Read In the Dark by Lila Rose Online

Authors: Lila Rose

Tags: #paranormal, #romance, #new, #adult, #vampires, #shifters, #angst, #comin, #of, #age, #prophecy

In the Dark by Lila Rose (26 page)

BOOK: In the Dark by Lila Rose
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Jezanna helped me dress in a warm hooded jumper and tracksuit pants. I tied my wet hair up in a ponytail and looked to Jezanna's concerned face.

"I'm all right." I gave her a small smile.

"I know you're not, Leila. We can do this another night. I can tell them all to leave."

Scoffing, I said, "Yeah, right. No, it's better to get it over with. But thanks."

She gave me a nod, opened the door and walked out first to the quiet living room. As I came out behind her, the first movement I saw was Isaac rising from the couch coming towards me at the same time Ty was.

They pulled up in front of me, standing next to one another. Isaac went to reach out to me, but I stepped back.

"Don't," I whispered. I couldn't look him in the eyes, knowing he'd be hurt by my word.

Instead, I walked around him and Ty to stand near the front window, next to Jeremiah and Jezanna. Isaac's sigh was loud enough for everyone to hear. I heard him move to sit back down on the couch as Ty took back his position on a kitchen chair in front of the television.

My stomach growled. I was starving, but I knew if I ate something, I'd be bringing it back up in the next second. My stomach was unsettled. I was unsure if it was my nerves or fear from what they had to say or just plain exhaustion.

I opened my mouth to get the show on the road, only to clamp it shut again when some commotion started outside in the back yard. I turned to face the back door as others moved quickly to stand in front of me, ready to take on whatever was coming in. My heart thumped hard to see Isaac was one of them.

He wasn't alone. Before me was also Ty, Jeremiah, Caelen, Jezanna and another of Ty's people. All I knew was it was a guy, from the build—tall, broad, strong. The scent wafting off him filled in the rest. Yes, definitely male. The testosterone was too strong to think otherwise. It was too bad a black balaclava hid his face, like all of Ty's people, except Ty. For some reason, I wanted to see what he looked like.

The back door opened and in walked Darik, Xavier, Adan, Jensen and two others Ty had sent off to track MaryJane. Jensen didn't pause at the doorway of the living room, like the rest. He kept coming and then fell to the ground on his knees in front of Isaac.

Bending low, his face touched the ground. "My apology. I didn't know what she had planned. I would have stopped it if I had. Please, if you will have me, I wish to swear my allegiance to you and your people."

"Rise, Jensen Neon," Isaac ordered. Jensen was on his feet within a second. "I will accept your oath. Tomorrow night, the ceremony will be held for those who want to be a part of my family."

A small smile lit my face. At least Xavier would be happy.

"Thank you, Master." Jensen bowed and stepped into the background.

People started to relax around me. I sank to the floor, crossed my legs and looked out to them all.

"Someone had better start," I said.

"I would like to explain my part, but I'm not permitted to speak in front of the vampires," Ty said as he walked back to his seat, with the other fella, who kept my attention, following. The sway of his body, the liquid movements did something to me deep within my stomach. I let the blush come, because it was obvious to anyone who was watching me I'd just checked out the guy's butt. And, bloody hell, even that said guy knew and started laughing. His laugh was deep and rich, and I wanted to drink it down. I turned away and shook my head. Unfortunately, I'd turned toward Isaac on the couch. He openly gave the guy a death glare. When he looked to me, his expression softened.

"Sire," Darik called. "We need to update you."

"Very well," Isaac said.

Darik dipped his head. "We couldn't catch her, Sire. She's still out there. I'm sorry."

My stomach dropped.

God, she was still out there, still after me. What would she do next? Murder me in my sleep?

"Leila," Isaac said.

But I didn't—couldn't stop all the thoughts of how MaryJane would plan to kill me next. Panic rose in my chest, but I didn't want to break in front of everyone. Even though most of them already knew or had heard I had a near breakdown in my bedroom before. So why not let the terror take over? Why not let myself drown in it?

It was bound to happen, because I was destined to be dead.

"Leila. Look at me." Someone shook me. My gaze focused on Isaac crouched in front of me. "She will not harm you again. I will not allow it."

