Indulge (8 page)

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Authors: Megan Duncan

BOOK: Indulge
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“Anything else?” He spoke through clenched teeth. I just stared at him dumbfounded, and he turned on his heel and marched swiftly down the hallway.

Seeing him walk away made my heart ache. I couldn’t let him leave like this. “Arrick!” I ran to his side quickly, pushing my incredible speed to its max. I grabbed his arm and forced him to turn and look at me. “What’s your problem?” Probably not the most tactful way to go about it, but I wanted answers.

“What do you want from me, Claire? You want me to be your errand boy?”

What was he talking about? One simple favor, and now he was throwing a tantrum? “No,” I said, as snotty as I could. “I wanted the person I trust to do something for me that I can’t do myself. I’m sorry that’s too much to ask. Listen, Arrick, I don’t know what your problem is, but you better figure it out. You can’t keep throwing my emotions around like your play toys.” This whole hot and cold thing had to stop. Either he liked me or he didn’t. He was either jealous or he wasn’t. “Decide how you feel about me; I can’t keep playing your games.”

He stared at me, hard. Despite our connection, I couldn’t sense how he felt. “I know how I feel about you.”

My heart skipped a beat. Did I really want to know? “Then why are you acting like this?”

He shifted his weight, considering his answer before he spoke. “I’ll try. I can’t promise I’ll come back with any information on them, but if I see them I will let you know.” He smiled slightly. I could tell it was fake, but I stepped aside and let him continue on down the hallway.

He stopped and turned to face me. My heart fluttered hopefully.

“Meet me in the gardens in an hour. I want to show you something”

I smiled and nodded.

I made my way out of the Château and onto a secluded area of a beach near Naos. I thought some time alone would clear my thoughts; that way I could be completely relaxed when I met up with Arrick later. Hearing the crashing waves, so close was incredibly soothing. I climbed down the rocky coast, my shoes dangling from my hands. Walking barefoot was much better. I enjoyed the cold feel of the rocks and the gritty texture of the sand between my toes.

There was a large, washed up log on the shore. It was sandy and the bark cracked in jagged trails along the length of it Seaweed was tangled around one end. Yet, it looked somewhat perfect, lying idly on the beach in the moonlight. I tossed my shoes to the side and plopped down atop the log.

Twirling my necklace about my finger, I popped the locket open and closed with my thumb. The more I looked at the images inside the more heart broken, angry and lonely I became. Yes, I was happy in Naos and with my new family, but Liz, Robin and Dmitry were all my family too in a way. They were all as dear to me as Ione and Cathair and even Arrick, although I fought those emotions and lost most of the time.

I stared up at the sliver of moon and prayed that Nyx would keep them all safe. The stars twinkled at my words and I smiled. Maybe Nyx could really hear me. I didn’t know for sure, but it was a comforting thought.

I dug my toes into the sand and licked my fangs as I enjoyed the sense of peace, until the hairs on my neck stood on end. My nerves vibrated in warning. That familiar sensation that I was being watched returned. I bolted upright and scanned my surroundings. Nothing was around. I focused my hearing, past the crashing waves, past my own breathing. The city came to me, faint by normal. I spun, searching desperately, heart racing.

That’s when I saw it. A dark figure standing atop a cliff, high above me. I stood frozen, staring at it, trying to push my abilities to their max. I had to see who it was. My body instinctively stepped forward, my toes dragging in the sand. The figure reacted, crouching down, but still very visible. Even with a sliver of moon in the sky, I could easily see the silhouette of a person.

I took another step, the figure becoming the tiniest bit clearer. They were hooded, a tall staff grasped in their left hand. I could feel my instincts growing, the vampire nature inside fighting to be released. This was my chance to get answers. This couldn’t be just some onlooker. They were watching me. They had to have answers and I wanted to get them.

Crouching, I prepared to unleash my speed to scale the cliff. Maybe if I captured this person, he or she could help prevent a war. Maybe they could help us find the missing piece we needed to keep The Dark from stealing the throne from Nicolae.

I sprang - and the figure threw something at their feet. A cloud of purple smoke enveloped them. I propelled my body faster. My muscles were warming up to the task, the rocks providing easy leverage to climb upward to the cliff above. A howling scream cut through the peaceful night.

