Infinite Desire (4 page)

Read Infinite Desire Online

Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Infinite Desire
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out of my state of shock from what just transpired, I follow her and climb out
of the booth, grab Trixie’s arm and force her to look at me. “You’re a fuckin’
idiot you know that!
What the fuck is wrong with you?”
I yell as she
pulls her arm from my grip. Trixie keeps looking from Brooklyn to me, with not
an ounce of regret in her eyes. This bitch is getting a high off of the hurt
she’s caused.

I only asked a simple question? I was curious? How was I to know she’d go all
crazy and attack me! She’s lucky I‘m not speed dialing my father’s attorney to
draw up assault charges on the crazy bitch!”

takes another step towards Trixie pointing her finger an inch from her face. I
am shocked at the fact that Brooklyn hasn’t thrown a punch yet. I glance over
at Dixon who’s focused entirely on Brooklyn with a cocky grin plastered across
his face. He’s enjoying himself immensely.

may be blonde Trixie, but you’re far from being that stupid. You’re an evil
bitch who has no fuckin’ life, so you get your kicks from making everyone
around you miserable! You think Savannah’s slap hurt? Just remember, I throw
punches bitch, and I don’t hold back. You even think about causing any more
heartache for Savannah and I’ll beat your ass seven-ways-to-Sunday!”

my fists I fight the urge to physically remove Trixie from my club. She needs
to get the fuck outta here before I lose it. Dixon and Braxton must notice my
entire body shaking with fury, because they leap to their feet, quickly trying
to get Trixie to go elsewhere. I’m grateful when I spot them dragging her over
to one of our bouncers and he escorts her out of the club.

glances at me momentarily over her shoulder, with her eyes scrunched together
looking mad as hell before running after Savannah.

Now Brooklyn’s pissed at me! So much for a fun relaxing weekend with my boys…this
night has turned to shit. Jax had the right idea going straight to gambling.

have to go find Savannah, try to sort all this shit out. You guys coming or
staying here?” Raking my fingers through my hair, I look back to where Savannah
disappeared to. I don’t see her or Brooklyn anywhere.

hang here, have some more drinks. Maybe walk around and chat up some people. Go
find Savannah.” Braxton tells me clapping me on the back. “If you need us just
shoot one of us a text.”

wasting any time, I maneuver through the crowd. There are people dancing by the
tables, making it hard to get through. With alcohol coursing through my veins,
my head is foggy and with every step I take, my entire body feels off balance.
I feel like a ping pong ball bouncing off people as I try to find Savannah.

what feels like an eternity, I finally spot Savannah and Brooklyn. My heart
stops in my chest, as my blood boils inside my veins when I see who they’re
with. Standing beside Savannah, resting his hand on her fuckin’ arm, is Shayne.
I immediately see

my hands into fists along my sides, and taking in hard sharp breaths, I make my
way towards them. Friend or not, seeing Shayne consoling my girl is too much
after knowing he was all over her in LA last night. There are people screaming
and dancing all around me, but all I see is Savannah. My feet freeze in place
as her eyes lock onto mine. The hurt I see in them is almost too much, but I’m
too far gone to stop the course I’m on.

long strides, I reach Shayne within seconds. My anger is sobering me up
quickly. Savannah sees the all too familiar look in my eye that says I’m ready
to throw down. Friends don’t fuck with other friends women. Especially one’s
they’re engaged to.

out for me with desperation in her voice, Savannah tries to stop me, “Kayden!”

her, I focus all my attention on Shayne. His lips instantly curl up in a
Cheshire grin. “Hey, Knox.” He greets me with his laid back persona but his
face shows me the truth. He has to know that I’ve read the bullshit story going
around about Savannah and him. I threw this fuckin’ party for him, and he
hasn’t even once tried to clear the air with me tonight. He’s shady as fuck,
and I want nothing more than to knock that smug smile off of his fuckin’ face.

try to act all fuckin’ friendly with me, Shayne. I see straight through your
bullshit. First you were all over my girl last night, and now I find you yet
again with her?”

and Savannah, wanting to stop this before it escalates, try to talk me down,
but I drown them out. I put all my attention onto the piece of shit in front of
me. He may think I’m to chicken shit to fight him because he does MMA, but he’s
never been more wrong. I never back down from a fight, and never have I in my
entire twenty six years
lost a fight. I don’t intend on that
changing tonight.

