In the Millionaire's Possession (32 page)

BOOK: In the Millionaire's Possession
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He glanced at her meditatively.

You are my wife, Hélène,

he said quietly.

It might be thought that wherever I am your home is with me.

We don

t have that kind of marriage.

She didn

t look at him.

And, anyway, I need to be at Monteagle. I want to see what progress has been made there. Besides, what would I do in Paris

apart from cramp your style?

she added recklessly.


s brows lifted.

Cramp my style?

he queried, as if he

d never heard the phrase before.

In what way, may I ask?

Helen bit her lip.


you have things to do

people to see,

she offered nervously, backing away from his challenge.

And I

d be in the way.

She poured herself some more coffee.

Anyway, I think we both need

breathing space

from each other.

You think so?

His tone was mocking.

Shall I calculate for you,
, exactly how many hours we have spent together this week? Not that it matters, of course. Monteagle calls, and you obey.

He paused.

So, I will go to Paris alone, and arrange to have you met at the airport in England.

He swallowed the rest of his coffee and rose.

And now you will excuse me. I intend to try my luck at the casino again tonight.

Is that where you

ve been spending your evenings?

Helen asked the question before she could stop herself.

I didn

t realise you were such a gambler.

And nor did I,
ma belle

Marc said softly,

until I met you. And I find the turn of a wheel or the fall of a card infinitely kinder, believe me.

He kissed the tips of his fingers to her.

Au revoir

Helen hated thunderstorms. But she was almost grateful to this one for giving her something more to worry about than her immediate problems. After all, she

d won a victory over her return to Monteagle, she thought defensively. So why did it feel so much like a defeat? And Marc

s absence so soon after the honeymoon would excite the kind of local comment she most wished to avoid.

But anything was better than accompanying him to Paris, like a piece of extra luggage.

And he certainly hadn

t tried too hard to persuade her, either, Helen told herself defiantly.

She spent a restless evening trying to read, while lightning played around the hills, making the villa

s electricity flicker. Eventually she gave it up as a bad job and went to bed.

Perhaps it was the prospect of going home that made her feel more relaxed, but tonight she found herself drifting into a doze almost at once.

When she awoke, everything was pitch-black and completely silent. The storm, it seemed, had rolled away at last, leaving the room like an oven and the bedclothes twisted round her. Clearly she hadn

t been sleeping as peacefully as she

d thought. She struggled out of the shrouding covers and got out of bed, treading across to the window and opening it wide to step out on to the balcony, planning to cool off a little.

But the air outside was just as stifling. Helen leaned on the balustrade and inhaled, but the garden smelled raw and thirsty, and possessed by a strange stillness, as if it was waiting in anticipation of


A moment later she found out. As if some cosmic tap had been turned, the rain began to fall in huge, soaking drops, and by the time Helen made it back into her room she was already wet through, her nightgown sticking in clammy dampness to her skin.

Grimacing, she peeled it off and dropped it to the floor. She discarded the coverlet from the bed, too, and slid back under the single sheet, listening to the heavy splash of rain on the balcony tiles, hoping it would have a soporific effect.

She had to train herself not to lie awake listening for Marc, she told herself wearily, because there would be so many nights when he would not be there. Starting with tomorrow.

She turned on to her side, facing the window, and stiffened as a tall shadow walked in from the balcony and moved soundlessly towards her. She wanted to scream, but her throat muscles didn

t seem to be working.

Then the heavily shaded lamp at the side of the bed clicked on, and she realised it was Marc, his hair hanging in damp tendrils, water glistening on his dinner jacket.

She said hoarsely,

What are you doing here?

I came to tell you that I won tonight.

He reached into his pocket and took out a packet of high denomination euros.

Every table I sat at yielded gold.


m very pleased for you,

Helen said tautly.

But the morning would have done for your news.

He smiled down at her. His black tie was hanging loose, and several of the buttons on his dress shirt were unfastened.

But it is the morning,
ma mie
. And besides, I have something else I wish to share with you.


t it wait?

She tried unobtrusively to raise the sheet to chin level.



m very tired.