Could he stop it? He couldn't before. Would he want to? I didn't know. I knew nothing, and it was mixing all my thoughts up. What was right? What was wrong? Who could I believe?

Hissing and growling started around me. I shook off my stupid paranoia. Damn it, she would not beat me down. I was stronger than that.

I can do this. I have to do this. I want to live. I want to love and protect my family freely.

Clenching my fists, I took a deep breath and looked up to see Jeremiah holding back Isaac, while Ty was… holding back the masked guy with the cute butt.

What's that about?

Standing, I yelled, "Stop." Everything quieted. "I don't care what's going on. I need answers and I want them now. Ty, if you want to speak with me, you have to do it in front of my people. They're my family. Everything you say, I'll just tell them anyway."

Isaac shrugged off his brother and gave Ty a smug look. Ty shook his head and let go of who he held.

Rolling my eyes, I added, "And, Isaac, the same goes for you. Everyone speaks freely in front of everyone or I'm going to scream."

"I agree, Leila," Isaac said.

"Yeah. I guess. They'll just kick my arse later for it," Ty replied mildly.

Who was going to kick his arse?

"Good, great." I nodded. "Now who's starting?" No one said anything. "Okay then, I will. Seems you two are being stubborn jerks." A few laughed. Only I wasn't trying to be funny. I looked to Isaac, who stood by the wall near the front door. "How did you know she worked with Gerald?"

He came back to sit on the couch, glancing up at me as he said, "I found out the day she arrived. After leaving
room that night." I didn't miss the emphasis, but I had no idea why or to whom he was trying show off to. It seemed all men, regardless of species, could be confusing idiots. "Darik and I were driving home when Seraphine and Hamish came out of nowhere. They explained they followed Mervin,"— known as Freckles to me—"to MaryJane's residence. There, they overheard Mervin informing her of where I was. The strange part was, he never mentioned who and what you were, Leila. She ordered him to stay at her house, because she would be the one to take care of everything by controlling and delivering me to Gerald, along with my people. Seraphine and Hamish quickly left to inform me of her plan. I asked them to return to her house to… end Mervin and stay there in case they could learn more."

My breath hitched. "So you played along with her, why?"

How could you do that?
I wanted to scream.

"I wanted information. She knows where Gerald is. She has inside information. I did it to protect everyone I care for." He glared and then sighed. "Now, it's all for nothing. She'll be heading straight to him and then he will come."

That just pissed me off. I needed to kick him so hard it would hurt for a week.

"You prick. You overprotective little shit," I snapped, my hands going to my hips as I glared down at him. "You stayed with her, you slept with her, you let her touch you, kiss you, all for what? What information did you get? You told me once you could never hurt me. Well, you have. Question is, was it all worth it? Please tell me it was worth it!" My chest heaved with my angry breath. I shouldn't have lost it in front of everyone there, but the fire that burned within me wouldn't let up until I'd had my say.

He looked absolutely wrecked from every word I'd delivered. My heart hurt, because I was the cause of it. Yet, I wanted to throw my hands up in the air and stomp my foot because I was annoyed also.

"I have nothing. I thought I was doing the right thing, Leila. I never wanted to hurt you. Please know that—"

"Just shut up. Don't you get it? You did hurt me. Every touch, every caress you shared with her, cut me deeper and deeper each time. And now I
you did it to protect me, us." I shook my head. "I—we can take care of ourselves. We fight our own battles. You need to get some things straight and start asking for some help or you will never be the right ruler for your people." I stopped once I saw Darik draw his dagger. "Darik, if you want to use that on me, then do it right now. I don't give a shit. But if you're not, then back the fuck off." He shrugged and used it to pick out dirt from under his nails. I sighed, dropped my arms and calmed my voice before I continued, "Gerald will come and eat you up if you don't get off your high horse and believe in everyone here. All of your people are willing to help, to fight alongside you. None of us want to see you injured. It would kill us all. But I'm afraid you will, if you continue like you are, workin' alone, taking on
alone." I rubbed at my eyes to erase the few stray tears wanting to fall.

Looking to the floor, I composed myself. "Your turn, Ty. Start explaining." I glanced up to give Ty my full attention. I knew Isaac was still looking at me. His gaze burned. All of the other vampires stared openly at me too. I'd shocked them all with my outburst.