there not enough women throwing themselves at you Shayne? You have to try and
get with Savannah?” I spit out at him.

throws his head back letting out a small chuckle. Taking a pull from his beer,
Shayne shifts his eyes off of me, and onto Savannah. I immediately notice her
become uncomfortable under his gaze, and drop her eyes immediately down to the

his empty bottle down onto the table beside him, Shayne focus his attention
back onto me. “If you want to get all territorial Knox, I can do that too. I
take from the way you’re talking, that Savannah hasn’t brought you up to speed
on all of the men from her past. If she had, I know you sure as hell wouldn’t
be throwing me this party tonight, and our friendship would’ve been over the
minute you two got together.”

the fuck is he talking about? Did I drink more than I thought tonight and I’m
now hallucinating?

out to me, Savannah rests her hand on my forearm. I can feel her nerves
bubbling over as her hand shakes against my skin. The electricity that sparks
between us the moment our skin connects is overwhelming. I’ve ached for her
touch the entire time we’ve been apart, but now my feelings are all over the place.
I feel desire engulfed with a roaring fire of anger.

voice comes out shaky as she shouts over the music and chatter around us.
“Kayden please, don’t do this! Come with me please, so we can talk about this

shake my head back and forth ever so slowly, as I bring my focus back to
Shayne. “I’m not going anywhere. Not until Shayne here has his moment on his
soap box. Go on Shayne; please enlighten me on your relationship with my
fiancée!” My heart is hammering so forcefully, it feels like any second it’s
going to burst out of my chest.

against the table and resting his hands on either side of himself, Shayne turns
to Savannah, “Sorry doll, I won’t let him walk around acting like I’m trying to
stick my dick into his chick.”

posse that’s filling Shayne’s VIP table has now focused their attention onto us
and what’s transpiring.

is fuckin’ stupid! You two need to stop this pissing contest, and get over your
freakin’ selves! You’re friends! Don’t let something so elementary come between
you two. Kayden threw you this party for Christ sake!” Brooklyn says stepping
between Shayne and me. The determination in her voice causes a knot in my

my fingers through my hair, and letting out a sharp breath, I step around Brooklyn,
causing Shayne to bring his attention back to me. Forcing myself between them,
I fist his t-shirt causing everyone around us to gasp. Cell phones are turning
on all around us as people begin taping our altercation.

what it is you have to say? My patience is running thin!”

flashes a small smile up at me before reciprocating my actions, and fisting my
shirt into his hand as well. “Don’t push me Knox. I never turn down a fight no
matter who the fuck it is.”

raspy chuckle escapes my mouth as Shayne’s words sink in. “I never back down
either. I’d hate to beat your ass a week before the big fight, but you keep
pushing me and you’ll leave me no other option. So say whatever the fuck you
gotta say before I knock your ass out just for the simple fact that you had
your mouth on Savannah last night.”

me off, Shayne releases his hold on my shirt, and then he looks at me and at everyone
who’s accumulated around us. Sliding his hand over his buzzed head, Shayne
finally begins to speak. He’s still has the same cocky grin on his face, but I
can see anger erupting in his eyes as I stand toe to toe with him.

may have Savannah now, but I had her first. I helped her sooth her broken
heart, and it was the best lay of my life. I had no idea handcuffing a woman to
my car and fucking her brains out could be so arousing. I swear I sported a
hard on for days after that. Every time I drive my car…” I can’t hear any more
of this; I need to stop the vile words that are pouring out of his mouth. Without
thinking, I connect my fist with his face.

fuckin’ dead!” I scream as I block a punch he throws at me after the shock of
being punched wears off. Fisting his shirt in my hands I rip him off the table
he fell back onto. Blood is pouring out of his nose, and the corner of his
mouth. Spitting some of it onto the floor, and wiping the rest away onto his
shirt, Shayne stares me down. He throws another punch, this time connecting
with my jaw. Instantly pain courses through my nerves and into my ear.
Massaging my mouth, I flash him a small smile, “Come on Shayne, I know you can
hit better than that!”

somewhere behind us, I can hear Savannah and Brooklyn screaming at us to stop,
but right now my entire focus is on the piece of shit who fucked her. I know it
was before us, but it still pisses me off that he continues to pursue her.

