Incarceron (Incarceron, Book 1) (40 page)

Read Incarceron (Incarceron, Book 1) Online

Authors: Catherine Fisher

Tags: #Fantasy, #Fiction, #Children's Books, #Juvenile Fiction, #Fantasy & Magic, #Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12), #Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction, #Ages 9-12 Fiction, #Prisoners, #Prisons, #Science Fiction; Fantasy; Magic

BOOK: Incarceron (Incarceron, Book 1)
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wrong in that, but your visions of the stars have led us to Escape, as I knew they would, ever since the first day I saw you lying curled up on that cart. This is the moment I have lived for."

His fingers opened; Finn felt the weight of the Key.

He looked at Claudia. "Now what?"

She took a deep breath, but it was not her voice that answered. Attia was in the shadows behind Keiro; she did not come forward, but her words were sharp. "What happened to the pretty dress?"

Claudia scowled. "I shredded it."

"And the wedding?"


Attia's arms were wrapped around her thin body. "So now you want Finn."

"Giles. His name is Giles. Yes, I want him. The Realm needs its King. Someone who's seen outside the Palace and the Protocol. Someone who has been right down into the depths." She let her annoyance out in her words, channeled it into anger. "Isn't that what you want too? Someone who can end the misery of Incarceron because he knows what it's like?"

Attia shrugged. "It's Finn you should ask. You might just be taking him out of one prison into another."

Claudia stared at her and Attia stared back. It was Keiro's cool laugh that broke the silence. "I suggest we sort all this out in the brave new world Outside. Before the Prison quakes again."


Finn said, "He's right. How do we do this?"

She swallowed. "Well ... I suppose we ... use the Keys."

"But where's the gate?"

"There is no gate." This was hard; they were all staring at her. "Not... as you think."

"So how did you get here?" Keiro asked.

"It's ... difficult to explain." As she spoke her fingers moved on the hidden controls of the Key; it hummed, lights moved inside it.

Keiro jumped forward. "Oh no, Princess!" He snatched it from her; she jerked after it, but he had his sword drawn and pointed at her throat. "No tricks. We all go together or not at all."

Furious, she said, "That's the plan."

"Put the weapon down," Gildas snapped.

"She's trying to take him. And leave us here.

"I'm not--"

"Stop talking about me as if I was some object!" Finn's snarl silenced them all. He rubbed a hand through his hair; his scalp was wet and his eyes prickled. His breath seemed short. A fit now would be impossible, but his hands were shaking and he felt it creeping over him.

And then he knew he was falling into it, he must be, because behind Gildas the wall shivered away, and looking out of it, huge and shadowy, was Blaize.

The Sapient's gray eyes surveyed them; his image was enormous in a white room of clean walls. "I'm afraid," he said, "that


Escape is not as easy as my daughter seems to think."

They were still. Keiro lowered the sword. "So that's it," he said. "And look how pleased she is to see you."

Finn watched Claudia turn to the image. He saw now that though the Warden's face was familiar, the scabs had left it; it was thinner, and there was a refined tension about the eyes.

Claudia looked up at it. "Don't call me your daughter." Her voice was hard and cold. "And don't try to stop me. I'm bringing them all out and you--"

"You can't bring them all out." The Warden held her eyes. "The Key will bring only one person out. Their copy, if it works, will do the same. Touch the black eye of the eagle. You will disappear, and reappear here." He smiled calmly. "That is the gate, Finn."

Appalled, she stared at him. "You're lying. You brought me out.

"You were a baby. Tiny. I took a chance." There was a voice in the room; he turned, and Claudia saw Jared behind him, standing pale and tired. "Master! Is it true?"

"I have no way of knowing, Claudia." He looked unhappy, his dark hair tangled. "There's only one way to find out, and that's to try."

She looked at Finn.

"Not you." It was Keiro who moved. "Finn and I are going first, and if it works I'll come back for the Sapient." He whipped


up his sword as Claudia drew hers. "Drop that, Princess, or I'll cut your throat."

She gripped the leather hilt tight, but Finn said, "Do it, Claudia. Please."

He was looking at Keiro; as she lowered the blade she saw him step closer and say, "Do you really think I'd go and leave them? Give her back the Key.

"No way."

"Keiro ..."

"You're stupid, Finn. Can't you see this is a setup! You and she would vanish and that would be it. No one would bother coming back for the rest of us."

"I would."

"They wouldn't let you." Keiro stepped up to him. "Once they had their lost Prince, why bother about the criminal Scum? The dog-girl and the halfman? Once you're back in your palace, why think of us?"

"I swear I'd come back."

"Sure. Isn't that what Sapphique said?"

In the stillness Gildas sat down abruptly, as if his strength had gone. "Don't leave me here, Finn," he muttered.

Finn shook his head, utterly weary. "We can't keep Claudia here, whatever the rest of us decide. She came to rescue us."

"Tough." Keiro's blue eyes were relentless. "She was a Prisoner once--she can be again. I go first. To find out what's waiting out there. And if it works, like I said, I'll come back."


"Liar," Attia snapped.

"You can't stop me."

The Warden laughed softly. "Is this the hero you think is Giles, Claudia? The man to govern the Realm? He can't even control this rabble."

Instantly Finn moved. He tossed the Key to Claudia; catching Keiro off guard, he grabbed for the sword. Anger roared in him; anger at all of them, at the Warden's smirk, at the fear and weakness in himself. Keiro staggered back; recovering fast, he whipped the blade up and they both had it; then Finn had torn it from his grip.

Keiro didn't flinch as the blade flickered in his face. "You won't use that on me."

