Read Indulgent Pleasures Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Indulgent Pleasures (9 page)

BOOK: Indulgent Pleasures
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His heart lurched in his chest, irritation causing him to sigh and swig back another swallow of beer. He wasn’t a big drinker especially during the season and it was a hard habit to break even though he wasn’t playing anymore.

Going with the team to Colorado had been a mistake. What he thought would be therapeutic had only made him wistful, pissed at the idiot who crashed into him and fucking ruined his career.

He felt lost, as if he had no options. Money was no object, he really shouldn’t complain. He had enough to last him ten lifetimes but he wanted to actually
something with his life. Not sit on his ass and count his dollar bills.

His life had been baseball since he was eleven and in Little League. He’d signed up because his grandma told him it was something he should do to occupy his time.

Once he’d started playing, he’d fallen in love with the game. It had helped him forget everything shitty in his life. Like how his mother had died when he was too young to remember her and his father had ditched him with his grandma because he couldn’t handle the responsibility of raising a child alone.

So his poor old grandmother had done it instead. And she’d done the best she could, considering she had zero income and a tired body and mind. Once he’d turned thirteen if Justin wasn’t in school or on the ball field, he was working. Earning money to help with groceries, utility bills, whatever needed to be paid that week.

It had felt good to give his grandma a brand new house his first season with the Miners. She’d passed five years ago, full of pride and love for him and he still missed her.

Once she’d died, he had no one. No one but his teammates and they were his friends, hell they were the closest thing to family he had. It never bothered him and he’d always been satisfied.

Lately he hadn’t felt satisfied whatsoever. He believed it had everything to do with Stephanie.

He’d missed her the entire time he was in Colorado. Almost hated himself for it, too. He’d resisted the urge countless times to call her just to hear her voice.

But what was happening between them had nothing to do with sharing and growing and everything to do with lots of hot sex.

So why did he want more? Why was he wishing she’d pull the usual female stunt he experienced and chase his ass as if she wanted to bag him? For once in his life, he was tempted to allow himself to get bagged.

And the woman he wanted didn’t want to do it. Talk about freaking ironic.

Glancing at the door yet one more time, Justin reached for his cell phone, ready to call her. He was worried. The weather had been for shit all day and now it was raining. For all he knew something could’ve happened to her. Something bad.

Quit acting like an old woman and sit tight. She’s fine.

He set the phone on the counter next to his glass and stared morosely at it, willing it to light up with a call from her.

But no call came and he waited for another fifteen minutes, silently seething until she finally came through the door, a wet and bedraggled mess with a frazzled expression on her face.

“I’m sooo sorry.” She stopped just in front of him, her shoulders sagging. Her hair was a mess, long pieces of it had fallen out of her ponytail and hung limp around her face, black mascara smudged a little beneath her eyes. “I took the bus here and we were stuck in traffic forever because of some accident and then I was frustrated and got off the bus before the stop and walked the rest of the way here.”

“You took the
” He stared at her, drinking in the white dress she wore. It should’ve looked prim with its ruffled neck and front, the little pearl buttons and tied fabric belt cinched around her waist. The skirt hit her well below the knees, the fabric filmy and dotted, though he could tell it had another layer of material beneath. She also wore red shoes. He’d noticed she had a thing for red shoes.

Even angry and with Stephanie looking like a drowned rat, she was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

“Well yeah, I wanted to meet you and I don’t normally drive my car into the city. I always park it at the Bart station close to my house and ride in every morning.”

“I would’ve come and got you at your work.”

Her eyes widened the slightest bit and she shook her head, the wet strands of her hair slapping her in the face. “Oh no, it’s okay. I’m here now, right?”

“You should’ve called.” His voice sounded tight, he knew she noticed but damn it, it pissed him off, what she did. And it worried him, too.

She pulled out her cell phone and showed it to him. “It’s dead. I forgot to charge it last night I think. It’s either that or the cell battery has decided to fail me permanently.”

