Read In the Middle Online

Authors: Sindra van Yssel

In the Middle (12 page)

BOOK: In the Middle
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Yes, but only if I can sleep around.

That wasn’t really what she wanted to say either. Yet she couldn’t turn her back on what she felt when she submitted to Rob.

I want them both. Master and slave.

“I—I don’t know what to say.”
Rob and Daniel. Both. At the same time? Why not?
An imaged flashed through her mind: Daniel eating her out while Rob fucked her ass.
Or is Rob too big for that? Would I even like it that way? It sure is hot, though.

Daniel’s face fell but only for a moment. “Perhaps ‘I’ll think about it.’ I obviously caught you by surprise.”

Yes, that, and another man’s plastic toy is vibrating inside of me and making me soak my dress
. A tear ran down her face as she looked at the diamond ring. He’d done it perfectly—dinner at a French restaurant, bended knee, lovely ring. He deserved a yes, dammit, and she wished she could give it to him. “I need to go to the restroom a second. Girl thing.” She got up in a hurry, nearly bowling him over in the process. She could hear the egg buzzing away, but she hoped the sound was only carrying through her bones and not to Daniel’s ears. She ran to the bathroom, leaving Daniel no doubt stunned behind her. She didn’t look back. There was no way she could focus on him without doing something.
I’ll take it out. Or maybe I’ll just rub my clit until I come.

The moment she opened the bathroom door, the thing stopped. She stood there, panting for a moment, and then realized she looked stupid so she slipped inside and shut the door. She caught her breath.
What does Daniel see in me as a mistress anyway?
She understood what made someone like Rob or Spike an attractive dominant. They were calm, self-assured, seemingly impervious to harm.
A man like that could protect me from anything. Heck, Daniel could protect me, and he has most of those traits too. But me, I’m small and can’t make up my own mind half the time.

At least the overpowering lust she felt was ebbing. The fact that the egg could resume buzzing at any time still worried her and kept her on an erotic edge, but it probably wouldn’t go off again soon. Hopefully. She didn’t want to take it out.
I told Rob I’d keep it in all day until he takes it out in the evening. Removing it now would be cheating. But getting proposed to is an extreme circumstance.

She took a deep breath, straightened her dress, and walked back out. Daniel was sitting in his chair again. The small box with the ring inside was still on the table, but it was closed. He watched her as she walked across the restaurant, and didn’t move, not even to pull her chair out for her when she was ready to sit down. He’d done that the whole time they knew each other. Maybe she should have guessed at his submissive personality from that, but she always thought he was the last true gentleman. In any case, she was certainly capable of sitting down without a man’s help.

“Daniel,” she said, covering his hand with hers. Her heart was thumping hard, which was nearly as distracting as the vibrating egg had been. “You’re my best friend. And you’re a terrific lover, and you’ve woken up in me a side that I never knew I had. I really get off on being your mistress. I never expected how much I’d enjoy that. When I set out online to explore my submissive side, I thought that was it for me and kinky. But it’s not, and I’m happy I can share some of my wild side with you.”

He smiled warmly at her as she paused, although she sensed the sadness in his eyes. “I sense a ‘but’ coming. It’s okay, Louise. I’m not that fragile, and I’ll survive your answer.”

“Just that it’s not one or the other, it’s both. Dominant and submissive. Both are incredibly hot. And I’m greedy and don’t want to give either up. Maybe one will run its course, and I’ll be able to accept your proposal, but right now I really can’t.”

“You’re having too much fun with Rob.”

“I’m having too much fun with Rob.”

“But that’s just a weekend. I’m not looking for a long engagement, but I wasn’t planning on rushing off today to get hitched, either.”

She reached for her chardonnay and lifted it halfway to her lips before deciding more alcohol was not the best solution. It smelled awfully tempting. She set it down anyway. “I do love you, Daniel. But I think I’m falling in love with him too. And he said some things, vague things, about being around for more than just a weekend. Chicago isn’t that far away, anyway. It’s not like he lives in New Zealand or something.”

“He’ll want you for himself, Louise. He’s not going to want to share.”

“Do you?”

“Hell no. But what I might ask for, he’ll demand.”

“And you know that because?” Louise found herself getting upset defending Rob.

