened my eyes, all three of us were still laying on our backs, completely nude.

Sitting up, I ran a hand through my hair and found it was quite tangled. It took me a bit, but I managed to finger comb out the worst of them before sliding off the end of the bed. Both men followed my lead and sat up, watching me.

Bryce moved first, climbing off the side. He pulled on a pair of boxer briefs as I looked around in an attempt to locate any of my clothing items.

“All your clothes are in the other room. Let me go get them,” Ben said as he too got off the bed. He walked out, still completely nude and not embarrassed at all by it.

“I swear he’d be naked all the time if he could,” Bryce commented as he shook his head. Coming over to me, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me against him. “Thank you for taking a chance and going with Ben. This was really fun.”

“It’s definitely not something I’ve done before, but I’m glad I came over. I won’t be forgetting about this any time soon.” I pushed up on my toes and gently kissed his cheek.

“I would certainly hope not. It doesn’t have to be a one-time thing though, you know,” he said as Ben returned to the room with my clothes over his arm.

“Here you go,” Ben said, putting my clothes on the disheveled bed. From the way he was careful to lay them out, I could tell he knew they weren’t cheap. Well, maybe it was just the fact that he didn’t want to mess up my clothes any more than throwing them all over their floor had. “I’m actually surprised they aren’t too badly wrinkled,” he said, running a hand over them.

I laughed and stepped out of Bryce’s arms. “Yeah, I’m picky about my clothes. If they wrinkle too easily, I won’t buy them or I’ll return them. I don’t have time to be ironing my clothes multiple times a day. I want them looking good all day.” I shrugged as I stepped into my skirt and zipped it up. That made me blush as I remembered what had commenced while in the air.

“You blush now?” Ben laughed. So I told him every time I zipped up a skirt from then on, I’d remember our little tryst. “Good,” was all he said in response.

“I told her this didn’t have to be a one-time thing,” Bryce spoke up.

“I don’t live here, so yeah, it probably does.” I gave him a sad smile over my shoulder as I put on my bra, then pulled my shirt over my head, and tucked it into my skirt.

“So this is it then?” He frowned like the idea saddened him.

“Well, I’m supposed to be in town for at least one more night for work before I head back home,” I admitted, even as I knew it was a bad idea. I should just get out of their place and back to my life before things got awkward. So I added, “But I don’t know how much free time I’ll have.”

“Okay.” Bryce turned and walked out of the room.

After a quick glance at Ben, I went after Bryce and out into the room I had come in through. I could hear Ben following behind me after a moment.

Bryce was in the process of buttoning up his jeans when I walked in.

“I’m sad you are leaving, but happy we at least had this one afternoon with you,” Bryce said before yanking his shirt over his head.

“Me too.” I gave him another kiss on the cheek before turning to do the same to Ben. He must have put on jeans before following me. “Thank you,” I whispered as I kissed his cheek.

“Trust me, the pleasure was all mine.” He winked as I stepped back.

Bending over, I snatched up my purse then grabbed my luggage handle before giving a final nod and walking out the apartment door. I walked quickly down the hallway and pressed the elevator button. It had been a wild time, but I didn’t have time for a man in my life and I certainly didn’t have room for two of them. Not that they were offering me anything like that, but I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like having more than one experience with them. They’d both known what they were doing and sadly, I’d been with too many men who didn’t.

When the elevator arrived, I pulled my suitcase in and took it to the lobby. Thankfully the doors of the elevator were shiny, and I could see my reflection because I looked like a hot mess. Or rather, a very well-fucked woman. Once I arrived at the lobby, I quickly looked around and located the bathroom. Keeping my head down, I dashed straight for it, hoping no one would look my direction. I opened the door and slipped inside so I could get a better assessment of the damage.

What I found looking back at me in the mirror made me gasp in horror. How could those sexy men want to see me again? With the help of water and my fingers I was able to fix my hair and wipe away the smudges under my eyes to pull a tired version of myself together enough so I wouldn’t be embarrassed.

I left the bathroom and the building to happily find a woman exiting a taxi that I was able to nab before it sped off. I told the cabbie the name of my hotel and then sat back, closed my eyes, and allowed my brain to go through the entire afternoon again.

When the cab pulled up to my hotel, I realized I hadn’t even exchanged phone numbers with the either of the men, so even if I did change my mind, which I was starting to, I had no way to contact them. Sighing, I paid my fare and went to check in. I was forced to stick to my initial decision, and the more time that passed, the more regretful I was. Having a couple of sexy men to help take the edge off while I was in town wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Oh well, too late to change my mind.

Taking my room card from the receptionist, I took the elevator up. Once in my room, I fell face first onto the mattress. It was getting late and I would have to venture out to get dinner before long. First though, I needed to take a nap. I was exhausted from the strenuous fucking. Not to mention jet lag. I’d gained three hours too so it felt later to me than it was to everyone else.

I drifted off to sleep before I even removed my shoes. When I woke, I rolled over and looked at the clock on the nightstand. Immediately, I jumped out of the bed and scrambled to find my phone. Crawling on my hands and knees, I finally found it under the bed. I must have kicked it as I fell on the bed.

I sat on the ground and leaned against the mattress as I pulled the phone out. Ten missed calls. Groaning, I kicked off my shoes and put my phone to my ear as I lifted my suitcase onto the bed. As I unzipped the bag and removed a pantsuit, I listened to the messages. When an important message played, I quickly grabbed my purse to find a piece of paper and pen to write down the important parts. I would have to bust my ass to catch up since, apparently, I’d been so tired I’d not only slept through dinner, but was going to be late to my meeting if I didn’t hurry.

