Read In the Dark by Lila Rose Online

Authors: Lila Rose

Tags: #paranormal, #romance, #new, #adult, #vampires, #shifters, #angst, #comin, #of, #age, #prophecy

In the Dark by Lila Rose (33 page)

BOOK: In the Dark by Lila Rose
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"Stop!" Isaac roared. Only Darik didn't listen. He spun out of Isaac's reach and came at me. It was as if he flew through the room. Only inches from me, he managed to brush his hand over mine before Isaac grabbed him.

He wrenched Darik's arms behind him, to near breaking point and knelt on his back. Leaning in, he hissed out, "No one touches her."

"Stop!" A flurry of movement and Isaac was pushed off Darik. Before I could blink, I was up and forced behind Isaac, his arms caging me in, but not touching me. He looked down upon Raven, kneeling beside Darik.

"You saved his life, girl."

Raven nodded. Tears glistened in her eyes. "I know." With her shifter strength, she rolled Darik over. Fear touched my tongue for her because Darik wasn't himself. Only, my fear wasn't just for her, but for Darik also. If he didn't gain some amount of control, Isaac would kill his best friend.

Even with everything going on, my desire didn't die. My hands trembled for my mate, I reached out and he took a step forward. Licking my dry lips, I pleaded, "Isaac."

Soon, my love.

Darik growled low. He stretched his hand out my way until Raven grabbed his face in both hands and forced him to look at her.

"Darik," she called. "Don't do this. You do this, you kill me. Is that what you want?"

What was she talking about?

"Darik," she pleaded. "Do you want to harm me?"

Slowly, he sat. "No," he choked.

Tears broke and ran down Raven's face. "Then come with me."

"Yes," he hissed. He was up with Raven in his arms and stalking quickly from the room.

"Isaac," I breathed and started to reach out to him again.

"Do not touch me
, my mate." He sped over to the door and left before I could say anything.

Why would he leave me?

My knees buckled. I was about to fall, but hands caught me. Desire bubbled up throughout me again and I was lifted into strong arms.

"Isaac," I whispered.

"I have you. I'll never let go." He glided us over to the bed, and somehow, he managed to sit us in the middle of it with his back against the headboard, with me in his lap. With my legs straddling his waist, I felt his hardness beneath my hot core and I rocked against it. A moan escaped me.

Isaac's hiss was low, a sweet sound to my ears because it meant he was affected as much as I was.

"Leila, do you understand what's going on?"

"No questions," I growled and went to kiss him.

"Love." He chuckled.

"How can you… think, not act like them out there?"

"I'm a master vampire, Leila, and my love for you helps me control myself because I need to know you understand what is going on."

"I do." I sighed happily and then smiled. Leaning in, I rubbed my head against his cheek gently. A purr tumbled out of my lips.

Isaac's voice growled through my mind.
You are mine. My mate to claim. Do you want me?
His voice held a little uncertainty, as if he were unsure I would want him.

I purred.
Always have, always will. My love for you will never die.

His groan filled the room. He tore my panties away as well as my sports bra. Naked in front of him, there was no room for unease or embarrassment. There was nothing but heated desire and love in his eyes. In fact, confidence bloomed and I rocked to my knees, where I placed my breast right in front of his mouth.

A moan fell from my lips as I waited with baited breath for him to make the move. And then, Isaac licked his lips, attaching his mouth, lips and teeth to my nipple. His suck sent a throbbing pulse into my core.

Want. Need. Have.

While one of my hands gripped Isaac around the neck, the other slid between us. There, I shifted my nails into claws and sliced through his pants. Surprise caused my eyes to widen. I never knew I could partially shift, until then. My shock was driven out when I looked down and moaned at what I saw.

My hand wound around his gorgeous erection, causing Isaac to jerk up and hiss.

My breast fell from his mouth as I slowly sat down onto Isaac's hardness. A gasp escaped. I didn't realise how tight I would be or how big Isaac felt.

His hands came to my hips to stop me. I met his eyes. He knew I had never had anyone inside of me before. Hell, he liked the fact I hadn't. The possessiveness in his eyes told me so. There was also a small frown upon his beautiful lips and I knew he hated the fact this would hurt me. He would hurt my body.

