In Flight (2 page)

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Authors: Rachael Orman

BOOK: In Flight
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Breathing deeply, I repeatedly told myself to relax even as I followed the flight attendant’s every move, knowing she was going to catch us.

Surprising me yet again, Ben leaned back in his chair, but kept his hand under the jacket. To most it probably looked like he was just resting his hand on my stomach or upper thigh, however, I could feel his fingers gently gliding across my skin. They weren’t heading straight south, instead taking a slow, meandering path as if he was in no rush to get where he was going.

When his fingers finally found the top of my slit and moved down far enough to find my swollen, excited clit, I jumped. Even though I knew it was coming, it was still surprising with all the sounds of other passengers around to feel such an intimate touch. I was surprised I could hear anything over the pounding of my heart. I was panting and he’d barely touched me.

“Spread your legs,”  Ben murmured to me, and I did as directed. His fingers glided down, pushing between my sensitive lips. “Damn, you are so wet.”

I let out a breathless laugh. How could I be anything else? Before I could respond, two of his fingers slid into me making me bite down on my lip to suppress a moan that nearly escaped. As his fingers pulled back only to plunge back in, I reached over and laid my hand over his erection.

Shifting in his seat, he made it easier for me to slide my hand over his slacks. A deep rumble escaped his lips when I focused on the head of his cock, trying to massage it as best I could through the material.

Unfortunately, I was only able to slide my hand up and down his length a few times before he grabbed my wrist with his free hand and moved it back to my lap.

“Put your hand under the jacket,” he instructed as he released the latch that held the small table up over both our laps. It didn’t completely cover us, but it did a decent job.

When I looked up, I realized what he noticed that I hadn’t. The stewardess was only a few rows away with her drink cart and would be near enough to see all of us soon. Leaning my head back, I took a few deep breaths trying to calm myself so I wouldn’t give away what was going on.

I nearly gasped when his fingers moved again, but a quick glance from him had me biting my lip and even turning my head to look out the window, as if I wasn’t paying attention. I could feel my orgasm nearing and tried to think about anything but the two thick fingers filling me.

Thankfully, just when I thought I was going to give in, a feminine voice cut into my thoughts. Ben’s fingers stilled, saving me from embarrassing myself.

“Can I offer you a beverage?” the stewardess asked me with a friendly smile.

“No. No thank you,” I managed after swallowing hard.

“I’ll take a water, please.” Ben didn’t wait for her to ask him directly. She nodded with a smile before finding a bottle in her cart. She handed it to him before moving on. Setting the water on his table, Ben turned his attention back to me as his fingers picked up a quicker pace than before while he smiled wickedly at me. “So, fly often?”

It took a few gulps of air before I was able to speak. “Uh, yeah.”

“That’s it? Just yeah?” He lifted an eyebrow in question.

I took a deep breath and tried to figure out what he was talking about. His fingers were driving me crazy. My climax wasn’t far off and he was talking about how often I flew? “I…”

“Well, come on. Answer me. Do you fly often?” he repeated the question. I shook my head unable to answer. I bit down on my lip and bucked my hips against his hand as I felt the tingling sensation of my orgasm starting. His fingers stopped effectively halting my orgasm.

Groaning, I rolled my eyes and answered finally. “Yes, sir. I fly often.”

“Do you travel only for work or do you go on trips on your own?” he asked as his fingers moved again.

“Work mostly,” I said without thinking.

And that’s how the rest of the flight went. He asked me horribly boring questions, most of which I answered without thinking. I was more focused on reaching my release, but he was somehow able to know every time I got too close or if I got too distracted and if I didn’t answer, he would stop.

I had no idea how long he played his little game, but I was growing exhausted from being kept on the edge for so long without being able to orgasm.

Thankfully, the stewardess announced we were getting ready to descend. As much as I enjoyed his attention, I needed a few minutes alone so I could finally get off. It was almost painful, and apparently, he wasn’t going to help me get there.