Ty cleared his throat. "I'm not sure if I want to now. Will you chew my head off as well?"

Snorting, I hid the smile wanting to come out. Instead, I turned my whole body to face him. "Depends on what you have to say."

He grinned and began. "Two years ago, I was approached by… some people. They asked me if I wanted to work for them. I s-said yes. They also approached my sister and the others here. An assignment came up, where I was told to keep an eye on you, Leila, so I did. I often wondered why they asked this of me, until tonight that was." He removed his glasses and rubbed at his hazy eyes. He left the glasses off and continued, "This—us here, we're a team who have special abilities. As you can see, I am blind, but I can also see, only shadowing outlines. I can run fast and I have excellent hearing. My sister can control minds and erase thoughts." He gestured to Penny, who sat on the floor beside him. She pulled off her black balaclava and wow, she was beautiful with her long blonde hair, which was tied back. Her shining blue eyes were mesmerising.

"Is your name really Penny?" I asked.

"Yes." She smiled.

"Does your mother work two jobs?"

"No. Not since we started these jobs. She no longer needs to work."

At least Ty hadn't been lying about everything. Maybe stretching the truth, but not a lie; it counted in my books.

Ty gestured to another, who stood behind him. "This here is Peter." Peter pulled off his balaclava. He was short, with red hair and light green eyes. "He can talk to animals and is very strong."
Okay, impressive.
"Over by the kitchen is Henry. His sister Steph is outside, no doubt. Henry is a pyrotechnic and Steph can read emotions and control metal."

I could understand why Steph would be outside with so many emotions flying around in the house. It would be hard for her. I wondered if she looked anything like her brother who had dark brown, shoulder-length hair and light brown eyes.

Eagerness filled me as
I turned my gaze to the last person to be introduced. The one I wanted to know. Ty smirked at my impatience. Isaac growled at it.

"Last, we have Kalvin." Ty chuckled.

Kalvin took off his cover, and damn it, the sight of him made me gasp, sending a nice shiver down my spine. He was stunning. Absolutely eye boggling with short and messy, light brown hair and deep honey-coloured eyes. If I had to guess, he'd have to be a vampire to be that good-looking. "Kalvin here can—"

"Boss, let me do it," his deep throaty voice said, making me squirm a little. Ty nodded.

Then Kalvin dropped his shields.

We all felt what he was. My body stiffened. I had to gain control over myself, because right then, I wanted to run over to him purring and rub my whole body against his.

"You're… you're a…"

"Yeah." He grinned. "I'm a werecat. Like you."

A sharp snapping noise broke what felt like the intimate gaze Kalvin and I had going on. I glanced over to see that Isaac had broken off the armrest on my couch.

I didn't care. I looked back to Kalvin and he smiled.

Amazing. I'm not the only one. There are others.

How could it be?

How was he working for Ty?

And just who was Ty working for?

Reluctantly, I dragged my gaze from Kalvin to Ty. I asked, "What does this mean? Who do you work for and what do you want from me?"

"We all work for a s-secret special force within the government."

Whoa, what the hell?

"No!" Isaac bellowed. "She will not. Never," he ordered, standing. All the vampires took fighting stances.

"What?" I asked, obviously not understanding what Isaac already had.

Ty smiled and said the words I wasn't ready for. "We want you to come work with us."


Chapter Twenty-Three



No one laughed or smiled, so I knew Ty's request was a real one. They wanted me to work for a special branch in the government.


God, I wanted to laugh at the thought of it.

"What does it entail?" I asked. Curiosity pushed the question forward.

Isaac spun to me. "You can't do this," he growled. His hands fisted at his sides. His jaw clenched and his eyes showed determination. He wouldn't
me to join them. Little did he know he had no say over the matter, or over me at all.

Ignoring him, I looked to Ty again, even though my eyes and body pleaded with me to take in Kalvin again.

"I need more answers before I even contemplate it," I said.

"Of course. Our boss should be here any moment. He can tell you everything you need to know."

Nodding, I sighed, not sure I'd be able to honestly think of important questions. I was too exhausted.

"Leila, please. You don't even know anything about them, you can't possibly."

BOOK: In the Dark by Lila Rose
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