“Because that’s what you did. You demanded my fidelity.”

Louise half smiled. “And did you like that?”

“Yes, I did. And I’m afraid you will too.”

Maybe you should demand it back, then?
She stopped herself short of saying it. She didn’t really want him to. And Daniel wasn’t the demanding sort. She wanted to enjoy both men and all they had to offer.
What girl wouldn’t want them both? But I’m insane to think they’ll both be happy with half of little old me. Sooner or later, I’ll have to choose
. She remembered the words he’d suggested. “I’ll think about it,” she said.

Daniel nodded and relaxed in his chair. The calm, assured mask covered his face again, although Louise didn’t buy it. She’d given him nothing to go on, no reason for anything but uncertainty.

“Their desserts,” said Daniel, breaking what had become an uncomfortable silence, “are to die for.”

Given the lack of prices on the menu, dinner alone probably cost enough that death might be preferable
. But Daniel wasn’t concerned, and she resolved not to be. She kept it to herself. Did Daniel choose it as a nice place for a proposal, or was he trying to hint at the luxury she would live in as his wife? She’d love to say that she didn’t care about the material side of things, but she knew herself better than that. It wasn’t the main consideration in her life, but it was a consideration, and if it wasn’t, she’d have quit being an accountant long ago. She was good at it, but it wasn’t as if she found balance sheets

Daniel signaled the waiter, and at once a tray was brought. Cheesecake with strawberries. Key lime pie—now that wasn’t French, surely, but it sounded yummy. Chocolate mousse. Triple-layered chocolate cake.

She wanted to sample them all. But the mousse looked like the most authentic thing, and that was as good as any reason for a decision.
If only choosing men could be done so arbitrarily, I’d—no, I still wouldn’t be able to choose
. “The chocolate mousse looks delight—”

The buzzing started again, and she almost choked on her words. Daniel may not have noticed the sound, but the waiter was looking at her strangely.

“I’m sorry,” asked Daniel. “You okay?

“Yes.” She felt like her cheeks were blazing red. But her impish streak overrode her embarrassment. “I was just saying that the mousse looks so good I might have an orgasm eating it.”

The waiter’s eyes went wide.

“Make that two,” said Daniel.

The waiter turned and looked at Daniel but said, “Yes, ma’am,” anyway before scurrying off.

Daniel raised an eyebrow at her.

“Take off your shoes.”

He blinked. She fixed him with a stare. He shuffled, and without looking she knew he was obeying.

“Good boy.”

“We’re not in the bedroom, L-mmm.” He seemed to have been undecided whether to call her mistress or by name, so he went for both before stopping to untwist his tongue.

“Bedroom is a state of mind, Daniel. I do hope you have skillful toes.”

Daniel stared at her. She kicked off a shoe and stretched her leg until her foot was in his crotch and she’d found something hard. “Whenever you have a hard-on, Daniel, we’re in the bedroom.”

He took a moment to digest that. “Yes, Mistress.”

“Now wait until the other good boy brings us dessert, and then you’re going to help me come. Aren’t you, Daniel?”

He sighed. “Yes, Mistress.”

She glanced around. There was still no one at the nearby tables, although others farther away were occupied. There was little chance anyone else would notice what they were up to, if the waitstaff didn’t show up at an inconvenient time. And she’d told him enough of what she intended that she couldn’t back off now.
He’s going to notice the vibrations, though. And he’ll guess who is responsible. I must be insane.

Then again, if this thing keeps shaking around inside me and I don’t come, I will be certifiable before the day is over.

Having the two men cooperate to get her off, even if one wasn’t physically present, turned her on more. Her nipples ached. She’d never been a risk taker, but she was going to follow through. Being turned on diminished her concern for the consequences, but there was more than that.
If I’m going to be Daniel’s lover or his wife, I can’t be hiding things from him.

The waiter brought the chocolate mousse, and it looked every bit as sinful in front of her as it had on the dessert plate. A tulip glass full of soft chocolaty brown goodness. She looked at Daniel sharply and dipped her spoon into the mousse. “Your foot, Daniel. Before I get this to my mouth.”

She moved the spoon slowly to give him time, but she needn’t have bothered. He obeyed instantly, his foot touching her first just above the knee, then finding its way upward. She was about to reprimand him for teasing, but he couldn’t see what he was doing. He found the spot soon enough, pressing her pussy through the skirt.

