Indestructible (38 page)

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Authors: Angela Graham

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Indestructible
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As though the prior five minutes had never occurred, she drew on what some unknowing fool might call a heartwarming smile. I rolled my eyes, willing myself not to rip the bag from her outstretched hand.

“I’ll see you at home, baby doll.” She blew him a kiss, unable to get close enough to do more than that. “I love you—and tell your daddy I love him too.”

Was she bipolar, or could she really bounce back into faux mother-of-the-year grace that quickly?

“Love you too,” Oliver replied, staring after her as she walked away.

Oliver was back to his normal giddy self once he saw Scout waiting behind Luke’s door. He dropped to his knees, his arms wide and ready when Scout leapt up into them. The two re-bonded seamlessly, rolling around on the floor while I thanked Luke for all his help. I didn’t mention anything about Logan, as I figured Julia would fill him in if she hadn’t already. On the ride home, Oliver was all giggles in the backseat, holding Scout on his lap.

Less than an hour after we arrived at my place, ready to eat dinner, Jax showed up looking like death. He slumped down onto my couch, not saying anything after his initial, “I’ll kill that bitch if she had anything to do with Kurt.” Luckily Oliver didn’t seem to notice, as he was distracted by Scout most of the time.

If not for his occasional grunt, I’d have forgotten Jax was there too until Julia showed up with Luke a little while later. She curled up on the floor to play beside Oliver and Scout, forcing smiles until Oliver mentioned wanting to show his daddy that Scout was home.

Julia lost it, running from the room with Luke on her heels. This was a family—a real one, solid and loving, and at the center of it was Logan. He had to come home. We needed him.

By nightfall, Jax had persuaded me to let them take Oliver home for the night. We worked it out so that I’d drive him to school the next morning. It hurt to even think about how Logan wouldn’t be there to do so himself.

I’d fought back demanding tears as I’d watched Jax pull Oliver aside to tell him his daddy had to go away for a meeting and would be home soon. I wasn’t positive Oliver bought it, though, considering everyone sitting in my living room with somber faces and occasional hushed talk. It was mainly just speculation, though. We had no idea what was really going on.

A while after they left, I was still brokenhearted from Julia’s profound hug during which she’d whispered her gratefulness for me watching out for Oliver. I’d said it was nothing, and it was the truth. No matter what happened with Logan, Oliver could always count on me.

That night, I lay in the tub, soaking in the stresses of it all. I imagined Logan behind me, his arms clutching me to his broad, powerful chest. I never wanted to leave the warmth of that fantasy, but my phone had chimed twice since I’d climbed in, and I knew if I didn’t get out soon that the pruning of my fingers would be permanent.

I had a feeling it was Hilary. I missed her more than ever; she’d know what to say to make me feel better. There was always the possibility Jax had heard something from Logan, as well, but I wouldn’t allow myself such hope.

I climbed out of the tub, wrapped a towel around my hair and another around my body, and trudged to my room. I sank down onto my bed, propped a pillow behind my damp back, and slid my finger across my blank phone screen. Two new messages: one from Jax and the other from my mom.

She’d never texted me before—or anyone, for that matter. I didn’t even think she knew how. I was instantly on edge, opening hers first.

It’s Logan. I’ll be home soon. Sleep well. No tears tonight. X

My entire body sprung up and off the bed, the towel on my head unwrapping and falling down over the phone. I threw it aside, unable to control my growing smile. It was too late for no tears, but at least the ones running down my cheeks were of relief and joy.

I replied, hoping he was still around. The text had been sent only four minutes prior.

Logan? U still there?

I only had to wait a few seconds. My mom must’ve left her phone with him, which meant he was still at the sheriff’s office and not sitting in a cell down at county. That was a good sign.

I’ll explain everything tomorrow. Don’t want to jinx it.

I smiled, typing so fast I wasn’t even sure my words were legible.

Ok. I love u. Miss u

Ditto. U ready for the big house reveal?

Talk about subject change. What house?


Julia’s place. It’s ready. Meet me there after school.

I wanted to laugh. After the day he’d endured, he cared about Julia’s house?

It’s ready?

Yes. U worried?

The bet.
If Julia loved it—and I was convinced she would—I’d win, and he’d be my slave for a weekend. If she hated it…well, I had no problem spending a few days under his thumb. The thought of spending an entire weekend with him was enough. But because I didn’t want him worried about me, I texted back exactly what I knew he needed to hear.

Not at all, slave boy!

Bring it on sweetheart XO

I laughed, feeling euphoric.

C u there at 4. Just got out of tub…fantasized u were in there with me, holding me.

Wish I was. Fyi This is your mother’s phone remember. ;)

Oh crap!
My fingers ran frantically over the keypad, typing for him to delete the message until I realized that if I had to endure seeing her boyfriend in his undies, she could read how much I adored mine.

Oh well. Lol. R U coming home tonight?


Before I could reply, he messaged again.

Have to go. No more worrying. Promise I got this handled.

Always the protector, worrying about everyone else.