I tried to shift away so he’d know I was done playing, instead he moved with me and smiled sweetly.

“I’m done,” I told him since he couldn’t take the hint.

“I’m not,” he said as if I didn’t have any real choice in the matter.

Just when I was going to say more, his fingers sped up and a third finger joined in. As the plane pointed downward and the wheels made loud noises, I leaned back in my seat, hoping that finally he was going to let me get off.

It wasn’t happening though. Whether tired from playing for too long or just no longer excited by his fingers, my body wasn’t getting as excited. Maybe it was the fact that the altitude was changing.

Ben grunted before pulling his hand from under the jacket and out of me, but it was only a moment later when his opposite hand was taking it’s place as he leaned on his hip toward me. Only two fingers entered me, but the new angle had me holding back a groan. He wasn’t gentle anymore as his fingers thrust roughly into me and his lips crashed into mine, just in time to swallow a moan that I wouldn’t have been able to hold back. My orgasm washed over me, sending a fire roaring through my body as the plane touched down with a few bumps that jostled us around but did nothing to stop me from enjoying the pleasure I was finally to get.

Pulling  back, Ben smiled and slowly removed his hand before bringing them up to his lips. With a wink, he slipped his fingers into his mouth, letting out a low growl as he tasted my come. As the plane rolled to a stop and then taxied to our gate, I tried to maneuver my skirt back around and get it zipped up. Ben took his jacket and returned it to his lap without a word to me.

When the plane made it to the gate, everyone stood to exit the plane except Ben, which also forced me to remain seated. Eventually everyone else made their way out, then Ben stood and walked toward the door, disappearing from my world without another word or even a glance back. Sighing at my foolishness, I pulled my purse from under the seat before tugging my bag from the overhead storage. I moved at a much slower pace with the other final passengers as we all made our way off the plane.

When I walked out of the gateway, I was surprised to find Ben standing there with his hands in his pockets. Trying not to embarrass myself, I ducked my head and tried to walk past him as if he was any other passenger. It had been fun, but it had ended awkwardly, which I suppose all quickies do; still, I felt uncomfortable looking at him.

When I saw black dress shoes fall in step with me, I lifted my head to find he was walking with me. Immediately, I stopped and couldn’t help but stare at him.

Taking a small step closer and lowering his voice, Ben asked, “Want to find out what it’s really like to be with me?”

My head said “no,” but my body screamed “yes”. My panties were still soaked from the orgasm he’d given me only minutes before. He hadn’t asked me for anything in return, but he was giving me the chance to return the favor and have some more fun. I couldn’t deny how nice it had been to not think about work in ages. Not to mention, how it had felt when he took over and simply told me what to do. I knew it was absolutely the stupidest thing I could do, but I licked my dry lips and gave a quick nod.

Reaching for the handle of my bag, he smiled. Once I relinquished it, he wrapped an arm around my waist and led me toward the baggage claim area.

“Did you check any bags?” he asked, dragging my luggage behind us.

“Uh, no.” I had to clear my throat to answer. I was nervous. I had to be absolutely out of my mind and yet I found myself easily going with him. Once we exited the secure part of the airport, we were greeted by people holding signs as they waited for various passengers to disembark. On the other side was the baggage claim area, but Ben turned us toward the crowd, which we’d have to navigate through to get to the doors that led outside.

“Charlie,” Ben paused and nodded at a man in a suit with a black hat under his arm.

I would’ve walked right past the man as he was standing off to the side. He didn’t hold a sign stating he was waiting for someone or any other outward indication that he was looking for someone specific. Then again, he didn’t have to as Ben had found him.

“Sir.” The older man nodded and fell in step with us as Ben continued toward the door. Outside, Charlie rushed to open the back door of a black sedan. Not exactly the type of car I expected to need a driver for, but I bit my tongue interested to see what Ben had in mind. What did I know? I normally drove myself or took cabs.