Finn's heart pounded. His chest heaved. Behind him Attia hissed, "Why not, Finn? He killed the Maestra. You know that, you've always known it! He had the bridge cut. Not Jormanric."

"Is it true?" He barely recognized his own whisper.

Keiro smiled. "Make up your own mind."

"Tell me."

"No." His oathbrother held the Key in one fist. "It's your choice. I don't justify myself to anyone."

His heartbeat was so loud, it hurt. It filled the Prison, thudded down all the corridors, in all the cells.

He flung the sword down. Keiro dived for it, Finn kicked it away. Suddenly they were fighting, all Finn's breath gone in a vicious punch to his stomach, Keiro's ruthless skill


flooring him. Claudia was shouting, Gildas roaring in anger, but he didn't care now; scrambling up, he flung himself on Keiro, grabbing for the Key. Hindered by the fragile crystal Keiro ducked and then punched again; Finn had him around the waist and down, but as he closed in, Keiro gave a kick that sent him reeling back.

Keiro roiled, picked himself up. Blood welled on his lip. "Now we'll see, brother," he hissed. He touched the black eye of the bird.

A light.

It was so brilliant, it burned their eyes.

It widened around Keiro, it swallowed him, and there was a noise in it, a whine that was painful, a sharp discordant note that cut off instantly.

The light spat out.

And Keiro was still there.

In the shattered silence the Warden's laugh was cool and regretful. "Ah," he said. "I'm afraid that means it won't work for you. Probably the metal components in your body render the process invalid. Incarceron is a closed system; its own elements can never leave."

Keiro stood stock-still.

"Never?" he breathed.

"Not unless the components are removed."

Keiro nodded. His face was grim and flushed. "If that's what it takes." He stepped toward Finn and said, "Get your knife."



"You heard"

"I can't do that!"

Keiro laughed sourly- "Why not? Keiro the Nine-Fingered. I always wondered what Sapphique's sacrifice was all about."

Gildas groaned. "Boy, are you suggesting--"

"Maybe more of us are born of the Prison than we thought. Maybe you are, old man. But I won't let one finger keep me here. Get the knife."

Finn didn't move, but Attia did. She brought a small blade she always wore and held it out to him. He took it slowly. Keiro laid his hand on the floor, the fingers spread out. The metallic nail looked just the same as the others. "Do it now," he said.

I can t...

"You can. For my sake."

They looked at each other. Finn knelt. His hand was shaking. He put the edge of the blade to Keiro's skin.

"Wait," Attia snapped. She crouched. "Think! It may not be enough. As you said, none of us know what we are made of inside. There must be another way."

Keiro's eyes were blue and blank with desperation. He hesitated.

For a long moment he stood there unmoving, and then he closed his hand and nodded slowly. He looked down at the Key and held it out to Finn.


"Then I'll have to find it. Enjoy your kingdom, brother. Rule well. Watch your back."

Finn was too shaken to answer. A distant hammering made them all look up.

"What's that?" Claudia asked.

Jared said quickly, "It's here. Evian made his attempt and is dead. The Queen's guards are at the door."

She stared at her father. He said, "You must come back, Claudia. Bring the boy. I need him now."

"Is he really Giles?" she asked harshly.

The Warden's smile was wintry. "He is now."

As his words ended the screen went blank. A ripple of movement ran down the corridor; Finn looked around anxiously. Bricks clattered from the vault.

Then he looked up and saw the tiny red Eye whirr and click on him.

"Oh yes,"
the voice said softly.
"You have all forgotten about me. And why should I let any of my children go?"




He woke and found them all around him. The old, lame, the diseased, the half-made

men. He hid his head and was filled with shame and anger. "I have failed you," he said.

"I have journeyed so far and I have failed."

"Not so," they answered. "There is a door we know, a tiny, secret door. None of us dare

crawl through, in case we die there. If you promise to come back for us, we will show you."

Sapphique was lithe and slender. He looked at them with his dark eyes. "Take me there," he

--Legends of Sapphique


"What happened?" Jared gasped. "The Prison has interfered," the Warden hissed with fury. His fingers moved swiftly over the controls.

"Well, stop it! Order it to--"

"I cannot make Incarceron obey me." The Warden glared at him. "No one has done that for centuries. The Prison rules, Master. I have no power over it." Then in a voice so low Jared barely heard, "It laughs at me."


Appalled, Jared stared at the blank screen. Outside, a fist pounded again on the bronze doors. A voice thundered, "Warden! Open this! The Queen demands your presence."

"Evian made a poor job of his assassination," the Warden said. He glanced up. "Don't fear, they won't get in. Even with axes."

"She thinks you were involved."

"Maybe. It is a good excuse to be rid of me. There will be no marriage now."

Jared shook his head. "Then were all finished."

"In that case, Master, I could do with your help." The gray eyes were fixed on him. "For Claudia's sake we need to work together."

Jared nodded slowly. Trying to ignore the furious banging, he came around to the controls and examined them carefully. "This is so old. Many of the symbols are in the Sapient tongue." He looked up. "Let's try talking to Incarceron in the language of its makers."


THE PRISONQUAKE was swift and sudden. The floor buckled; walls crashed down. Finn grabbed Keiro; together they fell back against a door that gave under their weight, flinging them inside.

Claudia scrambled after them, but Attia said, "Help me with him!" She had Gildas doubled up, gasping. Hurriedly Claudia climbed back, wriggled his arm over her shoulders, and they struggled with him to the cell, where Finn hauled them in and


slammed the door tight, he and Keiro wedging it with a split timber.

Outside, rubble cascaded down and they listened to it in dismay. The corridor was surely blocked.

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