Inequities (11 page)

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Authors: Jambrea Jo Jones

Tags: #Wereshifter/Paranormal

BOOK: Inequities
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join the mile high club?” Russ waggled his eyebrows at her.

Vivian laughed. She was sure that was what he’d intended all along. Russ held out his hand and she entwined their fingers. He squeezed it before kissing the top and putting them on his thigh. Warmth radiated from his pants.

Feeling naughty, Vivian let her fingers move to the crotch of Russ’ pants. No one could see what she was doing. She caressed him through the denim. He pulsed under her control. She wanted him.
He might have joked about the mile high club, but if she could have him inside her right now she’d be a happy fox.

She was turning into a little sex fiend. There was something about Russ that pushed all her buttons.

Russ rocked up into her palm. He took their joined hands and pressed hard, sandwiching her free hand between pants and skin.

“I want,” Vivian simply stated.

Russ groaned and let go only to reach for her and unzip her pants. Vivian looked around. Peter and Grey were doing a good job of ignoring each other and Ryerson had his head down looking at his feet.

She could do this. She popped the button on his jeans and slid the zipper down. Russ wasn’t wearing any underwear and sprung free. God, she wanted a taste. She would have it too. The seats were high enough that the others would have to stand to see over them to really know what it was she was doing. And Russ seemed more than willing to go at her pace.

Vivian bent over and swallowed him whole. He bucked up, causing her to gag. She pulled back a little then took him in fully again. She felt him at the back of her throat and hummed. She glanced up to see him watching her. He bit at his hand so he wouldn’t make a sound. She rewarded him by swallowing with his cock at the back of her throat.

His hairs tickled her nose and his balls were right there. She didn’t want to release his dick. Instead she tugged on them. Not too hard, just a pull. He came so hard she almost couldn’t take it all in.

Russ dragged her up his body and took her mouth in a kiss, finally releasing a moan that only she could hear. Who was she fooling? There was no way that the three men in the back didn’t know what was going on. They were shifters after all. She was sure they could smell her arousal, but she didn’t care. Russ made her wild with desire.

Not letting go of her mouth, Russ’ hands went exploring. She rocked in to his touch, needing the friction. She wanted to come so badly. It would be better around his cock, but she would take what she could get. She was so wet. His finger slipped inside her pussy.
Her underwear held his digits tight against her. He used another finger. One hand played with her breast, tweaking her nipples through her shirt, the other had three fingers inside her now. Every once in a while he’d flick her clit. His mouth never left hers. He swallowed all of her noise.

Vivian’s orgasm rolled through her body. She bit at Russ’ mouth, wanting a deeper kiss. He gave her everything she wanted and more. When she came down from her rush her mate had adjusted himself and straightened up her clothes as well.

Her early trepidation forgotten, she snuggled in. Her body melted into his. All flights should be this nice. She sighed when Russ brushed a kiss on her forehead.

“Love you,” he whispered.

“Love you too.” And she did. More than she ever thought possible.


* * * *


Russ couldn’t believe his angel. He never would have guessed she’d be one for public sex. Granted, they had been hidden by the chairs, but they were all shifters. The boys in the back knew what they were doing. But thank God they didn’t say anything. He didn’t want Vivian embarrassed by her bold display.

And it had been. Bold. Russ had been joking about mile high clubs.
But damn, what a way to pass the time.
He grabbed a blanket he’d brought with him and covered them both. He couldn’t sleep, but he enjoyed watching her.
So peaceful.
He knew that wouldn’t last when they met up with her parents. He hated that he was putting her through this, but they needed closure and help. Russ hoped her parents were under some sort of control that could be broken and there wouldn’t be trouble.

Of course, they still needed to find Ryerson’s magical source. Maybe when they did the hatred would fade. He would hate to deny his children family.

Wait—children? Where did that thought come from? He wasn’t ready for that. Not yet. He wanted to enjoy getting to know Vivian first. But it was a nice thought.
A daughter who looked just like his snow queen.
A boy who took after him?
Impossible dreams.
Or they were at one time. Now he believed anything was possible.

“Russ?” Peter hovered next to the chair.

“What can I do for you Peter?” he whispered.

“Just going to the head and wanted to let you know so you could help Grey keep an eye on Ryerson. Not that I think he’ll try anything, but you can’t be too careful.”

“Grey is it?” Russ teased.

r face went rosy. It was hard to tell sometimes with his bronze skin, but he looked good flushed. Maybe things were progressing better than he thought.


“Don’t worry about it Peter. Go on. I’ll listen for anything unusual.”

The man scurried away. Peter needed to let loose. Not that Greycen seemed to be the kind of man who had a lot of fun. Both
and his sister were stoic people. But Peter needed to belong. And Greycen was fiercely loyal. When he found out how Peter’s family had beaten him and thrown Peter out of the pack at such a young age
would go ballistic. Russ just hoped he could keep the fox in check. They were going to have to do something about Peter’s tribe sooner or later if word really did leak out about shifters.


maybe letting
loose on them would work.

He would never actually let
decimate the other pack no matter how much he wanted to see them hurt for what they had done to Peter, but that was the past.

Russ really hoped that was something they could change. The Ancients liked to tease with worse case scenarios.

“You sicken me.”

Russ wasn’t expecting the blow to the head or to hear Ryerson speak. He had enough wits about him to shift Vivian out of the way. What had happened to
? There was no way Ryerson could have got past the fox. Was he still alive?

Ryerson came at him again, but Russ was able to dodge him. Somehow the man had a knife. How was that possible?

