Inflamed: A Shadow Riders MC (10 page)

BOOK: Inflamed: A Shadow Riders MC
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“Fontaine? The same motherfucker who tried sellin’ shit to Madison when she was a kid--”

“Same motherfucker who tried gettin’ my baby girl caught up back then, yep.”

Blue took another drag from his cigarette and opened his hands. “How’d the fuck you find that shit out? From that bitch inside?”

River nodded. “Yeah. Says he’s the same motherfucker who fucked her up and dumped her here too.”

“What the fuck for?”

“She was there the night that goddamn fire broke out. Says she even heard some of those Czechoslovakian motherfuckers talkin’ in their native fuckin’ tongue as she tried to save one of the kids from that house. Ricky fucked her up after she threatened to go to the cops with the shit that she knew. Seems they were fuckin’ around or some shit and she ended up there that night ‘cause he dragged her along.”

“Hm.” Blue grunted. “I’ll say it’s all well and good that we finally know what the fuck happened to that goddamn house back then, though we still don’t know why the fuck it did. But what I really wanna know is how the fuck any of this newfound ‘knowledge’ is actually supposed to be helpin’ us out, VP?”

“This bitch has got actual, physical proof from that night. Cops may not believe that shit considerin’ they won’t want to, but that don’t matter. ‘Cause that proof and what she knows about Fontaine could not only get that motherfucker put permanently to ground, it could get some of our boys back and the other charters back on our side; it could get our garage back to runnin’ and more importantly, get this club back to where the fuck it needs to be, monetarily speakin’. You know I’m as open for pussy parties and bitches mouth fuckin’ my cock till the sun comes up as much as the next motherfucker in this place. But I also joined this club ‘cause it gave me a goddamn life outside of the one I
I’d be livin’ instead. I had a purpose again back then, one I thought was fuckin’ lost on me when I initially fucked up. I need that shit back, motherfucker. I need that shit back like you wouldn’t even fuckin’ begin to believe.”

Blue nodded in complete understanding and leaned over the handle bars of his bike. “You know we could still always go back after that piece of shit motherfucker who set you up to break that black kid’s neck and send him to ground. What the fuck was his name again, Rodrigo?” he asked. River nodded. “I know it’s been years for you since all that shit originally went down, but he’s still got his gym at the edge of the city and a new one now in Miami. And I’ve heard around town that he’s been pullin’ the same shit with even younger motherfucker’s now, makin’ ‘em think that by fuckin’ up some other black or Italian, it’ll get ‘em into that MMA fightin’ world and make ‘em champs like he once promised you. He’s been makin’ one hell of a shit load of green off of those naïve motherfuckers and their even dumber than shit parents.” He took another drag and rattled his head. He released a quiet chuckle and turned his focus back up to River, whose eyes fell straight to the ground.

“The first time that asshole showed up here makin’ threats to me about comin’ back, I wanted to snap his fuckin’ head right off his goddamn neck and break his motherfuckin’ back in half. Sayin’ it was the least I owed him for breakin’ that black fucker’s neck for him, all ‘cause he happened to bone that asshole’s goddamned daughter.”

“I remember that shit,” said Blue. “You beatin’ that motherfucker to a goddamn pulp just as the boys and I rolled up after makin’ that gun drop in Clearwater. Tiny and Styx fuckin’ lost their goddamn minds, keelin’ over in laughter and shit when they saw you smokin’ a joint over that asshole as he tried crawlin’ away.” He laughed.

“Yeah... The bitch with the info inside saw me fuckin’ him up. Said she drove past here on the way to some job or some shit in the area.”

“And it didn’t freak her out?”

River shook his head. “She didn’t realize why I was fuckin’ him up, and I bullshit my way through it to keep from tellin’ her the truth about it. But she also didn’t seem to care all that much either way.”

“And why
is that? She the kinda bitch that gets turned on by shit like that? ‘Cause if she’s worth fuckin’, I can find a motherfucker’s ass to beat right this fuckin’ instant.”

“I didn’t say one goddamn word about that shit turnin’ her the fuck on, asshole. Seein’ me fuck that prick up showed her that I have power and strength. She claims it’s the kinda shit she needs to keep her safe, which is why she showed the fuck up here in the first goddamn place.”