“You should get a new phone. It’s not safe to not have one, especially for you, a single, beautiful woman in the city.”
She smiled and touched his forearm, her fingers burning his skin. “Always my protector, aren’t you?”
“You fucking need it,” he practically growled.

Stephanie reared back, a slight frown curling her mouth downward. She wore no lipstick, just those natural, peachy puckered lips in all of their bare glory and the urge to kiss her was so strong he clenched his hands into fists.

“Are you mad at me?” Her voice was quiet, her gaze meeting his and he shook his head, forced himself to let it go.

But he couldn’t let it go. Couldn’t let
of it go. She’d been driving him crazy from the day he’d met her and he couldn’t take it anymore.

He needed to either purge her from his system or bring her into his life and never let her go.
She sat on the barstool next to his, resting her clutched hands on the edge of the counter and watched him expectantly.
“Want something to drink?”
“No, thank you.” She shook her head.

Ah hell, why had she wanted to meet at the bar then? It had been her idea to come here and she’d left him waiting for nearly an hour when he could’ve solved everyone’s problems by picking her up and taking her back to his place.

“Want to get out of here?” He pushed himself away from the counter and stood, towering over her and she looked especially fragile, damp and clad all in white.

His cock actually surged to life and disgust filled him. So predictable. One look at her and he was ready to jump her bones. He had no control when it came to this woman and sometimes, like right about now, he didn’t like it.

At all.
“Where do you want to go?”
“My place—remember?” His snide tone wasn’t earning him any points.
She studied him, pressing her lips together and then she slid off the barstool. “You’re in a bad mood.”

He shrugged, started walking through the small crowd of people and toward the door. He knew she was right behind him, he could feel her, could smell her delicious floral scent. “I’m fine.”

“No you’re not.” They walked out into the gray early evening and the rain had turned into a drizzle. Just enough to get him wet and Stephanie even wetter. “I think you’re angry at me for making you wait. I’m sorry. Everything worked against me tonight. I’m surprised I even made it here. Maybe considering your mood I should just go home and we can do this another time.”

She turned to walk away but he grasped her by the upper arm, hauling her back against him. She rested her hands against his chest, her fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt and she stared up at him. She was breathing hard, her breasts rubbed against his chest with her every quick inhale and exhale and he wanted to cup them. Tear off her clothing and suck a pretty pink nipple into his mouth.

“You’re coming home with me,” he said just before he kissed her, his mouth hard and punishing, his tongue thrusting between her lips.

He thought she would wrench away, tell him to fuck off and hell, he wouldn’t blame her if she did. They were in front of the bar right on the sidewalk and he figured she’d be humiliated, being mauled in such a fashion in front of anyone who happened to walk by.

But she didn’t walk away and she definitely didn’t tell him to fuck off. No, she wrapped her arms around him, her hands clutching the back of his head, her fingers tunneling in his damp hair. Her mouth moved against his, slowing him down, gentling the kiss and he was helpless, could only follow her lead.

Justin caved with a groan, his lips softening, his tongue not quite as punishing. She moaned, sucked his tongue inside her mouth and she pressed her breasts against his chest in a blatant invitation. He touched her there, cupping first one breast, then the other, marveling at the delicate softness of the fabric of her dress. Remembering just how soft that skin was beneath the dress.

“We need to get out of here,” he muttered as their mouths pulled apart. He glanced toward the window of the bar. No one was paying attention to them but that could change in an instant.

Last thing he wanted was to get caught. Everyone knew who he was and he didn’t want to hit the gossip rags trying to get in a woman’s panties on a public street. He’d resisted looking like a fool pretty much his entire career. He didn’t want to start now.

“Yes,” she agreed, her teeth nipping, tugging on his lower lip. Her hand slipped between them, her fingers curling around the waistband of his jeans and his cock surged painfully against his fly.

His anger had transferred to passion, all of it for her. He wasn’t in the mood for sweet and searching. He wanted it rough and hard and all-consuming.