next few seconds go by in a blur; we end up on the floor, each taking punch for
punch. The entire VIP area has formed a circle around us, and I know for a fact
this shit is going to be viral within the hour, but I don’t give a flying fuck
at the moment.

feel a pair of hands pulling me off Shayne; I spin around to find one of my
bouncers dragging me away from him. Another pulls Shayne off of the ground and
escorts him out of the VIP area.

around the crowd, I no longer see Savannah anywhere. Now that the show is over,
the crowd slowly returns to their tables; looking up, I spot Dixon and Braxton
making their way towards me, I wipe my mouth and stain my ripped white t-shirt with

the fuck was that!?” Dixon screams at me as security follows us to my office.

him a,
don’t fuck with me
look, I ignore him and stalk towards my office
door. My head is too fucked up to process all this shit right now.

can hear Braxton and Dixon talking behind me as we push our way through the
crowd on the dance floor. The sound of Britney Spears and Will-I-Am bumping out
of the speakers makes my head pound instantly.

of Savannah dancing to this song play in my mind like a movie. Swaying her hips
Scream and Shout
, she climbed onto the stripper pole in our limo and
gave me the show of my life. Never was I so consumed with desire for a woman.
Ever since our first night together, I’ve been addicted to her taste, her
touch, I am like an addict who needs his next fix.

can’t blame Shayne for wanting her…Fuck; any man with half a brain would want
her. The fact that someone I’ve known for so long is the person trying to take
her away from me is more than I can take.

Chapter Three


the club with Brooklyn not far behind me, I try to clear my mind of the crap
bouncing around inside my head. My ears are ringing from the loud music, and my
heart is pounding profusely against my chest from what just transpired in there.
It’s taking everything in me not to turn around and kick Shayne’s ass myself.
It was not his place to divulge our past indiscretion to Kayden. The shock and
hurt in Kayden’s eyes, as Shayne said all those details about our night together
last Halloween, killed me.

had to get
out of there
! Seeing Kayden covered
in blood, and knowing this entire thing is my fault, is making me wish I’d
never come to Vegas.

sound of Brooklyn’s heels smacking off of the marble floor snap me out of my fog,
“Savannah! Friggin’ A! Will you slow down? These heels weren’t exactly made for
running!” Brooklyn huffs at me, grabbing my arm and squeezing it until it hurts,
she slows me down.

B; I just needed to get the hell outta there. Coming to Vegas was not a good
idea. Allowing Shayne to take that shot off of me last night was a huge
mistake! I can’t get a freakin’ break. My life is nothing but one big train

body is betraying me as a single tear escapes and falls off my cheek onto the
floor. My entire body is humming as anger, sadness and frustration consume
me. I’m completely numb. 

are coming and going through the hotel and staring at me as I make my way
towards the elevators. I bet they are none too shocked at my appearance…this
Vegas. Here people go crazy and destroy their relationships daily. Spotting a
distraught woman in a micro mini dress and 6” stilettos with a look of shock
plastered across her face is nothing new.

Kayden a little while to cool off, he loves you Savannah! Some random hook up
from your past will not change that. Kayden does have the right to be angry
with Shayne. You don’t let a friend throw you a party in his club and not have
the decency to try and pull him aside to clear the air. Shayne knew that story
was nothing but BS. Last nights’ shot was innocent fun. I hate myself for
asking you to do it. I had no idea it would blow up into something this big.”

hmm,” Is my only response, I don’t feel like talking about any of this right
now. I just hope she is right and we can put this entire freakin’ week behind
us. Between Giselle hiring a model to say that Kayden cheated on me with Nadia,
and Shayne blabbing our past hook up to Kayden, then having the whole story
blown out of proportion, it feels like Kayden and I are destined for


into the penthouse suite, I shut the door and plop down on a chair in the entry
way. Staring down at the floor, I concentrate on the swirls of color in the
marble flooring as I hear Brooklyn make her way into the kitchen. The sound of
glasses clinking together as she sets them down on the counter top is music to
my ears. I am desperately in need of something strong to help quiet the
thoughts bouncing around my head.

your poison Savannah? Wine or Jack Daniels?” Brooklyn shouts to me across the

back against the cool wall, I rub my hands over my face, “Wine sounds good.”

what the hell do I do now? Stay here and wait for Kayden? Head to Galveston to
let Kayden cool off, and then try to fix things from there? All I know is, not
being with him is not an option. I will fix this.