Once all the message had been listened to and I had my clothes ready, I hoped in the shower. I took the time to wash my hair, normally something I’d skip since I was running late, but it was a mess from Ben and Bryce. After a rinsing the rest of my body off, I got out and toweled off before dressing in my panties, bra, and thigh highs. Running a brush through my hair, I stared at myself in the mirror, trying to decide what to do with it.

A quick rummage through my purse and I was able to find a hair tie, which would do. I pulled my hair into a tight, low ponytail. It looked severe but also made me look older and serious, which was good when it came to business. A halfhearted application of makeup and I was ready. Stepping into my suit, I grabbed my purse, laptop bag, phone, and the piece of paper with my notes on it.

In the lobby, I found taxis waiting and directed one to where the meeting was taking place. Then I proceeded to use the rest of the ride to return calls and take care of as much as I could without my laptop or any other paperwork in front of me.

As I paid the cab, I glanced at my phone to find I was going to be right on time, thankfully. My purse slipped off my shoulder as I moved through the lobby so I tugged it up and slipped into the elevator that was just about to close. After many stops along the way, it finally opened on my floor, and I stepped into a comfortable lobby with a long receptionist desk where two women greeted me with smiles. Once I gave them my name, the one on the right stood and ushered me down a hallway. I followed behind her.

She was wearing a skirt suit, and I couldn’t help but notice how nice her legs looked in it thanks to her five-inch heels. I could never wear heels that big; plus, I tended to wear pants when doing business since it made me feel on the same level as the men, instead of drawing attention to my womanly attributes. There was only so much I could do to minimize my breasts anyway. Every now and then though, I would wear a skirt as I had the day before just to change things up.

The receptionist knocked twice on a closed door before cracking it and poking her head in. When she stepped back, she pushed it open and waved an arm for me to enter. As I stepped in, she closed it behind me.

It was a meeting room. One large table spanned the entire length, surrounded by leather chairs. At the opposite end, a large projection screen was on one side and a whiteboard on the other, as well as seven men in suits.

Only one man was standing and he was speaking quietly to the others. When he looked up, a flash of irritation showed before he picked up a much friendlier disposition.

“Welcome, Ms. Leek. It’s nice of you to join us,” the man said.

“Thank you. It appears that the meeting has already started.” I gestured to the other men as I walked toward them.

“Well, yes, the meeting started an hour ago.” He informed me.

“I’m sorry I must have been ill-informed as I was told the meeting started at eight, not seven.” I refused to be embarrassed since it was not my fault that lines had been crossed somehow.

“That would be my fault,” a voice said from behind me, making every man turn their attention toward me and whoever was behind me. Turning around, I fought the urge to laugh. My cheeks flared pink as I met one of the twin’s eyes. I wasn’t quite sure if it was Ben or Bryce as they were identical. “I’m late because my secretary had it in my books wrong. Since my office informed Ms. Leek, it is my fault she is late. I apologize for the error.”

Whichever twin it was acted as if he had never met me before while I was struggling to get the flashes of the previous afternoon from my head.

“Thank you.” I said, swallowing hard. I finished moving up to where the other men were seated before taking one of the empty chairs. Not wanting to waste any time, I pulled my laptop out of the bag slung over my shoulder and opened it to the points I wanted to bring up during the meeting.

“How unfortunate, Mr. Kelly,” the man said. He brought us up to date as to what had already been addressed and the rest of the meeting went just as most other meetings did. Once it was over, the other men were excused, leaving me and Mr. Kelly alone.

“Well, what a small world.”

“Yes, I didn’t expect to run into a one night stand at work,” I said, cutting to the chase. “Especially when I am not sure which of the pair it is.”

“Bryce,” he said, tucking his hands in his pockets. “Can’t say I’m sad to see you though.”

“I didn’t think you even remembered me.”

“Oh, I did… do. I didn’t think you’d want people around here to know, though.” Bryce gave me a half-smile as he stepped closer to me. “I got hard as soon as I saw you,” he whispered.

“Mmm. That’s just the reaction I want.” I smiled and leaned into him. Even though when I’d rushed out I’d said I didn’t want to see them again, seeing Bryce take charge of the meeting and the other men had made me wish I’d never left their apartment.

“Good because I think I’m going to be having a lot of problems that require a certain human resource agent to come to town.” He wrapped his hand around my ponytail, pulling my head back slightly before licking up the shell of my ear. “Oh yes, I’m going to need you to come quite often,” he said, his voice husky as he rubbed his erection against me.

“Only if your brother can help us as well,” I moaned.

“Of course.”



Also Available by Rachael Orman


Cravings Series

Lost Desires
(Cravings 0.5 - John’s Patients #1)

(Cravings #1 – John & Alix Part 1)

Fiend (Cravings #2 – John & Alix Part 2) – Coming Early 2015


The Her Series

Her Ride
(Ryan & Elli’s Story)

Her Journey
(Melia & Patrick’s Story)


The Yearning Series

Yearning Devotion
(Gwen, McKayla & Cole - Part 1)

Yearning Absolution
(Gwen, McKayla & Cole - Part 2)


Other Works:

Loneliness Ebbs Deep
- Short Story (Co-written with Adrian J. Smith)

Love is a Mess: Supposed Crimes Anthology


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