Blue leaned away from him and sighed. “Okay, help me out ‘cause I’m still not understandin’ any of this shit, Riv.”

“Ricky Fontaine fucked her up.”

“Yeah, you said that shit--”

“He also got her knocked the fuck up. You remember lookin’ beneath her dress and seein’ that dried blood? Shit didn’t just come from a goddamn gash he made on her fuckin’ thigh.”

“Well hell, I figured as much, but, he got her fuckin’ pregnant? So she’s got a fuckin’ kid with this sick freak?”


“How the fuck old?”

“Eight, motherfucker!” replied an incensed River. “Eight! The kid is eight goddamn years old. Same length of time since this shit first happened.
” He dropped his hands inside his pockets and sighed in the form of a groan. “Son of a bitch is apparently gettin’ out soon and she’s claimin’ to need our help to keep her and her kid out of sight of him.”

“Hm. So this is some give and take kinda shit.” He paused. “Why the fuck would she come here insteada goin’ to the goddamn cops and tellin’ ‘em all this shit first? Not that I’m one for invitin’ those fuckers in, but--”

“I’m not either, asshole, you already know that. But she says she’s been to the cops and those goddamn pigs in suits won’t fuckin’ help her. The FBI’s on this motherfucker’s payroll and we know from personal experience that this sick fucker’s got people in random ass areas all over the goddamn state and beyond it. I’d be surprised as shit if she didn’t have more motherfucker’s tailin’ her despite her thinkin’ she got rid of maybe one or two with some fuckin’ mini stun gun she’s probably got rattlin’ around inside that goddamn purse.”

Blue arched his brows high on his forehead. “Bitch is carryin’ a stun gun too?” He chuckled. “More and fuckin’ more she’s soundin’ just like my kinda bitch.”

“Motherfucker, will you stop thinkin’ with your goddamn dick for just two seconds, please?”

“Alright, alright, alright,” he said with a laugh. “So what’d you fuckin’ tell her?”

River ripped his hands from his pockets and sauntered around Blue’s bike. He leaned back on a table on the other side of the garage and crossed his arms over his chest. “I told her that in order to give her the kinda help she’s lookin’ for, and to get the kind that we need for this club, she and her kid would have to get the fuck outta Tampa and move to Crescent Beach
. We can’t do shit for ‘em if they’re too fuckin’ far away.”

” Blue made a face. “And she’s agreed to that shit?”

“She’s thinkin’ it over or some shit, I guess, inside.”

“Well where the fuck are you plannin’ on puttin’ her up?”

“Inside the club.”

“What club?”

“HERE, motherfucker.
goddamn club, ours.”

“What?” He stood up from his bike. “You’re puttin’ a bitch and her kid in the same place where club whores parade in and out showin’ their tits for us to grab onto and suck whenever the fuck we choose and please, and where motherfucker’s like me get sucked off out in the goddamn open unless we’re on fuckin’ lockdown? Does she know all this shit? I mean does she know this ain’t some kinda goddamn church playground? Least not the kind I’m sure she’d be used to attendin’.”

“She knows.”

“And she’s still inside just
this shit over?” he asked. River remained silent. “Jesus Christ, you must have one helluva goddamn Midas touch when it comes to these bitches, Riv. And she must be a
special kinda bitch for you to even agree to this shit in the first goddamn place without even talkin’ to the rest of us first. Addin’ in all this ‘we’ shit before you even know where the fuck ‘
all stand on it--”

“She’s got information on shit that can dig us outta the goddamn grave, asshole,” spat River. “The entire club as a fuckin’ whole could thrive again with her help and what she knows, just like I said. I think that’s a fuck of a lot more important than how the fuck you motherfuckers are gonna feel about her bein’ here every goddamn day.”

“Every goddamn hour of every motherfuckin’ day and doin’... what? You may not feel the same fuckin’ way about her considerin’ your preference for the more
colored bitches, but the other brothers around here are gonna see this bitch as useless unless she’s cookin’, cleanin’, takin’ care of business, or more importantly spreadin’ those goddamn legs wide enough for all to see if she’s got a ‘one size fits all’ kinda hole.”

“Shit,” River groaned. He was just about ready to punch something, namely the center of Blue’s neck, back into the nearest fucking wall.

