Inferno (13 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'arc

Tags: #vampires, #werewolf, #General, #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal

BOOK: Inferno
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“Fighting evil is what my life has been all about. Or so I thought. I don’t like being duped.

Count me in.”

“Excellent.” Heath stood as he drained his glass. “Now, much as I’d like to continue this discussion, I have a previous obligation that cannot be put off. I know where to find you, Dante.

Keep our little friend with you, but whatever you do, don’t bite her.” Heath took her hand and bent to place a kiss on her lips, reminding her without words of the night before. “I forgive you since it was not your intent to do me harm. Just remember you owe me, little wolf.” He turned and left the room, leaving her flabbergasted. Hugh cracked a smile when he met her gaze. He’d stayed behind, most likely to show them out of the mansion and make sure they went on their way.

Duncan took her arm and escorted her into the hall. A silent Dante followed behind and Hugh brought up the rear.

“A car has been arranged for you. I’ll send a messenger over later with Megan’s gown, your evening suits and anything else you may have left behind.” Hugh was as efficient as they’d come to expect.

“Thank you.” Duncan nodded at the man as he ushered them toward the front door.

Hugh gave Megan a smile and a kiss on the hand by way of farewell before she followed Dante and Duncan down the front stairs and into the waiting limousine.

The ride back to Dante’s only slightly less opulent brownstone was accomplished quickly and in silence. Megan’s head was spinning, trying to grasp the idea that much of her life to date had been a waste of time. She’d studiously followed her family’s dictates where the
Altor Custodis
was concerned, only to discover it had been for naught. Worse, with her memories restored of some very questionable missions she’d been sent on, to downright scary locations, she feared she’d actually been working for the wrong side all this time.

She felt used. Stupidly duped. Dumb as a stump for taking everything at face value all these years. Why hadn’t she questioned anything? Was she truly that naïve?

Duncan must have sensed her mood as they mounted the stairs to Dante’s brownstone. He pulled her aside in the foyer with a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t take it so hard, lass. Older and wiser beings than you have been tricked before. That your keeper is part of the
Altor Custodis
only confirms my suspicions that august body has been corrupted far more deeply than we first believed. It’s good to know the truth, no matter how painful it may be.”

Megan sighed, recognizing the value of his counsel. “You’re right, of course. It’s just so hard to come to terms with the fact that all my efforts have been wasted.”

“Not wasted, my dear. Your path brought you here, and with us, perhaps you can use your knowledge against those who tried to use you. Turning the tables on a foe always brings a good feeling. Try it. You’ll see.”

He left her with a smile and headed toward the back of the house, where the kitchen was located. Dante stood waiting for her, his expression solemn and dour. He said not a word as he opened the door to the downstairs sitting room and gestured for her to precede him.

He didn’t speak as he lit a fire in the grate. Megan could feel the anger he harbored ready to bubble over.

“I’m sorry.”

“What?” He whirled to face her.

“I’m sorry for what my grandfathers did. I’ll do what I can to make it up to you. For what it’s worth, they regretted their actions ’til their dying day.”

“For the most part, I have put Erik’s death behind me. I will not say it’s not a sore point, but time and distance from the event have mellowed my perspective somewhat.”

“Then why are you so upset?”

She didn’t mean to blurt out the question foremost in her mind, yet that’s just what she’d done.

Everything had been turned upside down since the last time she’d been in this house, less than twenty-four hours ago.

“That bastard Dean bit you.” Dante’s eyes smoldered as he looked at her. Megan felt her breath hitch in fear, even as her blood heated with excitement at the possessive gleam in those angry eyes.

“I didn’t ask for it. He just did it.”

Dante moved closer, cupping her cheek in one large hand. “I know that, sweetheart. I’m not upset with you. Heath trespassed. He’s the one I blame.”

“He said he did it for my protection.”

“Did he?” Dante seemed surprised by her words as he moved closer.

“Right before he struck, he whispered something. He said if I was under his protection, I’d be safe from the jackals gathered all around. That’s what he called them.”

