Read Indigo Spell Online

Authors: Rachel Carrington

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy

Indigo Spell (26 page)

BOOK: Indigo Spell
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Bringing his hands to the edge of his shirt, he gripped the material and tugged it over his head. “I’m not complaining.” He heard the raspiness of his own voice. “You look incredible.”


Desire slammed into his abdomen as she circled him. She trailed one hand along his spine, dipped her fingertips into the waistband of his jeans. Moist kisses followed shoulder to shoulder and Jaxon sucked in a sharp breath. Then her hand dropped, gliding over his ass before sweeping to the front of his jeans.


“You’re so hard.” The words were a low purr of satisfaction.


“I can get harder,” he warned.


Her eyes glittered when she lifted her head to meet his gaze. “Prove it.” The throaty whisper gave Jaxon all the impetus he needed. He whipped around, caught a handful of Tess’ hair and dragged her lips to his. He heard her murmur of satisfaction before he bent into the kiss. Her lips were moist, warm and opened to the thrust of his tongue. He tasted the minty freshness of her toothpaste, felt the satiny softness of her skin, the warmth of her body pressed against his. He inhaled the light fresh scent of her shampoo, the sweetness of her soap. She made a low sound in her throat and the soft rustle of satin whispered over her skin. His senses were attuned to her, his body raging with his need.


Lifting her in his arms, he swirled and carried her to the bed. A goddess against the mound of pillows, Tess looked up at him, opened her legs to welcome him. Jaxon swept the remaining pillows aside with an impatient flick of his hand before he joined her on the bed.


The roles reversed as he took the position of seducer. He watched the flames lick in her blue eyes as the waves of emotion danced around her pupils. Hunger pummeled him as he slid his palm up the inside of her leg, over her thigh. She jumped slightly, bringing a smile to his lips. He lowered his head, touched his lips to the sensitive spot behind her knee and Tess inhaled sharply.


“Jaxon, I want—”


“I know exactly what you want, baby, and I’m going to give it to you.” He raised his head to meet her slumberous gaze. “But not yet. I want to taste you again. All I’ve thought about today is getting you alone and taking my time eating you, sliding my tongue over your soft clit.”


Tess’ legs moved restlessly against the silk beneath her. “You’re making it hard for me to breathe.”


“Just relax.” His fingers tiptoed up her leg, across the flatness of her abdomen. He trailed the back of his hand over her warm, damp pussy, bent his head to kiss the moist slit. Her body arched and he heard his name, a broken plea for release.


Tess moaned, her juices bathing his hand. Head raised, he stroked the plump lips with the pad of his index finger before gently opening the pink petals with his thumbs. “You’re so beautiful.” His tongue traced the wet flesh, teasing before swirling over her clit.


She gasped and twisted, grasping the sheet. “Oh God, that’s so good.”


His hand against her pubic bone, he pressed her back against the mattress, moved his lips along her bikini line while his fingers slipped inside her throbbing channel. His thumb massaged her engorged nubbin, stroked her until she cried out. Sweat poured over her skin, bathed in the dampness and the light of the candles.


“Easy, baby,” Jaxon crooned before he replaced his fingers with the kiss of his lips. He nibbled her, suckled her and tasted her, savoring the juices of her body as they flowed over his tongue.


She was so sweet and creamy. Burying his face deeper into her pussy, he sucked her clit into his mouth while she began to thrash beneath him, bucking her hips and begging aloud.




“Mmm,” he growled, driving his fingers deeper into her slick channel. He couldn’t get enough of her taste, her scent. He wanted to touch her everywhere with his tongue, explore every inch of her hot, tight pussy, watch her face as the orgasm tore through her.




She came on a loud cry, her fingers nested in his hair while her hips lifted, pushing her sheath against his face.


He continued to suck at her clit while she shivered and jerked. “I want you to come again.”


Her fingers tightened in his hair. “I want you to fuck me.”


A ball of liquid heat slid from his stomach down to his toes, coercing Jaxon to slide up her damp body. “Yeah?”


Hands now flexing against his shoulders, she nodded, her tongue slipping between her lips. “Fuck me, Jaxon. Fuck me hard. Like the first time.”


Shifting his weight, he curled one hand around his cock, moving it ever so gently over her clit. Her breath shuddered out again and she bit down on her lower lip.




