Indulgence (191 page)

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Authors: Liz Crowe

BOOK: Indulgence
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“It’s been three and a half days. He’s gone out of town or
at least that’s what he’s told me.”

“What does your gut tell you?” Lena was asking now.

“I believe him.”

“Then leave it. He comes with some high toting baggage, but
you can’t let that define your relationship. Girl, you deserve this.” Lena
agreed and I was feeling better.

After paying our bill we headed back to the office.
Anthony’s phone started buzzing. “She’s baaack!” We all quickened our pace
knowing Cecily was waiting for us.

We walked in to see Linda scowling again, “Cecily wants to
see you and you.” She pointed at Anthony and me. We both sighed as we made our
way to her office.

Her door was open and she was standing by her desk finishing
up a phone call. She waved us in and motioned me to sit.
She ended
the call and barked a few orders at Anthony before sending him off.

“Close the door, Anthony.” He gave me a sympathetic look
before closing the door.

She took her seat, then a sip of her water and stared at me.
I hated when she did that. Finally she spoke. “Great job on Friday.” I visibly
relaxed as she smiled. “Stop doubting your talent, Cassidy. You’re great at
what you do.”

“Thank you. I’m grateful for the opportunity.” She continued
staring at me before shuffling a few things around on her desk. She picked up a
paper and put it in front of me so I could see. It was the picture from the
ball of James and me. “Oh, God.”

She chuckled. “If you’re looking to bring attention to
yourself, he’s the quickest way to do it.” All I could do was shake my head. “I
don’t really care what’s going on, but keep it separate. I don’t want this
affecting your work. You have a promising career ahead of you. Stay smart,

“Absolutely, of course, Cecily. Thank you for

We went over a few more work related things before I went
back to my office. I scrolled through my email hoping for some worthwhile
correspondence, but there was none. I spotted the box at the end of my desk
that I had forgotten Linda put there because I was distracted by the flowers.
There was no return address, just my name and B & C on the label.

It was a good sized box. Opening it, I discovered another
box with Frida’s
labeled on it. What the hell? Suspiciously, I opened it
up and pulled back the pink tissue paper. Several pairs of satin underwear,
bras, and camisoles greeted me. I didn’t see a card and began looking for one
when Lena popped her head in. I slammed the box shut, but not before she saw

“Is that from Frida’s?”

“Don’t. Just hush. What’s up?”
Why the hell did he send
me lingerie at work?
He really was the devil.

She was smiling from ear to ear and I knew then she saw what
it was and I knew I was as red as a rose. “From James?”

“Lena, what do you need?” I was totally embarrassed and she
knew it.

“I’m heading out to pick up the last of the donations. I’ll
see you in the morning.” I looked at the clock and wondered where the time had
gone; it was already after four in the afternoon.

“Great. Thank you, Lena. Have a good one.” She winked as she
closed my door. I sagged into my chair and peeked back into the box of lingerie
once more. It was a gorgeous mix of satin and lace, but mostly satin. As I
rifled through, I finally found a note.


I owe you some new panties.

I couldn’t resist the rest.



I felt myself blush at the realization that JB3 just bought
me a new wardrobe of undergarments.
. I never realized they were one
in the same. I had heard most of the stories, but never paid them much heed. It
was the job of the press to exaggerate, right? I couldn’t resist...I knew I

I pulled up my internet browser and typed in ‘JB3’. A slew
of links popped up. This was bad. The first one was a link for the local paper.
One after another I started clicking away. Almost every picture was of James
and random girls. Only one face repeatedly appeared next to his. She was a
pretty brunette named Melissa Westin.

Not being sure how much time had passed, I was rubbing my
temples when my cell started ringing. Pulling it from my purse I saw it was
Cal. “Hello.”

“Hey, sis. You okay? You sound stressed.”

Sighing deeply, “I’m a fool, Cal.” I felt sick to my

“What are you talking about?”

“James…he’s JB3.” I was practically in tears.

“He’s who? Cassidy, it’s after six. Are you home yet? I was
planning to pick up a pizza and thought we could have dinner before my shift.”