“Yeah.” Blue knowingly smirked at him and inhaled his cigarette once more before tossing what was left of it to the ground and dropping his foot on top. “All that shit said, what the fuck do you plan on tellin’ Prez about it? Even if what this bitch knows can help the club get back to where the fuck it was before it all went straight to the shitter, how the hell do you think he’s gonna react to her and her kid stayin’ here without his goddamn approval first?”

River inhaled deep and let it out slow. “I don’t fuckin’ know. He seemed to take a likin’ to her before we got her to the fuckin’ hospital back then. If I tell him what the fuck she knows and why the hell she’s gonna need our help, he might be okay with the outcome.”

“And what if he’s not? What the fuck are you gonna tell this bitch if she agrees to stay here but your Prez said
N fuckin’ O
? You gonna let her stay with you, and your mother, and Madison ‘til she goes off to fuckin’ school in the next few months? You just told this bitch to give up every goddamn thing she’s got back in Tampa to come here so that
could keep her safe from Fontaine and his boys, and you’re not even fuckin’ sure if what you promised her is gonna fuckin’ pan out like you say.”

River grit his teeth and tightened his jaw. It wasn’t until Blue pointed out every goddamn fact in order to him that he realized he had jumped in head over feet when it came to this bitch and what he needed from her versus what she needed from him.

“Jesus, Riv,” said Blue, his voice cracking at the shock of what he slowly, but surely began to realize about his best friend and club VP. “Bitches like this don’t normally get to you – black bitches, I mean. They don’t normally send that big fat brain of yours slidin’ straight down to your goddamn cock, but this one must have one great set of fuckin’ tits with a hard set of brown nipples you could see pressin’ right through her goddamn shirt. And she must have one helluva fuckin’ face, or maybe even a high class combination of both for you to agree to all this shit without takin’ a single goddamn understandin’ of the consequences first.”

“I’m doin’ this shit for the sake of the goddamn club,” River growled.

“Yeah, and I fucked that bitch into a coma this mornin’ for the sake of her cunt more than my own goddamn dick.” He stopped. “You tell me all the time to take it outta the equation when it comes to bitches I’m lookin’ to fuck more than help – you just said that shit. But can you fuckin’ stand there in all your big motherfuckin’ VP glory and tell me that your swollen cock didn’t play a big ass part in you wantin’ to keep this bitch close by? And not just close by, but inside the goddamn club? Hell, did you even bother to do any research, call up a few motherfuckers we know to see if what the fuck she was tellin’ you was in fact fuckin’ true? Are you even sure that Ricky’s gettin’ out soon or is that just some shit she’s tellin’ you to get your help to eventually put him to ground without havin’ any blood on her own goddamn hands? You’d think if that asshole was on his way back to the streets, we’d have heard some shit about it by now.”

“We wouldn’t have heard a motherfuckin’ thing about that asshole and you know that ‘cause he ain’t been on our goddamn radar since before gettin’ his ass locked up. Reason bein’ why we never knew a goddamn thing about him bein’ the one to burn down that house--”

“If he’s in fact the one who did that shit.”

River glowered. “Why the fuck do you think this bitch would show back up here after all these goddamn years just to tell me a buncha shit that ain’t true about this slick son of a bitch? ‘Specially given all the shit she’s already been through and what the fuck he did before dumpin’ her here for us to find.”

“I don’t know, motherfucker, bitches have been known to do alota crazy shit for one reason or another, mainly personal shit when it comes to us assholes. And this shit with Fontaine sounds real fuckin’ personal for her if you ask me.”

“I’m not askin’ you, asshole,” he grunted.

“Well maybe you fuckin’ shoulda.” Blue leaned his head and knit his brows. “This ain’t just about stickin’ your dick into the random cunt of some crazy ass bitch and forgettin’ to ask how old the fuck she was before you did, this is about your goddamn life and ours too.” He shook his head. “You fucked this up, VP, never takin’ any of this shit into account. All ‘cause you wanna know the taste of some pretty brown titties on that bright pink tongue.” He paused just as River slowly inhaled and gulped it back. “If this bitch stays here, whose shower she gonna use, motherfucker, yours? Lem’me guess just what the fuck you plan on doin’ the second you see that wet brown skin of hers bein’ soaped up by her own goddamn hands. How are you gonna feel seein’ those fingers of hers slidin’ between those wet thighs and up inside herself? You gonna fuckin’ join in?”

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