Read In the Garden of Sin Online

Authors: Louisa Burton

In the Garden of Sin (27 page)

BOOK: In the Garden of Sin
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“She’s not starting from zero,” Doug said. “To Nicky, getting whipped is like having her cunt licked. She’s a total pain freak. Isn’t that right, Nick?”

She yelped as he gave her whipmarked ass a sharp slap. “Yes, master.”

“Get that head back down.” Parting her sex lips, as blood-flushed now as the surrounding flesh, Doug said, “Check it out. She’s dripping.”

Elic and Lili rose from the couch and came over to take a look. Doug positioned a gooseneck floor lamp so that it shone directly on Nicky’s bare ass, then yanked her panties off altogether and pushed her knees as wide apart as they could go on the stool.

Kneeling behind Nicky, Elic and Lili explored her with curious fingers, commenting on how wet and inflamed she was as the little blonde shuddered and gasped.

“On my go,” said Doug, standing over Nicky with his gaze fixed on his chunky gold watch. “Twenty seconds, or I’ll make you good and sorry. Ready?”

Rather awkwardly, because of the leash restraining her head, she got her right hand between her legs.

“Now,” Doug said.

Nicky started fingering herself.

“No, don’t close your eyes,” Doug said. “Don’t go somewhere else. You’re right here, with all of us watching you. We can see everything you’re doing. We can see your clit getting stiff and red. That’s right, work it. Fourteen seconds.”

Nicky’s breath came in strident pants that evolved into a series of increasingly high-pitched, panicked little bleats of the type some women emit when orgasm is imminent. “Unh… unh…oh…
oh…oh, God…

“Seven seconds,” Doug said. “You close?”

She nodded, trembling. “Y-yes, master.”

Lili, apparently unwilling to take Nicky’s word for it, pushed her middle finger deep inside the other woman’s snatch.

“Oh! Oh! Oh, God!”
Nicky bucked as she came, the step stool creaking so hard, Turek thought it might fall apart.

“Good girl.” Doug praised, crouching down to ruffle her hair. “What were you thinking about?”

Gulping for air, Nicky said, “F-fucking, master.”

“Getting fucked or watching other people fuck?”

“Getting fucked, master.”

“Was I giving it to you in the ass, too? That’s her favorite,” he told Elic and Lili, “getting a great big vibrator shoved up her ass while I’m banging her.”

There came a pause while Nicky ruminated on her response.

Yanking her head up by her leash, Doug said, “Answer me.”

“You…” Dropping her gaze, Nicky said, very softly, “It… wasn’t you, master.”

Doug’s incredulity struck Turek as comical. “Well, then, who the hell was it?”

With a wince of apprehension, she glanced over her shoulder at Elic. “H-him, master.”

Doug stood, scowling at Elic, who gave him a grinning shrug in return.

Unzipping Elic’s fly, Lili asked Doug, “Don’t you think, after that impressive display, that Nicky deserves a little reward?” She caressed Elic’s erection with loving strokes that incited another little stab of jealousy in Turek. He withdrew his own cock and stroked it in the same leisurely rhythm that Lili was using with Elic, imagining it was her hand pulling and squeezing, her fingers massaging the slippery glans, gliding down the shaft to rub that ultrasensitive flesh under his balls as they grew tight and firm, filling with come…

He really was an idiot.

All the more so because not only was Lili herself evidently devoid of jealousy, but she was actually getting her lover primed to fuck another woman. Petty human covetousness was beneath her. Just more evidence, as if any more were needed, that she was a truly higher life-form, as superior to humans as humans were to the cattle and swine upon which they fed.

“I mean, we did come back here to share our toys, no?” Lili asked Doug as she trailed her fingertips lightly up and down Elic’s cock, adding with a sly little smile, “Of course, if you’re not into it, I’ll just put my clothes back on and we can call it a—”

“No! No, no, no,” Doug protested as he ogled Lili in her come-hither lingerie. “Of course I’m into it, are you kidding?”

“Well, then,” Elic said. With one hand gripping Nicky’s hip, he rubbed the head of his cock against her wet little hole. With a whimper of pleasure, she lifted her hindquarters like a cat in heat, a wordless plea that didn’t go unanswered. He penetrated her with one slow, smooth incursion, grabbing her shoulders and pushing hard to force himself in as deep as he could go. She pushed back against him with a ravenous little purr.

Reaching between Elic’s legs—Turek thought she must be fondling his balls and the base of the shaft—Lili whispered something in his ear and kissed his throat, his cheek, his mouth…

Turek imagined her bestowing those little intimacies on him while he gave it to some hot, horny little blood-bag, and felt a yearning so acute that it took his breath away even as his arousal escalated, his hips clenching as he knelt there with fingertips trailing lightly up and down his cock…

Lili, Lili…

In the beginning, he’d worshipped her, craved her,
her to banish the terrible loneliness that was the vampire’s lot. But then she’d turned on him, and he’d loathed her and plotted his revenge. And now…

Still kissing Elic, Lili reached down the back of his jeans to caress his ass as it rocked back and forth, sliding his glistening cock in and out of the other woman.


Turek summoned up the mental image that had both nurtured and soothed his wrath during his long incarceration, that of Lili shrieking as the flames licked that beautiful face, bubbling the skin, peeling it away, roasting it to ash…

At one time, that fantasy had felt comforting; now it made his stomach roil, his erection wilt.

Lili… Oh, fuck, what are you doing to me?

“I know you said you’d never shared Nicky before,” Lili said as she stood and approached Doug, gliding her hands up over her hips and breasts. “Has she ever watched you with another woman?”

