Incandescent (19 page)

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Authors: River Savage

Tags: #MC Romance, #Biker Romance, #MC, #Alpha Male, #Romance, #Motorcycle Romance

BOOK: Incandescent
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“Trust me, Nix, I never want to see him again.” She wipes at her face, the tears no longer falling.

"I think it was a setup, him comin' back in town," I say, treading carefully. I don't want to scare her but she needs to know.

"I'll be careful," she promises.

“Good, and next time I see him, he and I are gonna have serious words.”

“Nix, don’t go and do something stupid. It’s not worth it.
not worth it,” she pleads, her sad eyes now gone and replaced with concern.

“Oh, it will be worth it, Kadence.” I don’t tell her that I’ve already got the boys looking for him. That asshole is going down. She rolls her eyes at me, another thing I have missed all week. Rolling her back over, I cover her body with mine. The urgency to have her again, to worship her body, and prove to her just how beautiful she is, scars and all, pulls at me. This woman consumes me, and it’s time to show her just how much.


: Got held up meet me at the club.

send the text to Kadence once I realize how late it is. We were meant to be staying in for the night, but after another fuck around with one of T’s shipments, he called a meeting to keep us up to date with their new plan regarding Gunner. The sooner they sort this shit out, the better.

: Okay. Be there in ten.

It will be the third time she’s been here, and each time she gets more comfortable. If only I could get her to agree to come clean to Z. I’m sick of hiding this from him. Even though it’s only been three weeks since that night she opened up to me, I feel like we’re slowly getting somewhere.

“What the fuck you smiling about?” Beau asks, kicking at my foot resting out in front of me.

“Not what, who,” Jesse smiles across from him. Beau looks concerned for a moment before hiding it.

“What the fuck is your problem?” I ask, noticing he is the only one who hasn’t taken to her.

“Don’t like that she’s got ties to Gunner,” he shrugs

“Fuck off. You had a problem with her before that.”

“He’s just pissed she got out under his nose.” Brooks laughs, taking a sip of his beer.

“Fuck you.” He stands and goes to leave.

“Sit the fuck down, you pussy,” I tell him. Ignoring the fact that Brooks is right, Beau has some serious trust issues.

“She knows what we’re about, brother,” I tell him, knowing it will take more than words to get him to trust her. It’s just gonna take time. He nods, knowing what I’m saying. I trust Beau more than anything, and he’s only looking out for me.

“You staying for the party?” Jesse wiggles his eyebrows up and down. The fucker is crazy. He’s already got a blonde bitch on his knee, no doubt he will have another soon.

“Love to see Kadence’s face when she sees one of those parties,” Beau laughs.

“Fuck off. She’ll deal,” I defend her.

“Deal with what?” she asks, walking in wearing her hot teacher get up.

“Especially wearing her uppity clothes,” Beau keeps going. Her eyes narrow to him, but she doesn’t bite. She knows she pissed him off that day she snuck out.

“Hey, baby.” I pull her down on my lap when she gets close enough.

“Hey,” she sighs, not caring we’re in front of all the guys in the middle of the clubhouse. Yeah, my woman fits right in.

“Hey, guys.” She pulls back and turns her body to face the table.

“How was work?” I ask when they get through their hellos.

“Meh, work is work. Glad the week is over.” She goes to stand from my lap, but I hold her in place.

“Want a drink?”

“Are we staying?”

“Was gonna have a few with the boys,” I tell her, waiting to see what she’s gonna do. She needs to get used to the clubhouse lifestyle.

“Okay, yeah, I’ll have a beer,” she smiles, pushing up from my lap.

“Hunter, get my woman a beer,” I yell over to the bar, taking my hands to her waist, and planting her back where she was.

“If I knew you were going to yell at him, I would have gotten up to get it myself,” she whispers so the others don’t hear.

“That’s his job, baby. He likes gettin’ me beers,” I tell her, smiling, but she just shakes her head.

“You ready to see yourself a real Knights Rebels’ party?” Jesse asks her a few minutes later.

“I’m sure it’s not that crazy, Jesse.” She rolls her eyes, not understanding just how serious these boys like to party

I laugh on the inside; the woman has no idea.

Chapter Twenty-One


oly shit

That’s the only thought I have lying in Nix’s bed at the clubhouse the next morning. Jesse was right. The Knights Rebels sure know how to party. My head throbs as I try to roll out from under Nix.