A roar filled the cabin and the blur that was Peter charged Ryerson. The knife flew and clattered to the ground. Peter pounded his fist into Ryerson.
One after the other.
The man had stopped moving, but Peter didn’t stop hitting.

Russ shook his head, trying to clear his vision before pulling the other wolf away. He soothed him with gentle shushing noises. Vivian had woken up during the commotion and ran back towards Greycen.

“He’s dead. I killed him.” Peter rocked back and forth.

Russ looked over at Ryerson, but the crazy man’s chest moved up and down. He wasn’t sure why Peter was so concerned about the drugged up fox.

“No you didn’t. He’s unconscious. You didn’t kill anyone.”

“I didn’t kill Grey? He’s okay?”

Russ was confused. “No, you didn’t kill Ryerson.”

r spat towards the prone body. “Who gives a fuck about that piece of scum?”

“You have to be clearer here, Peter. What are you talking about?”

“I—I got up to go to the bathroom. When I got there I noticed my knife was gone. I rushed back, but by the time I got here Ryerson was attacking you and Grey. Oh my god. Grey.” Peter scrambled out of his arms and rushed to the bleeding man’s side.

Russ asked.

“He’s breathing. He needs to shift. Do we have any medical supplies on board? I want to stop the bleeding.” Vivian placed a hand on Peter’s head, tangling her fingers to get his attention.

Russ left to go to the cockpit. The first aid kit was by the doors. He hurried back to hear Vivian speaking.

“He’s okay.”

r was now in the chair beside Greycen. Ryerson still hadn’t moved. That was probably for the best. The state Peter was in now there was no telling what he would do. Not that Russ would blame him. Peter held onto

“I’m sorry.
So sorry.”
Peter whispered over and over, kissing the fingers in his grip.

“Don’t.” The words were rusty, but Greycen was awake. That was good.

Russ passed over the kit to Vivian so she could get to work. He went to Ryerson and did a body check. The man seemed clear of weapons. Now he needed to find something stronger to tie him up with. Somehow he had used the knife to cut through his other bonds. Russ found some duct tape on the floor and shrugged.

He picked up Ryerson and put him in a single chair by the front and went to town with the tape covering the man from chest to feet. He wasn’t budging. Satisfied the man wouldn’t move
Russ went to the back of the plane.

Greycen had a blanket over his lap and Peter hovered by his side.
Like he wasn’t sure where he could touch.

“Peter, sit down,” Russ demanded.

r didn’t hesitate and sat next to Greycen.

“He shifted once, but he might have to do it again here in a few. He’s too weak right now. The bleeding has stopped. So that’s good. What happened?” Vivian wrapped her arms around him and he held her close.

“It seems he somehow got a hold of Peter’s knife and used it.”

“That’s why he feels guilty.” Vivian gnawed at her lip.

Russ soothed it with his finger.

“Well, he needs to stop.” Vivian was firm on that issue and crossed her arms over her chest.

“You tell him that.” He grinned.

“I will.” Vivian moved to do just that, but Russ stopped her.

“I was kidding. Let him be. He’ll pamper Greycen a little and maybe it will help him get over the fact he thinks he is an abomination that doesn’t deserve a mate.”

“Oh. Well. Shit.” Vivian deflated.

Russ looked at Vivian. She didn’t curse often and when she did he had to pause for a moment and try not to laugh.

That’s why I told Greycen to give him some time.”

“Good call, but sooner or later, Greycen won’t be able to wait any longer.”

“I know. Look at me. I’m an idiot for waiting as long as I did.”

“I won’t disagree.” Vivian smirked at him. “But my den is not the place for Peter to realise that he is who he is. They are hateful to anyone not ’normal’ to their expectations. You
a fox and straight. Different is not tolerated.”

“What Peter needs to see is that his family sees him for who he really is and nobody else should matter. We give him the love he needs. He’ll come around.”

“If anyone says anything—I’ll kill them.” Vivian was seething.

“There’s my little vixen. I’ll hand you the gun. Now let’s leave them alone. I was enjoying my in-flight entertainment before we were so rudely interrupted.”

Vivian’s face was a deep red, but her eyes sparkled. He loved her naughty side and hoped it came out to play more. He checked on Ryerson and settled them into their seat and hoped the rest of the flight was uneventful.

Chapter Ten




Vivian wasn’t ready to get off the plane and face her parents. She couldn’t think of them as family anymore. That was Russ’ pack. And she just wanted to go back to them and get to know the individual members. But she had faith in Russ and he said it had to be done.

No matter what Russ thought, her parents were bigots. She didn’t think any kind of drug would force that reaction. She was lucky that they never knew for sure that Grey was gay or he would have never been her protector.

“Come on. They’re waiting on us.” Russ whispered in her ear.

“I—” She sighed. “I know.” She edged her way off the plane.

She was the first to get off, Russ close behind her. Ryerson followed at gunpoint. And Peter used his shoulder to help Grey walk while holding the weapon on Ryerson. Vivian knew Peter would shoot Ryerson with little to no provocation. She felt like the pied piper with her merry bunch marching behind her. What ever happened, she was ready to be out of Ryerson’s presence. He oozed hatred from every pore of his being. She needed to take a shower after being near him.

“Vivian. Good to see you.” Her mother nodded to her, but didn’t hold out her arms for a hug.

Vivian shouldn’t be surprised, but it still hurt.

She nodded back. “I’d like to introduce you to Russell Masters, my mate.
As well as Peter Tyler, a member of our pack.
Guys, this is my mother, Roberta

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