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Authors: Megan Duncan

BOOK: Indulge
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Megan Duncan


Copyright © December 2011 by Megan Duncan


These stories are works of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from Megan Duncan.


Cover art by Robin Ludwig Design Inc.




It wasn’t the sound of Arrick’s feet treading heavily against the brittle forest ground, but the sound of his heart thumping madly in his chest that woke me. I stirred slightly in his arms as my face rested against his chest. “Where are we?” I asked sleepily, unwilling to let my heavy lids rise.

“Not sure exactly. Somewhere in the outskirts. I’ve been driving non-stop all day. Sun’s down now though; I figured it’d be safe to stop for a break.” He smiled down at me. “Think you can walk?”

I rubbed my eyes and nodded. Arrick set me on my feet gently and confidently took hold of my hand as he led me deeper into the forest. As soon as the sun glimmered on the horizon, exhaustion and sleep took a firm grip on me. Arrick pointed out that the back seat of the Mercedes was outfitted for day driving, so I could sleep safely while he drove. I received a small, but helpful nudge from Arrick and climbed back, pulling shut thick black curtains nestled into hidden compartments framing the windows.

We walked in the forest in comfortable silence until the soothing bubbling of a small creek made me smile in excitement. Arrick laughed at my amusement and sprinted after me as I charged for the water that was waiting not far in front of me. It felt good to stretch my muscles even though they were still sore and weak. I could feel them repairing and by the rumble of hunger in my stomach, my small snack had not been enough to completely revive me.

I smirked at the thought of considering Arrick a small snack. “What are you smiling about?” he questioned.

“Just excited to finally clean myself up a bit,” I said while peeling off the blood stained clothes that were stiffly plastered against my body. Arrick immediately turned his back and I blushed. I hadn’t even given it the slightest thought that he was watching me undress. “I thought vampires considered the body a work of art?”

“I…” Arrick stammered, “I’m not a vampire.”

“Oh, so you don’t think my body is a work of art?” I was thoroughly enjoying teasing him. He was always so centered, it was nice to see I had the power to make him squirm.

Yet somewhere deep inside, a twinge of guilt pierced me. Dmitry would be crushed to see me flirting with Arrick. And that’s what I was doing, wasn’t I? The ease and comfort came too easily around Arrick. My mind protested the flirtation, though, not my heart at least I thought so. This damn connection between us was so strong and hard to understand.

“I didn’t say that. I just…” His argument trailed off, and he turned to face me again before quickly pivoting back.

I decided to leave on my undergarments; it wasn’t only because it would make Arrick more comfortable, but also because this was a strange river; there might be any number of insects lurking. I may be a vampire, but I’m still a girl and creepy crawlers will never be less scary.

“It’s safe now,” I called out, dipping myself into the cool water. My body shivered as the lingering clouds of sleep shook off my body. I cupped water into my hands and scrubbed myself vigorously. Surprisingly, the scent of dried blood was very unappealing to me, much like rotten food would be to a human and with every bit I washed away my stomach settled more and more.

I took extra care to clean around my already healing wounds. Thick scabs were beginning to form and though still tender, my bruises were now yellowing. I tentatively traced my finger along the cut on my face, distinctly recalling the pain that screamed through me when Ana slashed at me. I had never been more grateful for being a vampire and having their healing ability, and secretly hoped that it wouldn’t leave a scar. It may be a vain hope, but I didn’t want anything to remind me of that night. Though that was a foolish thought. I would never forget it.

As I sloshed my way back to shore, a robust black duffel bag sat waiting for me. I looked up to see Arrick stacking wood in a fire pit and dragging a heavy log for us to sit on. I stood trembling in the night air watching him try to work and keep his back to me at the same time.

“Are you going to stand there all night?” he asked at last, his tone somewhat playful and annoyed.

“If it would drive you crazy I just might,” I countered, sticking my tongue out and dropping to my knees near the duffel bag. I rummaged through and found a pair of jeans and a few shirts, all with the price tags still on. I didn’t bother asking him where he got them and was just relieved that they looked like they might actually fit. I dug deeper in hopes that he might have also snagged me some panties too and I wasn’t disappointed. They were still packaged, and I pulled them out. I wasn’t sure if I should be glad he bought me grandma panties or not, but it was better than a thong, at least.

I pulled on the clothes and smiled at how well they fit. Flannel never felt so good in all my life. I unhooked my bra and pulled it out through my sleeve. There was no way I was going to wear a wet bra all night. I walked to the small fire Arrick built and picked up a sturdy branch along the way. As I sat down on the thick log, I hung my bra and leaned it close enough to the flames to hopefully dry it and not catch it on fire.

Arrick rolled his eyes at me but smiled. “Feel better?”

“A bit.” I lowered myself to rest my back against the log and pushed my feet nearer to the flames. “Is it safe to be out here like this with a fire?”