down at my left hand I stare at my engagement ring. It’s breathtaking. If I
could design the perfect ring, this would be it. I can’t help but smile as I
think about my birthday and the perfect proposal from Kayden. A small giggle
escapes my lips as I picture Kayden, a ball of nerves, down on one knee. He was
so nervous he forgot to show me the ring as he asked me to become his wife. I
love him so much that I’d marry him with a gumball machine ring. The ring
didn’t matter because Kayden is all I need.

my ring around my finger, I smile up at Brooklyn; who’s sashaying across the
room with two glasses of wine, flashing me a sympathetic smile as our eyes

girly, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Taking the glass, I quickly drink
down the contents, needing the pain inside of me to be masked by the alcohol.

beside me Brooklyn bumps her shoulder against mine, she starts giggling,
“Without me you’d probably not be in this mess. You know me, wherever I go,
trouble follows.” Letting out a sigh, she leans back in the oversized chair and
takes a small sip from her wine. “But I don’t think you have anything to be
worried about Savannah. Kayden loves you, and your past will not change that.
Hell, I bet he’s fucked half of Texas, and you love
no less.”

on my wine, I cough repeatedly. “Thanks for the reminder of how big of a
man-whore my fiancé use to be Brooklyn!” Now thanks to her big mouth, all I can
picture is Kayden in bed with random women. I wonder if he’s ever been with
that bitch face Trixie. She’s lucky all I did was slap her, because I was ready
to beat her ass two ways to Sunday after that remark about Jacob.

Sorry. I just thought it would make you feel a little better knowing that
Kayden can’t be too judgmental about your past bed buddies if he wants you to be
ok about his.”

What the hell do I do now?” I finally ask out loud, since arguing with myself
isn’t getting me too far.

her head on my shoulder, Brooklyn stays quiet for a few moments. The stillness
in here is deafening. I can’t help but constantly catch myself listening for
the sound of Kayden and the guy’s coming back up. I’m torturing myself with the
scenes I keep playing out in my mind for how things could go if and when Kayden
returns to the hotel suite.

Brooklyn finally says, snapping me out of the tug of war occurring in my mind.
“I don’t know. We could go gamble…try to distract you until Kayden cools off?”

still early in Vegas, and Kayden planned this get-a-way with the guys, so I
guess gambling can be a fun way to distract myself from everything going on.

the hell; let’s go. I’m up for some Craps. Just let me freshen up first.”

to the kitchen I pour myself another glass of wine, and head into the ensuite
in Kayden’s room to touch up my now smudged makeup.

entire penthouse suite is luxurious with a hint of edgy contemporary. It’s just
how I envision Kayden: sophisticated with an edgy flare. Even though they were
a buy off from his father as a way to apologize for stealing his fiancée
Luanne, Kayden always puts his heart and soul into these hotels.

hope all this blows over and life goes back to normal. I miss Kayden’s touch
and his husky voice as he whispers naughty thing to me in bed. I’ve never
missed someone as much as I miss him. I know Kayden; he is a southern boy
through and through. He’s hot-headed but he will cool off soon enough, and before
I know it he’ll have me pressed beneath him forgetting all the crazy shit we’ve
dealt with over the last several days. Nothing is sexier than being dominated
by Kayden.

sound of Brooklyn’s heels; followed by a knock on the bathroom door, startles
me, “Hey, you almost ready?” She yells through the door.

myself over one more time, I spin on my heels and whip the door open, “Ready as
I’ll ever be. Let’s go try and win some money!” I give her a wink and a small
smile to show her I’m okay.


almost midnight and the casino is starting to really come alive. I can’t get
over the vast variety of people here tonight. You’ve got your hard core
gamblers’ who are looking all professional at the black jack tables. Older
ladies hanging out at the slot machines and a group of guys looking like they
range from early twenties to late fifty’s at the poker tables, each wearing
baseball caps and sunglasses. Then you have Brooklyn and I surrounded by a
crowd of people. We have guys in three-piece suits, girls in less than what we
have on, and a group of women wearing bridal party sashes. Everyone’s cheering
us on with their drinks in the air as I toss my dice onto the Craps table;
we’re on a roll. I’ve already won a couple grand and we’ve only been at it an hour.

