Read Indulgent Pleasures Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Indulgent Pleasures (21 page)

BOOK: Indulgent Pleasures
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“Where the hell did you get that outfit?” He sounded choked even to his own ears.

“You like it?” She smiled and did a little twirl so fast her skirt flared in the back, giving him a view of her pert ass covered in sheer white panties.

The fishnets were thigh highs. Lord have mercy, he didn’t think he could take this.

“I fucking love it,” he growled as he shoved his hair back from his forehead. His skin was on fire and his cock was standing at full attention. “Uh, why are you wearing it?”

Why was she tempting him this way when she’d turned him down flat earlier? Doctor’s orders and all that crap.

“I’m your nurse and I’m here to take care of you. I want to see to your every need.” She plucked a strawberry from the bowl and dipped it in the thick cream, then held it out toward his mouth. “Hungry for a sweet treat?”

The only sweet treat he was hungry for was her. “Stephanie, what kind of game are you playing?”

Those luscious red lips formed into a pout and she rested one hand on her hip. He swore he saw a flash of nipple with her movement and he wanted to groan. He also wanted to curse out his doctor for putting him on bed rest.

He really wanted to curse out Stephanie for putting him through this exquisite torture.

“You told me your doctor said you couldn’t do any strenuous activity, right? Well, that doesn’t mean that I can’t
you, right?” A dark brow arched, the cream on the tip of the strawberry looking ready to drip.

Anticipation curled through his belly and he tensed with need. He liked the direction she was going. “What kind of services are you talking about?”

Smiling, she took a step closer, holding the strawberry closer to his mouth. “Why don’t you relax and let me do all the work, okay?”

She would get no protest from him.







Chapter Nineteen


“Scoot over.”

Justin did as she asked, giving her enough room so she could sit on the edge of the mattress. He was warm, his body heat seeping into her and she drew the strawberry slowly along the curve of his sensuous mouth, leaving a light trail of whipped cream in its wake.

He sat perfectly still, his eyes glittering as he stared at her and she met his gaze. “Mm, looks like I made a mess.”

She leaned in and licked at his lips, not touching him anywhere else, allowing her tongue to do a slow glide along first his lower lip, then his upper lip.

Sitting back, she saw his skin gleamed with perspiration and she reached for him, trailing her fingernails down a rock hard bicep.

God, he was strong and so sexy. She’d never tried role playing before, had always thought she couldn’t get into it but the minute she’d donned the outfit, a new sort of power had come over her that she couldn’t begin to explain.

“Here.” She brushed the tip of the strawberry against his mouth. “Open up.”

He did as she asked and she slipped the piece of fruit into his mouth. He bit down with strong white teeth, the juice from the plump fruit dripping onto his lips as he did so. She watched in fascination as he chewed and swallowed the bite, arousal moving through her in a slow, smoky haze.

“Was it good?” she asked.
Justin nodded, his gaze dropping to her chest for the briefest second before his eyes met hers once again. “Yes.”
“Would you like another bite?”

Unable to help herself, she leaned in and kissed him, her tongue licking at the remaining fruit juices and he groaned. His hand came up, clasping the back of her head and she withdrew from his touch, shaking her head slowly. “Relax and let me do all of the touching okay? I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Stephanie.” Her name was a protest as he dropped his hand, she saw it in his eyes but she wasn’t about to give in. Even though all she wanted was his hands all over her.

This moment was all about him. He was a selfless lover, he always made sure to meet her needs and tonight, she was going to push her needs aside and give her all to him.

He deserved it.

“Justin,” she mimicked his tone, a little smile curving her lips. Grabbing another strawberry, she dragged it through the sweet cream and then held the fruit in front of his mouth.

He opened automatically, taking a big bite and again the light red juice coated his lips, along with a smidge of whipped cream. She allowed her gaze to wander and noticed that he’d taken off his shirt once more. She had all of that gleaming hard muscle to play with. To touch and stroke and cover in whipped cream.

Yum, yum, yum.