So I smiled, letting him know I was okay. His gaze travelled to my mouth and when he saw my curved lips, he nodded. I wasn't sure if it was more to himself or me. When his grip loosened, I took the choice out of the equation and slammed myself down upon him.

A pain-filled cry whimpered out of me. My forehead hit Isaac's shoulder.

Then suddenly, something changed within me. I moved my hips and the scent of us hit me. I groaned. Isaac tried to hold me still for a moment as he inhaled deeply.

Us. Mate. Claim. Mine,
was snarled through our connection.

"Yes," I whispered, pushing back down on him. His hands gripped my butt tightly, helping me, helping us find the perfect rhythm. The sensation of Isaac moving in and out of me was something I knew I would remember forever, and already, I found myself looking forward to the next time.

A wash of warmth swept over me. Butterflies fluttered low in my belly and still I couldn't get enough. Isaac's hands slid up my back while mine went from his shoulders to wrap around his neck. We both knew what we wanted. Our kiss was demanding, hard and yet sweet.

I whimpered and purred against him as my core spasmed around Isaac. He growled deep, long and low as he pumped his seed inside of me, filling me.

It was after we caught our breath when Isaac gently lay me down onto the bed before he removed the rest of his tattered clothes and shifted in behind me, bringing my body flush against his.

Silence. Nothing but amazing silence filled my ears, which meant the fight upstairs had stopped.

I felt sated, a part of me was claimed and therefore happy. Yet, something was still missing. I curled into Isaac, wanting to talk, but sleep took me under.


* * * *


Darkness surrounds me. Every way I turn, I see nothing but black. My heart beats hard in my chest. My hands tremble along with my legs. I want to run, to scream, but I don't.

Because I know I'm waiting.

It isn't until I see two small red dots in the distance that I relax somewhat.

"Yes," I whisper. "That's what I'm waiting for."

The dots drift closer and closer.

And in a blink of an eye, which always makes me jump, they're right in front of me, so close I can reach out and touch them… No, touch the face that belongs to those red eyes.

I want to.

I need to.

Even though a small amount of fright fills me, I still know I'm safe.

The red eyes study me.

"You're mine," the voice growls…

Light suddenly shines everywhere and arms circle my waist. I look up.

"Isaac," I whisper. His red eyes fade into black before his lips meet mine. His arms draw me in tighter against his body. The kiss takes a new level and a hot heat engulfs my body. I worry I'll burn him, so I pull away and smile up at him, reassured he isn't harmed, but his eyes are red once again.

"It's been you all along," I say.

"I dreamed of you for so long, your eyes. I was meant to find you. Claim you. You are my soul, my saviour, my mate. You were made for me. To love, to cherish and to lead with me. Together we will rule the world, make our people safe and allow them to live peacefully among all species."

A dull pain drew me from my sleep to find Isaac over me. His lips against my neck. With his teeth in my flesh, my blood flowed freely from my body into his mouth. Gasping, I threaded my fingers into his hair, holding him close to me. He growled against my skin, sending a delicious shudder throughout my body, while one of his hands forced my legs apart. Honestly, my legs opened willingly. They and my hot core wanted what Isaac had to offer.

His fingers danced over my folds and I trembled in bliss.

Isaac was mine. My mate. He must have worked out what was missing, or maybe he was scared of my reaction to it, but I wanted it. I wanted him to drink from me, for us to join and claim
of each other.

"Yes," I breathed. He hummed against my neck and I felt him move between me. His hand disappeared from my heat. I would have complained, but then I felt his hand against my thigh as he gripped himself. The tip of him slowly entered me, so I spread my legs wider as he gently pushed himself further in. It was too slow. I gripped his back and lifted my head slightly, but not enough to dislodge his fangs as I kissed his shoulder.

Drink from me, my love. Claim me,
he encouraged.

But your blood?

Is safe. Mine is not toxic, and even if it were, it would never harm my mate

A muffled roar of pleasure left both of us as soon as I sank my teeth into his skin, causing Isaac to slam inside of me. He pumped into me over and over while we drank, touched and claimed one another. Our souls slid together, and finally, I felt as one with my mate as I climaxed around him. His teeth left my skin and he grunted through his own release.