“Just wait,” he commanded, rubbing his thickness over her sensitive flesh faster and faster, enjoying every moan she made, each swift intake of breath, the clench of her hands against his skin and finally the wild, frantic moves she made when she climaxed again.


Then he moved, pushed into her with one hard thrust before the orgasm was complete. The contracting muscles closed around his cock like a curled hand and his breath hissed out from between clenched teeth. Damn, it felt so good to be inside her.


She opened her legs wider, accepting the invasion of his cock. Their hands connected, fingers linked and they rocked together.


“Harder,” she demanded.


Grasping her ass, he lifted her hips and drove into her, his fingers biting into her skin. Muscles bunching, he pounded his cock into her pussy, wrapping his arms around her legs for better leverage.


The animalistic sounds he made matched hers. They moved as one, thrusts and parries in seductive yet wild harmony. His balls clenched, drawing up so tightly he struggled to breathe.


“Oh yeah. Oh yeah,” he moaned.


She reached for him, curled her hands around the back of his head. “That’s it. Just like that.”


“Here it comes. Here it comes.” His legs straightened as the orgasm punched him like a solid right hook. He felt the heat of his seed as it filled her pussy and for a moment his vision clouded. The aftereffects rippled through him for several seconds until he could relax.


Her legs slid down, her hands falling away from his body. He lowered himself to kiss her forehead, her cheeks, her eyes, then her lips. Then he pushed the weight of his body up onto his hands and looked down into her flushed face. “I love you.”


Tess’ lips turned up into a temptress’ smile. “I’d never doubt that. I could stay like this forever.”


He touched her face, forcing her to open her eyes. He held her with just that simple connection. “Do you know what you do to me, what you’ve done to me?”


“I hope it’s the same thing you’ve done to me.” She stirred against him and draped her leg over the backs of his thighs.


His body responded instantly to the pull of hers. “I’d never imagined being this close to anyone before I met you.”


She arched an eyebrow. “You mean sexually?”


He gave her a disapproving look. “No, I don’t mean sexually and you know it. I mean this type of closeness, just being here with you, listening to you breathe, knowing you’re mine.”


“You might come to regret that in the next few months,” she teased him while her hands began a gentle exploration of his spine and lower. “I love the feel of your body, the muscles, the hardness.” She tipped her head back, laughed huskily. “Especially one particular hardness.”


Jaxon curled his fingers around her chin. “I’ll never regret marrying you, Tess. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”


“I thought we’d already covered that area. Forever. Eternity and all that. At least Falcon seemed pretty solemn when he talked about it.”


“You enjoy baiting me, don’t you?”


“Actually I like the way you respond when I bait you.”


Moving his hips, he guided the head of his cock toward her heat. He watched her eyes widen then narrow as the first wave of pleasure rippled through her body. “Is this what you like?”


Tess’ nails curled into the flesh of his hips. “That and so much more.”


Chapter Nine




“You just wouldn’t believe how Ed has been treating me ever since he came home last night,” Belinda crowed, her hands fisted over her chest. With a dreamy expression on her face, she gushed on. “It’s like something out of a movie. He brought me flowers. He hasn’t brought me flowers in over two years. In fact the last time he brought me flowers, he was only trying to get himself out of the doghouse.” As she chattered on, Tess and Jaxon walked a few steps behind her, holding hands, shoulders bumping with casual ease.


She leaned her head against his shoulder. “All of a sudden, I get this feeling that you had something to do with that.”


“We shouldn’t be the only ones who have such happiness.”


A lump swelled in her throat. “I’m glad she’s so happy. It’ll make leaving easier.”


Jaxon drew their entwined hands up to his chest, pressed them over his heart. “She’ll be happy for a long time.”


“Forever, even?”


“For as long as they both live.”


She sighed. “Which isn’t forever. Will I know when they die, Jaxon?” She made sure her voice was low enough to prevent Belinda from overhearing. “I mean I don’t want to know. And how am I going to explain my continued existence to their children or their children’s children? I don’t understand how this all works.”


“It takes some adjustment,” Jaxon admitted.


“That doesn’t answer my question.”