I loved my brother, overbearing ass and all. “I’ll be there
soon. Just use the spare.” I disconnected the call and put my cell back in my
purse. Gathering up my box of lingerie, laptop bag and purse, I decided to
leave the flowers because my hands were so full.

When I got home, Cal was getting out of his truck with a
pizza box in one hand and a six pack in the other. I walked up the steps,
unlocked the door before I hung up my purse, put my laptop bag down and ran
upstairs with my box of intimates. Before heading back down, I changed into
some more comfortable clothes.

Cal was sitting on the couch and handed me a plate of pizza
as I sat down. He was in uniform from the waist down, sporting a white t-shirt
on top. Cal started eating, waiting for me to break the silence. Spotting that
he brought my favorite, Mike’s Hard Lemonade, I grabbed one and downed half the
bottle while he eyed me suspiciously.

He sighed, “Cassidy, what’s going on?”

“I told you, I’m a fool. He’s a notorious playboy. I’m just
a notch in his belt.”

He just scowled at me. “Cassidy, while at first I would’ve
agreed with you, after talking to him this morning, I don’t think that’s true.
He really cares for you, he told me so. What happened between then and now?”

“He’s plastered in all the papers and now I’m there, too.” I
got up and grabbed the article from my laptop bag and tossed it in his lap.

“JB3? Are you the mystery woman?” He was smirking. “What’s
the big deal?”

“Are you kidding me? Really? After what we’ve been through;
I deal with enough crap from those entitled asses I throw parties for, but to
be dating one of them?” Now I was just talking shit because I was totally
freaking out.

“Cassidy, I know what’s going on here.” I looked at him
doubtfully. “You really like him. You’ve never cared about what others thought
before, not since high school. You’re just making excuses because you’re scared
you’re going to get hurt.”

I started crying. “I am not!”
Damn, I hated when he was

“Ok, if you say so.” He went back to eating his pizza and I
did the same. After a few minutes he got himself more pizza, water and me
another drink. “I can’t tell you what to do. We all have a past; you know that
better than anyone. His just happens to be well documented. Don’t let his past
dictate your future. I know
have things you’d like to sweep under
the rug.”

Cal had a point. “You’re right. Sorry I freaked out. Thank

“Any time, sis. You know I’m here if you need to talk…or
kick some ass, even if it’s yours.” He grinned and ruffled my hair.

Smiling, I smacked his hand away. “Knock it off!”

“I need to go. You’re good here?” Nodding my agreement, I
stood up and he gave me a giant bear hug until I was giggling.

“Put me down!” He obliged and headed out the door and I
followed after him. I didn’t even ask him about his conversation with James.
“Hey, what did you two talk about this morning, anyways?”

He just shrugged his shoulders at me. “Bros before hoes, Cassidy.”
He was laughing as I rolled my eyes at him. He got in his truck and took off.

Unbelievable. Bros before hoes. What about sisters? Cal had
never liked any of the guys I dated. Of course he had never met any of them
either. This could be interesting.

Turning on my iPod, I selected
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
. The song reminded me of Holly. I cranked
it up before I sat back on the couch with another slice of pizza. I let the
music flow in me as I just vegged out. I was replaying the events of the
weekend over and over while lying on the couch. Several songs later, one I
hadn’t heard in a long time started playing. How ironic that it came on at that
moment. I sat and listened to it, loving it all over again. When the song ended
I got up and hit repeat, replaying the song.
Alter Bridge’s
boomed through the speakers. I listened to the song one more time before
turning it off and heading up to bed.




My plane landed and it was already late. I decided Mom could
wait until morning and headed straight to the hotel. I managed to get some
shut-eye on the plane and decided to get a workout in. After changing my
clothes, I headed down to the hotel fitness center. I was alone in the gym,
which wasn’t surprising given the late hour, and pretty much had the run of the
place. I jumped on a treadmill after lifting some weights and put my ear buds
in and selected my ‘workout’ playlist.

