Read Indulgent Pleasures Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Indulgent Pleasures (25 page)

BOOK: Indulgent Pleasures
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“You’re okay with it?”
“Of course, it’s your job. Do I have a choice?”

“I just don’t want to—” He paused, his jaw tightening. She could tell this was hard for him, admitting this and it touched her heart, made her feel even shittier for what she was doing.

But better to be honest with him than lead him down the wrong path, right?


“I don’t want to lose you,” he said in a rush. “I know I’m probably pushing you so I’m going to lay off. I just want you to know that if you’re okay with it, I’m not going anywhere in regards to you, to us. I want to continue seeing you.”

“Okay,” Stephanie said slowly, surprise filling her and her stomach fluttered in response.
“You’re really okay with that?”
She nodded. “Yes, of course. I, um, enjoy spending time with you, Justin.”

The relief that shone in his smile made her feel even worse. She was such a fool, most likely messing up something that could end up being truly beautiful.

“I enjoy spending time with you too, Stephanie. A lot.” He kissed her again, this time his mouth more insistent, his tongue thrusting into her mouth, tangling with hers. His hard body crowded her, wrapped her tight in his embrace and her body responded in kind.

One more night. She’d give herself one more night and then she needed to distance herself from him. It was best, she knew it was best.

So why did she feel like crying?







Chapter Twenty-Three


For the first time in his life, Justin had put his heart on the line and Stephanie still rejected him. Not totally but close enough and he didn’t know what to do next.

Well, he knew what to do next. He’d already said he wanted to continue seeing her and she’d agreed. So if she wanted to continue this why had she been so resistant earlier? Had he come on too strong? Had he moved too fast?

Probably but hell, this had hit him fast, smacking into him out of nowhere. And he wanted to enjoy it, enjoy his time with her, get to know her better and not just sexually. Especially since he was leaving for his new job soon.

He would’ve flown her out to wherever he was on the weekends so they could’ve spent time together. But now he’d force that plan to the backburner for fear of freaking her out.

Shit. He couldn’t believe he was doing this. She had no clue what a big deal this was, revealing his true feelings to her.
And yet again, she threw him for a loop. Completely unpredictable, no way could he figure this woman out.
Maybe that was part of her appeal.

He’d led her back to his bedroom so he could show her how he felt versus telling her. Had a feeling he’d fucked it up royally with his choice of words but hell, he didn’t know what he was doing. He was a relationship newbie. Something that was hard to admit.

So instead of screwing it up more and inserting his foot deeper into his mouth, he decided to cup her beautiful face in his hands and kiss her, his thumbs stroking her cheeks. She responded immediately, her lips parting, tongue darting out to meet his. She moved closer, her arms slipping around his waist, holding him tight and he wondered what it was she didn’t like about him.

Always she responded as if she were made for him. There was an ease between them that was both comforting and arousing. Did she not see that? Did she not feel it?

He had no clue.

Slanting his head, he deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth and she answered in kind, her teeth nipping, tugging on his lower lip. Their hands were everywhere, shedding clothing until the two of them were naked, standing at the foot of his bed.

She pulled away and stared at him, her eyes wandering from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. He felt oddly vulnerable to her gaze, wondering what she thought, how she felt.

And then an idea formed in his head, one that would lay her bare, leave her open to him and he wanted that more than anything. Wanted her to realize how much she could trust him and how much he trusted her in return.

“Stephanie.” Her gaze met his and he swallowed hard. “I want to do—something.”
Her delicate brows drew down. “What do you want to do?”
Justin reached for her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. “I want to tie you up.”


* * *


Stephanie’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Come again?”
Justin nodded, his jaw tense. “You heard me. What do you think?”
She shook her head, stumbling around for words. “I—I don’t know what to think.”

Tugging on her hand, he drew her close. “Then don’t think, let’s just do it. Show me that you trust me, Stephanie. I won’t hurt you. I promise.”

“I know you would never hurt me, Justin.” She kept her expression somber. Without a doubt, she knew he would never harm a hair on her head. “But you really want to tie me up?”

He nodded, his other arm circling her around her waist, pulling her close to his hard, warm body. “Trust me, babe. I know how to make you feel good. You won’t regret it.”

“I know.” But his suggestion felt as if it came out of nowhere and she wondered what he might be trying to prove.

Yes, she trusted him, but to be naked and so vulnerable, unable to move while he pleasurably tortured her, indulged in her body. She wasn’t sure if she could take it. Wasn’t sure if she
to take it.

“Let me do this, Stephanie. If you want me to stop, just say the word.” He stared deep into her eyes and she noticed his were dark and sincere and full of sexual promise.

“Okay.” Oh, she gave into this man so easily.

“I’ll use some neckties.” He paused, a tentative smile on his face. She could tell he really wanted to do this. “I’ll keep the knots loose.”

Stephanie glanced down, staring at the pattern stitched into the carpet. She wanted to do this yet a part of her was scared. But why? What did she ever have to fear when it came to Justin?

Maybe it was the thought of giving up complete control. Doing this would be total surrender.
“Don’t have doubts, baby. This’ll be good.” He smiled, his expression full of promise.
“I know.” She did know. And she agreed because she wanted to make him happy.
“You won’t regret it.” He kissed her, his lips lingering, reassuring.

He left her to go to the giant dresser and open the top drawer, withdrawing a handful of ties. They were beautiful, colorful and probably cost more than most of the dresses she wore but she pushed that thought aside. How she hated comparing their lifestyles but she couldn’t help it. She did it on an almost constant basis.