We hadn’t spoken about what had happened and I was grateful for that, but the thought that someone would definitely be looking for me made my eyes dart at every shadow that moved erratically in the firelight.

Arrick considered it for a bit before answering. “For a little while, and then we have to get going. But first you need to eat.” He tossed me a small plastic bottle filled with blood while he tore open a crumpled bag and bit into a thick burger.

“Where did you get this?” I unscrewed the lid and sniffed. Arrick’s familiar scent lingered faintly, along with a staleness that made my nose wrinkle. “Do you need me to heal you?” I surveyed his body and didn’t see any injuries, but my heightened vampire senses picked up the mouthwatering aroma of a fresh wound. I was surprised I hadn’t noticed it before.

“No, Claire. It’s best if you don’t feed from me directly,” he said as he shoveled fries into his mouth. I tried not to be hurt by his comment. It couldn’t be that he didn’t want me to feed from him. Right?

His vigorous appetite made my stomach growl and I put the bottle to my lips and chugged. The flavor wasn’t as savoring but it was satisfying nonetheless. My body yearned to drink from Arrick, but his offering was enough to subdue the animal inside me. I was starting to realize why vampires and their Blood Mates grew to be so close. The desire was building and I knew if I were to ever give in to it, there would be no turning back.

I finished the contents of the bottle long before Arrick completed his burger, tossing the empty vessel into the dancing flames. It popped and sizzled before quickly turning black and wafting the odor of burning plastic into the air around me. The flames were hypnotic and relaxing. Closing my eyes, letting the night fill my ears, I allowed them to draw me in. I could smell the burning wood, the freshness of the running water, dry earth and rotting leaves. I delved deeper into my senses, allowing my instincts to guide me. Hearts beat around me, one stronger than the others - Arrick’s - and the rest weak, probably belonging to forest animals.

I reached out further, searching for how far I could go. I felt powerful. I was a new breed of vampire, a hybrid, and I wanted to be without limits. I never wanted anyone to be able to hurt me again, but most of all, the longing for the sweet taste of revenge was an enticing idea in my mind.

I had never had such a thought before and it surprised me. Being a vampire was changing me in more ways than I expected. Hopefully, they would all be good changes.

I smiled inwardly at the thought and continued focusing my energies. I had made it to the edge of the forest and knew the Mercedes sat not far from there. Just as I was about to revel in my small accomplishment, awareness prickled at the edges of my senses. There was someone or something out there, but I was too far away to determine it. Fear trickled through me and broke down my confidence. What if it was Ana? What if she came back to finish what she started?

Arrick startled me out of my trance when he plopped down next to me, wrapping a thick wool blanket around us.

“Geez,” I growled, trying not to show how much he had spooked me.

“Sorry. You were pretty deep into it. What were you thinking?”

“Honestly?” He looked at me expectantly and I sighed deeply. I didn’t want to show weakness, but Arrick and I were connected on an intimate level. There was no way I could hide my fear from him; he felt it. It was both comforting and intrusive to have another being so in-touch with my thoughts and feelings. “I’m worried that Ana will come after us.”

I waited for him to laugh at me, but he simply nodded his head. “I would be surprised if she didn’t…” I jerked in shock and opened my mouth, be he cut across me to look into my eyes. “Calm down, Claire. As much as I want to kill her for what she did to you I will say this. Ana is not stupid. She will not lash out at you again quickly. She will plan it out meticulously and take her time. She is as vengeful a vampire as I have ever seen and she will not want to fail again.”

He was right. Ana failed in her first attempt at killing me, but this time she will be fueled with just more than a desire to steal my throne. She wanted revenge and I was ever so slowly realizing what a sweet thing it would be.

“That really doesn’t make me feel any better. Do you think Luka survived?” If I killed him then Ana’s rage would be ten-fold.

“It’s very possible. That kind of blow to the head can do serious damage to a vampire’s nervous system. As much as I’d like to see him dead as well, it might actually be an advantage for us if he survives,” Arrick said. He reached forward and adjusted a burning log with his boot.

“How? She’s going to want to tear my spine out for killing him!” I cried. Suddenly my throat was dry. I wanted to ask more, but that was all I could manage. Saying the word “kill” out loud disturbed me. It didn’t seem real. Was I really capable of such a thing? All I did was hit him in the head. How could that have killed him?

Arrick fixed me with a concerned look and got up to retrieve the duffel bag. “Well, if Luka is alive it’ll buy us some time; Ana will focus on him first. It is nearly impossible to separate a vampire from a wounded mate. But… if he is dead…” Arrick shrugged, withdrawing a dark bottle from the bottom of the pack.

If Luka was dead, then Ana would be hot on our trail. Even after everything he did, I wasn’t proud of the fact that I might have killed him. Although I highly doubted I did accomplish such a feat. He was Dmitry’s brother after all, and I knew it would hurt him deeply. I never wanted to cause Dmitry any pain.

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