Reaching the top, I leapt into the haze of purple smoke - but the breeze had almost dissipated it entirely - and the figure had gone.

I slammed onto the hard earth and a growl erupted from me. How could they get away? What was that purple smoke? I was nearly panting in my rage, tears of anger streaming down my dirty face. I failed.



Feeling defeated and ashamed, I slowly made my way back to the Château. I burned the few details I had to memory. I needed to be on guard. I knew they would be back and I had to be ready for them. Was it Ana watching me or was it someone else? A member of the The Dark spying, keeping tabs on me?

I knew I should probably tell someone, but what could I really say?

I made it back quicker than I had wanted to, even though I had been dragging my feet. I needed time alone to think and there were too many servants, Blood Guard and vampires around. Plus there was Arrick. He had to have felt my rage when the mystery figure disappeared. In fact, I was a little surprised he hadn’t run out to check on me. He was my Blood Guard; wasn’t that his job? Maybe whatever was going on between us was affecting his duties.

I quickly washed my face and ran a comb through my hair before heading for the gardens to meet Arrick. Almost as an afterthought I splashed some of the lavender perfume he had bought me and headed out the door. I knew I was probably late to meet him, but hopefully he would still be waiting for me.

I found him sitting on a stone bench, twirling a freshly picked flower in his fingers. When he heard me approach he bolted up and ran a hand through his hair in a nervous gesture. “I didn’t think you were coming.”

He handed me the flower as more of a peace offering than a romantic gesture, but I took it gratefully. “I wouldn’t miss it.” I tried to sound excited in hopes to ease his nerves. “Where are you taking me?”

His face lit up and I could feel his body relaxing through our connection. “The temple.”

I took his offered arm and sniffed absently at the flower as we walked. I didn’t want any of the stress of what had happened on the beach to ruin our time together.

“Where were you earlier?”

I silently cursed myself for thinking about it, but at the same time I couldn’t help but smile at his sensing the change in my emotions. He was so much more attuned to my feelings than I was to his. I wonder why that was.

“I went to the beach.”

He glanced at me briefly, wanting a more detailed explanation, but I didn’t know what to tell him. It would only distract him from what he had to do if he was constantly worried about my safety. Besides, what could I say?

I saw some creepy person at the beach and when I chased them down they disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke. I would sound like a nut case.

“I just wanted some time alone to unwind and clear my head.” It wasn’t a complete lie, so I didn’t feel totally guilty about it.

Luckily, Arrick nodded his head like he understood. “I’ve felt how stressed you’ve been. And I know part of that is my fault, so I’m sorry.”

I kicked at the tiny pebbles along the path as we exited the western edge of the gardens and started our ascent up the rocky mountain side that shadowed the back side of the palace.

“I’m sorry too,” I admitted. My words seemed to break through the pounding of our footfalls and resonate in the night. Their meaning weighting them down heavily.

We continued on in silence. Through our connection I felt what he felt mingling with my own emotions. He was confused and frustrated, that much I was sure of, but I could also sense how much he cared for me.

I wasn’t sure if our connection made it harder or easier for us to talk to each other. From the way things were currently going, I would say harder. I had always been the type of person to keep things bottled up inside. Now, because of our bond, Arrick was the stopper to that bottle. He knew everything I kept from everyone. Even the things I tried to hide from myself.

That thought made me think I should feel more sorry for him than I already did. The poor guy had to deal with my battling emotions constantly. It was hard enough for me to deal with on my own.

I tore my eyes from their vacant gaze at my feet and flick them up to Arrick. He was intently focused on our path, either to be certain we were going the same way or perhaps because something else was on his mind.

His eyes cast downward onto me and softened. My stomach fluttered and I angled my body to walk closer to him. It felt comforting to be around him - and it felt more and more right the less I fought it.

“This way.” Arrick placed his strong hand on the small of my back as he pointed with the other to a fork in our path. It zigzagged upward on the small mountain-side. I looked up to see were they led, but I could spot only a small splinter of white peeking between the pointed rocks at the summit.

