Inheritance (95 page)

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Authors: Judith Michael

Tags: #Inheritance and succession, #Businesswomen

BOOK: Inheritance
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Then Laura and Paul were alone in the library. Paul held her, and she lay her head against his chest. A sense of right-ness filled her, wiping away the last vestige of the fear she had had since childhood of being an outsider. No longer, she thought. Now I belong.

Beside her, Owen's desk gleamed in the light of a small desk lamp; his letter rustled in her hand. / hope, when you find


your own triumphs as a wise, strong, very lovely woman, you will be able to deal with your past and make it part of your Juture.

In her memory, she saw the love in his eyes when he looked at her; she could feel his hand upon her hair. And then she saw his broad smile.

/ knew you could do it, he said.


America's New Sensational Novelist

Judith Michael knows what you want to read. She burst on to the scene with her bestselling novel DECEPnONS. bringing us every woman's ultimate live another woman's life for just a little while. She swept us away with P0SSE:S-SIONS. a sophisticated, poignant novel of love and illusion, loyalty and betrayal, society and family. And now Judith Michael brings us into the seductive, secretive world of PRIVATE AFFAIRS.


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ABOUTTHEAUTHOR: Judith Barnard and Michael Fain-thetwo halves of

"Judith Michael"-are husband-and-wife writing partners.

Each of their novels-Inheritance , Deceptions. Possessions and Private Affairs -has been a national bestseller.

The couple divide their time between Chicago and Aspen.

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