With him still inside of me, he pulled back to smile down at me. "My queen."

A laugh fell from my lips. "My king." I gasped when he pulled out and pushed back in. Only he stopped.

Looking up, I saw his expression had turned serious. Then he said, "Are you happy?"

Reaching up, I caressed his cheek and then lifted to kiss his lips. "More than you'll ever know."

"Good," he growled. Without a stir of wind, he was standing beside the bed with me in his arms and still hard within me. I grabbed his shoulders and lifted myself up, only to slide back down on him.

Isaac closed his eyes. His head fell back, eyes to the ceiling and he groaned. When he looked back to me, his eyes were red. "Mine," he roared.

"Yours." I smiled.

He walked us to the bathroom where we made good use of the large shower.


Chapter Twenty-Eight



After our playtime in the shower, we lay in bed together naked in a freshly made bed. It must have been what Isaac was doing while I dried myself. Because when I'd come out, he was already in bed with my side of the clean sheet thrown back. I climbed in, even though all I wanted to do was rip the blankets off Isaac's sexy, sleek form and ogle it for at least a year more. What I'd seen in the shower didn't give me enough time to study him. Though what I did see, I liked, a lot. His pale skin was smooth all over his body. He didn't just have a six-pack, but eight, with tight pecs to go along with them. His body held enough muscle to tantalise me with his thinner frame.

He was perfect.


Goddamn hot.

"I enjoy the way my mate is looking at me. However, we must talk." Isaac smiled and half rolled over me. Placing his head in his hand, he looked down at me. His black hair fell into his eyes and I had every right to run my fingers through it, pushing it back, so I did.

Hell, I had every right to do to him what I wanted. That thought brought a smile to my face.

"Where is your mind taking you?" he asked, chuckling.

Shrugging, I said, "Just thinking, since we're a couple now—"

He growled and nipped at my bottom lip with his teeth. "We're more than just a couple."

Grinning like a fool, I slid my hand over his back and down to his bottom, where I pinched it. "Oh, I know. You claimed me good and proper."

His eyes bled to red. "You are very good at distracting me." His lower half pushed against me and my back arched. I loved the feeling of him. "Unfortunately, it will not work." A disgruntled mew slipped from my lips as he shifted us. Isaac lay on his back with my body along his and my head rested on his chest. "We must talk."

Sighing, I grumbled, "Fine." Smiling to myself, I tickled a trail with my finger down his chest, over his abs and… He grabbed my hand and held it against his heart.

"You are devious when you want something." He chuckled.

"Very true, but you'll get used to it."

"Something to look forward to. Actually, all my days will be spectacular with you at my side. Even when you are trying my patience."

Cheeky man.

"Same to you, mister."

"Do you wish for me to tell you about the prophecy now?"

A laugh erupted out of me. "Smooth move to catch my attention."

"It worked, yes?"

"Oh, yes, as long as you put out in the end."

His laughter was full and free. "Of course, I would not like to disappoint my mate."

"Good. You better remember those words, Isaac Grey."

The arm around my shoulders gave me a squeeze before he said, "Always."

"Okay, let's talk."

He kissed my forehead and started, "The same seer who foretold Gerald the prophecy regarding me, also foretold another that same night. It was said there would come a woman who holds her feline form close. One who has a green eye and a black one. This woman, who is also a werecat, would rule beside the new king. She and the king would be one together and would lead all supernaturals to live in harmony alongside one another."

God, no.

My body stiffened when realisation hit me.
was the cause of the extinction of my species.

"Gerald killed my kind." It wasn't a question because I already knew the answer and it fucking hurt.

"Yes," Isaac whispered and his grip upon me tightened. "None of this is your fault though. You have to remember this, Leila my love. All of this happened before you were born. You cannot help being born the one who was meant for me."

"But it killed my people."

"I know the pain you must feel burning deep inside you because I have felt it when I lost my parents because of the prophecy. We were both born into a life where we would have many hurtful times. It is not a life we would have asked for ourselves, especially when we have lost so many. However, I see the purpose now. We were meant to find each other. We were meant to lead. To be strong, not only for each other, but for our people."

BOOK: In the Dark by Lila Rose
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