:) Goodnight. Love you. XO

Sleep well x

Chapter Twenty-Seven

As I pulled up outside Julia’s potential new home, I was even more convinced she’d love it. The exterior was not only stunning and regal, but also held a cool modern edge. I was dying to see how the interior had changed, given all the design ideas Logan and I had gone over shortly after my car accident.

It seemed like forever ago...another world.

Logan appeared through the front door and descended the porch steps as soon as my car came to a stop in the driveway. My smile was broad, and my mood almost giddy.

“There you are,” he said, opening my door.

“You said four.”

He glanced mockingly at his watch. “It’s two after.”

I rolled my eyes with a soft giggle, placed my hand in his that was extended to me, and climbed out.

“Is Julia here?” I asked, looking around for her vehicle. I only spotted his.

“Not yet. She has an afternoon class and said she’d be here after.” He led me inside, his palm resting over the small of my back.

“Oh.” My heart jolted happily as I realized we were alone.

“I needed time to give you a tour before she arrived,” he explained, his eyes bright and features carefree.

As desperate as I was to know what’d happened with his case, there was no way I’d erase that boyish grin by asking about it. I longed to reach out and trace its curves with the tip of my finger, memorizing that perfect shape.

“So this wasn’t a scheme to get me alone in a big, beautiful house where you could seduce me?” I asked playfully, batting my eyelashes.

He helped me out of my coat and hung it next to his on a coat rack.

“That may or may not have crossed my mind.” We stood in the foyer, his hand sliding around my back to settle on the curve of my hip. His other hand swiped away a tendril of hair that had slid from my loose bun. “I’d do anything for time alone with you…and here you are.”

I closed my eyes as his warm, minty breath washed over my lips. I waited for him to kiss me, anticipation set in my stiff shoulders. Instead, I was left disoriented and slightly disappointed when his hand slid down into mine.

“Come. I’m curious to hear what you think of the place now.”

The heady need he easily woke within me was hard to stow away, but I managed well enough. I followed him into the living room, shifting my focus to the brilliance of the furniture layout.

Logan wanted me to win—there was no doubt about that. It was breathtaking, and I knew then I’d win the bet hands down. But each room we entered was even better than the last.

The master bedroom with my dream closet had been transformed into a room fit for a queen. I stared at it in wonder. However, it was the kitchen that left me in true awe. It was set up more for a top chef than a college girl, and I couldn’t stop myself from running my fingers over the granite countertop that rested above sleek black cabinets—no doubt custom made.

I twirled around on my heel, grinning. “You wanted me to win this.”

He raised his shoulders slightly. “Perhaps.”

“I’d have thought you’d enjoy having me as a slave at your will for a weekend.”

“At one time, yes, but now I’d much rather be at your disposal.”

“There’s nothing disposable about you, Mr. West.”

His eyebrows shot up, a pleased smile playing at his lips. “Is that so?” He was leaning against the counter across from me with his arms crossed over his chest, watching me intently.

“Mm-hmm.” I pranced toward him and tugged his arms apart so I could slip in closer, wedging myself between his legs. My head dipped back as I stared up into the blue pools looking down at me with such tenderness it sent a shiver up my spine.

“I’m no longer a suspect in the case,” he said so calmly I thought I’d heard him wrong.

“You’re not?” I needed to hear it again. Was it really over?

He shook his head as his lips curled upward. “There’s a reason I hire the best. Turns out there was a lead the police chose not to follow. Not sure what, and I don’t care. It has nothing to do with me, and they know I’m not responsible for Kurt’s death. That’s all that matters.”

I squealed, lifting myself up on my tiptoes and locking my hands behind his neck. I’d begun showering him with kisses over his neck and across his cheeks when he clasped my face with his hands and claimed my mouth with his own.

“I’ve missed you like crazy,” I confessed, basking in the feeling of his wandering hands.

“You have no idea.” He swung me around and pulled my back against his chest before his hand plunged down the front of my slacks. It barely fit, but that didn’t stop him. The button popped, flying across the counter I was nearly bent over now.

Gyrating against his hand, I cried out when his finger brushed over my clit, lingered at my opening, then slammed up inside me. His other hand curled around my stomach, stopping over my tattoo. It was still covered with a bandage, though it had already healed. I just wasn’t ready for him to see it yet.

“Jax do that to you?”

Did he know Jax did tattoos? How? Since when?


His finger sank deeper, thumb circling my clit.

“I know what my brother does in that room of his.” His voice was grave.

I stiffened as he continued.

“I told you: I know everything that happens in my house.”

“You want to see it?” I moaned, my head falling back onto his shoulder.

“Later. Right now I want you—all of you.”

Instantly, his fingers were gone and my pants were down around my ankles before being fully removed and thrown aside. Logan’s hand rested at the center of my back to hold me in place, the sound of his zipper sending me spiraling. Anticipation had never been sweeter.

“You’re coming home with me tonight. Understand?” The head of his cock poked my entrance.

“Yes. Please.”

He thrust forward to bury himself deep. My resulting moans were lurid and wanton.

Somehow we ended up on the counter, Logan on his back with me riding him through my third orgasm.

The doorbell rang right as I finished, driving Logan harder toward his own release. He gripped my hips, rocking me faster.

“Don’t you dare stop, Cassandra!” he barked.

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