He wanted it now.

Breaking away from her, he grabbed her hand and they started down the sidewalk in silence. He’d parked down the street at a small parking garage and he didn’t know if he’d make it that far without mauling her again.

“It’s so cold.”

She wore no jacket, hell neither did he and he pulled her closer, slipping his arm around her slim shoulders. She shivered beneath his touch, her face pressing against his chest for a brief moment and they continued on in the darkening and drizzly night.

“I’m parked just right up there,” Justin said with a nod toward the three story parking garage looming up ahead. “We’ll get you warm in a minute.”

Determination filled him and he hurried his steps, her feet moving twice as fast to keep up with him. He told himself he was rushing to get her out of the wet, cold night.

But really, he was desperate to touch her again, somewhere private and quiet. He was so worked up he wanted to fuck her anywhere he could just to feel her tight, wet heat wrap around him, to pound inside her pussy until he came with a shout.

He made a sharp right and through the plain door of the parking garage and they raced up the cement steps to the second floor where his car was parked. He’d removed his arm from her shoulders though he still held her hand and her fingers trembled in his.

From nerves or from the cold? He didn’t know.

His car was parked in a dark corner with no other cars close to it. He slowed his steps and their footfalls echoed against the thick concrete walls. Her heels clicked, mirroring his step for step and he stopped at the back of his car, turning to look at her.

Stephanie halted, her eyes going wide and she pushed a straggle of hair away from her face. She waited, not saying a word though her breathing was accelerated. The quick rise and fall of her full breasts a dead giveaway.

He couldn’t keep his eyes off her tits. He felt like a shit but all he could think about was her creamy skin, the pert pink nipples that always tasted so sweet. Licking his lips, it was as if he could taste them now. Feel her nipple grow even harder beneath his tongue, the sweet gasps and moans she gave whenever he sucked them. The eager little tugs and pulls on his hair from her desperate fingers.

Without thought he reached for her, taking her to the corner where two walls met which stood directly next to his car. It was dark, semi-private and no one could see them if they drove by.

But they would certainly see them if they walked by.

She hit the back of the wall with a soft thud, her breath whooshing out of her in a long exhale. He pressed against her, his hands cradling her back from the rough concrete, his mouth taking hers in a rough, carnal kiss.

One of his hands went to the front of her dress, undoing each tiny pearl button as fast as he could. His fingers shook, his hard-on raged and he could barely stand the speed he was working at.

He wanted to be faster, wanted this to happen easier. His knee throbbed from the damp and the rain and damn, he wanted nothing more than to fuck her against the wall but he wasn’t sure if his knee could support it, support her.

Weak. He felt weak, a constant reminder of his life-altering injury.

“Justin.” She said his name on a whimper, her head tilting back against the wall.

He spread the top of her dress open, exposing her chest and his breath stalled in his throat. Her skin was damp, her breasts covered in beige-colored sheer fabric that seemed to sparkle. It was edged with delicate cream lace and her lush flesh looked ready to spill from the fragile cups.

“Goddamn.” The fairly innocent yet fashionable way she dressed was such a contrast to the sexy lingerie beneath.

He fucking loved it. Undressing her was like unwrapping a present and anticipating the surprise every single time.

She thrust her chest out, begging for his touch without saying a word and he took her up on the offer. He cupped her breasts, his index fingers and thumbs coming together to pinch her nipples and she bit down hard on her lower lip, unable to muffle the little moan that escaped.

“Beautiful,” he whispered, one hand slithering around her to undo the clasp at her back. With his other hand, he tugged the bra down, revealing her breasts and he leaned forward, drawing a nipple into his mouth.

A needy whimper came from above and he laved the hardened flesh with his tongue, cupping her other breast, kneading her supple flesh. His cock ached to be inside her, his entire body straining with lust and he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop and take her back home and do it properly.

BOOK: Indulgent Pleasures
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