In the Dark (25 page)

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Authors: Alana Sapphire

BOOK: In the Dark
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I’ve been watching her since the moment she walked in. Of course, she doesn’t know I’m here, but I couldn’t stay away. I had to see her. Ron and Booker are with me. Ron’s already figured me out, but Booker is clueless. They’re having a good time, though.

When she told me about her little girls’ night out, I was disappointed. But then I decided to stop being a pussy and let her have some fun. And then I thought about all the fuckers who would be here hitting on her, so here I am in full pussy/stalker mode.

They remove their jackets and head to the dance floor. My soldier immediately stands at attention. Legs, thighs, breasts…I don’t know where to focus.

“Damn, Chrissy got hot.”

For once, I take my eyes off Raven and look to her friend. Ron’s right.
There must be something in the fucking water these days.
I adjust myself as they start to dance, shaking their asses and grinding on each other. Fuck, my girl can move. She rolls her hips, slowing down and speeding up to match the beat. I sure hope she’ll utilize these skills in the bedroom.

Ron and Booker both sit up and lean forward, watching the show. I’m about to go upside both their heads when I realize that it’s not just them. All the fuckers with a dick are staring at her. Well, both of them, but Chrissy’s not mine, Raven is. I clench my teeth and restrain myself. She’s not doing anything wrong, and I don’t want to ruin her night.

A few guys try to dance with them, but the girls brush them off. That is, until Ron walks over there and whispers in Chrissy’s ear. She looks to Raven who waves them off. She turns to head back to the table and bumps right into
the boyfriend. I grab the arms of my chair to stop myself from going over there. They exchange a few words and then he pulls her into his arms. They begin to dance but it looks more like vertical fucking to me. With each step, my anger rises. He pushes her against the wall and basically starts humping her. I lose my shit. The chair topples over as I bolt to my feet and march right over there.

I grab her arm and pull her away from him roughly. Her eyes widen in surprise.

“Gage! What are you doing here?”

“What the fuck are you doing?” I demand.

“Hey! Get your hands off my girl!” the boyfriend shouts.

Ron and Booker show up and restrain the little fucker before I snap on him. I drag her behind me and head for the exit at the back. I hear the boy shouting, but all I can think is that I need to get her out of here. She struggles against me, trying to pull out of my grasp.

“Stop!” I say through clenched teeth.

She stops struggling but I still have to drag her along. I push through the door and look around to make sure we’re alone. Satisfied, I push her against the wall, trapping her with my body. “What the fuck was that?”

“I could ask you the same thing! How could you embarrass me like that in front of all those people?”

“Embarrass you? You were practically fucking him in front of everyone!”

“It’s not fucking. It’s called the

“I give zero fucks what it’s called! This is your supposed girls’ night?”

“He wasn’t supposed to be here. He just showed up. Like someone else, I see.”

I step back and let out a frustrated growl. “Jesus Christ, Raven! It’s bad enough I had to watch all those fuckers in there staring at you, but he had his hands all over you!”

She crosses her arms under her breasts, her chest heaving in anger.

“So what? I’m not your girlfriend.”

“Fuck what you think. You’re

“Fuck you! You come with your promises of dating but you don’t want a commitment. You say
run hot and cold, but at least I know what I want.”

“I know what I want.”

“Yeah. As you so eloquently put it, you want to fuck me.”

They’re my words, but hearing them thrown back at me pisses me the fuck off. “Shut the fuck up. If this was just about pussy, I’d be long gone. You wanna talk about commitment? Why don’t we talk about how you’re stringing that poor kid along? How committed are you to him?”

She opens her mouth to say something but closes it quickly. I take the opportunity to continue.  

“And what about me? Am I supposed to sit back and watch you run around with the boy? You’re asking me for something you don’t seem willing to give. Maybe you’re just like Lonnie after all.”

Why the fuck did I say that? Shit. She stands frozen to the spot, staring at me in open-mouthed shock and disbelief.

I step toward her and she plants her palms on my chest, pushing me away. I take another step and she pummels my chest with her little fists.


“Raven, stop!”

I grab her wrists and we engage in a battle of death stares. She pulls away and then surprises the hell out of me when she grabs my shirt and drags me toward her, pressing her lips to mine. I force her against the wall and fucking
her lips. I have never kissed a woman like this before. It’s as if I’m pouring out all my rage and frustration, focusing all my energy into this one act. She claws at me like she’s unsure what to do with her hands. One second she’s grabbing my shirt, the next it’s my face, and then my hair.

