Infinite Desire (5 page)

Read Infinite Desire Online

Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Infinite Desire
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okay?” Brooklyn asks, stepping beside me as we make our way across the casino.

my fingers through my curls, and twisting a ringlet around my finger, I drop my
eyes to floor. “Yah, I just figured it’s better to walk away while I still have
my winnings.” I smile at her, but the sadness in my eyes gives me away. 

her brows together, Brooklyn stairs me down with each step we take never
removing her eyes from me. “I’ve known you almost my entire life; you should
know by now that you can’t get anything past me. What happened? You went from
finally relaxing and enjoying yourself, to distracted and sad within a split

swear, sometimes you knowing me so well can be really annoying.” Speeding up my
pace, I glance to my side and scan the crowd of gamblers trying to see if I can
spot Kayden. I know he’s near. My entire body is aching for him. I’m getting
whiplash from all my emotions flashing through me. One minute I can block all
the sadness out and have fun, the next I’m being attacked by my thoughts and
back to being depressed again.

why you love me, because we both can read each other better than we can read

just wish I could rewind time and be back in Hawaii where everything was
. Now, it’s like
my life is spinning
out of control and no matter how hard I try, I can’t get things back to how
they were.”

her arm around my shoulder, Brooklyn walks with me as we maneuver through a
crowd of people hovering around a Black Jack table. Jax has already gone ahead
of us to cash in my chips for me. Looking around, I notice the Casino is
beginning to grow louder and fill up with more people. The later its getting,
the rowdier the Casino’s becoming. I try to spot Kayden, but don’t see him

to squeeze through a crowd of people, Brooklyn walks ahead of me gripping my
wrist and pulling me along behind her. She flashes a worried glance at me over
her shoulder before pulling me next to a vacant poker table.

face turning serious, Brooklyn looks me straight in the eyes, “Listen Savannah.
Today has been a shitty day, but the nights not over. You can still find Kayden
and smooth things over. He’s had plenty of time to cool off, so why don’t you
stop being stubborn and just text him! You’re miserable and that won’t change
until you two clear all this crap up.”

against the railing
behind me, I cross my arms over
my chest, frustration is consuming me. “Yah, but I know Kayden well enough to
know he’s got one hell of a temper. Two hours is not enough time for him to
calm his ass down and be rational. If I text him, how do I know he’ll even want
to see me right now after what happened earlier with Shayne?”

lets out a sigh and rolls her eyes at me, “You drive me insane, I swear to God!
You two are so freakin’ stubborn, I can’t take it anymore.” Holding her hand
out towards me with a look of determination on her face, she tells me, “Give me
your phone. If you won’t text Kayden, I will.”

When she gets on a roll there’s no slowing her down. Opening my clutch, I pull
out my iPhone and hand it over to her.

ya go. Have at it. But I’m telling you right now he’s probably still fuming, he
was just in a frickin’ fist fight with Shayne for Christ sake!”

raises her eyes up at me while still texting Kayden, “Kayden loves you. For the
last two hours, I bet he’s been contemplating whether or not to text you. But
you’re both so thick headed that neither of you will take the first step to
clear this shit up. Don’t even get me started on Shayne; he’s lucky I didn’t
kick his fucking ass for the stunt he pulled earlier.”

frustration consuming me, I toss my hands in the air,
I swear I could kick Shayne’s ass right now! What the fuck is wrong with him
anyways? Blurting my personal business out like that for the entire club to
hear. I was two seconds away from cold cocking him upside the head.” I can’t
sit still any longer; I begin pacing in front of Brooklyn. Right now I have so
much adrenalin coursing through me, and I need to keep moving.