Snake Eyes!” Brooklyn cheers beside me enthusiastically, gripping onto my arm.
“See, I told you going gambling was the perfect idea.”

entire body is humming with excitement, as the adrenalin courses through me.
Jumping up and down with my hand in the air I can’t help but feel the stress
releasing from my body. “Holy crap, I cannot believe this! I usually spend my
entire time losing money, not gaining it! I’m on a winning streak.”

as I’m taking the dice to roll again I hear a familiar Aussie accent behind us,
“Well, well, well what do we have here? Ya ladies havin’ a streak of good luck,
aye?” Jax asks stepping up behind us. I flash a small smile up at him, and take
note of his hand resting on the small of Brooklyn’s back.

from all the excitement, Brooklyn grins from ear to ear at Jax and wraps her
arm around his waist. “Yeah, Savannah is killing it! I on the other hand, lost
a few grand in less than twenty minutes.” Pursing her lips at Jax, she stares
up at him all doe eyed. “So I’m living vicariously through Savannah.”

can’t help but laugh at her, “Yeah well, I doubt this will ever happen again so
I’m definitely enjoying my luck while it lasts!” Giving them an impish grin I
shake the dice and blow on them for luck. “Let’s go baby!!” I shout as I toss
the dice onto the table.

us a puzzled look, Jax is asking us without having to speak,
what are we
doing in Vegas?

came to surprise Kayden. Don’t even ask how that went, because I’d rather not
relive that nightmare.” I huff out as sadness momentarily clouds my good mood.
Forcing a smile, I push the negative thoughts away, and focus on the fun we’re
having in the casino.

excitement around me is explosive and contagious. We’re drawing attention from
everyone around us at the roulette and black jack tables. I notice an older
gentleman holding his phone up snapping pictures of us, and I decide to give
him something to sell to the press. Spinning around, I grab Brooklyn and give
her a quick peck on the lips. All the alcohol I’ve been downing has turned into
liquid courage. We’ve made out enough times in College to get a rise out of the
frat guys to not faze her at all.

face is priceless. His jaw dropped, and his eyes slide from me to Brooklyn as
he sucks in a sharp breath. I can’t stop my giggling fit as I take in his
shocked expression. I spin around to the guy taking my picture and blow him a
There…now go sell that story, douchebag.

lip-gloss.” I laugh running my tongue over my lips.

out a small chuckle, Brooklyn lets go of her hold on Jax and wraps her arm
around my shoulder. “You sure gave him something to talk about.” She laughs, tilting
her head towards the guy snapping the picture, and rolling her eyes. “It’s been
way too long girly since you graced my lips with yours!” This time we both
can’t help but burst out laughing.

his throat, Jax drags his eyes from us to the Craps table. “I believe it’s your
turn again.
” he says, almost in a whisper.

as I start to shake the dice in my hand, I feel an electric charge erupt around
me. My entire body freezes as I sense Kayden. It’s unfathomable how I can feel
him near me before even seeing him. Momentarily distracted, I toss the dice,
this time losing four-hundred dollars.

I curse under my breath, and rest my hands against the cool wood of the table.
Hanging my head, I let out a long sigh and then force a smile onto my face.
Lifting my head up, I straighten my body and hold my hands up to everyone
standing around the table. I give them all a small wave. “Looks like I lost my
lucky streak,” I let out a small laugh and collect all of my chips. “I had fun,
but now I’ll let one of y’all make a go of it. Good luck!”

can still feel Kayden nearby, but with a quick glance around, I don’t spot him.
Brooklyn is flashing me an all teeth smile
as she
around in front of me, obviously oblivious to Kayden being in
the Casino. “Well, you win some you lose some, but damn Bitch, you freakin’
cleaned the place out!” Her eyes are taking in the stack of chips I’m cradling
in my arms.

let me take those for ya Savannah. I’ll go get these babies cashed in.”
Scooping my chips into his arms, Jax gives me a sympathetic smile. He must know
Kayden is here, and knows that’s why I now want to make a bee-line out of here.

know the minute I see him I’ll want to jump into his arms, smother him in
kisses, and plead with him to forget all the crap that’s happened. Shayne means
nothing to me and I need Kayden to know the feelings Shayne has for me are not
returned. I love Kayden, and that will never change. He’s captured my heart,
and consumed my entire mind, body and soul. He just needs time to clear his
head and blow off steam.

probably down at the Casino trying to find Jax since they are all here for
their guys’ getaway, which we have ruined ten minutes after arriving in Vegas

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