“There is no way to answer your question.” He frowned, dipping into his memories. As an immortal, he’d never gotten close enough to mortals to have to explain his existence. His human friends were few and far between, except for Harry and Sadie. He’d grown to care for them but they wouldn’t remember him any longer. He’d removed every trace of his life from their minds. He would remember them but he couldn’t risk their memories of him. He’d jeopardized the Assembly one too many times. Now it was time to protect them.


Tess poked him in the ribs with her finger. “Are you still listening to me? I get the distinct impression you were a hundred miles away.”


Jaxon felt the ripple of unease, a sudden shifting of the air around him. The summons came through strong and clear. He stopped walking and brought her to a stop with him. “The Assembly needs me.”


“I thought we didn’t have to leave until tomorrow.” Disappointment colored her voice.


“Something must have happened.”


“Dammit. I should have known it was too good to last.”


“You knew we couldn’t stay.”


“I’ll have to tell Belinda.”


His hand curled around the nape of her neck while he dipped his knees to catch a better look at her face. “Hey, it’s going to be okay.”


“Says you.” She smiled a little. He knew it was meant to reassure him. She wanted him to know she was trying to bravely face whatever lay ahead of them. But deep inside his heart, he knew she was nowhere near prepared for the danger that lay in store.


“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”


“You worry about protecting your family. I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for years.”


“You don’t know what witches are really capable of doing. That night, when Athena came to our room, it was a show, not the true mark of her power.”


“I’ve faced wizards and I’ve heard they’re far more powerful than any witch.” Tess tapped his cheek with her fingertips. “Besides you won’t let anything happen to me.”


He forced a grin. “I didn’t think it was physically possible to be wrapped around a woman’s finger. I’m not quite sure whether I should thank you for demonstrating the process or not.”


She laughed and dragged him with her to catch up with Belinda. “Belle, Jaxon just got a phone call. I’m afraid we’re going to have to leave now.” Keeping her voice light and airy, she continued. “It’s something about the takeover and his brother is all worked up. Just between you and me, I think he needs some tranquilizers.”


Belinda stopped walking, dismay on her face. “But Ed wanted the two of you to come over for dinner. He really wants to meet Jaxon.”


“And he will. It’ll just have to be the next trip. I’m really sorry.” Tess hooked her arm through Belinda’s and steered her toward Ed’s battered pickup truck. “We’ll be back soon…at least as soon as we can.”




“Promise. Although, now the way you’ve been talking about Ed, I can’t imagine why you’d want another couple around.”


Belinda blushed like a new bride but before she could respond, Jaxon intervened.


“It was nice to meet you, Belinda, and I can’t thank you enough for the bid.”


Their shared laughter created a warm feeling in the pit of Tess’ stomach until she caught a glimpse of Jaxon’s face. The summons was stronger. She could see it in his eyes.


Belinda wrapped her arms around Jaxon’s neck, dragging him close for a brief, intense hug. “Thank you for being such a great guy. I know you’ll make Tess happy and that makes me happy. Take care of her.”


“Always.” He kissed her cheek. “If you ever need anything…”


She waved away the offer. “Before the two of you arrived, I might have taken you up on that offer but now I don’t think I’ll need anything for a long time.”


“He really does love you.” Jaxon captured her eyes, held her gaze. “The two of you have a long life ahead of you and after last night, you might want to start decorating that nursery you’ve always talked about.” He pulled back, smiling into her stunned face.


“Jaxon has a gift,” Tess quickly explained. “He can spot a pregnant woman a mile away, even before she knows she’s pregnant. According to his family, he hasn’t been wrong yet.”


Belinda began to cry, tears rolling down her cheeks to plop against her cotton shirt. “I have to tell Ed. I need to buy paint and—” She stopped herself, enfolded Tess in another hug. “I’ll miss you too. Have a safe trip back and call me so I’ll know you got there all right.”


“We will.” Tess held on for as long as she could.


As Belinda walked away, Jaxon held Tess’ attention, needing to distract her. For in his mind, the spell was forming, taking shape to shadow the people they would leave behind. A spell to ensure the safety of the Assembly.


* * * * *


“The prodigal son returns.” Athena retreated from the window of the tower, eyes glowing black with hatred.


Hestra turned away from the black cat she’d been stroking. “We shouldn’t wait to avenge Arista’s death. To delay would only give the Assembly time to prepare.”