Cassidy was all I could help to think about as my legs
pounded away. She didn’t seem to care about my reputation, or she was clueless.
Guessing by her lack of magazines and papers around her place, I was convinced
she was clueless. I knew it could get ugly
And Melissa…I couldn’t even
think about her. Worst. Mistake. Ever.

A while later, I slowed the treadmill to a stop and noticed
I ran over ten miles; my goal was five miles every other day. I’d definitely be
hurting in the morning. Seeing it was close to two a.m., I grabbed a towel, a
bottle of water and headed back up to my room. After taking a shower, I checked
my email, and after firing off a few, I was thankful to be feeling drowsy. I
climbed into bed and let sleep take me over.

Light filled my room when I awoke. Grabbing the bedside
clock, I was surprised to see it was almost eight in the morning because I
rarely slept more than three to four hours in a row. I stretched, showered and
dressed in the span of twenty minutes. Wearing jeans and an oxford, I left my
hair down and headed out the door. The valet brought the rental around and I
jumped in to head to the clinic.

I checked in at the front desk and then made the trek to my
mother’s room.

“Jimmy!” She held my face between her hands and kissed me
before hugging me. “Oh, it’s good to see you, my boy. Let me look at you.” I
felt like I was twelve years old again. “Something’s different. Tell me how you
are? I was just headed to the cafeteria for some breakfast. Come on.” She
wrapped her arm around mine and we walked in silence for a few moments. She was
too thin, but looked better than she did at my last visit several weeks ago;
she had some color back in her cheeks.

I got an omelet, bacon and some orange juice while mom grabbed
two croissants to go with her eggs, fruit and coffee. When we sat down she
placed one of her croissants on my plate. “Jimmy, they’re delicious, you
have one.” I nodded as I dug in to my breakfast. “So, tell me about this

I started coughing, practically choking on my bite of
omelet. She was grinning from ear to ear. After I composed myself I glared at
her. “Talking to Dad, are you?” She put a cheesy grin on her face and waved her
hand at me in her usual ‘carry on’ manner. “There’s not much to tell.”

“I know better than that, Jimmy. Your Aunt Bev emailed me a
copy of that picture in the papers of you two. I’m sorry I missed the
masquerade, it looks like you had a marvelous time.”

“Knowing Aunt Bev,
the one who took the
picture.” I sighed. “She’s wonderful. She’s laid back, funny, beautiful,

She was beaming at me across the table. “You’re really taken
with her. Oh Jimmy, that makes me so happy. I never thought I’d see the day
when someone turned your head. And she’s not after you for your money?” It was
a question everyone would ask.

“She’s the most genuine person I know, Mom. I don’t think
she quite comprehends all the baggage I come with.”

“Dad said she’s a doll. I can’t wait to meet her and find
out for myself.” I looked at her with my brow all creased. “Honey, I’m coming
home. The holidays are coming and I miss my family.”

“What do the doctors say?”

“Jimmy, please let it go.” She wouldn’t look at me and
started devouring her breakfast.

She was evading the question. I slammed my silverware down a
little too hard and she jumped. “Sorry.” She tilted her head at me and feigned
a smile. “Mom, what do the doctors say?” I tried softening my tone.

“Jimmy, we knew it was a long shot. I have some tests today
and should have results in the next day or two. If this is going to be my last
Christmas, I want to spend it at home.”

I pushed my half eaten plate away from me. “Mom, don’t say
that.” Resting my head in my hands I felt her squeeze her frail frame around my

“My sweet boy. We’ve been fighting for years; I was told I
only had
. It’s been a good fight. No matter the results, I want
to go home. There’ll be no more discussion.” My throat was constricting and I
squeezed her hand. Defeated, I acknowledged my understanding and she sat back
down to finish her breakfast.


Chapter Fourteen






We proceeded with a day full of tests for Mom. I gave her
every appropriate detail about my time with Cassidy and she was the happiest
I’d seen her in a long time. After dinner we went back to her room, and I could
tell she was exhausted, so I insisted she go and get some rest and she did.

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