His touch reminded me of our first kiss. It seemed like so long ago and the memory made heat burn in my heart. I wanted to kiss him again. I dared to steal another glance at his face and what I saw there made me blush.

Arrick was as intent on our path as he was before, but there was a small smirk on his lips, too. He had felt the small flicker of passion I had.

A giggle escaped me and, with it, so did the remaining tension of the earlier events on the beach.

“What’s so funny?” He looked down at me, amused, and bumped me with his shoulder. I bumped him back.

“Nothin’,” I smirked. “So, they had to put the temple at the top of a mountain, did they?” I asked, trying to change the subject. I was giddy enough already and I didn’t want his charm to melt completely. Yet.

“Of course. As close to the stars as they could get it,” Arrick said, the amusement still lingering on his voice. He knew I was deliberately trying to change the subject.

I was actually getting nervous around him. Seriously, what was wrong with me? It wasn’t not like this was our first date. In fact, we’d never even been on a date, but what we had already gone through surpassed anything any knew couple could ever imagine. Still, there was something new and exciting and magnetic about him. No matter how hard I fought it, I would always get pulled back in.

Arrick and I chatted about random topics as we continued our climb. He told me about his childhood, his life before joining the guard and even about how the region celebrated for weeks after I had been born.

“It’s weird to think you’ve known me that long.”

“Geesh, thanks.” He rolled his eyes and smiled at me.

“You know what I mean!” I replied exasperatedly. “Not creepy weird. I mean, you’re not some disturbing old man or anything. Wait. Are you?” I stopped in my tracks and put my hands on my hips in mock concern.

“What do you think?” He turned around so I could look over him fully. “Do I look creepy to you?”

I tapped my chin and smiled. “Fine, you might not be creepy, but you’re definitely old!” I teased him and grinned madly.

“Oh, that’s not nice at all.” Arrick pretended to be hurt and sauntered off. I laughed all the more and ran after him.

I had planned on running to Arrick’s side and getting back into our conversation. It was nice getting to know each other on another level. Sure, we were eternally bonded, drawn together like two magnets, but knowing the simple things like what his favorite music was, his fondest memory and even down to the name of his dog growing up (Doc), was all endlessly interesting to me. It made our connection that much more intimate and less like it was based solely on our bond.

But that didn’t happen, because the temple finally came into view and stole my breath away.

I had wanted to know more, but the colossal ivory columns circling around the temple and its domed roof, cleared my mind of all thoughts Arrick. For the moment.

“Holy…” My paced quickened as I closed the gap between myself and the massive temple that stood before me. I felt an inch tall as I approached the gigantic building.

Arrick chuckled softly and grabbed my hand, guiding me closer to the entrance. I would have toppled over without his support, walking with my head permanently tilted upward. The temple seemed to grow taller the closer we were.

“It’s huge!” I exclaimed.

I followed Arrick up the stone steps leading into the temple. The columns swallowed us in darkness, the outside world disappearing with every step inward.

“You haven’t even seen the best part yet.” He tugged me along behind him, my attention locked on the building around me. My vampire eyes quickly adjusted, only magnifying the beauty of it.

I couldn’t decide if it was the enormous size of the temple, the gorgeous architecture or the sensation that tingled my body that excited me most. “What is that?”

“The temple was built to amplify the connection with Nyx,” he said knowingly.

I felt as close to her as I did the night I was turned, only without the pain. This sensation was definitely preferable.

Inside the temple, the columns continued lining the walls. There were huge candles flickering in the night air yet still maintaining their flames. Baskets of flowers, cheeses, breads, intricate fabrics weaved with golden fibers, scented oils and an endless assortment of other items lined our path. Offerings to the Goddess Nyx. When word got out about The Dark I imagined these walls would carry many more offerings.

I hadn’t realized we had stopped until Arrick pulled me close, wrapping his arm around my middle. I was eyeing a portrait of Nyx that someone had left for her. In their rendition, her body was luminescent. Her skin shimmered like it was made of star dust and her hair was as white and bright as the moon. Her eyes were dark but in no way menacing. The artist had managed to capture a softness in her expression that traveled to her eyes like limitless pools of love and respect. Her body was curvy and naked, but in no way sexual. She was pure beauty and adoration.

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