“Don’t move,” he groans into his pillow.

“Need bathroom,” I say, beginning to sound like Nix. I need the bathroom and I need it now. He rolls to the side releasing me from his body. I barely make it to the toilet to bring up who knows what. Fuck. I drank way too much. After Jesse explained just how much the Knights Rebels like to party, I decided I need a few drinks if I was about to witness something like that.

“Fuck, baby, you sick?” Nix asks from behind me, his voice still full of sleep.

“Go, Nix. You don’t want to see it let alone smell it,” I moan, my head still in the bowl. He ignores me of course and pulls my hair back as I empty my stomach into the bowl.

“Oh, God,” I moan as he places a cool washcloth over my forehead.

“You feelin’ better?” he asks after a few minutes of reprieve.

“Yeah, I think I got it all up,” I say, standing to wash the funk out of my mouth.

“I’ll get you something to eat,” he says, walking away. The thought of eating after what I just threw up makes me dry heave, but I don’t argue. I already know he won’t listen. Cleaning up and making myself presentable, I make my way to the kitchen.

“Kadence,” Jesse booms from the table as I walk straight to the coffee machine.

“Shhhh,” I whisper, turning away from him. I don't know how in the hell Jesse can even be up and about this morning after the things I witnessed last night, let alone be in a happy mood. He laughs louder, seeing how I pulled up from last night.

“Fuck, girl, you sure know how to party with some of the big guys,” he laughs into his coffee cup.

“Oh, look what the cat dragged in,” Sy smirks from the door. “Didn’t think we would see you this morning,” he says as he makes his way to get his morning coffee.

“Ease up, guys. It was my first clubhouse party,” I whine into my coffee.

“Here, baby,” Nix says, passing me a piece of dry toast. “Eat,” he demands, pointing to the spot next to Jesse.

“Gah,” I grumble, sitting down next to a smiling Jesse.

“You did good,” Jesse nods. I don’t know how he thinks I did good. I got drunk off my ass and now I’m paying for it.

“He’s right. You did do good. Told all those bitches who was boss,” Nix laughs and I drop my head to the table.

“Can we not talk about it?” I ask, hoping they’ll drop it.

“Hell, no, that shit was funny,” Brooks says as he walks in to the kitchen. “I knew you had it in you,” he winks, walking past me.

“You were so hot, going all possessive over me,” Nix whispers into my ear.

“Is it really like that at every party?” I ask, hoping it’s not. I don’t know if I could handle knowing these skanks are trying to get into my man’s pants. They all laugh, not answering my question.

“Don’t worry. You made it known not to fuck with you,” Nix says, putting me at ease.

“Though she hasn’t met Chrissie yet,” Brooks adds.

“Oh, yeah,” Jesse laughs, making me worry more.

“Who the fuck is Chrissie?”

“Forget her,” Nix says, putting me at ease. “The bitch will hear how you laid Tina out.” At the mention of Tina’s name, the boys all start laughing. I feel kind of bad that I did that, but I was sitting right there and the woman just rubbed her tits along his arm.
Hell the fuck no.
I don’t know what came over me. Okay, that’s a lie. I know what came over me; my temper getting the best of me. Once Nix told her to fuck off, she still didn’t listen so I had to do something to get her to listen. I wasn’t expecting to have to pull her off him. I’m mortified while the guys think it’s epic. Great, now I’ll never live this one down.

“Next time I see her, I’ll tell her I’m sorry.”

“Like fuck you will,” Nix warns. “The bitch had it coming. Forget it, Kadence. She’ll now know not to fuck with you. You wanna survive in the club against women like her, they need to know you won’t back down.” All the boys nod, agreeing with him.

“Okay,” I say, taking a bite of my toast. I didn’t really wanna say sorry anyway.

“Eat up, baby. We’re going for a ride,” he says, watching me slowly eat my breakfast.

“Where?” I ask, not sure I can handle a ride today. I need a bed, a bucket, and some Tylenol.

“It’s a surprise,” he says, not telling me.

“I hate surprises,” I say, swallowing large bite of toast.

“You’ll like this one.”

“Dinner at your place tonight, Prez,” Jesse says, standing from the table.

“I’ll bring the beer,” Brooks says, also standing.

“I’ll get the steaks,” Beau adds, walking in and joining our conversation.