“Thank you,” Ben said, handing off my bag to the man before sliding into the backseat beside me. Smirking at me, he pulled the door closed before Charlie could do it for him. “Now I’ve got you.”

“Yes, you do.” I forced a smile even as I felt just how trapped I was in the backseat of a driven car with a stranger in a town other than my hometown.

“There you go again. Getting all tense when it was meant as a joke. I have no ill intentions; if I did, I wouldn’t have let Charlie see you. He’d sell me out in a minute, even if he is about as loyal as they come.” Ben laughed a bit as he pulled a cell phone from his pocket. “Which reminds me…” He trailed off as he tapped out a message on it before returning the device to his pocket. Moments later, he took it out again. Again, he rapidly slid his fingers across the screen, a smile on his face as he did so. Putting the phone away, he turned to me with a proud smile I didn’t understand.

“Where to, sir?” Charlie asked as he got comfortable in the front seat.

“The penthouse,” Ben answered him, but scooted closer to me. “I have a surprise for you. A good one, I promise.”

“Already? How’d I get so lucky?” I didn’t see how he could’ve managed to plan anything special since he’d only just met me but played along.

“You’ll see. We will be at the penthouse shortly.” Ben rested a hand on my thigh but turned to look out the front window.

“Have a good trip, sir?” Charlie asked when there were more than a few moments of quiet.

“Sure did. Happy to be home as always.” Ben’s finger made small circles on my leg, but he didn’t look my direction again.

The rest of the drive was quiet. The more time that passed, the more I nervously chewed on my lower lip. Ben’s finger tugged down on my chin, making my lip slip from my teeth.

“Stop that. You’ll make your lip bleed,” he said before leaning in for a soft kiss. “You’ll enjoy what I have in mind.”

“Do you do this often?” I asked then slapped a hand to my mouth in surprise. I hadn’t meant to let that thought actually be vocalized, but I couldn’t take it back.

“No. I don’t. Do you?” Ben took it in stride, but his hand slipped off my thigh.

“No,” I whispered and looked out the side window again.

Thankfully, the car pulled to a stop in front of a large building, ending the uncomfortable moment. Charlie hopped out of the front while I peered at the building, I’d never seen it before. Ben climbed out and then helped me out of the car where I found Charlie waiting with my suitcase. Taking it from him, Ben smiled then held out an elbow for me to wrap my hand through.

He led me inside the immaculate lobby and directly to a bank of elevators without a saying a word. As the elevator lifted us to the selected floor, he lowered his mouth to my ear and a large hand moved to rest on my hip. It was just in the elevator, but I still jumped at the light touch.

“Breathe. If you keep an open mind and accept the pleasure I have in store for you, you’ll be more than happy you came back to my place.” His breath was warm as it caressed my ear. A shiver ran down my back making me aware of not only his proximity but also the fact that he could have just about anything planned for me. I tried not to listen to the little voice in my head that said it could be something not good and focus on the one that said it could also be something fantastic, like our plane ride had been.

When the doors opened, he once again offered me his elbow, and I rested my hand in his arm. He walked almost to the other end of the hallway before stopping to open one of the numbered doors. “Here we are,” he announced as he held the door to let me enter first.

I stepped over the threshold and nearly stumbled, not from clumsiness, but from surprise. It was a massive apartment with large glass windows lining one whole wall. “Wow…” I sighed as I looked around. Unexpectedly, I was spun around and my back was pressed to the wall as lips crashed into mine. My purse slid off my shoulder, falling to the ground beside us.

Ben was no longer gentle, but forceful and demanding — dominating. His fingers pressed roughly into my hips as he lifted me off the floor, my legs instantly wrapped around his waist. One of his hands moved into my hair, tugging my head back, making me break the kiss. Once free, his lips dropped down to leave wet, drugging kisses on the column of my neck.

I dug my fingers into his shoulders as a moan slipped from my throat. The roughness had me growing wet for him. My pulse raced from his kisses on my sensitive skin.

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