And I,

he said,

have waited long enough. On our wedding night you accused me of buying you for sex. If so, Hélène, I made a poor bargain. And it occurred to me, as I came back tonight, that perhaps I had not yet paid enough for the privilege of enjoying your charming body. So

He scattered some of the banknotes across the bed.

How much will this buy me,
mon coeur
? A smile

a kiss,
? Or even


He reached down and took the edge of the sheet from her, stripping it back to the foot of the bed, leaving her naked.

Oh, God,

Helen said, with a little wail of shock. She tried to curl into the foetal position, covering what she could of herself with her shaking hands.

You said
she accused breathlessly.

You told me you wouldn

t ask again.

But I am not asking,

he said gently.

This time I am taking.

But why?

There was a sob in her voice.


t there any women at the casino you could have chosen

with all that money?


Marc told her pleasantly.

And all of them more eager and welcoming than you,
ma chère
. But I decided I preferred a little

domestic entertainment.

He paused.

And you can always close your eyes

pretend that I am someone else.

Quietly ruthless, he unpeeled her arms from her body, one hand closing on both her slender wrists and lifting them above her head. Holding them there. Helen cried out in startled protest as his other hand grasped her ankles, straightening her body and drawing it gently but inexorably down the bed, leaving her with nowhere to hide from the insolent hunger in his dark gaze.


she whispered imploringly.

I beg you

please don

t do this.

Marc lifted himself on to the bed and knelt over her, trapping her legs between his knees while he studied her.

He said quietly,

Tu es vraiment exquise
. And this is what your body was made for.

Then he bent his head and began to kiss her, his lips cool as the rain as they touched her.

Helen tried to resist, her mouth clamped shut, her head twisting frantically on the pillow. But he was not to be denied.

His tongue was like a flame against hers, teasing her slowly and sensuously, demanding that her lips yield him their innermost secrets. At the same time his hand found one small, pointed breast, his fingertips delicately stroking its soft curve, wringing a response that urged the nipple to bloom sweetly and helplessly into his caressing palm.

Helen found herself almost unable to breathe

to think. He was still clasping her wrists

but so loosely that she could have pulled free at any time, at least tried to fight him off. Instead, she realised she was sighing into his mouth, her body gradually slackening under the sensuous insistence of his lips and fingers.

When he had finished with her she would die of shame at her own weakness, she told herself dazedly. But for now…

His mouth moved down to her throat, making the pulse there leap and flutter. He explored the soft hollows at its base, then trailed kisses down to her breasts, his lips suckling each excited peak in turn, piercing them with sensations she

d never dreamed of.

When at last he raised his head she stared up at him, her eyes wide with bewilderment, her lips slightly parted.

He touched them lightly with his own, then released her wrists, turning her slightly so that the long, supple line of her back was at the mercy of his mouth instead, while his hands still stroked and pleasured her tumescent breasts.

He brushed the soft strands of hair away from the nape of her neck with his mouth, and she felt her whole body quiver in helpless response to the caress.

His lips and tongue travelled slowly, almost languidly, between her shoulderblades and down her spine, as if he was counting each delicate bone with kisses, while his fingers pursued their own erotic path across her ribcage to the flat plane of her stomach, coming to rest on the slender curves of her hipbones.

As he caressed the sensitive area at the base of her spine she gave a muffled moan and her body arched involuntarily, vulnerably. He drew her back against him, his arm across her breasts. At the same moment his other hand moved, cupping the soft mound at the parting of her slackened thighs with terrifying intimacy.




s voice splintered as his fingertips began their first silken journey of discovery into the moist, scalding heat of her most secret self.

Marc kissed the side of her throat and she felt him smile against her skin.


His hand moved, delicately, subtly, and she cried out, her body writhing helplessly against his enfolding arm.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, he turned her on to her back, and she caught a dazed glimpse of the heated glitter in his eyes. But she had no idea of his real purpose as he bent to her, his hands sliding under her flanks, lifting her towards him. The next instant, before she could move to prevent him, his mouth had taken  possession of her, and the powerful glide of his tongue had sought and found the tiny hidden bud, continuing its exquisite arousal.

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