Dipping her finger into the cream, she held it to Justin’s mouth and he wrapped his lips around it, sucking hard, his tongue licking. Her belly fluttered, her nipples tightening against the straining fabric of her uniform. She wore no bra since she’d wanted to give Justin a little surprise.

“Tastes good,” he murmured when he finally released her finger and her pussy gave a little clench in response.

She loved his mouth, the way he kissed, the way he spoke. She could stare at it all day, watching it move when he talked, relishing the way he kissed her. She leaned in and pressed her mouth to his, teasing him with her tongue, sucking and nibbling on his lower lip. He tasted like strawberries and sweet cream and something else, something she’d never been able to put her finger on yet noticed every time he kissed her.

He tasted like Justin. And that was her favorite taste of all.

His murmur of pleasure rippled through her, reminding her of her task at hand. Reluctantly withdrawing from him, she scooped up more cream and drew her finger along his chest, dotting him with little mountains of white.

A lazy half smile crossed his face as he stared down at his chest. “Nice. Trying to dirty me up?”

“I’m trying to sweeten you up.” She shifted, her face hovering above his chest and she breathed his delectable scent deep into her lungs, savoring it.

From the corner of her eye, she watched him watch her, his chest still, as if he were holding his breath. Maybe he was, which only made the anticipation that much more sweet, made her linger that much longer above him. And then finally,
she dipped her head, her tongue laving the dollops of cream from his heated skin one after the other.

His eyes slid closed and he sighed, arching up the slightest bit. She smothered each of his hard nipples with cream and sucked first one, then the other into her mouth.

Justin reached for her and she ducked, shaking her head when he opened his eyes. “No touching remember? This is all about you.”

“Damn it, Stephanie,” he growled, his expression a mask of frustration.

A thrill zipped through her. She didn’t realize she’d get such a kick out of this. “Just put your hands behind your head and enjoy, Justin. Trust me.”

“Oh, I trust you, baby. I just like touching you while you touch me.”

His admission spread warmth throughout her body and moisture gathered between her legs. She rubbed her thighs together, suddenly aching, and he didn’t miss her movements.

“I can make you feel good, too, you know.” His low, dangerously persuasive voice almost made her cave.


Ignoring his words, she shifted and grabbed the sheet that covered him, yanking it down. He wore black jersey shorts, the front of them straining from his impressive erection and she touched him there, her fingers light, barely grazing him.

He groaned, his hips bucked and she marveled at how easily she aroused him. She felt strong, powerful and without hesitation, her fingers curled around the waistband of his shorts, tugging them down until his cock sprang free.

“No underwear?” She pulled his shorts down his legs and off, tossing them onto the floor.

He lay before her gloriously bare and all hers to lavish attention upon. His eyes opened, his gaze burning into hers and she leaned over him, offering him a tantalizing glimpse of her cleavage.

Justin licked his lips, propping himself up on the pillows beneath him. “I was lazy today.”

“I like you lazy.” Her fingers drifted across his rock hard belly, tracing every indentation and dip of muscle and flesh. His body was like a work of art, truly the most beautiful man she’d ever had the privilege to touch and feast upon. She wanted to get her fill tonight.

Scooping up more whipped cream with the tips of two fingers, she spread it over his belly, watching it slowly melt from the warmth of his skin. Quickly, she licked his belly, the cream dissolving on the tip of her tongue, his body heat scorching.

The insistent nudge of his cock thrilled her, but she wanted to take her time, tease him until he was a quivering mass of begging flesh. She ignored his cock and moved closer, straddling his belly. Her wet panties brushed against his hard stomach and for that brief moment, she would’ve given anything to move down a little and let his cock press against her most intimate spot.

But she didn’t, she couldn’t. There would be no intercourse tonight. She wasn’t about to hurt him or give him too hard of a workout. He needed to take care of himself and she wasn’t about to be responsible for making his condition even worse.

His hands automatically went to her waist, his long, thick fingers gripping her, scorching hot through the thin fabric of her uniform. “I wish I would’ve had this type of treatment while I was in the hospital.”

She laughed and braced her hands on his pecs. “I’m sure you do.”

He smiled in return. “Hell, yes. None of the nurses were as pretty as you, though.”

