In the Wake of Wanting (69 page)

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Authors: Lori L. Otto

BOOK: In the Wake of Wanting
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“Mr. Knoxland, last week, you were found guilty of the following crimes: two counts of facilitation of a sex offense by using a controlled substance, a class D felony; one count of sexual abuse in the first degree, a class D felony; two counts of sexual abuse in the second degree, a class A misdemeanor; one count of sexual abuse in the third degree, a class B misdemeanor; one count of predatory sexual assault, a class A felony; one count of unlawful surveillance in the second degree, a class E felony; and one count of dissemination of an unlawful surveillance image in the second degree, a class A misdemeanor. Together, these convictions can carry a maximum sentence of life in prison and a fine of three-thousand dollars.”

I close my eyes and inhale deep breaths, praying that justice will be served. I want my friends to never have to worry about him again in their lives, and I want no more women to be at risk. I also want Coley and I to never have to fear for retribution for the things we’ve written against him–and we’ve written a lot.

“Do you understand the severity of your crimes?”

“Yes, your Honor,” Asher says.

“In the State of New York versus Asher Knoxland, I hereby sentence you to forty-nine years in prison without parole, to be served at Five Points Correctional Facility in Romulus, New York. Upon release, you will be required to register as a sex offender. You will also be fined three-thousand dollars. In addition, I’m tacking on an extra one-hundred-twenty-five-thousand dollars per victim for damages, for a total of seven-hundred-fifty-three-thousand dollars in fines.”

He’ll be
73 years old
. It’s not a life sentence, but his life is still essentially over. Seventy-three is not an age at which you can start a family or career. Looking down the row, I see all the women are disappointed, even though we all knew this was the second best sentence we could hope for.

“Court is adjourned,” Judge Madeleine says, striking her gavel. We all watch as Asher is taken in handcuffs out of the courtroom. He doesn’t look in our direction.

“She could have been more lenient,” I tell Pryana. “We’ve seen it happen in many courtrooms.”

“I know,” she says, looking dispirited. “I guess I have forty-nine years to make my millions and retire to a private island where he can’t find me.”

“He’ll be old and gray, Pree,” Coley says. “Retaliation won’t be on his mind. He has plenty of years to work through his issues, just like we do.”

“That’s true,” Lucy says.

“Justice was served today,” Kamiesha says, nodding her head. “It was as severe as it could be without life. He had no prior record. Like Trey said, so many have gotten off with so much less–with hardly anything at all. This sets a precedent. This may start to not only scare other predators from committing the crimes, but it may also encourage more victims to come forward. People do listen. People do fight for them. Justice does happen.”

“That’s a really good point, Kami,” Lucy says.

“Are we still on for dinner next weekend?” Pryana asks.

“Absolutely,” I say. “Bring your new boyfriend. I want to meet him.”

“All dates are welcome, right?” Kamiesha asks.

“Of course! Reservations for eight?” I ask. After looking around, everyone nods their heads. “Great. I’ll make them tonight. Right now, though, Coley and I have an appointment with the jeweler.”

“Could you have flashed that rock in Asher’s direction any more during your statement?” Lucy asks, laughing.

“Whose direction?” Coley asks. “I don’t know of whom you speak.” She sticks her little nose in the air.

“Right, I forgot. But good for you.”

“It sparkled like crazy,” Kamiesha says.

My phone vibrates in my pocket.

- -
We’re ready.

“Coley,” I whisper in her ear, “Jon and Matty are out front with the car. You ready?”


“Ladies, we will see you next Saturday. Escape the madness and go relax,” I suggest as I give them each a hug. With Coley’s hand in mine, we push past reporters and paparazzi, ignoring all of their questions. Danny had told us he would handle the press for all of us after the hearing today. Upon listening to everything shouted at us, I’ll be surprised if he’s asked anything about Asher or his sentence. Everyone just wants to know if Coley and I really got engaged.

When we reach the car, I can tell the smile on her face already answered that question, anyway. As soon as we get in the backseat of Matty’s SUV, I pull her head to mine and kiss her. “Day four-hundred-eighty-four,” I whisper to her. “I didn’t think anything could top yesterday, but I feel this sense of freedom that I haven’t felt since… it’s been a long time coming, laureate.”

“The word ‘lighten’ comes to mind,” she responds.

“Lessen our burden.”

“Enliven our spirits.”

“It’s the perfect word,” I agree. Her eyes are bright as she looks ahead, watching Matty navigate the Manhattan streets to the jeweler. It’s like her mind is fast at work, plotting her next masterpiece.

“Do you have a pen?” I grin as I reach inside my coat pocket, producing one of her favorite gel-tip pens in blue. “You’re so prepared!”