“I’ll bring myself,” Jesse laughs.

“Make sure you have a fucking shower before you turn up,” Sy says, standing next to him. “You fucking stink like sex and pussy,” he says, shaking his head. The thought of Jesse smelling like that has me standing from the chair and racing to the bathroom to throw up the half-piece of toast I just consumed, leaving the guys laughing their asses off. Assholes.


he sunlit clouds drift across the blue Nevada sky. Commanding my eyes to stay open, I take in the sight of them. Fresh air fills my lungs with every sharp breath I take. My heart beats furiously out of my chest at that the thrill of what we’re doing. The chance that we could get caught in the middle of the day heightens the level of adrenaline coursing through me. He’s building me with every swipe of his finger and every flick of his tongue. I force myself to stay quiet, biting down on my arm as the desire to cry out becomes too much.

“Don’t hold it in, Kadence,” Nix growls from between my legs, his grumbles vibrating my pussy.

“Nix,” I pant, wanting to explode, but the thought of getting caught holds me back.

“Babe, you either come on my mouth, or you come on my cock. Either way you’re comin’,” he dictates before dragging his rough tongue through my soft flesh again.


His finger enters me again, finding the place he knows will take me over. A blistering heat swells from my core, slowly gathering momentum as he works my clit and massages my G-spot. The yearning to sensor myself long forgotten as the wave of encompassing pleasure spreads through me. I thrash my head, back and forth. My thighs squeeze shut, locking his head between my legs. His strong hands go to my knees pushing them apart as he continues to assault my most sensitive place.

“Nix,” I cry out as the heat sears over my whole body; the most marvelous sensation prickles at my skin as my body begs for it never to end. Seized by a rush of awareness so intense, I scream out with unabashed abandon.

Nix slows his talented tongue as the wave subsides, the last of my orgasm rolling through me. My hangover long forgotten, I marvel in the aftermath of my orgasm.

Oh, God, did I just let him do that in a public place?

Sitting up from the picnic blanket, I push down my skirt and watch Nix lick his fingers clean. He looks so freaking delicious kneeling in front of me with his chin covered in my arousal and his eyes shining with a devilish glint.

“Fuck, sweetheart, I love it when you go off like that,” he states, coming back up to me and capturing my mouth with desperate urgency. The taste of myself mixed in with his taste, unfortunately, turns me on more. Jesus, I need him again.

My hands come around his neck; falling back down to the blanket, I pull him with me. His weight crashes to me. The hard pulse of his arousal in his pants rubs against the inside of my leg.

“Want me to take care of you?” I ask, smiling against his lips.

“Oh, baby, you’ve got no idea what I have in store for you.” He smiles wickedly before moving back up to his knees and hiking my skirt back up to expose my bareness. He took my panties off when we sat down for our picnic, pocketing them and told me I was not getting them back. Typical Nix.

“You’re gonna get up and you're gonna turn around and show me that sexy ass of yours.” He says it so calmly like we’re in the privacy of our bedroom and not out in the open

“No, Nix, someone will see us,” I flat out refuse. We’ve already done way too much today, and we're lucky we haven’t been caught yet. I look around seeing if anyone has stumbled upon our little hiding place.

Last night, when I was drunk off my face, I made a comment about public sex. Somehow, Nix thought fulfilling that one thing I’d yet to do would go to the top of his list. I wasn’t too keen to try, but after him convincing me, or should I say just taking me, I now know that it is indeed very hot.

It’s been three weeks since I opened up about the fire, letting him in to understand my whole ordeal. I knew for us to move forward, I had to let him in, but I wasn’t expecting it to be so soon. I don’t know if we’re moving too fast, but we’ve spent every night together at his house, in his bed and even a few nights at the club. Even the nights he had Z, he wanted me there, me only agreeing if I snuck in after Z went to bed and leaving before he woke. Every night, he proves to me just how much he thinks I’m beautiful, how much he craves me, and every night I feel like I’m giving him a little more of myself.

His eyes find mine, anchoring me to my spot on the picnic blanket he brought along for our impromptu picnic, Nix told me we were going for a ride. He didn’t tell me we would be stopping for a public sex session.

“Yes, Kadence,” he argues, reaching down to release his erection from his jeans.

“Geez put it away, Nix.” I look around again, making sure we're still alone.

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