Infamy (46 page)

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Authors: Richard Reeves

Tags: #History, #Military, #World War II, #United States, #20th Century, #State & Local, #West (AK; CA; CO; HI; ID; MT; NV; UT; WY)

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Matsumoto, Roy

Matsumura, Clarence

Matsura, Yoshimi

Maw, Herbert

Mayekawa, Paul

Mayer, Arizona

McClatchy, V. S.

McCloy, John J.

evidence suppression and
executive order and

McCormick, Anne O’Hare

McGehee, Arkansas

McLemore, Henry

McNary, Helen

McPherson, Aimee Semple

McWilliams, Carey

Merced Assembly Center

Meriwether, David

Merritt, Ralph

Messina, Italy


Meyer, Joe


Midway, Battle of

Military Intelligence Service (MIS)

military service.
See also specific battles, individuals, and military units

anti-Japanese racism despite
camp closings and
Fair Play and
Nisei draft status and
number of Nisei in

military zones or areas

Area No. 1
Area No. 2

Miller, Bert

Miller, Virgil

Minaga, Yul

Mineta, Kunisaku

Mineta, Norman

Minidoka Relocation Center

army recruitment from



Missoula, Montana, prison

Missouri state legislature

Mitsui Export

Miwa, Dick

Mix, Tom

mixed-marriage non-exclusive policy

Miyatake, Toyo

Mizukami, Bill

Mizukami, Robert

Moab, Utah, prison

Mola Vical, Emilio


, USS (tanker)

Monterey, California

Montgomery, Bernard

Morgenthau, Henry

Morimoto, Yasuko

Mount Holyoke College

Munemori, Sadao S.

Munson, Curtis B.

Murata, Hideo

Murphy, Frank

Murrow, Edward R.

Museum of Modern Art

Mussolini, Benito

Mutual Broadcasting Company

“My Day” (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Myer, Dillon

Myitkyina Island


Najima, Irene

Najima, Jahachi

Nakada, James

Nakahara, Seiichi

Nakahara, Yuri

Nakamura, George

Nakashima, Shig

Namba, Isso

Naples, Italy


National Academy of Sciences

National Guard

National Portrait Gallery

Native Americans

Native Sons of the Golden West

naturalization law of 1790


Nazi Germany

concentration camps

Nazi submarines

NBC radio


Nehru, Jawaharlal

Neill, Kenneth

(fishing boat)


New Jersey

New Mexico National Guard

New Republic

New World Sun

New York Herald Tribune

New York State

New York Times

New York Yankees

Nice, Connie

Nichiren Buddhist Church (Los Angeles)

Ninety-Third Bomb Group

Ninth Air Force

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

Nisei (second generation)

army service by
camp closings and
citizenship of
college studies and
Congressional Medal of Honor and
declared eligible for draft
Eleanor Roosevelt and
Issei tensions with
join army
killed in Europe
Kuroki encourages to enlist
loyalty oaths and
missing in action
Munson on loyalty of
postwar lives of
pro-Japan factions and
Ringle on loyalty of
term defined


Nisei Writers and Artists Mobilization for Democracy

Nishioka, Sagi

Nishioka family

Nitta, Alice

Nitto family

Nixon, Richard

Noguchi, Isamu

Noguchi, Yonejirō

No Japs Incorporated

Noji, Mamoru

Nomura, Fred

Nomura, Kiyoko

“No-No Boys”

Norimasu, Henry K.

Normandy invasion

North Africa

Northern California Committee for Fair Play

North Platte church

North Portland Livestock Pavilion Assembly Center

Nuremberg trials

Oak Grove High School (Hood River)

Oakland, California

“Champions of Justice” Gallery

Oakland Tribune

Oda, James

Oda, Mary Sakaguchi

Office of Naval Intelligence

Office of War Information

Ogawa, Louise

Ohama, Abraham


Ohtaki, Paul

Oiye, George

Okamoto, Shoichi James

Okamoto family

Olson, Culbert

Olympia, Washington

Omura, James

One Hundredth Infantry Battalion

141st Regiment.
Lost Battalion

1399th Engineers Construction Battalion

Operation Tidal Wave

Operation Z

Oppenheim, Joanne

Orange County, California

Orange County Forum


Oregon Property Owners’ Protective League

Organization of Afro-American Unity


Osaka Mainichi

Osamu, Harry

Osborn, Sidney

Oshima, Kanesaburo

Oshita, Edward

Oshita, Grace

Our World
(Manzanar yearbook)

Owens Valley, California

Ozawa, Takao

Pacific Citizen
(JACL newspaper)

Pacific Coast Committee on American Principles and Fair Play

Pacific Coast Japanese Problem

Pacific Historical Review


Palermo, Italy

Palos Verdes, California

Panama Canal


Parent-Teacher Associations

Parker, Arizona

Parker Valley High School

Pauling, Linus

Pearl Harbor

Pegler, Westbrook

Pence, Charles

Personal Justice Denied
(1982 report)


Petaluma, California


Philippine Sea, Battle of the

Phillips, Edward

Philpott, Gerald B.

Pierce, Charles

Pierce, Walter M.

Pinedale Assembly Center

Pinza, Ezio

“pioneer communities”

Pisa, Italy

Placer County, California

Placerville Times

Ploeşti, Romania, oil fields


Pocatello, Idaho

Pomona Assembly Center

Portland, Oregon

Portland Oregonian

Poston Relocation Centers

army recruitment from
Arts and Handicraft Center
gangs in
high school graduations
McCormick reports on
Noguchi at
Poston I
Poston II
Poston III
riot and strike at

Prado, Ignacio


Presbyterian Union Church


Princeton University

prisoner exchanges

Proclamation 4417 (1976)

property losses

Protestant churches

Public Proclamation 1 (1942)

Public Proclamation 2 (1942)

Public Proclamation 21 (1945)

Purcell, James

Puyallup Assembly Center

Pyle, Ernie


Queen Elizabeth

Questions 27 and 28.
“Application for Leave Clearance”

See also
anti-Japanese sentiment

Radio Tokyo

Rafu Shimpo

Randolph, Edmund Jennings

Rankin, John

Ray, Man

Reader’s Digest

Reagan, Ronald

redress movement.
See also

Reeves Field

relocation centers.
See specific locations

Remember Pearl Harbor League


Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)

Return to Manzanar
(TV show)

Rikita, Honda

Ringle, Kenneth

Robertson, Guy

Robertson, Paul

Robinson, Elsie

Rocky Shimpo

Rohwer Relocation Center

Rome, fall of

Rommel, Erwin

Roosevelt, Anna

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

advisers vs. internment and
Baldwin and
camp closings and
Chandler report and
“concentration camp” term and
death of
declares war vs. Japan
Denaturalization Act and
eugenics and
evacuee resettlement and
Executive Order 9066 and
German and Italian Americans and
on internment
Japanese American college students and
loyalty of Japanese Americans and
Nisei military service and

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