Their lives were so different and that was something she couldn’t deny.

Quietly he stripped her, his hands gentle, his eyes heated as he drank her in. He then shed his clothing until there was nothing between them. Just glorious, naked skin.

“Why don’t you lie down on the bed?” Funny how his voice changed in an instant as did his mood. His voice was dark and silky yet held a thread of steel just beneath the surface. As if he wasn’t going to tolerate her protests at this moment.

She’d given her word and now he expected her to go through with it.

Stephanie slowly approached the bed and lay down. Adjusting herself so she would be comfortable and making sure she had a pile of pillows beneath her head. She watched as he went to work, his gorgeous naked body bending over her to tie first one wrist, then the other to the headboard. His skin gleamed in the golden light cast from the dimmed lamp that sat on the nightstand and the sight of his muscles working with his every movement made her breathless.

He was so beautifully built, so wondrously hard and masculine. His cock already stood at half mast and she wanted to reach out and touch, stroke him just the way he liked but she couldn’t.

She frowned. It was just as enjoyable touching him as when he touched her. She wasn’t sure if she’d be able to take this tonight.

Justin smiled when he finished tying off the last knot and he kissed her again, reassuring her without words that everything would be all right.

He tied her ankles to the footboard with two ties each, making it long enough so he could secure her to the large piece of furniture. The knots were loose, she could move with some ease but she was still utterly at his mercy.

And she had to admit as she lay there, watching him prepare her, she found it arousing.
“Are you comfortable?” He looked concerned and he smoothed a hand over her forehead, his touch gentle.
“Yes.” She tugged at the ties with her hands and felt them give a little.
He had one remaining tie in his hand. “What would you think if I wanted to blindfold you?”

She blinked up at him. Who was this man and where were these requests coming from? Was he angry that she’d been reluctant earlier when they talked? Was she making a mistake, giving him this advantage?

And when had it turned into giving each other an advantage? She’d always felt on equal footing with Justin sexually. This was nothing more than him wanting to give her pleasure, she was sure.

Well, she hoped.
She also couldn’t help but think what a great article this experience could turn out to be.
Yes, she really was a bitch.

“I guess I don’t mind,” she finally answered, her voice hesitant even to her own ears. It would probably heighten the experience, bringing her other senses alive since she wouldn’t be able to see him.

“It’ll make the experience even more intense.” The expression on his face was serious, his eyes glowing in the dim light and a pang touched her heart at the thought of not being able to see him when he made love to her.

But she would do this. For him—and because she was curious.

“Lift up,” he commanded and when she did so, he wrapped the tie around her head, covering her eyes. He tied it at the back of her head, the knot resting just at the base of her nape and she carefully laid back down when he was done.

“Can you see me?”
She shook her head, faint shards of light shining above and beneath the tie but she couldn’t make out anything. “Not at all.”
He drew his fingers down the length of her thigh, making her jump. “Relax, baby, I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I know.” And she did. Her entire body thrummed in anticipation, waiting for his touch, wondering what he would do next.

Justin was quiet, his hands slowly skimming all over her body. The only sound his breathing and hers and the mattress creaking as he shifted on the edge of the bed. She closed her eyes and relaxed, her body sinking into the mattress and she let his touch take over, take her away.

When his mouth brushed her shoulder, she gasped at the unexpected contact. He smiled, she could actually feel it against her skin and then his mouth drifted across her front, along her collarbone, down her chest, over her breasts.

Her nipples hardened, stiff and begging for his touch but he ignored them, lavishing attention on the valley of skin between her breasts, the sensitive area just beneath them.

She squirmed beneath his mouth, wanting more, wanting him to suck and lick her nipples. But she wouldn’t ask, she wouldn’t beg. She wasn’t that far gone.


“I love the way you taste, your soft skin, the way you smell.” His hot breath wafted across her, making her shiver. “It’s like I can’t get enough of you.”

Oh, this was pure torture, the way he touched her, the things he said. She already regretted the way she handled everything earlier and she was scared this would be one of the last nights she spent with him. His big hands cupped the undersides of her breasts, bringing them together and finally, finally he licked first one, then the other nipple, alternating between the two.

Stephanie arched into his hands, her arms straining against her restraints and he sucked one nipple deep into his mouth, lashing it with his tongue, his teeth gently biting. She cried out, unable to stop herself, her pussy wet with arousal and her belly clenched.

If he continued this she would probably come, something she had never done before just by having a man pay attention to her breasts. But her body had a mind of its own, so focused on what he was doing that she couldn’t help but react.

And react strongly.

“Feel good?” His harsh whisper around her nipple made her whimper and she nodded furiously, unable to speak.

He licked a nipple with slow, sure circles, around and around, getting her so wet. She tugged again at the ties, wishing she could touch him.

His rock hard cock brushed against her stomach when he moved and she wanted him to enter her, sink deep inside her and end this torture.

God, he’d only just begun.

“I want to lick you everywhere,” he murmured against her skin just before he proceeded to do so.

His tongue traveled the length of her body, along her quivering stomach, across her right hip, down her thigh, tickling her knee. He even licked her calf before he moved to the other leg, his hands cradling her foot, stroking her heel.

“I have a serious thing for your feet,” he admitted just before he dropped a kiss on her big toe.

“You do not.” Did he?

“I do. From the first moment I met you and had your foot in my lap, I’ve had a thing for these babies. Your pretty little toes, the sexy shades you paint them, almost always red.” He kissed her toe again, his tongue licking and she jumped, a little giggle escaping her.

BOOK: Indulgent Pleasures
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