“You act like I don’t know you at all. I will always take care of your needs. Isn’t that why you said yes to me last night?”

“I said yes… because love.”

“Not because

“Because love,” she states again, laughing, already beginning to write feverishly in her notebook.

“Because love,” I repeat.

“Any man can give me pens. You’re the only one who can give me love.”

“Well, I bet any man can give yo–”



“But it’s the only love I know, so it needs no modifier, boss.” She looks over at me, her blue eyes sparkling just above the freckles I fell for on the first day I met her. “So.
Because love

I take the pen from her hand and click the cap back on, putting it inside the notebook to hold her place before I shut it and set it aside. Her expectant lips meet mine for the kiss they were begging for. My pulse quickens. My hands wander. My mind plots an exit strategy for us. It’s only a matter of time before my uncle attempts to humiliate me for my licentious behavior in the backseat of his car. But before he can do that, the passion of our kiss is tamed, and I can breathe again.

Looking one another in the eyes, I remember the last words she said to me and know that all we’ve done and lived through have been for all the right reasons. I
Coley Fitzsimmons more every day I know her.






Statistics in Chapter 12 obtained from:

The Hunting Ground.
Dr. Kirby Dick. iTunes Movies, 2015.

“Rape Victims Are Common. Rapists Are Not.”
. Amanda Marcotte. May 1, 2014.



If you are a victim of rape or sexual abuse
and need assistance, please contact RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) at 800.656.HOPE or visit their website at


If you’d like to help stop sexual assault
, consider signing the pledge at
and get involved!

books by Lori L. Otto


Lost and Found

Emi Lost & Found series : Book One

Time Stands Still

Emi Lost & Found series : Book Two

Never Look Back

Emi Lost & Found series : Book Three

Not Today, But Someday

the prequel to the Emi Lost & Found series


Number Seven (novella)

the prequel to Steven War & Peace



Choisie : Book One


Choisie : Book Two

Dear Jon

Choisie : Book Three


Choisie : Book Four


Crossroads (novella)

the prequel to Love Will

Love Like We Do (Side A)

Love Like We Do : Book One

Love Like We Do (Side B)

Love Like We Do : Book Two

Love Will


In the Wake of Wanting


special thanks


I don’t know what I would have done without Ashley Pullo this year. On a day when I was at one of my lowest points, she invited me to collaborate on a project with her. At the time, I hadn’t written in weeks and was so frustrated with bookselling and saddened with the response to my latest release that I wasn’t inspired to create at all. But Ashley’s enthusiasm is contagious. If you know her, you know that. That very day, I got started on the project, and after I felt like I had a handle on that story, I switched over to this book, which I planned to release much sooner. I don’t think I took more than ten days off since that day back in April. She’s the reason this book happened.

I also want to thank my co-worker, Shawn Williams, for introducing me to bourbon. It has helped me to relax without migraines, and it eased me back into writing, too.

I have so much gratitude to give to Nikki Haw for sticking with me as I wrote this book. She had the full burden of all of my insecurities for the past six months, and that’s a lot to carry around.

Julie Deaton, I am afraid to use commas in this section for fear that you might take them away from me! Seriously, though, I am so pleased with how thoroughly and thoughtfully you combed through this book. You caught mistakes that I was certain did not exist.
(Note to authors: If there are commas in here that shouldn’t be, it was a stylistic decision on my part to leave them in. Also, I made the conscious choice to omit the Oxford comma. You should check out
Author Services by Julie Deaton
and hire this woman to review your draft.)

On that note, thank you to
my betas and ARC readers who also submitted typos and questions.

Without Angela Meyer, you would not have Chapter 30, so let us all give thanks to her for pushing me to give everyone some closure.

Daniela Conde, thank you for teaching me about compassionate parenting. ;)

Thank you to Katie Galatzan for introducing me to the greatness that is Lin-Manuel Miranda. My life will never be the same.

Lastly, Luna… this cock’s for you.

about the author


Inspired by popular fiction and encouraged by close friends, Lori L. Otto returned to writing in the winter of 2008. After a sixteen-year hiatus, she rediscovered her passion for fiction and began writing what would soon become her first series: Emi Lost & Found. Although the books of Nate, Emi and Jack have concluded, other characters from the books continued their own journeys, demanding their stories be told.

In the Wake of Wanting
is Lori’s fourteenth published work.






Table of Contents



chapter one

chapter two

chapter three

chapter four

chapter five

chapter six

chapter seven

chapter eight

chapter nine

chapter ten

chapter eleven

chapter twelve

chapter thirteen

chapter fourteen

chapter fifteen

chapter sixteen

chapter seventeen

chapter eighteen

chapter nineteen

chapter twenty

chapter twenty-one

chapter twenty-two

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