“No doubt he knows his people better than I do. If he deemed it necessary to put a public claim on you, it must be worse than I thought, but he should have asked first. The bastard trespassed.

He had no right.”

“You’ll get no argument from me.”

“Good.” Dante moved in until she could feel his breath against her cheeks.

One finger under her chin lifted her face to his and then his lips were on hers, his mouth claiming hers, his tongue tangling with hers in the sweetest bliss she’d ever tasted. This was different than all the kisses that had come before. This was a kiss of homecoming, of claiming, of…caring. She didn’t dare think it was anything more.

Chapter Seven

Dante’s hand went under her shirt and lifted. They broke apart only long enough for him to sweep the borrowed top off and throw it across the room. She’d had no bra under the gown the night before and the Deans hadn’t extended their loaned clothing to underwear, so she was bare to Dante’s touch, the way she liked. The way she was coming to crave.

His lips slid down her neck and lower to tease her breasts while his hands disposed of her pants and thong panty. She kicked off the shoes herself, not really caring where they landed. She just wanted all the fabric gone. As soon as her clothes were out of the way, her hands reached for Dante’s. Together they worked him out of his shirt and then the door opened.

“Well, I can see I arrived just in time.” Duncan moved into the room, closing the door behind him.

Dante’s mouth sucked at the skin of her neck but he hadn’t bitten her. At least not yet. But it was a damned close thing, and she hadn’t even realized.

Megan jumped away from him with a gasp. He’d been this close to biting her and taking the poison in her blood into his body. She began to shake when she realized how close she’d almost come to hurting—possibly killing—him.

Duncan stepped over to her and held out one hand. She took it, wanting his help to keep Dante safe. She was naked, but nothing else mattered except keeping Dante safe from the taint in her blood. And besides, Duncan had already seen her nude last night. It was her naughtiest memory of all time.

“Come back here, Megan.” Dante’s tone brooked no argument. She wouldn’t knowingly hurt him. She had to stand strong against the desire to comply.

“You can’t bite me, Dante. I won’t have your death on my conscience.” Dante looked like he was grinding his teeth, and his fists were clenched. Duncan’s arms came around her waist as Dante moved closer.

“She’s right, you know.” Duncan’s tone was calm. She felt the tremor of readiness in his hold, however. He was ready for anything an angry vampire could dish out. “There may yet be a way to salvage this situation, my friend.”

“I need to feed, Duncan.” The admission was ripped from Dante’s lips and she could tell he wasn’t happy about admitting his weakness. “Whether from her passion or her blood, I need it like I need my next breath.”

“I see.” Duncan’s grip around her eased, and he turned her in his arms. “Our friend Dante is in a bad way, lass. Do you think we can help him?”

“We?” She thought she knew what he was asking. She looked at him with questions in her eyes, to be sure.

“Yes, lass. The three of us. Is that all right with you?” His smile was tender and told her the choice was hers. The real question was, how could she refuse? She felt the need in Dante and if she was being honest, she felt a similar need thrumming through her own body. It was a hunger—not precisely like the one that drove him—but a flaming arousal that must be answered.

Slowly, she nodded.

“I think I can do that.”

“Good.” Duncan leaned forward and kissed her brow. “Now go to him. I’ll watch over you both.”

Warily, Megan walked toward Dante. He lifted one hand, and she paused for a second before she took it and allowed him to reel her into his hard body.

His lips met hers, and she could feel the sharpness of his fangs. He kept them in check for now.

It was clear he was holding back, ruthlessly controlling his instincts. She wanted to make him forget the problems facing them. She wanted him to think only of pleasure, not of the danger.

She was certain Duncan would save him from going too far and biting her. Duncan was as strong as Dante in his way and could be trusted to keep them safe.

Perhaps that’s why she didn’t object to him being part of this new, naughty sexual encounter.

Or maybe it was because he was a handsome man who’d been kind and gentle the night before, even as he sent her senses reeling.