He shook his head. “I’ve been kind of, uh, holding that one in reserve as a… sort of as an ultimate punishment.”

Nodding toward Nicky, her eyes closed as she moaned in time with Elic’s unhurried thrusts, Lili said, “She’ll hardly even notice at this point, much less care.”

“That won’t do. Hey, Nick.” He jerked on her leash. “Having a good time?”

“Y-yes, master.”

“Yeah, well, I want to have a good time, too. You’re going to lick Lili’s pussy till she’s ready for me, and then you’re going to watch me fuck her.”

“What a splendid idea,” said Lili as she removed her g-string, which tied on the sides.

Turek’s cock sprang up again, hard and quivering; it felt like electrified steel in his fist.

“Have you ever done this before, Nicky?” Lili asked. “Gone down on another woman?”

“No, ma’am.”

“It’s easy. Just pretend you’re doing it to yourself.”

Doug wanted Lili to kneel, but Lili pointed out that Nicky would have “better access” if
were to kneel and hold her from behind with her legs resting on the step stool to either side of Nicky, so that was what they did. Doug struggled to unzip himself while gripping her around the waist as she guided the little blonde’s head, murmuring, “That’s right, oh, that’s
good. A little higher, sweetheart, a little softer. Oh, God. Oh, yes. Oh… oh…”

Turek’s quickening thrusts echoed Lili’s.
Oh, yes. Oh, here it comes…
He gritted his teeth to keep from groaning as the heart-pounding pleasure mounted higher, higher…

She came as Doug rammed himself into her, and so did Turek, shooting jet after jet as he watched Lili writhe and buck and moan.

Panting and shaking, he zipped himself back up as Doug pounded away inside Lili, grunting and groaning. She came again, from all appearances just as hard as the first time. Some women, like Nicky, seem pained during orgasm, some reminded Turek of a snorting, rutting she-beast. Lili in the throes of climax was glorious, a vision of sensual passion.

“Perfect,” he whispered. The ultimate seductress, the ultimate goddess.

And she could be, if she would only consent to be turned, the ultimate vampire queen.

Lili, Lili, Lili… How can you still wield such power over me? How can I still desire you so fervently, not just your body, but you, all of you, heart and soul, until the end of days?

What he wanted of her, what he was determined now, for better or worse, to achieve, was what Galiana wanted— expected, demanded—of him: complete and utter possession, now and forever.

He would have to proceed, of course, with the utmost care and discretion. What, he wondered, would Galiana think if she had any inkling of where he was right now, of the things he was feeling…

… and planning?

More to the point, what would she do? The last time—the only time—he’d ever presumed to give Galiana her walking papers, back in Bologna, it had detonated a supernova of rage.

I almost killed you once, in a most unpleasant fashion. I can still do it
, cucciolo.
I can chain you up and burn you to death in increments—first your feet, then your hands, your legs, your arms… You’ll die in agony with no chance of ever coming back. Do not make the mistake of doubting my sincerity in this

He didn’t.

FAINT, PREDAWN GLOW was just beginning to bleach the night from the sky when Lili and Elic, in fleece robes, escorted their two fuckmates out of the house and back down the little alleyway. Nicky and Doug looked rumpled, dazed, and exhausted, in contrast to their hosts, who positively glowed, having absorbed a heaping helping of sexual nourishment during the evening’s frolics.

Climbing back up the same spruce he’d climbed down, Turek watched and listened from the apartment house roof as the four lingered on the sidewalk, chatting as casually as if they were bringing the curtain down on a dinner party and not a four-hour four-way.

Turek’s ears twitched when Lili said to the other couple, “I do hope you two will be able to join us for D and D Week at Grotte Cachée.”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” Doug said. “‘Dungeons and Dominance’—gotta love it. Um, should we plan on bringing our own costumes, or will you have them there?”

“Nicky will be taken care of,” Elic said. “We issue specially designed uniforms to the serving wenches and footmen. But the barons and baronesses have to provide their own. Authenticity is encouraged—anything from the thirteen hundreds through the sixteen hundreds will fly. There are those who like to add whimsical little modern touches, which is fine, but we do ask that you make an effort.”

“Most of our guests rent from theatrical supply companies,” Lili said, “but you can buy something online from one of those outfits that sells costumes for Renaissance fairs—if you think you can get it before next Friday. Just make sure you end up looking like a nobleman, not a peasant. The doms are the lords and ladies, the subs are servants. There is no in between.”

Elic asked Nicky if she understood that, by attending this event, she was agreeing to put herself at the sexual disposal of every dom in attendance. “Any or all of those guys can use you however he wants, and you either submit or you go home.”

Doug opened his mouth to answer for her, but closed it when Elic shot him a look.

“I understand, sir,” Nicky said.

“And you’ve got no problem with that?” he persisted.

She smiled at the sidewalk. “No, sir.”

“So this is, like, an annual thing?” Doug asked.

“Yeah, we’ve hosted D and D Week every September for the past twenty-four years,” Elic said. “It’s by invitation only, of course. Our
, Emmett Archer—”

“Your what?” Doug said.

Elic said. “He serves as a sort of right-hand man to the owner of Château de la Grotte Cachée. Archer has connections all over the world, and he finds most
of our guests. Our friend Inigo issues quite a few invitations himself. He’s always traveling, and he’s very gregarious, makes friends easily.”

“I’m glad we still have spots for you two,” Lili said. “We cut it off at sixty guests, because that’s the most we can comfortably accommodate. The barons and baronesses are assigned bedrooms, and the wenches and footmen sleep on pallets in other parts of the castle.”

BOOK: In the Garden of Sin
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