Athena laughed, more a bitter cackle than an announcement of humor. “The Assembly won’t be able to prepare for us, my dear sister. They anticipate our strike but they can’t know the plan I have in mind.” She backed into the upper tower, the moonlight striking a pale path. “Tell me, Hestra. Did Jaxon recant the spell?”


Hestra’s eyes widened for a brief moment. “No, he didn’t. He only knew about the spell we had cast on the child that had not yet been conceived.”


Athena smiled then, a mere parting of her lips to reveal even, white teeth. “As I said, the wizards cannot know my plan.”


The screech of an owl heralded the arrival of visitors to the tower. “Come, my sister, let us go join our new friends. We have much to discuss.”


“Those witches aren’t our friends, Athena. They are of the Coven of Ballhastra. They have attempted to overthrow us more than once to gain control of the tower.”


Athena placed her hand on Hestra’s shoulder and began to guide her toward the depth of concrete stairs. “You worry much for a powerful witch. Don’t be so concerned. These witches will be our friends because they don’t wish to become our enemies. Trust me.”


* * * * *


Jaxon thought of home and as the image blinked into his mind, his feet touched solid ground, the edge of the mountain overlooking Nepal. With his arm around Tess, whose eyes were still clenched tightly shut, he turned, steered them toward the mansion seated atop the craggy mountain’s peak. “We are home, my love.”


She cracked open one eye and sighed. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.”


“It comes with time.”


“I trust you had a safe journey.” The deep male voice interrupted their conversation and brought a frown to Tess’ face.


“I don’t suppose you would ever think about waiting until you’re invited before you just show up at our home, Falcon.”


The leader fixed her with an odd look. “An invitation? How quaint and perhaps, at a later time, I would willingly oblige you. But for now,” he pointed a finger over the edge of the mountain, “the Coven is busy.”


Jaxon knew why he hadn’t noticed the turmoil across the valley or the glimmering lights flashing from the window of the stone tower the witches called home. He’d had Tess in his arms. She distracted him. He didn’t miss the censure in Falcon’s eyes as he returned the leader’s gaze. “They are in battle. Do you know of the coven they are attempting to overtake?”


“Ballhastra. Their leader, Aguinar, has been quite ill for the past few years. Unlike the Coven of Allesandra, they have not acquired the immortality which would prevent such an illness.”


Jaxon’s eyes flicked back across the valley as a blue arc of light swept across the sky. “I am surprised Aguinar would lead her witches into such a battle when she is not at full strength.”


Falcon joined his protégé at the ledge. “Perhaps it was not Aguinar who chose to initiate the war.”


Considering the words, Jaxon felt Tess’ presence as she moved into place beside him. Her small hand slipped into the crook of his arm. He covered it with his own. “Athena is looking for reinforcements.”


“She has lost a sister. She is looking for revenge.”


The air shimmered, sparkled and Andion’s booted feet hit the dirt just to Falcon’s right. “We are ready.”


Tess nudged Jaxon with her elbow. “Ready for what?”


Andion’s arrival was followed closely by Jensen, Charlemaine and Rane. Standing in a semicircle, the wizards looked ready for battle. Their indigo robes flowed to the ground, brushing against the dirt at their feet. The atmosphere around them sparkled with electricity and a strange kind of excitement.


“Why am I not getting a good feeling about this?”


Hearing the panic in his wife’s voice, Jaxon gently set her away from the edge of the mountain. “You should go inside, my love. We have work to do.”


“We, meaning you and the other merry wizards. Jaxon, this could be a trap.”


He ran his thumb over her lower lip and winked at her. “Then we’ll just have to make a trap door.”


“Where are the others? You need more than just the six of you, don’t you? I mean I thought you all fought together.”


Attempting to reassure her would be futile but he tried anyway. He didn’t like the idea of leaving her when she was so worried. “We do fight together, honey. The others have remained behind for a purpose. They will offer assistance from a distance.”


“Jaxon.” The softness of the earth muffled Falcon’s approaching footsteps. “We must go.”


Jaxon leaned in, kissed Tess once, twice, before backing away from her. “You don’t need to worry about me or any of us for that matter. I’ll be back before you know it.”

BOOK: Indigo Spell
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