There was something vulnerable about Duncan. He was the only one of his kind she’d ever met, and she would bet there weren’t many others like him in the world. Yet he was a strong man who appealed to her on a visceral level. She’d never been surrounded by so many handsome men in her life, having spent all of it avoiding supernaturals.
were hot in an earthy way. Vampires had that magical mojo that made them nearly irresistible—and Dante topped that list, of course—but she was discovering that half-fey had a gentler appeal and a magic all their own.

Dante kissed her and all thoughts fled as his hands roamed over her body. He knew where to touch, how much pressure to apply, to make her squirm in rising pleasure. She barely noticed when he moved her toward the big couch that faced the fireplace. She registered the fact that Dante’s fangs had dropped even more as his tongue teased her belly button.

He stood her before him as he sat on the edge of the couch, running his big hands over her ass and farther down her legs. He coaxed her legs apart and insinuated his hands within, using his fingers to good advantage, playing her pussy like a master plays a Stradivarius. She hummed just like that priceless violin under the stroking sweeps of his fingers, keening with each move inside her slick channel, each teasing foray of his thumb against her clit. She would do anything for him at that moment. Anything he wanted.

Dante tugged her forward as his lips descended. His fingers spread her and his mouth moved in.

She gasped as his tongue touched her clit, only to be followed by a long swipe down the folds that wept for him.

A mouth at her breast shocked her until she realized Duncan had moved closer, both to watch over Dante’s tempted teeth and to join the fun. She welcomed him, needing something to hold on to while Dante’s tongue claimed her below. She clutched Duncan’s shoulders, tugging at the shirt that he hadn’t yet removed. She wanted it gone.

Duncan seemed to understand her desperate movements, breaking away momentarily to tug his shirt off over his head. It joined the other discarded garments on the floor some distance away.

Gratified to be able to touch his skin, Megan stroked over his thick muscles as he moved in to kiss her.

He had a talented mouth that was nearly as devastating in its impact as Dante’s. Duncan kissed her with a gentle respect and tender longing that made her senses spin. He fingered her nipples while he kissed her, and Dante pulled her closer with demanding hands and his voracious tongue.

She jumped when his fingers slid from her pussy to move farther back.

Duncan broke the kiss, looking down at her with an amused gleam in his eye. He looked over her shoulder to inspect Dante’s progress.

“Feel good, lass?” he whispered in her ear. “I can tell it does.”

“Duncan,” she moaned as Dante’s finger pressed into her from behind, his tongue flicking over her clit. “I need—”

“I know what you need, Megan.” Duncan bent to lick at her breasts again, sucking one nipple deep into his mouth and pulling on the other with his talented fingers.

She came, crying out at the sensations racing through her body. Both men held her up while her knees trembled and her body shook.

When she had settled down a bit, Dante moved back, a devilish grin on his face as he stood.

Duncan deferred to Dante in this sexy interlude, watching over them both.

“Bend over, sweetheart.” Dante’s voice was gruff as he moved her body to his liking. She ended up with her ass in the air, her hands braced on the arm of the couch.

She heard the rasp of a zipper and then Dante’s hand was on her ass, guiding her back as he moved forward. She felt the tip of him, teasing the folds between her legs before finding the spot she needed him to go. She was desperate for him, for the feel of him possessing her body as only he could.

Dante slid inside her, stretching her slowly, making her want to move to force him to go faster, but he was in control. He was the master of her body at this moment.

He pulled out, then pushed in a little farther, repeating the process several times before he was seated fully inside her. She growled as he made her wait, but deep down she knew the wait would be worth it. Dante was a fantastic lover.

Dante began a rhythm that made her mouth water. She moaned as he slid home with force, pushing her forward over the arm of the couch.

“Open your eyes, lass.” Duncan’s voice whispered past her ear as she complied with a start. She hadn’t even realized she’d closed them.

Duncan stood in front of her, his hard cock on level with her face and she knew what he wanted.

She wanted it too. But this was Dante’s show. She turned to look at him over her shoulder and was stirred by the harsh expression of concentration on his handsome face.

“Dante?” She wasn’t sure what she was asking. She had his massive cock in her body. Still, she wanted more. More of him. All of him.

It didn’t make any sense.

She settled for his permission. His instruction. His dominance.

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