Stephanie loved how he always complimented her and made her feel good. She decided to reward him by unbuttoning the top of her uniform, undoing each little button nice and slow, revealing her naked skin inch by inch.

He watched, his eyes riveted to her chest, his breathing accelerated, his lips parted. She nudged the fabric aside, flashing him a glimpse of one breast, distended nipple and all and he swallowed hard.

“Wow,” he breathed as if he’d never seen her naked before.

Adjusting the top so both of her breasts popped out, she sat on top of him, feeling wicked and more than a little naughty. Her skirt hiked up from her position, revealing the top edge of her fishnet thigh highs and her breasts hanging out of her top. Her soaking wet panties settled against his hard stomach and she gripped his shoulders. She was hanging over him like some sort of offering.

She was the naughty nurse about to take advantage of her more than willing patient.

“Hell Stephanie, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” His expression was pained, his jaw tight and she leaned down to press the sweetest kiss to his lips.

“If this is too much for you to handle I’ll stop,” she whispered against his mouth, her tongue darting out to lick.

His hands moved up, cupping her breasts and she moaned low in her throat. This wasn’t part of the plan, he wasn’t supposed to touch her. She was supposed to only touch him.

But she couldn’t stop him because secretly, she didn’t want to. His touch felt far too good.

“Don’t you dare stop.” He kneaded her breasts, his thumbs flicking her nipples. She arched into his touch and he lifted his head, his lips wrapping around one nipple and sucking hard.

Electric heat flashed through her body at his touch and she cried out, moaning his name when he switched to the other nipple. He sucked and licked, his mouth wet and hot and driving her crazy.

“Justin.” She shoved at his shoulders but he wouldn’t stop. His cock nudged against her ass and if she slipped down just the tiniest bit, pushed her panties aside he would be inside her, thick and hot and fucking her to oblivion.

No. Not tonight. She shoved at him again and his mouth broke from her flesh with an audible pop. He stared up at her, his lips damp, his breathing coming fast and hard and she pushed him again, his head hitting the pile of pillows.

She didn’t say a word as she slithered down his body, her mouth blazing a path the entire way down. She licked the dark trail of hair that led from his navel down his lower stomach, licked the hollows of his hips. He twitched beneath her mouth, she knew she was driving him crazy and that was the idea.

Gripping the base of his cock, she brought him to her mouth. She stared at him, at the little dot of pre-come that pearled in the slit of his cock and leaning forward, she delicately licked it. His taste mingled on her tongue, warmed her belly and she traced the velvety head of his cock with the tip of her tongue.

Settling between his legs, she stroked him, gripping him hard, just the way he liked it. He tilted his head, his gaze meeting hers and she thrilled at the passionate fire she saw in his eyes.

Oh yes, she was definitely going to enjoy this.


* * *


Stephanie was slowly killing him. No way was he going to last, no way could he endure such sweet torture. Her slim fingers wrapped so tight around his cock, her tongue flicking against the tip of him.

Justin wanted to lift his hips and shove his cock deep into her mouth. Wanted to see those lush lips wrap tight around his length and suck him.

He wanted to fuck her mouth until he came with a shout, shooting his semen down her throat and watch her swallow it all.

Fuck, he was positively primitive tonight. Not that he should be surprised. He felt like that every time he was with Stephanie.

“Suck me,” he commanded and she did so, not even hesitating. Her lips wrapped around the head of his cock and she slowly slid down, nearly taking him all the way in, until he bumped the back of her throat.

Up and down, up and down, she sucked him, her tongue swirling all around. Reaching around, she cupped his balls and he groaned at the sensation. He was sensitive there and she was always careful but he also liked that thrill of the unknown. Of not knowing how she was going to touch him next.

Stephanie continued diving upon his cock, putting on a show just for him. Loud slurps, the little moaning sounds she made that came from deep within her vibrated around his cock. He lifted his hips with a subtle thrust and he watched as his glistening cock went in and out of her mouth, loving the way she looked, the glow in her eyes as she pleasured him.

BOOK: Indulgent Pleasures
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