She parts her lips, letting me in, and then I own her tongue, too. She moans, writhing against me. I taste every sweet inch of her mouth, grabbing her ass and pulling her to me. Squeezing her firm cheeks, I lift her off the ground. She wraps her legs around my hips and I push into the wall, pressing my dick against her pussy. I slide my hands under her top and up her back, desperate to feel her skin. She quivers, whimpering loudly. All the while, we’re going at each other’s lips like some ravenous creatures. She breaks the kiss, trying to catch her breath, and I sink my teeth into her neck.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”


“No one else, Raven.
No one
touches you but me.”


I turn my head to see who the soft, shaky voice came from. Raven gasps, unhooks her legs from around me, and shrieks in horror, “Chris!”



Fuck, fuck, fuck!
The shattered look on his face grabs my heart in a chokehold. He looks like he’s about to be sick. I can’t blame him. I can’t even imagine what’s going through his mind right now. He just shakes his head and walks away.

“Chris, wait!” I untangle myself from Gage and chase him down, but he ignores me. I grab his hand and he turns to me in a rage.

“I asked you about him and you lied!”

“You asked me if we’re having sex. We’re not.”

“You expect me to believe that?”

“We’ve kissed. That’s it.”

“That’s it?” he mocks me. “Oh, that’s fine then.”

“I know you’re angry, but please –”

you. Do you understand that?”

The tears that were forming in my eyes spill over and race down my cheeks.

“You had something going with him before we started dating, didn’t you?”

“We kissed.”

“What is he? Some kind of pedophile?”

“He didn’t know my age.”

“Aah, now I get it. With your birthday coming up, he’s sniffing around you again.”

“Chris, I swear I didn’t want…I didn’t
to hurt you.”

“Well, you have. And for what? Some guy who’s just going to fuck you and then toss you out like garbage.” He practically spits the words at me.

“I get your anger, but there’s no need to be mean.”

“Well, what are you going to do?”

“I…I don’t know.”
I honestly don’t.

“Great. You know what? Have fun with the biker trash.”


“Oh, by the way, ask him about Janet Presley.”

He walks away and this time I let him leave.
What have I done?
My knees buckle, but I’m caught before I hit the ground.

“It’s okay, doll. I got you.”

He picks me up and I bury my face in his neck as I bawl my eyes out. When he sets me down, I open my eyes and see I’m in the passenger seat of his car. “Where are we going?”

“I’m getting you out of here.”

“But Chrissy –”

“I’ll have the boys take care of her.”

He buckles my seat belt, closes the door, and then slides in next to me. I stare out my window, feeling absolutely numb. I’m the scum of the Earth. Worse than that. I’m the scum on the bottom of the shoe of the scum of the Earth. I should have told him instead of him finding out this way. I watch the scenery change as Gage drives, not knowing where we’re going and not caring. He takes my hand and gives it a light squeeze.

“You’ll be okay, babe. I’m here.”

I turn to look at him and remember Chris’ last words. “Who’s Janet Presley?”

His jaw clenches and I see the anger in his eyes before he looks away. “Where did you hear that name?”

“Who is she?”

“Just some chick. She’s not important.”

“What happened to her?”

“Nothing. She moved away a couple years ago.”

“Was she your girlfriend?”

“What? Hell no.”

I watch him grip the wheel tightly. She means something to him. I’m not sure what, but I’m not in the frame of mind to figure it out. I have my own shit to deal with.

“Fuck.” he says, glancing in the rear-view mirror.

“What is it?”

“Two bikes behind us. Been there for a while.”


“So? What bikers you know ride along diligently through traffic?”

He has a point.

“You think they’re following us?”

“Let’s see.”

He accelerates and I watch in the mirror on my side as the bikes speed up, too. Then they pull out from behind us.

“I think they’re going to pass us,” I tell him.


One of them pulls up next to Gage’s window.

“What is he doing?” I exclaim in a panic.

I look around frantically for the other rider and almost swallow my tongue as I stare through my window and down the barrel of a gun.

Oh. Shit.





To be continued....



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, book 2 now available!***



With Raven’s birthday drawing closer, will Gage keep waiting or will he lose his patience and take what he believes is his?

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