His eyes went wide. She purred, trying to distract him from his discovery. It wasn’t an act, anyway; the combination of pressure from the outside and vibration within was heavenly. She moved herself, pushing her clit against his big toe. The front of her skirt was getting wet, being pressed hard against her damp pussy, but it was a little late to worry about that. His foot brushed her little nub of pleasure with inexpert movements, nothing like his skillful hands or tongue.
If he was using those, this might only take a moment. And the look on his face makes me want to draw this out
. She grinned wickedly.

“That’s a good boy. You’re right on my clit, you know.” She licked her spoon clean with a long, slow stroke of her tongue. She didn’t have to touch him to know that made him harder. The look in his eyes was adequate confirmation. The egg seemed to shake harder, but she couldn’t tell for sure if it really was or if Daniel’s rubbing intensified the feeling. Her senses were all jumbled up. She clenched, trying not to come quite yet, and fighting to make her face not show her sweet distress.
I’m in control here.

He hadn’t touched his mousse yet. That didn’t bother her. She wanted his full attention, and she had it. “Does this make you hard, Daniel? Is your cock aching?”

“Yes, Mistress.” It was almost a groan. “Is that—did—”

“You want to ask what’s shaking there? Or do you not want to know the answer?”

“I want to know, Mistress.” His toe found her clit again and nudged it perfectly, and she almost lost it. She gulped some of the mousse, paying far less attention to it than the exquisite dessert deserved.

“I’ve got a vibrating egg in my pussy, Daniel.” She loved saying his name. “But I don’t have control of when it goes on and when it goes off.” He could fill in the blanks; there was no need to rub it in or bring up Rob’s name.

He nodded, not looking very surprised. Perhaps he’d already figured it out. “Sounds like I better make you come before it stops.” He pushed harder with his foot, rubbing firmly. She missed her aim and tinkled the tightly held spoon against the outside of the tulip glass. She clenched the edge of the table with her other hand, trying to resist coming, even though she didn’t know when the vibration was going to stop. Daniel could get her off with or without it. Somehow she managed to get the spoon into the mousse again.

Then he dragged his toe roughly across her swollen clit, and she knew she wasn’t going to be able to hold on any longer. She bit her tongue, trying to stop any sound from coming out. Her womb fluttered, clenched, then fluttered again, the force of a sudden release coursing through her body, making her toes curl and her back arch. Despite her best attempts, she moaned incoherently, and her spoon clattered three times against the glass until she let it go. The sensations kept rolling, wave after wave, taking over her body, her pussy pulsing around the infernal vibrating egg. It wouldn’t let her stop, and neither would Daniel. At last she slumped, exhausted, sweat soaked.

“Quite a performance,” said the maître d’, who appeared out of nowhere to stand at their table.

Louise turned beet red. The vibrations blissfully had stopped. She hadn’t been able to tell once her own body started shaking. Daniel withdrew his foot.
Probably quite sensible, given the circumstances.

“I see why you had us hold every table empty with a good view. Next time, perhaps, we’d best close the restaurant entirely for you two. You have her well in hand, monsieur. My compliments to you.” The man gave a little bow and then retreated again to the far end of the restaurant where some of the other patrons were staring. They didn’t have a good angle, but they’d apparently heard her. The maître d’ bustled from table to table, no doubt explaining that the woman who'd had a seizure was fine and not to worry, or something like that.

“You have me well in hand, do you?” she asked, unable to suppress a giggle.

Daniel smiled. “How greatly he misreads the situation. Still, I thought we were going to get kicked out.”

“Me too. That wasn’t very considerate of me.”

Daniel shrugged. “There are lots of French restaurants, and I have only one mistress. I’m willing to sacrifice a few to see that look on your face again.”

“What look?”

“That look of complete and ecstatic abandonment. Of total pleasure. For that, I think I would do just about anything.”

She grinned wide.
How very satisfying being on top can be
. “Eat your dessert, love,” she ordered, because she felt like telling him to do
and it was there. “Too bad I can’t spread it over your thick cock and lick and suck it off until you come, but that sort of thing just isn’t done in a restaurant.”

BOOK: In the Middle
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