I sent a text to the jackass and told him to pull his head out of his ass and
fix things with you. Now we just have to wait for him to text you back. Your
relationship is more dramatic than my characters on
As the Days Go By
. Believe
me, that’s hard to beat!”

stop pacing, take my phone back from Brooklyn and stuff it into my clutch. “I’d
gladly take a boring life right about now over this frickin’ roller coaster of
a life I’ve been living the last few months. It’s physically and emotionally
wearing me out.”

later Jax reappears with my money. I still can’t believe I actually won a few
grand tonight while gambling. Usually, I’m leaving Vegas a few thousand dollars
lighter than when I came.

still hasn’t responded to Brooklyn’s text and it’s driving me crazy. He, along
with Braxton and Dixon are still MIA. Jax said he hasn’t heard from them
either. They were supposed to be meeting him in the Casino to gamble. I can’t
seem to shake the feeling that Kayden is here, but I’ve scanned the crowd
probably a dozen times now, and nothing.

still in full on party mode, wants to stay in the Casino with Jax and gamble.
I’m spent and just want to go back to the penthouse suite and go to bed.
Hopefully, tomorrow things will be better and Kayden will have had some time to
let things cool off. I understand him being pissed about my actions at Vertigo.
At the time I thought he’d slept with Nadia behind my back. But things that
happen before I was with him have nothing to do with us now.

goodnight to Brooklyn and Jax, I make my way out of the Casino and head towards
the hotel lobby. Kayden still hasn’t texted back and with every second that
passes, I grow more enraged. He can’t even text back saying he needs more time
to cool off?! Instead I get absolutely nothing.

spot a group of guys leaving the Casino and heading towards the night club and
I quickly maneuver around them. They’re all laughing, hooting and hollering at
one another. I can smell the alcohol seeping from them as I pass by.

freeze momentarily when I recognize Kayden’s laugh. I knew he was inside the
Casino! He was with the group of guys huddled around the Black Jack table we
walked passed earlier. Anger boiling over inside of me, I pick up my pace and
take fast strides towards the long hallway leading to the set of elevators. The
sound of my heels slamming off of the marble floors echoes through my ears and
over all the guys’ drunken laughter.

Kayden yells behind me with confusion in his voice.

him, I keep walking. I’m not in the mood to talk. I was earlier, but he was too
busy hanging out with that stupid skank Trixie; then gambling with all of his
friends five feet away from me. Who the hell names their kid Trixie, anyway?
Seriously, you’re setting your child up to be a slut, stripper or porn star.

flew all the way to Vegas to fix things, and all it did was blow up in my face.
I should’ve just gone to Galveston and waited for him to come home.

I can hear Kayden’s hard footsteps closing in behind me, and the group of guys
he’s with yelling at him to come back and go to the club. I can’t stop from
rolling my eyes.

me alone, Kayden. Don’t leave your friends waiting. Go drink and party with
some more skanks. I’m tired, and just want to go to sleep.” I say, while holding
my hand up in the air I making it known I don’t want to be bothered right now.

finally spot the elevators ahead and let out a sigh of relief.

said to wait!” Kayden drawls, his words slightly slurred. Stepping beside me
and gripping my arm, I immediately come to a halt, “Why the
are you
pissed off at me? If anyone should be fuckin’ pissed off right now, it should
be me!”

can’t look at him. I’m so angry and upset that I feel like screaming and crying
all at the same time. “You know what Kayden? I am pissed off! I’m pissed at
myself, at Giselle, at Shayne…but I’m not pissed at you. Annoyed…but not pissed

my arm out of his grip, I step towards the elevators and pound on the button. I
stare at the numbers as the elevator descends towards me. I’m praying the
elevator hurry’s the hell up, because the last thing I want right now is a scene
in the middle of the frickin’ hotel. I’m completely and utterly fed up with
everything and everyone. 

can try to run all you want Savannah, but I’m just going to follow you.”
Kayden’s breath is hot on my skin as he stands behind me, whispering into my
ear. I can’t control the butterflies consuming my stomach as Kayden’s hands
slide down my arms. Closing my
eyes, I
take in
a few deep breaths as I try to keep myself from caving in. He needs to
understand that I’m sorry he’s upset, but ignoring me is not acceptable.

were you when I wanted to talk to you earlier? You couldn’t take two seconds
out of your partying to text me back Kayden. So you know what, instead of
chasing me; now that you’ve finally decided you want to, why you don’t go find
Trixie?” I spit out, with anger laced in my voice.

flinch when Kayden’s hand grips my arm and spins me around to face him. His
eyes are glazed over from all the alcohol in his system, and the muscles
flexing in his jaw speak volumes for the anger coursing through him. Kayden
burrows his eyes into me, the intensity burning in them is too much to handle,
and I have to shift my eyes to the floor.

this needs to stop
!” He hisses down at me. “Trixie is nothing to me; I
can’t fuckin’ stand the stupid whore! I only want one girl Savannah, and that’s
you. I don’t have my phone. I left it in my room after I went up and changed
earlier! If I had it baby, I would’ve fuckin’ texted you back in a heartbeat.”

heart skips a beat when I hear him call me baby; momentarily causing me to lose
the little strength I have left to stand my ground. Snapping my eyes up at him
I try to hold back the tears threatening to escape. “I should’ve never come
here Kayden. It was a mistake. I love you, but I just can’t deal with all of
this right now. I just want to go to bed and pretend today never happened.” My
voice, that started out strong and determined, slowly deflates and comes out
softly and defeated.

elevator dings and the doors slide open. Pressing my hand against the wall, I
force the doors to stay open. “I don’t understand why you didn’t try to find me
after you cooled off. I gave you your space, and you chose to party instead.
And the whore Trixie, she looked pretty comfortable hanging all over you. So
tell me this, is she just a friend Kayden? Or an ex fuck buddy?” Kayden drops
his arms to his sides and just stares down at me with sadness consuming his
gorgeous green eyes.

Savannah? You want to do this here?” Sliding his hands over his face, he closes
his eyes momentarily taking in a sharp breath before focusing back on me. “My
past, like yours, should stay there. Learning about you and Shayne has fucked
with my head. I can’t stop picturing you and him together
. Its fuckin’
killing me! I don’t want that for you.
I wanted to find you, but I didn’t. I fucked up, Savannah. I got trashed
instead, just trying to numb the pain.”

from what you’ve just said, I’m assuming you fucked Trixie. That’s why she was
a nasty little bitch who took low blows at me tonight. As a way for punishing
me…all because I’m with you.” A tear falls from my eye and I quickly swipe it

got what she deserved for saying the shit she said to you. I love you, and will
never allow anyone to talk to you that way.”

stand there in silence for a few moments. I feel like I have a tug-of-war going
on inside of me. I want to jump in his arms right now, but another part of me
wants to have some space.

finally breaks the silence letting out an aggravated growl, “Shit, baby. I hate
this. I’ve hated every day being away from you; now that you’re here, I’ve done
nothing but fuck it all up.”

my hand out to Kayden, he takes it into his and gives me a questioning glance.
Walking backwards, I step into the elevator pulling Kayden with me.

both made mistakes tonight Kayden, but we’re both too drunk to try and hash
this out right now. I’ve had a long twenty-four hours and my brain just can’t
deal with anymore shit right now. I’m going to bed. If you want to join me you
can, but if you want to go back down to the club…”

presses his index finger to my lips quieting me. “Baby, there’s no place I’d
rather be than here with you.” Kayden pulls me against his chest, and kisses
the top of my head keeping his lips pressed against it for a few moments.
Finally, we separate and Kayden slides his keycard into the elevator then presses
the button for the Penthouse floor.

remain silent for the entire ride up to our suite. Def Leppard’s
Pour Some
Sugar On Me
playing in the elevator is the only sound I hear besides my
heart, which is beating fast against my ribcage. Today has been full of up’s
and down’s; I just hope things will keep going up from here on out.

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